Re[2]: Managing Sent Mail

2007-08-17 Thread rich gregory
RG Every time I create a rule under OUTGOING MAIL
RG then close and re-open the sorting office
RG ALL the OUTGOING rules change to say SOURCE FOLDER = INBOX!

RO I can't try to reproduce that, I haven't got an installed
RO copy of v2. I can't remember that v2.12 was misbehaving that way.
RO It's possible that youe sorting office is somewhat corrupted.
RO Make a copy (for safe keeping) of your account.srx file. (Or even
RO better, create a copy of all of your account.* files)
RO Tell TB to create a backup of your account properties (sorting office
RO only would be better, but that can't be done with v3, so I guess it
RO can't be done with v2 either)
RO Close TB
RO Open TB
RO Restore the backup
RO Close TB
RO Open TB
RO Try your outgoing filter sequence again

RG Same thing happening!!! :(
RG My installation is entirely on a mapped
RG network drive... I wonder if that matters.

== 3 months later ==

Nope, My Documents being on a mapped network drive doesn't matter. I
have a new PC with all newly installed apps (including TB!) all
conventionally installed on a single PC (no network required for any
application) and trying to create that filter does the same thing again!

Create an OUTGOING rule and the rule says source folder = outbox.
Close sorting office and reopen sorting office, now source folders say
source folder = inbox!

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Re[2]: Managing Sent Mail

2007-05-28 Thread rich gregory
RG It looks like maybe I want to change the source folder but the Sorting
RG Office GUI does not allow that (that field is grayed out).

RO But you didn't make an outgoing filter at all. The filter you posted
RO was an incoming filter.
RO Go to the sorting office
RO Select 'Outgoing filters'
RO Create a new filter
RO You'll see that the source folder is set as 'Outbox'

That is exactly what I did. The rule (still located in the OUTGOING MAIL
section) changed all by itself to in Incoming rule!  Totally reproducible!

Every time I create a rule under OUTGOING MAIL then close and re-open
the sorting office ALL the OUTGOING  rules say SOURCE FOLDER = INBOX!


Beautiful Butterfly Displays

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Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Managing Sent Mail

2007-05-28 Thread rich gregory
RG Every time I create a rule under OUTGOING MAIL then close and re-open
RG the sorting office ALL the OUTGOING  rules say SOURCE FOLDER = INBOX!

RO It's possible that youe sorting office is somewhat corrupted.
RO Make a copy (for safe keeping) of your account.srx file. (Or even
RO better, create a copy of all of your account.* files)
RO Tell TB to create a backup of your account properties (sorting office
RO only would be better, but that can't be done with v3, so I guess it
RO can't be done with v2 either)
RO Close TB  Open TB  Restore the backup  Close TB  Open TB
RO Try your outgoing filter sequence again

Same thing happening!!! :(
My installation is entirely on a mapped
network drive... I wonder if that matters.


Beautiful Butterfly Displays

Random tagline:
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
  - Mae West, 1936

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Re[2]: Managing Sent Mail

2007-05-27 Thread rich gregory
BM I want to keep sent mail in the Sent Mail folder but not
BM those redirected to the office.  Is there any way to do
BM that?

 Create an outgoing filter that checks whether the sent message has the
 office as addressee and also contains the Resent-from: header. Have
 that filter execute your preferred action: deleting, moving to a
 dedicated folder or whatever.

BM Nice clean solution - thanks Roelof!

Very similar situation here but this, my 1st attempt at an outgoing
filter in ver 2.12, failed for me. :(

Mssg comes in and as it stands now, based on its TO address, is caught
by an incoming filter that:
   1- Marks the mssg as read
   2- Moves it to the folder for that TO address
   3- Redirects it to a cell phone

I also do not need or want this stored in SENT mail so I tried to make
an outgoing mail filter.

It looks like maybe I want to change the source folder but the Sorting
Office GUI does not allow that (that field is grayed out).


Name: Sent to cell
Active: 1
Source: \\account\Inbox
Target: \\account\Trash
CopyFolder: none
Actions: faDelMsg
ColourGroup: default
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 0
IsOfColour: default
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

Beautiful Butterfly Displays

Random tagline:
Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
  - Mae West, 1936

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information: