Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python (fwd)

2005-12-22 Thread Danny Yoo
[Keeping in CC.  Ok, so now we know that Shivayogi
already has Java experience.

Shivayogi might also be a little annoyed that he has to learn a new
language.  We have to tread more carefully in making claims like "Python
is easier than Java", because for anyone starting on another language, the
language we already know is obviously easier than the one we are trying to
learn.  *grin*]

Hi Shivayogi,

There are a few nice things about Python that make common tasks easier to
do.  We can go through a few examples, and if you have questions on them
or would like to see more examples, please ask and folks on the list will
be happy to talk with you.  (Please make sure to keep in
CC by using your email client's "Reply to All"  feature.)

For example, Java has an "iterator" protocol, but until Java 1.5, it
didn't have much syntactic support.  As an example, writing loops to go
across iterators involved manually next()ing the iterable and calling

/*** Java ***/
import java.util.*;

// ... within some method body

List words = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"hello", "world",
 "this", "is",
 "a", "test"});
for (Iterator iter = words.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String word = (String);

Python's for loop, on the other hand, natively works across iterables: the
'for' loop itself is responsible for doing things like 'next()':

### Python ###
words = ["hello", "world", "this", "is", "a", "test"]
for word in words:
print word.upper()

I understand that Java's for loop finally has iterator support, but from
the examples I've seen, it looks a bit syntactically heavyweight.

Another casual example where Python and Java differ is the treatment of
common types.  Python doesn't have a notion of "primitive" types, whereas
in Java, we sometimes have to think about 'int' vs. Integer.

For example, we know that the Java method:

int double(int x) {
return x * 2;

breaks on large input because the declared types are primitive ints.  To
make this really work, we have to use BigIntegers:

BigInteger double(BigInteger x) {
return x.multiply(new BigInteger("2"));

On the other hand, Python integers also automatically promote themselves
to bignums rather than overflow, so the function:

def double(x):
return x * 2

just works.

Does this make sense so far?  Please feel free to ask more questions.
There's also a book by Bruce Tate called "Beyond Java" that talks about
these issues.

Best of wishes!

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:40:13 +0530
From: shivayogi kumbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

 I hve done my MSc(c.s).I did my project on Java.Know I have joined
the company where they work on Python.So It has forced to me learn
PYthon.SoI have approaced you
people.What are the advntages of Python over java.
   Thank you

On 12/22/05, Danny Yoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, shivayogi kumbar wrote:
> > sir plz tell me the main differnces between java and python?  And What
> > are the advantages of python?
> Hi Shivayogi,
> When you post on a mailing list that's dedicated to help teach programming
> with Python, you do anticipate what kind of answers you're going to get
> here, right?  *grin*
> Are you a beginner programmer?  Do you have any previous experience with
> programming?  I'd really like us to turn the discussion toward what you
> really want to learn.  Advocacy and cheerleading is fun, of course, but
> let's see if we can help you too.  What are you trying to do?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-22 Thread Alan Gauld
[Putting this back on the list so others get the context info]

- Original Message - 
From: "shivayogi kumbar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

Sir I have completed  my Msc(c.s).I have worked on java and also done my
project on javaa using swings ,RMI  technology.The thing is now I have
joined the company is working on the Python.So I would ike to know the
difference between Java and Python


In that case since you have a good knowledge of Python we 
can focus on a feature comparison with Java.

Python has much in common with Java in that both work by compiling to byte 
code, however Java does so in a traditional comipile first manner whereas 
Python compiles at first run. 

Python is dynamically typed and uses protocol based polymorphism 
rather than inheritance based(so called Duck typing).

Python is a much higher level language than Java, I'd guess the 
ratio of lines of code per function point is around 3:1. Python is 
often called 'executable pseudo code'.

Python has a much more elegant syntax, it is much less based on C 
(Although some C-isms do show through in places)

Python is more object oriented than Java which is predominantly 
class based. By that I mean there are lots of objects around in Python 
where you never see the class. Similarly there are relatively few class 
methods (static in Java). You can't use Java wthout without seeing at 
least one class statement.

Python has much better support for higher order programming, 
functional programming and, more debateably, meta-programming.

There's lots more but that should e enough for now.
Check the refeences others have sent. 
Also check out Jython which combines the best of both worlds with 
remarkably few compromises. 

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-22 Thread Alan Gauld
>>Another example is that Python supports "Duck Typing", that is
>>its type checking  is protocol based.
> I see your point, but duck typing seems awfully implicit and
> behind-the-scenes.

When you first encounter it it is. I came from a C++ and Pascal
background where strict typing was the rule, Python seemed very lax.
But I had the advantage of having worked in Lisp and Smalltalk too
so I kind of relaxed fairly quickly.

> Seems like if I expect a protocol, and you provide something that claims 
> to
> implement said protocol, there ought to be some contract that ensures 
> we're
> dealing with the same protocol. I ought not to be able to pass my car and
> my nose to the same function, just because the both run().

It depends. Obviously in this example its likely that the behaviour would
result in boizarre results but on the other hand if the function was
race(obj1, obj2) then both car and nose could be appropriate,
but in the latter case with rather horrible connotations...

But seriously, Duck Typing allows for a far more expreessive and
powerful use of objects. When you are no longer bound by the limitations
of inheritance heirarchies you can start to build much more powerful 
The downside is that there is an onus on the client to sanity check the
usage of the function - will it really do what I expect?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Danny Yoo

On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, shivayogi kumbar wrote:

> sir plz tell me the main differnces between java and python?  And What
> are the advantages of python?

Hi Shivayogi,

When you post on a mailing list that's dedicated to help teach programming
with Python, you do anticipate what kind of answers you're going to get
here, right?  *grin*

Are you a beginner programmer?  Do you have any previous experience with
programming?  I'd really like us to turn the discussion toward what you
really want to learn.  Advocacy and cheerleading is fun, of course, but
let's see if we can help you too.  What are you trying to do?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Kent Johnson
Alan Gauld wrote:
>>>Python is more forgiving
>>Could you elaborate on this feature?
> Python allows you to do things, without complaining, that Java just 
> won't allow.

Another way to put it is, Java is way more picky than Python. Much of this is a 
consequence of Python's dynamic typing - you never declare the type of anything 
in Python. 
This alone saves a ton of (finger) typing. Also exceptions in Python don't have 
to be 
declared, like unchecked exceptions in Java.

It's a matter of some debate whether the extra strictness of Java provides 
enough safety 
to be worth the cost.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread pcarey

Alan, thanks for the response.

>Python allows you to do things, without complaining, that Java just
>won't allow.

Checked exceptions are a pain, but at least there's no ambiguity about what
f(x) is gonna throw (unless it throws a RuntimeException). Nevertheless, I
agree: checked exceptions are probably a misfeature.

>Another example is that Python supports "Duck Typing", that is
>its type checking  is protocol based.

I see your point, but duck typing seems awfully implicit and

Seems like if I expect a protocol, and you provide something that claims to
implement said protocol, there ought to be some contract that ensures we're
dealing with the same protocol. I ought not to be able to pass my car and
my nose to the same function, just because the both run().

Despite all of this, I still prefer python! (when given the choice). I
learned java first, so I probably rely on its compiler crutches.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Alan Gauld
>>Python is more forgiving
> Could you elaborate on this feature?

Python allows you to do things, without complaining, that Java just 
won't allow.

As one example: you create a Java module M containing a class C 
with a method F that throws exception E. Now to use that in your 
code, say called by function g() you must import the module and 
also ensure that the function g() is either defined to throw E 
- or to handle the exception E. The compiler complains otherwise.

In Python you simply import the module and call the function. If the 
exeception is thrown it will generate a stack trace exactly as if you 
had thrown it inside your code. Of course you might want to handle 
it locally, but you don't have to be explicit about it.

Another example is that Python supports "Duck Typing", that is 
its type checking  is protocol based. So if I declare a function 

def f(aNumber): ...

I can pass in anything that acts like a number, provided it can respond 
to the subset of numeric operations that I use I can pass in anything.

If I nor define a Java funtion/method

void f(int n){}

I can only pass in an integer or something that can be typecast as 
an integer. Very often that's far too strict a limitation.

Now the strictness is there for a reason and it encourages good design, 
but it does require much more thought up front about exactly what will 
be passed where and which exceptions will be thrown where etc. If you 
are just learning, or want to get a quick job done then Java's approach 
is frustrating rather than helpful.

That's what I mean by Pyython being more forgiving, or tolerant, 
than Java.


Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread pcarey
Mr Gauld wrote:

>Python is more forgiving

Could you elaborate on this feature?



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Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Murtog
A good point is that Python is fun to program with. But the jobs point is important too. In my country 80% of the jobs for informatic´s area is to C#, VB, Delphi and Java(50% of the 80%) programmers. So, having a job with Python is hard. :(
Cheers! =]On 12/21/05, Alan Gauld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sir plz tell me the main differnces between java and python?What kind of information do you want? Differences in syntax?,architecture? resource usage? They are completely differentprogramming languages. Do you have a programming background?
If so which languages do you know? That way we can comparewith what you do know.If you don't have a programming background forget Java and learnPython. You can learn Java later if you like but it will be easier to
start from a knowledge of Python.> And What are the advantages of python?Python is easier to learnPython produces more functionality for fewer lines of codePython is more forgivingAnd dont you want to know the advantages of Java?
Java is slightly faster (nowadays, it didn't use to be)Java is easier to deploy because the JVM tends to be everywhereThere are more jobs for Java programmersThats a start...Alan GAuthor of the learn to program web tutor maillist  -  
Tutor@python.org O_oMurtog
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Alan Gauld
> sir plz tell me the main differnces between java and python?

What kind of information do you want? Differences in syntax?, 
architecture? resource usage? They are completely different 
programming languages. Do you have a programming background? 
If so which languages do you know? That way we can compare 
with what you do know.

If you don't have a programming background forget Java and learn 
Python. You can learn Java later if you like but it will be easier to 
start from a knowledge of Python.

> And What are the advantages of python?

Python is easier to learn
Python produces more functionality for fewer lines of code
Python is more forgiving

And dont you want to know the advantages of Java?

Java is slightly faster (nowadays, it didn't use to be)
Java is easier to deploy because the JVM tends to be everywhere
There are more jobs for Java programmers

Thats a start...

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Kent Johnson
Pujo Aji wrote:
> Hi,
> you can check this website:

Don't miss the links on that site, either.

Compared to Java, Python is compact, expressive and lightweight. It is 
dynamically typed 
with first-class functions and far better built-in support for simple data 
introspection and metaprogramming. After writing Python for a while, Java seems 
full of 
unneccessary restrictions and artificial limitations. In comparison, Python 
stays out of 
the way.

Here are a few more links:
My own comparison with some details:
Python is not Java:
Java is not Python, either:


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread Pujo Aji
Hi,you can check this website: all.python is very compact, clear language.
I did some code using C# for 1 year, and when I move to python I can rewrite it even more in about 3 months.My code becomes clearer than ever beforeCheers,pujo
On 12/21/05, shivayogi kumbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
sir plz tell me the main differnces between java and python?And What are the advantages of python?

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[Tutor] Differnce between java and python

2005-12-21 Thread shivayogi kumbar
sir plz tell me the main differnces between java and python?And What are the advantages of python?
Tutor maillist  -