Re: [Trisquel-users] LibreOffice Alternative

2020-01-27 Thread hi
Your approach is incorrect and perverted (no offence). 

Sending file in _standard_ Open Document format is all right, decent and
respectful. It should be even an imperative if you believe in and
respect freedom in communication. 

You are not forcing anyone to anything when you send a file in standard
format. Sending a file in non-free format means disrespect to a
receiver/reader and to a community you live in. 

LibreOffice _IS COMPATIBLE_ thanks to support of standard formats. 

"_using free software allows users to only publish to other free
software users_"
It is not true. Anybody is able to publish in ODF and read it because it
is standard. Standard requires publically available full format

Free Software is not an alternative, it is in fact the only right way to
do computing. The reasons are obvious to anybody with understanding and
common sense. 

"_Libreoffice must be compatible with non-free Word so as to not push
me, the user, to use Word instead._"
You are wrong. The problem is artificially and knowingly created in
non-free software. Nothing is obstructing Microsoft to implement ODF
support into 'Word' except their bad and harmful intentions. From the
other side Microsoft has been intentionally preventing others to
implement their proprietary, non-standard formats. They do not publish
full specification of their formats and some parts are even covered by
patents. Which means LibreOffice is in every possible way not allowed to
be compatible with proprietary formats!

On 25.1.2020 23:01, wrote:

"Then still send him the ODF files, until he learns to handle ODF files 

I would love to, but he's my uncle and I can't really be that way with him. I'm 
not a professor or anything I don't have that clout.

An MIT-Professor and Father of Free Software Stallman can by all means enforce 
free software wherever he goes because he has a level of respect. I can't be 
forcing people to use libre software, I'll tell them politely and explain the 
benefits and leave it at that.

I think that Free Software should be able to coexist as an alternative, but if 
using free software allows users to only publish to other free software users 
then what is the point? Libreoffice must be compatible with non-free Word so as 
to not push me, the user, to use Word instead.

Not trying to go off-topic so I apologize, but I do not have the means to make 
anyone else go libre other than myself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abroswer Will Load Every Page But The One I Really Need/Want . . . .

2020-01-11 Thread hi

On 8.1.2020 20:20, wrote:

Why not?  While a VPN is better for some uses (Tor is unsuitable for
BitTorrent for example), in most situations Tor is better.  With a VPN,
you have a single point of failure.  Your IP address and web traffic are
both visible to the VPN, which is enough to identify you even if you
avoid payment records by paying Mullvad with cash, and like with all
VPNs we have only their word that they don't keep logs.  With Tor, only
the entry node sees your IP address and only the exit node sees your
traffic, so an attacker would need to attack both nodes at once in order
to identify you.

To use Tor without VPN is naive and dangerous.
Everybody should read this first:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser sync doesn't work

2015-06-27 Thread hi
Got a luck. IceCat comes with solution. Make sure both 'Disable javscript' &  
'Block execution of non-free Javascript' are un-checked.


kesavan@kesavan-Ideapad-Z460:~$ dpkg -l icecat

|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name   Version Architecture  Description
ii  icecat 31.6.0-gnu1+7.0trisquel i386  Safe and easy web browser  
from GNU



Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get 24-hour time in panel

2015-02-07 Thread hi
I'm able to bring back the Date into indicator-datetime Trisquel 7.0 using  

Set your own preference at com >> canonical >> indicator >> datetime.

Command line:

gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime time-format "'custom'"
gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime custom-time-format "'%A, %d %B  
%Y, %I:%M:%S'"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser sync doesn't work

2015-01-31 Thread hi
Is there any who able to overcome this sync issue? Any workaround or  
temporary solution?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser sync doesn't work

2015-01-25 Thread hi
Give a try at solution provided at  
. Unfortunately I've no luck.

Bug raised in Mozilla.

Probably duplicate of :

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free space on /

2014-03-22 Thread hi
Everyone, Thanks for the suggestions.As long term pla, I wish to extend the  
size of the / prtition.

Let me try with GParted and come back with the outcome.

!!! Freedom Matters !!!

Kesavan Muthuvel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2014-01-24 Thread hi
And after they capture the open source movements , they try to re-brand ,  
update their products in the markets screening the Original and try to make  
their business firm does the best for customers , not the original open  
source community which lies behind the screen at core.

!!! Freedom Matters !!!
Kesavan Muthuvel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2014-01-20 Thread hi
@huanglao:I suggest you to install Trisquel 6.0 from USB device in your  
Xubnutu box 13.10 and by default it won't erase any of your Xubnutu stuff.

Here's more similar steps for your case from my experience:
1) When it asks about which partition to install , make it install along with  

2) Resize the partition of either your Xubnutu /home or / for Trisquel 6.0

3) Trisquel 6.0 won't delete/overwrite Xubuntu's files. But it's always  
better to take important files. I did for mine ~500GB!

4) Once installation done , you can loaded with Dual boot (Trisquel 6.0 /  
Xubuntu 13.10)

5) You can go into Trisquel 6.0 and copy/access all your stuff inside mounted  
Xubuntu partition

6) Anytime , you can go to your Xubuntu 13.10 from boot-loader.(You can keep  
this for your historical reference and/or alternate choice)

7) Once you satisfied with the Trisquel 6.0 setup and files, you can go-ahead  
remove the Xubuntu's partition.

Refer the attached screen-shot for how I able to access my Ubuntu 13.10 files  
from Trisquel 6.0 .

Attachment #1 : Showing my Ubuntu's 89GB of /home and 21GB of / .
Attachment #2 : Showing my Disk utility report.

Once again , it's always better to take important files.Good luck.

!!! Freedom matters !!!

Kesavan Muthuvel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2014-01-19 Thread hi
@onpon4 , @Magic Banana : Installed Trisquel along with Ubuntu for now.Lets  
see how things fit for me.

!!! Freedom matters !!!

Kesavan Muthuvel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2014-01-12 Thread hi
@dadix: site updated with GNU-Linux.pdf. Gives better terminology & comes  
with brief history. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-17 Thread hi
GNU is all about freedom ; Over time, calling the system “GNU/Linux”  
spreads awareness of the ideals of freedom for which we developed the GNU  

Linux is something related to commercial and/ore inviting non-free software  
salesman to-do business with.It must to be understand LINUX DO NOTHING  

See the notes from Linus himself:

"Sadly, a kernel by itself gets you nowhere. To get a working system you need  
a shell, compilers, a library etc. These are separate parts and may be under  
a stricter (or even looser) copyright. Most of the tools used with linux are  
GNU software and are under the GNU copyleft. These tools aren't in the  
distribution - ask me (or GNU) for more info.

Without any programs to run, though, the kernel cannot do anything."

Notes for linux release 0.01 - Linus Torvalds

Better call it as GNU/Linux as GNU must reach everyone and Kernel next.When  
GNU done with #HURD , we can all go ahead with GNU system and no more Linux!

I don't want to call it as GNU/Hurd (once done) but simply GNU System

!!! Freedom matters !!!

Kesavan Muthuvel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread hi

Yeah! It's better to have backing up important data. Let me try this weekend.

!!! Freedom matters !!!

Kesavan Muthuvel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread hi
@dadix You're right! It's a typo error. I'll update soon. Thanks for  
notifying me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread hi
Thanks for your replies. I've almost 400GB of data in /dev/sda6  mounted in  
/media/DATA & some 100GB of personal data(like .thunderbird/* , other  
Docs,Downloads and other misc).

Is that possible to have a clean install replacing Ubuntu 13.10 without  
affecting my above data?

Or the clean installation overwrites/wipes all my data?

!!! Freedom matters !!!

Kesavan Muthuvel

[Trisquel-users] Migration from Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0 (Toutatis)

2013-12-16 Thread hi
I'm going to migrate from Ubuntu 13.10(Saucy) to Trisquel 6.0(Toutatis)  
without reinstalling using instructions at

It is mentioned that never attempt to run that script from a Ubuntu edition  
with no Trisquel counterpart!

So let me anyone confirm that Trisquel 6.0(Toutatis) is counterpart to Ubuntu  
13.10(Saucy). Did anyone tried this from Ubuntu 13.10 to Trisquel 6.0 ?

Kesavan Muthuvel