texascavers Digest 24 May 2012 14:13:53 -0000 Issue 1557

2012-05-24 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 24 May 2012 14:13:53 - Issue 1557

Topics (messages 20037 through 20043):

Poor little rattlesnakes
20037 by: BMorgan994.aol.com
20038 by: Mark.Alman.L-3com.com
20039 by: Cook, Brett
20041 by: wesley s
20043 by: Gill Edigar

Western cavers party in the Southeast
20040 by: F D CAUDLE

Bat Flight
20042 by: Mark Minton


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

--- Begin Message ---
Here in Florida diamondbacks are one of the few snake species that appear  
to be making it through the great die off of all life on earth. They are 
very  scarce but they are still around. I have seen three this spring. There 
are still  a fair number of moccasins deep in the swamps, but virtually all 
other so  called "common" species such as watersnakes have gone the way of the 
 dinosaur. I have a friend who for years has had a standing offer of $50 
for a  male garter snake, that's right, garter snake, but no takers thus far 
despite  concerted efforts by teams of experienced herpers.
Did anybody check out the link? It is a website for right wing bible  
beating wackos from Waco. They think it is all about land rights and so do I.  
Anyone who abuses "their" land or the plants and animals therein (lets add  
water, rocks, and caves too!) should have their land confiscated by big  
government and the land set aside in perpetuity as a park. Their cattle should  
be shot to feed the coyotes, the fences should be torn down, the buildings  
burned, and their asses should be thrown in jail, or better still their asses 
 should be filled with lead along with the cows. That is the way they do it 
in  Africa, shoot a rhino in a game park and get a few rounds in return. 
"But  but but, I have a god given right to shoot rhinos, my family is hungry, 
and its  a tradition cuz my daddy did it too". Bam! Another boog for the 
buzzards. I  hear tell they like rednecks too.
Speaking of shooting, when are they going to run out of either bullets or  
young men in Mexico? Either one is fine with me. It has been too long since 
I  have been there and want to go back. 
Since I am in a global climate change challenged bad mood let me remind all 
 of you again to please please pretty please don't simply reply to the list 
so I  won't have to see your list of your ten favorite things about caves 
repeated a  hundred times along with all the other items that have nothing to 
do with the  subject at hand. 
My personal favorite thing about caving is the hot tub! Cold beer, roaring  
bonfire, bad jokes, and beautiful naked women. What's not to love?
Sleaze--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Not sure if I would blame global warming or climate change for all of
the indigenous snakes in FL disappearing.


>From what I have read, all of the "pet" boas and pythons that folks have
bought, and later discarded, are really wreaking havoc down there.


Whaddya think, Sleaze?







From: bmorgan...@aol.com [mailto:bmorgan...@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 1:51 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Poor little rattlesnakes


Here in Florida diamondbacks are one of the few snake species that
appear to be making it through the great die off of all life on earth.
They are very scarce but they are still around. I have seen three this
spring. There are still a fair number of moccasins deep in the swamps,
but virtually all other so called "common" species such as watersnakes
have gone the way of the dinosaur. I have a friend who for years has had
a standing offer of $50 for a male garter snake, that's right, garter
snake, but no takers thus far despite concerted efforts by teams of
experienced herpers.


Did anybody check out the link? It is a website for right wing bible
beating wackos from Waco. They think it is all about land rights and so
do I. Anyone who abuses "their" land or the plants and animals therein
(lets add water, rocks, and caves too!) should have their land
confiscated by big government and the land set aside in perpetuity as a
park. Their cattle should be shot to feed the coyotes, the fences should
be torn down, the buildings burned, and their asses should be thrown in
jail, or better still their asses should be filled with lead along with
the cows. That is the way they do it in Africa, shoot a rhino in a game
park and get a few rounds in return. "But but but, I have a god given
right to shoot rhinos, my family is hungry, and its a tradition cuz my
daddy did it too". Bam! Another boog for the buzzards. I hear tell they
like rednecks too.


Speaking of shooting, when are they going to run out of either bullets
or young men in Me

texascavers Digest 24 May 2012 14:13:53 -0000 Issue 1557

2012-05-24 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 24 May 2012 14:13:53 - Issue 1557

Topics (messages 20037 through 20043):

Poor little rattlesnakes
20037 by: BMorgan994.aol.com
20038 by: Mark.Alman.L-3com.com
20039 by: Cook, Brett
20041 by: wesley s
20043 by: Gill Edigar

Western cavers party in the Southeast
20040 by: F D CAUDLE

Bat Flight
20042 by: Mark Minton


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

--- Begin Message ---
Here in Florida diamondbacks are one of the few snake species that appear  
to be making it through the great die off of all life on earth. They are 
very  scarce but they are still around. I have seen three this spring. There 
are still  a fair number of moccasins deep in the swamps, but virtually all 
other so  called "common" species such as watersnakes have gone the way of the 
 dinosaur. I have a friend who for years has had a standing offer of $50 
for a  male garter snake, that's right, garter snake, but no takers thus far 
despite  concerted efforts by teams of experienced herpers.
Did anybody check out the link? It is a website for right wing bible  
beating wackos from Waco. They think it is all about land rights and so do I.  
Anyone who abuses "their" land or the plants and animals therein (lets add  
water, rocks, and caves too!) should have their land confiscated by big  
government and the land set aside in perpetuity as a park. Their cattle should  
be shot to feed the coyotes, the fences should be torn down, the buildings  
burned, and their asses should be thrown in jail, or better still their asses 
 should be filled with lead along with the cows. That is the way they do it 
in  Africa, shoot a rhino in a game park and get a few rounds in return. 
"But  but but, I have a god given right to shoot rhinos, my family is hungry, 
and its  a tradition cuz my daddy did it too". Bam! Another boog for the 
buzzards. I  hear tell they like rednecks too.
Speaking of shooting, when are they going to run out of either bullets or  
young men in Mexico? Either one is fine with me. It has been too long since 
I  have been there and want to go back. 
Since I am in a global climate change challenged bad mood let me remind all 
 of you again to please please pretty please don't simply reply to the list 
so I  won't have to see your list of your ten favorite things about caves 
repeated a  hundred times along with all the other items that have nothing to 
do with the  subject at hand. 
My personal favorite thing about caving is the hot tub! Cold beer, roaring  
bonfire, bad jokes, and beautiful naked women. What's not to love?
Sleaze--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Not sure if I would blame global warming or climate change for all of
the indigenous snakes in FL disappearing.


>From what I have read, all of the "pet" boas and pythons that folks have
bought, and later discarded, are really wreaking havoc down there.


Whaddya think, Sleaze?







From: bmorgan...@aol.com [mailto:bmorgan...@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 1:51 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Poor little rattlesnakes


Here in Florida diamondbacks are one of the few snake species that
appear to be making it through the great die off of all life on earth.
They are very scarce but they are still around. I have seen three this
spring. There are still a fair number of moccasins deep in the swamps,
but virtually all other so called "common" species such as watersnakes
have gone the way of the dinosaur. I have a friend who for years has had
a standing offer of $50 for a male garter snake, that's right, garter
snake, but no takers thus far despite concerted efforts by teams of
experienced herpers.


Did anybody check out the link? It is a website for right wing bible
beating wackos from Waco. They think it is all about land rights and so
do I. Anyone who abuses "their" land or the plants and animals therein
(lets add water, rocks, and caves too!) should have their land
confiscated by big government and the land set aside in perpetuity as a
park. Their cattle should be shot to feed the coyotes, the fences should
be torn down, the buildings burned, and their asses should be thrown in
jail, or better still their asses should be filled with lead along with
the cows. That is the way they do it in Africa, shoot a rhino in a game
park and get a few rounds in return. "But but but, I have a god given
right to shoot rhinos, my family is hungry, and its a tradition cuz my
daddy did it too". Bam! Another boog for the buzzards. I hear tell they
like rednecks too.


Speaking of shooting, when are they going to run out of either bullets
or young men in Me

texascavers Digest 24 May 2012 14:13:53 -0000 Issue 1557

2012-05-24 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 24 May 2012 14:13:53 - Issue 1557

Topics (messages 20037 through 20043):

Poor little rattlesnakes
20037 by: BMorgan994.aol.com
20038 by: Mark.Alman.L-3com.com
20039 by: Cook, Brett
20041 by: wesley s
20043 by: Gill Edigar

Western cavers party in the Southeast
20040 by: F D CAUDLE

Bat Flight
20042 by: Mark Minton


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

--- Begin Message ---
Here in Florida diamondbacks are one of the few snake species that appear  
to be making it through the great die off of all life on earth. They are 
very  scarce but they are still around. I have seen three this spring. There 
are still  a fair number of moccasins deep in the swamps, but virtually all 
other so  called "common" species such as watersnakes have gone the way of the 
 dinosaur. I have a friend who for years has had a standing offer of $50 
for a  male garter snake, that's right, garter snake, but no takers thus far 
despite  concerted efforts by teams of experienced herpers.
Did anybody check out the link? It is a website for right wing bible  
beating wackos from Waco. They think it is all about land rights and so do I.  
Anyone who abuses "their" land or the plants and animals therein (lets add  
water, rocks, and caves too!) should have their land confiscated by big  
government and the land set aside in perpetuity as a park. Their cattle should  
be shot to feed the coyotes, the fences should be torn down, the buildings  
burned, and their asses should be thrown in jail, or better still their asses 
 should be filled with lead along with the cows. That is the way they do it 
in  Africa, shoot a rhino in a game park and get a few rounds in return. 
"But  but but, I have a god given right to shoot rhinos, my family is hungry, 
and its  a tradition cuz my daddy did it too". Bam! Another boog for the 
buzzards. I  hear tell they like rednecks too.
Speaking of shooting, when are they going to run out of either bullets or  
young men in Mexico? Either one is fine with me. It has been too long since 
I  have been there and want to go back. 
Since I am in a global climate change challenged bad mood let me remind all 
 of you again to please please pretty please don't simply reply to the list 
so I  won't have to see your list of your ten favorite things about caves 
repeated a  hundred times along with all the other items that have nothing to 
do with the  subject at hand. 
My personal favorite thing about caving is the hot tub! Cold beer, roaring  
bonfire, bad jokes, and beautiful naked women. What's not to love?
Sleaze--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Not sure if I would blame global warming or climate change for all of
the indigenous snakes in FL disappearing.


>From what I have read, all of the "pet" boas and pythons that folks have
bought, and later discarded, are really wreaking havoc down there.


Whaddya think, Sleaze?







From: bmorgan...@aol.com [mailto:bmorgan...@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 1:51 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Poor little rattlesnakes


Here in Florida diamondbacks are one of the few snake species that
appear to be making it through the great die off of all life on earth.
They are very scarce but they are still around. I have seen three this
spring. There are still a fair number of moccasins deep in the swamps,
but virtually all other so called "common" species such as watersnakes
have gone the way of the dinosaur. I have a friend who for years has had
a standing offer of $50 for a male garter snake, that's right, garter
snake, but no takers thus far despite concerted efforts by teams of
experienced herpers.


Did anybody check out the link? It is a website for right wing bible
beating wackos from Waco. They think it is all about land rights and so
do I. Anyone who abuses "their" land or the plants and animals therein
(lets add water, rocks, and caves too!) should have their land
confiscated by big government and the land set aside in perpetuity as a
park. Their cattle should be shot to feed the coyotes, the fences should
be torn down, the buildings burned, and their asses should be thrown in
jail, or better still their asses should be filled with lead along with
the cows. That is the way they do it in Africa, shoot a rhino in a game
park and get a few rounds in return. "But but but, I have a god given
right to shoot rhinos, my family is hungry, and its a tradition cuz my
daddy did it too". Bam! Another boog for the buzzards. I hear tell they
like rednecks too.


Speaking of shooting, when are they going to run out of either bullets
or young men in Me