[Tinyos-help] radio hangup due to lost RXFIFO.readDone() event

2011-09-15 Thread Yang Peng
Hi all,

I'm working on the telosb mote using T2.1.0 and I accidentally found that
sometimes the RXFIFO.readDone() event would not be triggered after
calling call RXFIFO.continueRead or RXFIFO.beginRead. (in CC2420ReceiveP.nc)

Once FIFOP goes low, and the radio state is not S_STARTED, the
lost RXFIFO.readDone() cause the radio hangup, as FIFOP.fired event cannot
be triggered again without reading at least one byte out from the RXFIFO.

Did anyone happen to see this problem? Is it because of wrong CSN.set()
calling or loss of SPI resource?

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] a small bug in TOSSIM Live

2010-03-07 Thread Yang Peng
Hi all,

I found a small bug in /tossim/sf/sim/SerialActiveMessageC.nc. If you have
already found it, please just ignore this mail.

In function "sim_event_t* allocate_serial_deliver_event(int node, message_t*
msg, sim_time_t t)",
the code is like "evt->data = msg;", this pointer copy may not work

When sending messages from JAVA to TOSSIM, the messages are always

Here is a quick fix, maybe you have a better one :)

   sim_event_t* allocate_serial_deliver_event(int node, message_t* msg,
sim_time_t t) {
   sim_event_t* evt = (sim_event_t*)malloc(sizeof(sim_event_t));
// Yang-
message_t* newmsg = (message_t*)malloc(sizeof(message_t));
memcpy(newmsg, msg, sizeof(message_t));
// -Yang
   evt->mote = node;
   evt->time = t;
   evt->handle = serial_active_message_deliver_handle;
   evt->cleanup = sim_queue_cleanup_event;
   evt->cancelled = 0;
   evt->force = 0;
// Yang-
   //evt->data = msg;
   evt->data = newmsg;
// -Yang
   return evt;

   event void Model.receive(message_t* msg) {
   uint8_t len;
   void* payload;

   memcpy(bufferPointer, msg, sizeof(message_t));
// Yang-
if (msg!=0) free(msg);
   payload = call Packet.getPayload(bufferPointer, call
   len = call Packet.payloadLength(bufferPointer);
   dbg("Serial", "Received serial message (%p) of type %hhu and length
%hhu @ %s.\n",
   bufferPointer, call AMPacket.type(bufferPointer), len,
   bufferPointer = signal Receive.receive[call
   (bufferPointer, payload, len);

Yang Peng

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science
Iowa State University
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] low power listening in tossim under TinyOS-2.1

2010-03-04 Thread Yang Peng
Hi all,

Is it possible to simulate low power listening in tossim under T2?
It seems like lpl implementation in T2 only works for testbed, please
correct me if I'm wrong :)

Or does someone has a beta version of low power listening component for T2's
tossim? I would be very happy to help you verify it.

Thanks for your help!

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] TOSSIM CC2420 simulation, CCA is always busy busy busy....

2007-06-28 Thread Yang Peng

Hi Phil,

I am using TOSSIM to do my simulation, but I met a problem here, the module
I used is TOSSIM-CC2420 under /tinyos-1.x/beta/TOSSIM-CC2420

I use a root to do broadcasting periodly, the interval is 1 second, and
other nodes do retransmission.
I tract down my program and find that after several rounds of
transmission, TOSH_READ_RADIO_CCA_PIN() is always FALSE in the root node

then no other transmission can be done any more... It stuck there.

I set the node number from 3 to 15, and this problem happens randomly

I also tested my program in real sensor nodes, 16 Tmote Sky nodes, there is
no such kind of problem.
Root can continue running for thousands times of transmission.

So I am wondering whether there is any potential bug in TOSSIM-CC2420?

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] CC2420 lossy module in TOSSIM

2007-06-15 Thread Yang Peng

Hi all,

I am trying to use TOSSIM to do simulation for telosb in tinyos1.x, but I
can not use lossy module to do build multihop topology...
Does anyone use "run -rf=yourlossyfile.nss nodeNUM" ?

It seems like my lossy.nss file does not work, seems like it is not
read(I use lossyBuilder to generate this file)
Can anyone give me some suggestions?

Thanks for your help,
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Question about Imote2 wireless reprogramming

2007-03-27 Thread Yang Peng

Hi all,

I have a question here about wireless reprogramming in Imote2.
What kind of module does imot2 support? It seems that it cannot support
Deluge, am I right?

Thanks for your kind help,
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] questions about imote2 using tiyos1.x

2007-02-21 Thread Yang Peng

Hi all,

I am working on imote2 development with tinyos1.x now, I am a little
confused about the register definition for PXA27X.

from "/opt/tinyos-1.x/beta/platform/pxa27x" I got file
"pxa27x_registers_def.h"  (filetos1)
from "/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/chips/pxa27x"  I got file

The first file has few comments about the meaning of different registers, so
I make a compare with the second file. However, I find some conflicts. (I
just took a look at "UART" related register)

filetos1  #define LCR_WLS(n) (n & 0x3)
filetos2  #define LCR_WLS(_x) ((_x) << 0) /* Word Length Select */

filetos1  #define IIR_IID_MASK (~(((1<<2)-1) << 1))
filetos2  #define IIR_IID_MASK (0x3 << 1) /* Interrupt Source Encoded */

filetos1  #define IER_RTOIE (1 << 4)
filetos2  #define IER_RTIOE (1 << 4) /* Receiver Time Out Interrupt Enable

Will these differences cause potential bug? Which one is right?

Does anyone have a developer guide for PXA27X? It seems like Intel removed
related documents from the website...
I got one named"PXA27x family design guide", but helps little, but I still
do not know how to opeate pxa27x register...

Very appreciated for your help!


Our Sensorweb Research Lab
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Tmote Sky DAC driver development

2007-02-14 Thread Yang Peng

Hi all,

I have a question about the DAC driver for Tmote sky node.

Can anybody tell me some information about following definition? I cannot
find useful info in msp430 data sheet, neither in the comments for the
driver code.
(I am very appreciated that any nice guy can tell me where to find a detail
description about the registers in msp430f1611)

I find following in usr/local/mspgcc/msp430/include/msp430/dac12.h

#define DAC12GRP0x0001  /* DAC12 group */  what's dose this
group mean?
#define DAC12DF   0x0010  /* DAC12 data format */ what's the two
types of format?
#define DAC12LSEL0  0x0400  /* DAC12 load select bit 0 */ what dose
'load select' mean?
#define DAC12LSEL1  0x0800  /* DAC12 load select bit 1 */

Another question is that: Is it a must to use DMA while using DAC for Tmote

Thanks for your help.

Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] Cycle Routing Problem

2006-09-14 Thread Yang Peng
Dose anybody meet cycle routing problem when using Multihop as routing engine?
It seems easy to break cycle between two nodes, but if the cycle works between three or more nodes, how to break it?
Can anybody give me a hint?
Thank you for your time!
Tinyos-help mailing list

[Tinyos-help] I want to read voltage value from Tmote

2006-08-28 Thread Yang Peng
I am working on Tmote, and I am using the Tinyos 1.11 installed by the wizard downed from tinyos.net .
I just relpaced the Demosensor component by component InternalVoltageC in Oscilloscope.nc, and changed some connection names in 
Oscilloscope.nc and OscilloscopeM.nc .(Those two components in OscilloscopeRF)
I used TOSbase  to receive the signal from the other node.
The value I got is between 3909~3919, but I think it's not right.
Anybody have done the similar work before?  What is the right reading voltage value of Tmote? If I am not correct, could you tell me how  to get the right value?
Thank you for your time!
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