Re: [Tutor] Introduction to modelling with Python

2010-04-07 Thread AG

Eike Welk wrote:

On Saturday March 27 2010 16:21:26 AG wrote:

I apologise in advance for the vagueness of this query, but I am looking
for a decent modern introduction to modelling using Python.
Specifically, I want something that is a good introduction (i.e. doesn't
expect one to already be a maths/ statistics or a programming guru) and
that has an ecology/ environmental science orientation. 

You should look at the book Python Scripting for Computational Science by 
Hans Petter Langtangen:

It is an introduction to the Python language, and to a big number of tools for 
numerical computations. The book assumes that you have already some practice 
in writing computer programs. 

The book is not oriented towards ecology, the examples are from mechanical 

The book is however a bit dated, it's from 2004. Therefore many examples will 
need to be slightly altered to work with the current versions of the libraries 
that they use. 

Alternatively you could ask your question on the Numpy/Scipy mailing lists. 
These lists are frequented by scientists that use Python for their 



I just wanted to come back to you on the book recommendation you made 
Python scripting for computational science - I tracked down a cheapish 
copy of the 3rd edition from 2009 and flipping through it (it only 
arrived yesterday), it seems like it is going to be very useful.  
Certainly it draws a lot on numpy, goes into using Tcl for GUIs, and a 
number of recipes for scripting, regular expressions and so on ... lots 
to get my head around.  With respect to my original question then, 
equipped with this book you recommended, a book on differential 
equations, and one on an intro to environmental modelling, that should 
give me enough to work on for the time being.

So, just wanted to close the circle by letting you know that I took your 
recommendation, and it looks like it will pay off in time.

Thank you.

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Re: [Tutor] Introduction to modelling with Python

2010-03-28 Thread AG

Modulok wrote:

Could you further define 'modeling' in context?

Are you referring to using python in the context of 3D modeling, i.e.
computer aided design? If that be the case, python serves as an
embedded language for many 3D computer graphics programs. Everything
from Maya to Houdini use it as a command interface to automate things.
See the developer's documentation for whatever software you're using.

What kind of modeling?

On 3/27/10, AG wrote:

Hi List

I apologise in advance for the vagueness of this query, but I am looking
for a decent modern introduction to modelling using Python.
Specifically, I want something that is a good introduction (i.e. doesn't
expect one to already be a maths/ statistics or a programming guru) and
that has an ecology/ environmental science orientation.  The latter is
desirable but not essential, as I suspect that once one understands the
process of data abstraction and the other steps involved in modelling
processes and scenarios, the thinking and skill sets are likely
transferable.  However, if my assumption about this is incorrect, please
let me know.

If anyone knows of any resource (book or on-line) with a Python bent,
please let me know.  I am preparing to begin applications to Ph.D.
programs and most of what I am interested in doing requires some
knowledge of modelling and Python also seems to be widely accepted as a
programming language, so I am happy with that as I am in the process of
teaching myself Python anyway.

Thanks for any help, advice, etc.




The modelling I was referring to is not about 3-D design, but about 
scenario modelling.  For example, to understand the impacts of climate 
change on particular bodies of water, given different circumstances 
(e.g. x% of rain in the preceding year, or prevailing winds, or y number 
of herd animals using the water resource, and/ or upstream engineering 
developments, etc.), the idea would be to (a) identify those aspects 
most relevant and least relevant and (b) to programme those elements 
according to certain parameters of fluctuation (perhaps OOP might be 
useful here), and then (c) to manipulate those values according to 
different scenarios.  These manipulations can then be replayed any 
number of times (e.g. a Monte Carlo treatment) to obtain their 
statistical average and probabilities.

The foregoing is possibly not the most elegant example, but hopefully 
gives you a clearer idea of what I was asking about.

Thanks for your interest.


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Re: [Tutor] Introduction to modelling with Python

2010-03-28 Thread AG

Eike Welk wrote:

On Saturday March 27 2010 16:21:26 AG wrote:

I apologise in advance for the vagueness of this query, but I am looking
for a decent modern introduction to modelling using Python.
Specifically, I want something that is a good introduction (i.e. doesn't
expect one to already be a maths/ statistics or a programming guru) and
that has an ecology/ environmental science orientation. 

You should look at the book Python Scripting for Computational Science by 
Hans Petter Langtangen:

It is an introduction to the Python language, and to a big number of tools for 
numerical computations. The book assumes that you have already some practice 
in writing computer programs. 

The book is not oriented towards ecology, the examples are from mechanical 

The book is however a bit dated, it's from 2004. Therefore many examples will 
need to be slightly altered to work with the current versions of the libraries 
that they use. 

Alternatively you could ask your question on the Numpy/Scipy mailing lists. 
These lists are frequented by scientists that use Python for their 

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Now that's looking very much along the lines of what I had in mind 
Eike.  Very pricey ... might have to sit on that one for a while and 
scout around for a used copy.  I can certainly use the on-line resource 
for as many pages as it allows one to access until I either find a 
cheaper version or perhaps win a lottery!!

But, yep, this looks like what I had in mind - so anything else like 
this would be good as well.


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Re: [Tutor] Introduction to modelling with Python

2010-03-28 Thread AG

Eike Welk wrote:

On Sunday March 28 2010 19:37:41 AG wrote:

Now that's looking very much along the lines of what I had in mind
Eike.  Very pricey ... might have to sit on that one for a while and
scout around for a used copy.  I can certainly use the on-line resource
for as many pages as it allows one to access until I either find a
cheaper version or perhaps win a lottery!!

Maybe you can get it as an inter library loan. Buying it is unnecessary; once 
you have some knowledge of the tools, you get everywhere you want with the 
online documentation and some questions in the relevant mailing lists. 


The idea of an inter-library loan is a sound one.  I hadn't thought of 
that, so will give that a try.

As an alternative you could try the online documentation at the Scipy website. 
Numpy and Scipy are the basic libraries for numerical computation with Python. 
The material at the website is not as good as the Langtangen book, and it 
covers far fewer different subjects, but it might be good enough to get you 


I've just begun with numpy and matlibplot (pyplot), so these are good 

First read the Getting Started section. Then look at the Cookbook articles 
and study some that are relevant for you.


Thanks.  These are leads worth following up on.
Additionally subscribe to the Numpy/Scipy mailing lists. You could ask 
questions how to solve specific problems. The people there are usually very 


But, yep, this looks like what I had in mind - so anything else like
this would be good as well.

I'm very glad that I could be helpful. 


Thank you again.

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[Tutor] Introduction to modelling with Python

2010-03-27 Thread AG

Hi List

I apologise in advance for the vagueness of this query, but I am looking 
for a decent modern introduction to modelling using Python.  
Specifically, I want something that is a good introduction (i.e. doesn't 
expect one to already be a maths/ statistics or a programming guru) and 
that has an ecology/ environmental science orientation.  The latter is 
desirable but not essential, as I suspect that once one understands the 
process of data abstraction and the other steps involved in modelling 
processes and scenarios, the thinking and skill sets are likely 
transferable.  However, if my assumption about this is incorrect, please 
let me know.

If anyone knows of any resource (book or on-line) with a Python bent, 
please let me know.  I am preparing to begin applications to Ph.D. 
programs and most of what I am interested in doing requires some 
knowledge of modelling and Python also seems to be widely accepted as a 
programming language, so I am happy with that as I am in the process of 
teaching myself Python anyway.

Thanks for any help, advice, etc.


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[Tutor] Over-riding radians as default for trig calculations

2010-02-28 Thread AG

After importing the math module and running

math.cos( x )

the result is in radians.

Is there a way of setting this so that it results in degrees?  I don't 
want to over-ride this permanently for my Python settings, so am happy 
to specifically do it per equation or per program.

Thanks in advance.

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[Tutor] Using Matplotlib - program still running when graph window is closed

2010-02-24 Thread AG
How does one ensure that once a graph has been produced by Matplotlib 
and that graph has been closed by the user that the program itself stops?

What I am currently getting is that when I close the graph pop-up window 
and then close IDLE, I get a message that the program is still running 
and am I sure that I want to stop it.  Yes, I am sure, but I don't want 
to have to keep killing the IDLE interpreter window in order to do so, 
but if I don't, then I am seemingly unable to produce another graph 
pop-up window.

How do I control this from within the script itself?


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[Tutor] List append method: St Petersburg Game

2010-02-20 Thread AG

Hi Pythonistas

I am having difficulty with applying the list.append(x) method to 
produce a list that will contain outputs which will become coordinates 
for a later call to Matplotlib.  Perhaps someone here can help me figure 
this out?

The basic program is below:

# St Petersburg Game: v. 2:
# Toss a coin.  If it is heads, win $2, if not keep
#   tossing it until it falls heads.
#   Heads first toss = H = $2
#   Heads third toss = TTH = $8
#   Heads fifth toss = H = $32

# The game is to win more by not scoring Heads

print St Petersburg Game: win multiples of $2 the
more you land Tails

# Required libraries
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Main function:
def flipCoin():
   coinToss = random.randrange(1, 3)
   return coinToss

# Storage of output
toss_list = []

# Get things going

# Want to capture the coin lands heads (2)
while flipCoin() != 2:

# Heads lands  show output   

print Heads

print toss_list

# Interpret results  'reward'
print You flipped %d tails before landing Heads % len(toss_list)

if toss_list == 0:
   print You won $2

   toss_list.append( Tail )
   print You won $%d % 2 ** len(toss_list)

The overall purpose of the game is, for this discussion, irrelevant, but 
some background info will be helpful I think.   The above program will 
give one run only and produces the output I expect.  When I take this to 
the next level of complexity I run into problems.

1. I have tried to make this program run a given number of times, and 
use the for repetition loop to do this, basically:

for i  in range( 0, 10 ):

and then the above program is appropriately indented.

2. Collecting the number of coin tosses into a list appends these to a 
list just fine.  However, what this does is adds the numbers together so 
that one ends up like this:

[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 15]

With a corresponding increase in the values derived from multiplying the 
exponent, thus:

[2, 4, 8, 32, 64, 128, 512, 2048, 4096, 65536]

Both are correct applications of the method, but I am unable to get the 
list to not sum the values up in the first list, these are not 
accumulative values, but discrete.  If I am understanding what is 
currently happening, the values are being accumulated, and I want to 
stop that from happening.

If this isn't clear, please let me know how I can clarify my question to 
help shape the relevance of the responses.

Thanks for any ideas.

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Re: [Tutor] List append method: St Petersburg Game

2010-02-20 Thread AG

bob gailer wrote:

On 2/20/2010 7:43 AM, AG wrote:


Please let me know how I can clarify my question

1 - You are giving way too much information. We do not need to know 
the rules of the game or all the code. Our time to read email is 
limited. The less you tell us that is not relevant the better. 

Thanks Bob.

Also you don't show the code for the next level of complexity. 

Here it is, then:

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

def flipCoin():
   coinToss = random.randrange(1, 3)
   return coinToss

toss_list = []
tosscounts = []
winnings = []

for i in range(0, 10):

   while flipCoin() != 2:

   print Heads

   tosscounts.append( len(toss_list))

   if toss_list == 0:
   print You won $2
   winnings += 2

   toss_list.append( Tail )

   winnings += [2 ** len( toss_list )]

print tosscounts
print winnings

print Here's the graph: 

for i in winnings:  # Convert int to float for log
   i * 1.0
plt.plot( [tosscounts], [winnings] )

plt.ylabel( how often )
plt.xlabel( how much )


The result of the first call to flipCoin is ignored.
Each cycle of the loop results in 2 calls to flipCoin. The result of 
the 2nd call is ignored.

Aha!  Thanks for spotting that.  Now fixed in the code cited above, but 
still gives the same problem.

Thanks for any further ideas.


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