[SWR] Major HQ Donation Announcement

2012-04-02 Thread Dean Wiseman
On Saturday, March 31st at the BOG meeting it was my pleasure to
announce: The Richmond Area Speleological Society (RASS) donated
$50,000 toward our new Headquarters.

Everyone please give them a big round of applause!

We have earmarked this money specifically toward the new entrance -
The RASS Reception Hall.

Several additional grottos and members have sent in donations ranging
from $50-$10,000.

I also had the pleasure of handing out certificate #1 of the
Buy-A-Block program to the Sewanee Mountain Grotto! Blocks are being
purchased a good clip - be sure to buy yours today!

At the meeting several members signed up for the Team 404 sustaining
contributor program. This is our primary core program, the bread 
butter of our headquarters purchase. The more people we can get signed
up for this the quicker we'll pay off our mortgage. Every Team 404
member receives a nice polo shirt embroidered with the NSS Logo with
the lines HQ  Conference Center and Team 404 underneath. I can
tell you that everyone wore their shirt with pride at the meeting and
evening functions. There are many options to help for everyone. You
can find the donation form on our home page or click on this

Remember this simple math - if all of our 10,000+ members were to
donate $25 a month we'd pay off our mortgage in only 8 months. Please
give what you can $5, $10, Buy-A-Block for a single $50 donation, or
become part of our core fundraisers by signing up for Team 404.

Great things are happening within the NSS and through your generous
donations we are preparing for even greater things.

Thank you,

Wm Shrewsbury, President
National Speleological Society

SWR mailing list

[SWR] Major HQ Donation Announcement

2012-04-02 Thread Dean Wiseman
On Saturday, March 31st at the BOG meeting it was my pleasure to
announce: The Richmond Area Speleological Society (RASS) donated
$50,000 toward our new Headquarters.

Everyone please give them a big round of applause!

We have earmarked this money specifically toward the new entrance -
The RASS Reception Hall.

Several additional grottos and members have sent in donations ranging
from $50-$10,000.

I also had the pleasure of handing out certificate #1 of the
Buy-A-Block program to the Sewanee Mountain Grotto! Blocks are being
purchased a good clip - be sure to buy yours today!

At the meeting several members signed up for the Team 404 sustaining
contributor program. This is our primary core program, the bread 
butter of our headquarters purchase. The more people we can get signed
up for this the quicker we'll pay off our mortgage. Every Team 404
member receives a nice polo shirt embroidered with the NSS Logo with
the lines HQ  Conference Center and Team 404 underneath. I can
tell you that everyone wore their shirt with pride at the meeting and
evening functions. There are many options to help for everyone. You
can find the donation form on our home page or click on this

Remember this simple math - if all of our 10,000+ members were to
donate $25 a month we'd pay off our mortgage in only 8 months. Please
give what you can $5, $10, Buy-A-Block for a single $50 donation, or
become part of our core fundraisers by signing up for Team 404.

Great things are happening within the NSS and through your generous
donations we are preparing for even greater things.

Thank you,

Wm Shrewsbury, President
National Speleological Society

SWR mailing list

[SWR] NSS Director's Election -- Trying to go paperless.

2012-03-12 Thread Dean Wiseman
The 2012 Director Election will begin on March 15th and conclude on May 1.

Eligible members with a valid e-mail address on file with the NSS Office
will receive an e-mail from Vote-Now.com with instructions for how to vote
online. Members without a valid e-mail address on file with the NSS Office
will receive a postcard with instructions for how to vote online or how to
request a paper ballot.

What can members do to help?

1) Vote online, if possible, to save money for the NSS.

2) Vote right away--don't put it off--to avoid a reminder that will cost
more money to the NSS.

3) Print out candidate platforms--study them and pass them along to folks
without internet access.

4) Offer to let folks use your computer to vote if they aren't connected.

Web Pages:

Nominating Committee Home slate of candidates and general information

Candidate Platforms Candidate Platforms in HTML

Candidate Platforms in.pdf version

Paperless Election FAQ
Any questions?  Contact:

Allan Weberg, Chairman
NSS Nominating Committee
SWR mailing list

[SWR] NSS Director's Election -- Trying to go paperless.

2012-03-12 Thread Dean Wiseman
The 2012 Director Election will begin on March 15th and conclude on May 1.

Eligible members with a valid e-mail address on file with the NSS Office
will receive an e-mail from Vote-Now.com with instructions for how to vote
online. Members without a valid e-mail address on file with the NSS Office
will receive a postcard with instructions for how to vote online or how to
request a paper ballot.

What can members do to help?

1) Vote online, if possible, to save money for the NSS.

2) Vote right away--don't put it off--to avoid a reminder that will cost
more money to the NSS.

3) Print out candidate platforms--study them and pass them along to folks
without internet access.

4) Offer to let folks use your computer to vote if they aren't connected.

Web Pages:

Nominating Committee Home slate of candidates and general information

Candidate Platforms Candidate Platforms in HTML

Candidate Platforms in.pdf version

Paperless Election FAQ
Any questions?  Contact:

Allan Weberg, Chairman
NSS Nominating Committee
SWR mailing list

[SWR] NSS Director's Election -- Trying to go paperless.

2012-03-12 Thread Dean Wiseman
The 2012 Director Election will begin on March 15th and conclude on May 1.

Eligible members with a valid e-mail address on file with the NSS Office
will receive an e-mail from Vote-Now.com with instructions for how to vote
online. Members without a valid e-mail address on file with the NSS Office
will receive a postcard with instructions for how to vote online or how to
request a paper ballot.

What can members do to help?

1) Vote online, if possible, to save money for the NSS.

2) Vote right away--don't put it off--to avoid a reminder that will cost
more money to the NSS.

3) Print out candidate platforms--study them and pass them along to folks
without internet access.

4) Offer to let folks use your computer to vote if they aren't connected.

Web Pages:

Nominating Committee Home slate of candidates and general information

Candidate Platforms Candidate Platforms in HTML

Candidate Platforms in.pdf version

Paperless Election FAQ
Any questions?  Contact:

Allan Weberg, Chairman
NSS Nominating Committee
SWR mailing list

[SWR] NSS Website update is coming soon...

2012-03-10 Thread Dean Wiseman
Hey everyone,

A change is a-comin' to your NSS Website ( http://www.caves.org/ )
very soon...

The NSS Webmaster, Alex Sproul, is planning on making an official
announcement in the next few days.  Stay tuned!!

Safe cavin',


Dean Wiseman
NSS#32690 RL, BOG
SWR mailing list

[SWR] NSS Website update is coming soon...

2012-03-10 Thread Dean Wiseman
Hey everyone,

A change is a-comin' to your NSS Website ( http://www.caves.org/ )
very soon...

The NSS Webmaster, Alex Sproul, is planning on making an official
announcement in the next few days.  Stay tuned!!

Safe cavin',


Dean Wiseman
NSS#32690 RL, BOG
SWR mailing list

[SWR] NSS Website update is coming soon...

2012-03-10 Thread Dean Wiseman
Hey everyone,

A change is a-comin' to your NSS Website ( http://www.caves.org/ )
very soon...

The NSS Webmaster, Alex Sproul, is planning on making an official
announcement in the next few days.  Stay tuned!!

Safe cavin',


Dean Wiseman
NSS#32690 RL, BOG
SWR mailing list

[SWR] Request for articles.

2012-02-03 Thread Dean Wiseman
Speleonics is the official publication of the Communication and
Electronics Session of the NSS. In each issue we strive to present a
variety of articles relating to electronics applied to caving and the study
of caves.

We are looking for articles for the June 2012 issue of Speleonics and for
future issues, so if you have a project that you would like published,
please email the Publications Chair (address at bottom). You will receive
an email confirming your submission.

If you don’t have your own pet cave electronics project, perhaps you have
experience with electronic caving gadgets and you’d like to share a review?
Pick a subject like LED headlamps and flashlights, photo/video lighting,
batteries and chargers, camera accessories, electronic survey tools, cave
radio and telephone communication, underground radiolocation, data loggers,
environmental monitoring, bat detectors, or whatever interests you.

Thinking about contributing?

-- We reach cavers with a wide range of electronics experience, and your
article can be at any technical level.

-- You do not have to be a member of the CE Section or the NSS to submit an

-- Your submission can be in almost any electronic format, and include

-- Prior to publication you will receive an edited draft of your work, and
later the final copy for review.

Read and download past issues at http://www.caves.org/section/commelect/ ...

Thank you,

-- Norman Ostensoe http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10293889322
== Norm Berg, Publication Chair
== Communication and Electronics Section (CES) of the NSS
== CES Website: http://www.caves.org/section/commelect
== Personal email: n...@cox.net (include “Speleonics” in the subject line)
== Phone: 860-621-2080 (before 9 pm ET)

SWR mailing list

[SWR] Request for articles.

2012-02-03 Thread Dean Wiseman
Speleonics is the official publication of the Communication and
Electronics Session of the NSS. In each issue we strive to present a
variety of articles relating to electronics applied to caving and the study
of caves.

We are looking for articles for the June 2012 issue of Speleonics and for
future issues, so if you have a project that you would like published,
please email the Publications Chair (address at bottom). You will receive
an email confirming your submission.

If you don’t have your own pet cave electronics project, perhaps you have
experience with electronic caving gadgets and you’d like to share a review?
Pick a subject like LED headlamps and flashlights, photo/video lighting,
batteries and chargers, camera accessories, electronic survey tools, cave
radio and telephone communication, underground radiolocation, data loggers,
environmental monitoring, bat detectors, or whatever interests you.

Thinking about contributing?

-- We reach cavers with a wide range of electronics experience, and your
article can be at any technical level.

-- You do not have to be a member of the CE Section or the NSS to submit an

-- Your submission can be in almost any electronic format, and include

-- Prior to publication you will receive an edited draft of your work, and
later the final copy for review.

Read and download past issues at http://www.caves.org/section/commelect/ ...

Thank you,

-- Norman Ostensoe http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10293889322
== Norm Berg, Publication Chair
== Communication and Electronics Section (CES) of the NSS
== CES Website: http://www.caves.org/section/commelect
== Personal email: n...@cox.net (include “Speleonics” in the subject line)
== Phone: 860-621-2080 (before 9 pm ET)

SWR mailing list

[SWR] Request for articles.

2012-02-03 Thread Dean Wiseman
Speleonics is the official publication of the Communication and
Electronics Session of the NSS. In each issue we strive to present a
variety of articles relating to electronics applied to caving and the study
of caves.

We are looking for articles for the June 2012 issue of Speleonics and for
future issues, so if you have a project that you would like published,
please email the Publications Chair (address at bottom). You will receive
an email confirming your submission.

If you don’t have your own pet cave electronics project, perhaps you have
experience with electronic caving gadgets and you’d like to share a review?
Pick a subject like LED headlamps and flashlights, photo/video lighting,
batteries and chargers, camera accessories, electronic survey tools, cave
radio and telephone communication, underground radiolocation, data loggers,
environmental monitoring, bat detectors, or whatever interests you.

Thinking about contributing?

-- We reach cavers with a wide range of electronics experience, and your
article can be at any technical level.

-- You do not have to be a member of the CE Section or the NSS to submit an

-- Your submission can be in almost any electronic format, and include

-- Prior to publication you will receive an edited draft of your work, and
later the final copy for review.

Read and download past issues at http://www.caves.org/section/commelect/ ...

Thank you,

-- Norman Ostensoe http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10293889322
== Norm Berg, Publication Chair
== Communication and Electronics Section (CES) of the NSS
== CES Website: http://www.caves.org/section/commelect
== Personal email: n...@cox.net (include “Speleonics” in the subject line)
== Phone: 860-621-2080 (before 9 pm ET)

SWR mailing list

[SWR] Looking for ideas to improve the value of NSS Membership

2011-09-16 Thread Dean Wiseman
Hi everyone,

On the NSS Planning Committee, we're trying to move forward on issues
central to the future of the NSS.  One category we're working on is the idea
that we can do things to improve the value of an NSS Membership.  To that
end, if you have ideas or thoughts on ways to improve value, I'd love to
hear them.

Fair warning, though:  I've already sent messages out to CaveChat and other
listservs, and what typically happens is that I get a gripe list about
either what the NSS isn't doing, or should be doing, or specific beefs about
past policy decisions.  That's all well and good, and I personally do my
best to take such responses into consideration.  But with all due respect,
this request I'm putting out now is for ideas on how to move forward.  In
other words, I'm looking for good-faith effort to bring ideas to the
table... No idea is a bad one, nor is it unwelcome.  Our job on the
Committee is to take these ideas, sort them out, and present them in
coherent fashion to the Board so the Directors can decide the best way

Please email me off-list with your responses.

Thanks, in advance, for your help,


Dean Wiseman
NSS#32690 RL, Board of Directors
Member, NSS Planning Committee
SWR mailing list

[SWR] Looking for ideas to improve the value of NSS Membership

2011-09-16 Thread Dean Wiseman
Hi everyone,

On the NSS Planning Committee, we're trying to move forward on issues
central to the future of the NSS.  One category we're working on is the idea
that we can do things to improve the value of an NSS Membership.  To that
end, if you have ideas or thoughts on ways to improve value, I'd love to
hear them.

Fair warning, though:  I've already sent messages out to CaveChat and other
listservs, and what typically happens is that I get a gripe list about
either what the NSS isn't doing, or should be doing, or specific beefs about
past policy decisions.  That's all well and good, and I personally do my
best to take such responses into consideration.  But with all due respect,
this request I'm putting out now is for ideas on how to move forward.  In
other words, I'm looking for good-faith effort to bring ideas to the
table... No idea is a bad one, nor is it unwelcome.  Our job on the
Committee is to take these ideas, sort them out, and present them in
coherent fashion to the Board so the Directors can decide the best way

Please email me off-list with your responses.

Thanks, in advance, for your help,


Dean Wiseman
NSS#32690 RL, Board of Directors
Member, NSS Planning Committee
SWR mailing list

[SWR] Looking for ideas to improve the value of NSS Membership

2011-09-16 Thread Dean Wiseman
Hi everyone,

On the NSS Planning Committee, we're trying to move forward on issues
central to the future of the NSS.  One category we're working on is the idea
that we can do things to improve the value of an NSS Membership.  To that
end, if you have ideas or thoughts on ways to improve value, I'd love to
hear them.

Fair warning, though:  I've already sent messages out to CaveChat and other
listservs, and what typically happens is that I get a gripe list about
either what the NSS isn't doing, or should be doing, or specific beefs about
past policy decisions.  That's all well and good, and I personally do my
best to take such responses into consideration.  But with all due respect,
this request I'm putting out now is for ideas on how to move forward.  In
other words, I'm looking for good-faith effort to bring ideas to the
table... No idea is a bad one, nor is it unwelcome.  Our job on the
Committee is to take these ideas, sort them out, and present them in
coherent fashion to the Board so the Directors can decide the best way

Please email me off-list with your responses.

Thanks, in advance, for your help,


Dean Wiseman
NSS#32690 RL, Board of Directors
Member, NSS Planning Committee
SWR mailing list