Re[3]: Reply message question

2000-12-21 Thread Nick Gordon

Hello Beat,

Wednesday, December 20, 2000, 3:39:10 PM, you wrote:

>> Of course (he said mischievously), you
>> could reverse the quote and
>> comment in non-Bat list messages (by
>> using folder templates), but
>> leave it as it is for messages to the
>> Bat lists. That way, no-one here
>> would know about your wickedness!

BS> :-)) What a phony guy... ;-)

Call it cultural sensitivity :-)

Best regards,

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Re: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo David,

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:52:40 + GMT (20/12/2000, 23:52 +0800 GMT),
David Bevington wrote:

DB> "The time was when a library was very like a museum and the
DB> librarian was a mouser in musty books. The time is when the
DB> library is a school and the librarian is in the highest sense a
DB> teacher, and a reader is a workman among his tools."

DB> Melvil Dewey  (1851-1931)

Well, and today, a library is a set of .dll files. ;-)



-Death is the greatest kick of all. That's why they save it for last. 

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Re: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Daniel,

On 20 December 2000 at 16:08:06 +0100 (which was 15:08 where I
live) Daniel Morton wrote and made these points:

DM> I am not sure this is the correct forum but I can't figure out when I
DM> hit reply how to put my reply at the top of the message and the
DM> message I received at the bottom.

You  have  received  a  number  of accurate replies which point to the
position  of  the  %QUOTES  macro  in  reply  templates  and  advising
interspersed comments.

Might  I recommend the excellent article by Allie Curtis Martin on the
FAQ site which discusses templates.

I  would  like to echo this and say that I believe that the M$ LookOut
methodology  (which you are trying to emulate) is *not* a good one. It
goes  against  netiquette in that comments you make are out of context
and  the  reader  has  to  trawl  down through the reply to get to the
original  points  about  which  a  reply  is being made. Also, in that
method,  over-quoting  (including more of the original message than is
necessary  to convey the reply context) is the norm ... and a very bad
norm it is too!

The netiquette order of preference in reply formatting is:

1). Comments placed alternately between quoted points.
2). Recap context first, add comments at end (as in this message)
999). Put entire original message at the end complete with headers.

This is opinion, not rule. IMHO it *should* be a rule somewhere.

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]
[Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]
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Re: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread David Bevington

Hello Daniel,

Wednesday, December 20, 2000, 3:08:06 PM, you wrote:

Daniel> I think it might have to do with the reply template, but I
Daniel> couldn't see where I edit or view all these macros. thanks.

>From the main TB! window go to Account/properties/Templates. Click the
+ sign to expand this option. Click the reply template to select this
option and in the window on the right is the default Account reply
template. The macro %CURSOR is what determines the position of the
cursor when you enter the editing window. In my template this come
after the following:

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, you wrote:


This sets up a reply so that your message appears after the previous
message. Move the %CURSOR in the template to be above those lines and
reply will appear as you want them.

Templates are one of the strengths of The Bat!. The default account
templates can be overruled by templates at the folder level and
address book level. There is a useful article on the FAQ site at

 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Assistant Systems Librarian
Thought for the day:

"The time was when a library was very like a museum and the librarian was a mouser in 
musty books.
The time is when the library is a school and the librarian is in the highest sense a 
and a reader is a workman among his tools."
Melvil Dewey  (1851-1931)
Using The Bat! 1.48e under Windows NT Build 1381 (Service Pack 6) on a Pentium with 

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Re[2]: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Beat Strasser

Hi Nick

> My preferred method (about which I'm not a zealot, nor indeed
> especially scrupulous in practice) is to place my comments at the end
> of short messages, and to intersperse comments on individual points in
> longer messages thus:

I think this is the best method.

> Of course (he said mischievously), you could reverse the quote and
> comment in non-Bat list messages (by using folder templates), but
> leave it as it is for messages to the Bat lists. That way, no-one here
> would know about your wickedness!

:-)) What a phony guy... ;-)

So short,

  Using The Bat! 1.48d under Windows 95 4.0 Build 950 

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Re: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hallo Daniel,

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 16:08:06 +0100 GMT (20/12/2000, 23:08 +0800 GMT),
Daniel Morton wrote:

DM> I am not sure this is the correct forum

It is. :-)

DM> but I can't figure out when I hit reply how to put my reply at the
DM> top of the message and the message I received at the bottom.

In the main menu, go to Account / Properties / Tempaltes / Reply.

You will find a %Quotes macro there. In between all the other macros,
this is were the original message is quoted. Move it to the bottom,
where you want it.

Your own reply will start at the point indicated by the %Cursor macro.

If this is not clar, I can post my own Reply macro here for you to see
as an example. But I might have different preferences from you.



If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? 

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.48e
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Re: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Nick Gordon

Hello Daniel,

Wednesday, December 20, 2000, 3:08:06 PM, you wrote:

DM> I am not sure this is the correct forum but
DM> I can't figure out when I
DM> hit reply how to put my reply at the top of
DM> the message and the
DM> message I received at the bottom. Currently
DM> my message appears at the
DM> bottom. I have looked at the FAQ and I
DM> think my question is too
DM> elementary to be there and I looked in the
DM> help and I think it might
DM> have to do with the reply template, but I
DM> couldn't see where I edit or
DM> view all these macros. thanks.

If you look at the reply template, it says:


and so it quotes the message first, then places the cursor after the

You could simply reverse these 2 and have your comments come before
the cursor BUT I believe this is one of those areas in which opinions
are divided and strong. Others on the list have more knowledge and
stronger views than me, but in summary, some people don't like the
comment first.

My preferred method (about which I'm not a zealot, nor indeed
especially scrupulous in practice) is to place my comments at the end
of short messages, and to intersperse comments on individual points in
longer messages thus:

Point A

 Comment on A

Point B

Comment on B

and so on.

Of course (he said mischievously), you could reverse the quote and
comment in non-Bat list messages (by using folder templates), but
leave it as it is for messages to the Bat lists. That way, no-one here
would know about your wickedness!

Best regards,

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Re: Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Beat Strasser

Hi Daniel

> I am not sure this is the correct forum but I can't figure out when I

Yes, it is.

> hit reply how to put my reply at the top of the message and the
> message I received at the bottom. Currently my message appears at the
> bottom. I have looked at the FAQ and I think my question is too
> elementary to be there and I looked in the help and I think it might
> have to do with the reply template, but I couldn't see where I edit or
> view all these macros. thanks.

You're right, this has to do with the reply template which is editable
in menu Account/Properties/Templates/Reply. There you'll probably find
something  like %Cursor. Move this string wherever you want, before or
after %Quotes which is the macro to insert the original text quoted.

I  hopefully  may  give  you another hint: if you're replying, it is a
good  thing  not  to  quote  the whole message, but only these phrases
you're  commenting  or  answering. It's also ok, to insert the answers
right between some quotes.

So short,

  Using The Bat! 1.48d under Windows 95 4.0 Build 950 

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Reply message question

2000-12-20 Thread Daniel Morton

Hello TBUDL,

I am not sure this is the correct forum but I can't figure out when I
hit reply how to put my reply at the top of the message and the
message I received at the bottom. Currently my message appears at the
bottom. I have looked at the FAQ and I think my question is too
elementary to be there and I looked in the help and I think it might
have to do with the reply template, but I couldn't see where I edit or
view all these macros. thanks.

Best regards,
 Daniel  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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