Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-12 Thread Jan Riechers

On 12.01.2013 11:24, Alan Gauld wrote:

On 12/01/13 08:09, Jan Riechers wrote:

So to rephrase what you and also other wrote:
By setting "oakTree = Tree()" I create a new "Tree()" class instance.
Now calls to "oakTree.grow()" access functions of the Tree class, by
traversing to it's "Superclass" Tree.

No, they traverse to its Tree class. Superclasses are only involved when
you use inheritance. Consider:

class Tree:
def __init__(self,height=0):
  self.height = height

def getHeight(self):
   return self.height

def EverGreen(Tree):# subclass of Tree
def __init__(self, height=0, color='green'):
self.color = color

def getColor(self):
return self.color

t = Tree()
print t.getHeight() # calls Tree.getHeight

g = EverGreen()
print g.getHeight()# calls Tree.getHeight by searching superclass
print g.getColor() # calls EverGreen.getColor

So the superclass is only used in the case of g.getHeight()
Python looks for getHeight in the class of EverGreen and can't find it.
So it looks in the superclass Tree to see if it can find getHeight there.

Actually I miss the terminology but that was what I thought to describe 
- also referring to your initial post on my question. If a class is 
based on a super class, the message lookup traversal goes from child to 
superclass, which now makes sense.

The "self" then, which also is used in the Superclass Function only
tells, work with the "own" (self) values of the class instance, instead
of the values of the class itself.

I guess that's right.

Maybe, I'm not sure what you mean. self is a reference to the instance
invoking the method.


class Market():
def __init__(self):
self.traders = 0

def addTrader(self):
self.traders += 1

instanceMarket = market()
print instanceMarket.traders # 0
print instanceMarket.traders # 1

So the value of "traders" is unique to the instance, but the class 
function "addTrader", refers to the instance on which the function is 
invoked on (using self), but is declared only once for all instances 
based on "market". That also does now make sense. :)

Actually Im puzzled with the difference between a classmethod and a
regular function definition inside a class object.

All methods are functions defined inside classes. "regular functions"
are by definition NOT defined in a class. regular functions require no
lookup mechanism and do not have a "magic" first parameter like self.

Does the classmethod just mean that I can use the class "math" and call
"math.random()" without creating an instance of math before using
"random()" ?

Maybe, if math were a class. But math is actually a module which is
different to a class.

I think again the terms are mixing things up.
I tried that with the "classmethod" decorator and ended up with 
something like this:

class market():
__balance = 500

def getBalance(cls):
print cls.__balance

In this case now, from what was explained and what meant to say,
market.getBalance() can now called without creating an instance of that 
class (like a module, even so it is not.)

So calling:
market.getBalance() # --> 500

Okay, that makes sense - that class functions/methods (confusing with
that decorator to talk about)

The decorator is only used for classmethods not for instance methods.
Most of the time you don't need to use classmethods you only need
instance methods.

Sorry again for the long post and mixing up the wordings, I guess I have 
to practice and read a bit more, but I understand now more of the OOP 
concept and inner workings than before - so it helped already :)


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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-12 Thread Alan Gauld

On 12/01/13 08:09, Jan Riechers wrote:

So to rephrase what you and also other wrote:
By setting "oakTree = Tree()" I create a new "Tree()" class instance.
Now calls to "oakTree.grow()" access functions of the Tree class, by
traversing to it's "Superclass" Tree.

No, they traverse to its Tree class. Superclasses are only involved when 
you use inheritance. Consider:

class Tree:
   def __init__(self,height=0):
 self.height = height

   def getHeight(self):
  return self.height

def EverGreen(Tree):# subclass of Tree
   def __init__(self, height=0, color='green'):
   self.color = color

   def getColor(self):
   return self.color

t = Tree()
print t.getHeight() # calls Tree.getHeight

g = EverGreen()
print g.getHeight()# calls Tree.getHeight by searching superclass
print g.getColor() # calls EverGreen.getColor

So the superclass is only used in the case of g.getHeight()
Python looks for getHeight in the class of EverGreen and can't find it. 
So it looks in the superclass Tree to see if it can find getHeight there.

The "self" then, which also is used in the Superclass Function only
tells, work with the "own" (self) values of the class instance, instead
of the values of the class itself.

I guess that's right.

Maybe, I'm not sure what you mean. self is a reference to the instance 
invoking the method.

Actually Im puzzled with the difference between a classmethod and a
regular function definition inside a class object.

All methods are functions defined inside classes. "regular functions" 
are by definition NOT defined in a class. regular functions require no 
lookup mechanism and do not have a "magic" first parameter like self.

Does the classmethod just mean that I can use the class "math" and call
"math.random()" without creating an instance of math before using
"random()" ?

Maybe, if math were a class. But math is actually a module which is 
different to a class.

Okay, that makes sense - that class functions/methods (confusing with
that decorator to talk about)

The decorator is only used for classmethods not for instance methods.
Most of the time you don't need to use classmethods you only need 
instance methods.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-12 Thread Jan Riechers

On 12.01.2013 02:19, Mitya Sirenef wrote:

Functions are the same, (called methods), but the self object is
different for each instance, and represents the instance. Consider that
since the logic performed by the method is the same (if it wasn't, you'd
define it as a separate method, right?), there would be no reason to
make a separate method for each instance. As you know from working with
functions, the same function may create different output if its
arguments are different (from another call), but if the arguments are
the same, it will create the same output (I'm ignoring things like
random module).

Well, that's why the first argument for a method is 'self', which is
different for each instance.

So to rephrase what you and also other wrote:
By setting "oakTree = Tree()" I create a new "Tree()" class instance.
Now calls to "oakTree.grow()" access functions of the Tree class, by 
traversing to it's "Superclass" Tree.

The "self" then, which also is used in the Superclass Function only 
tells, work with the "own" (self) values of the class instance, instead 
of the values of the class itself.

I guess that's right.

The core idea of having a class and one or more instances is very
versatile and powerful, all of the other concepts are much less needed
especially as you're starting out. For example, you can have a class
tree and methods and a bunch of tree instances; a classmethod would
allow you to perform an action without making an instance first, but
it's not like it's hard to make an instance -- it's just that in some
cases it's clearer and more straightforward to use a classmethod, like
Alan pointed out, but if you happen to forget about classmethods, you
could easily get by without them. The same applies to Borg pattern, etc.

Actually Im puzzled with the difference between a classmethod and a 
regular function definition inside a class object.

Does the classmethod just mean that I can use the class "math" and call 
"math.random()" without creating an instance of math before using 
"random()" ?

To what you write, it would make sense like that.

Of course the math module has to be imported first. But thats not the 
point now I guess :)

 > So I assume the functions are shared across thus one decleration has
been made in "Tree" class and all siblings are using that one?

They are usually called methods if they belong to a class, and yes
they're shared.

Okay, that makes sense - that class functions/methods (confusing with 
that decorator to talk about) are accessible and shared across all class 
instances - and its also what I noticed by using some code like 
following and the id() function.

Dave was asking what code I meant to get the "memory address" on where a 
function is lurking:


class market():
def __init__(self): = 'Market'
def getMarketPrice(self):
print self
print self.__dict__

myInstancesList = []

for x in range(0, 10):
myInstancesList.append( market() )
print id(myInstancesList[x].getMarketPrice)

print myInstancesList


Which outputs the same memory reference for the function 
"getMarketPrice" of all instances of the "market" class plus the 
instances inside a list "myInstancesList".

I dont use a dictionary which might be confusing, but makes more sense 
to work with.

Also id() mentioned here:

And thank you all for the explanations. :)

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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-11 Thread Mitya Sirenef

On 01/11/2013 04:32 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

On 01/11/2013 02:41 PM, Jan  Riechers wrote:

>> On 10.01.2013 19:50, Mitya Sirenef wrote:
>>> On 01/10/2013 09:06 AM, richard kappler wrote:
>>> class Tree(object):
>>> height = 0
>>> def grow(self):
>>> self.height += 1
>>> You may have a dozen of related functions and you can logically group
>>> them together by making them methods of a class, making it easier to
>>> think about and work on the logic of your program.
>> Actually one question about those "dozens of related" instances
>> generated by:
>> greenwoodTree = Tree()
>> oakTree = Tree()
>> Both, greenwoodTree and oakTree, are derived from Tree class,
> It's important that we use correct, or at least close terminology. A
> derived class is VERY different from an instance. greenWoodTree and
> oakTree are bound to different instances of Tree.
>> thus receiving the features and also - if so - holding unique values
>> created in there __init__ generator method
> __init__ is not a generator. it's simply a method. A method is a
> function that's defined inside a class
>> - "self.height", "self.color" and so forth uniquely each.
> We have to be careful here. Such data can be attributes of an instance,
> or they can be attributes of a class. Strangely enough, this example
> has a self.height and tree.height that are both called height, but
> technically distinct values. I think it's best if you avoid such
> things, and use unique names till you've got the fundamentals straight.
>> But do both share the same function memory space from the class "Tree"?
> I wouldn't use the term function memory space, but I'll say this much.
> Unless you do something tricky, there is only one method Tree.grow, and
> all instances share that same method. No duplicated memory at all.
>> I am currently trying also to get my head wrapped around OOP in
>> general, but not 100% sure so that derived instances use the same
>> functions (also memory wise speaking) - or are there several
>> definitions of "grow" ?
> Not yet. Creating instances don't duplicate any methods. You'd have to
> do something explicit, and advanced.
>> The confusion came somehow when reading about "classmethods" and
>> "staticmethods" and patterns like Singleton, monostate, borg...
>> from which I understand only ensure that the "self.height" properties
>> are shared across multiple instances of a given class?
> I'd consider all of those as advanced techniques, and a complete
> confusion at your present stage. classmethods and staticmethods affect
> the parameters that a method gets, not whether data properties belong to
> the class or to the method.
>> From what I tried out using id() and generating functions in a loop -
>> the "id(class.function) provided the same result when printed out,
>> according to that:

>> So I assume the functions are shared across thus one decleration has
>> been made in "Tree" class and all siblings are using that one?
> Without showing the code in this loop, I can't comment on what you
> observed. Don't have any idea what you mean by a sibling. The only
> meaning I can think of is that two classes each derived from a common
> base class can be considered siblings. But you don't do any deriving in
> this email.

I think it's very intuitive (at least, it was to me when I was
learning), to view it as a common starting point for all instances. In
this example it makes sense that all trees (or a general idea of a tree)
starts with a 0 height, and then each particular tree ends up with a
different height after a while.


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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-11 Thread Mitya Sirenef

On 01/11/2013 02:41 PM, Jan Riechers wrote:

On 10.01.2013 19:50, Mitya  Sirenef wrote:

>> On 01/10/2013 09:06 AM, richard kappler wrote:
>> class Tree(object):
>> height = 0
>> def grow(self):
>> self.height += 1
>> You may have a dozen of related functions and you can logically group
>> them together by making them methods of a class, making it easier to
>> think about and work on the logic of your program.
> Actually one question about those "dozens of related" instances 
generated by:

> greenwoodTree = Tree()
> oakTree = Tree()

I just want to clarify, I meant you may have dozens of related functions 
and then
move them all into a single class (i.e. I wasn't talking about 
instances, although you

can of course have dozens of instances, too).

So, let's say, you have:

def f1(): ..
def f2(): ..
def f3(): ..

And it occurs to you, since they're all related, it's good to have them 
all in the

same class:

class F(object):
 def f1(self): ..
 def f2(self): ..
 def f3(self): ..

There are already really good answers so I'll just add a few notes below...

> Both, greenwoodTree and oakTree, are derived from Tree class, thus 
receiving the features and also - if so - holding unique values created 
in there __init__ generator method - "self.height", "self.color" and so 
forth uniquely each.

> But do both share the same function memory space from the class "Tree"?
> I am currently trying also to get my head wrapped around OOP in 
general, but not 100% sure so that derived instances use the same 
functions (also memory wise speaking) - or are there several definitions 
of "grow" ?

Functions are the same, (called methods), but the self object is
different for each instance, and represents the instance. Consider that
since the logic performed by the method is the same (if it wasn't, you'd
define it as a separate method, right?), there would be no reason to
make a separate method for each instance. As you know from working with
functions, the same function may create different output if its
arguments are different (from another call), but if the arguments are
the same, it will create the same output (I'm ignoring things like
random module).

Well, that's why the first argument for a method is 'self', which is
different for each instance.

> The confusion came somehow when reading about "classmethods" and 
"staticmethods" and patterns like Singleton, monostate, borg...
> from which I understand only ensure that the "self.height" properties 
are shared across multiple instances of a given class?

The core idea of having a class and one or more instances is very
versatile and powerful, all of the other concepts are much less needed
especially as you're starting out. For example, you can have a class
tree and methods and a bunch of tree instances; a classmethod would
allow you to perform an action without making an instance first, but
it's not like it's hard to make an instance -- it's just that in some
cases it's clearer and more straightforward to use a classmethod, like
Alan pointed out, but if you happen to forget about classmethods, you
could easily get by without them. The same applies to Borg pattern, etc.

Learn to be comfortable with classes and instances and you'll be able to
make a wide range of programs.

> From what I tried out using id() and generating functions in a loop - 
the "id(class.function) provided the same result when printed out, 
according to that:

> So I assume the functions are shared across thus one decleration has 
been made in "Tree" class and all siblings are using that one?

They are usually called methods if they belong to a class, and yes
they're shared.

HTH, - mitya

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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-11 Thread Alan Gauld

On 11/01/13 19:41, Jan Riechers wrote:

class Tree(object):
 height = 0

 def grow(self):
 self.height += 1

Actually one question about those "dozens of related" instances
generated by:
greenwoodTree = Tree()
oakTree = Tree()

Both, greenwoodTree and oakTree, are derived from Tree class,

Ok, a small terminology issue. They are not derived from Tree, they are 
Trees. They are two instances of the same class. Derived is used to 
suggest that they are sub classes of Tree via inheritance, a whole 
different discussion.

receiving the features and also - if so - holding unique values created
in there __init__ generator method - "self.height", "self.color" and so
forth uniquely each.

But do both share the same function memory space from the class "Tree"?

Yes. each instance holds a reference to its class. The class holds the 
function definitions. That's why you need a self parameter, it tells the 
class method definition which instance is being operated upon.

I am currently trying also to get my head wrapped around OOP in general,
but not 100% sure so that derived instances use the same functions (also
memory wise speaking) - or are there several definitions of "grow" ?

instances all refer to their class which holds the methods for the class.

Where inheritance is concerned the class then holds a further reference 
to its parent class and Python looks for the earliest method definition 
as it traverses that class hierarchy. In other words if the object class 
doesn't have a method definition to match the message name then it looks 
in the superclass's definition for such a method, and if not there it 
looks in the superclass's superclass and so on until it finds a match. 
It is this search that makes methods different to simple functions.

The confusion came somehow when reading about "classmethods" and
"staticmethods" and patterns like Singleton, monostate, borg...
from which I understand only ensure that the "self.height" properties
are shared across multiple instances of a given class?

Not quite. Class attributes are common across *all* instances of the 
class. Class methods are, like instance methods, stored in the class but 
do not need an instance to exist to call them. In fact class methods can 
be used as "factories" to create instances. This is a common pattern 
where you want a way to recover stored classes from a database or file 
or over a network connection. For example:

foo = MYClass()   # create a brand new instance in memory
id =  # save it in database
del(foo)   # get rid of the object in memory
foo2 =- MYClass.restore(db, id)#  new instance loaded from DB.
bar = MYClass.load(someSocket) #instance read from network port

store() is an instance method that stores the instance data in a 
database. restore() is a class method that resurrects that instance by 
loading it from the database

load() is a class method that reads the data on a network port and 
interprets it as instance data and returns a new instance with those 

 From what I tried out using id() and generating functions in a loop -
the "id(class.function) provided the same result when printed out,

Yes, because they are shared.

But note that this is all implementation detail, there are other OOP 
languages that do things differently. Python's approach is the most 
common but not guaranteed. In fact I'm not even sure if it's guaranteed 
across different Python implementations!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-11 Thread Dave Angel
On 01/11/2013 02:41 PM, Jan Riechers wrote:
> On 10.01.2013 19:50, Mitya Sirenef wrote:
>> On 01/10/2013 09:06 AM, richard kappler wrote:
>> class Tree(object):
>>  height = 0
>>  def grow(self):
>>  self.height += 1
>> You may have a dozen of related functions and you can logically group
>> them together by making them methods of a class, making it easier to
>> think about and work on the logic of your program.
> Actually one question about those "dozens of related" instances
> generated by:
> greenwoodTree = Tree()
> oakTree = Tree()
> Both, greenwoodTree and oakTree, are derived from Tree class, 

It's important that we use correct, or at least close terminology.  A
derived class is VERY different from an instance.  greenWoodTree and
oakTree are bound to different instances of Tree.

> thus receiving the features and also - if so - holding unique values
> created in there __init__ generator method

__init__ is not a generator.  it's simply a method.  A method is a
function that's defined inside a class

> - "self.height", "self.color" and so forth uniquely each.

We have to be careful here.  Such data can be attributes of an instance,
or they can be attributes of a class.  Strangely enough, this example
has a self.height and tree.height that are both called height, but
technically distinct values.  I think it's best if you avoid such
things, and use unique names till you've got the fundamentals straight.

> But do both share the same function memory space from the class "Tree"?

I wouldn't use the term function memory space, but I'll say this much. 
Unless you do something tricky, there is only one method Tree.grow, and
all instances share that same method.  No duplicated memory at all.

> I am currently trying also to get my head wrapped around OOP in
> general, but not 100% sure so that derived instances use the same
> functions (also memory wise speaking) - or are there several
> definitions of "grow" ?

Not yet.  Creating instances don't duplicate any methods.  You'd have to
do something explicit, and advanced.

> The confusion came somehow when reading about "classmethods" and
> "staticmethods" and patterns like Singleton, monostate, borg...
> from which I understand only ensure that the "self.height" properties
> are shared across multiple instances of a given class?

I'd consider all of those as advanced techniques, and a complete
confusion at your present stage. classmethods and staticmethods affect
the parameters that a method gets, not whether data properties belong to
the class or to the method.

> From what I tried out using id() and generating functions in a loop -
> the "id(class.function) provided the same result when printed out,
> according to that:
> So I assume the functions are shared across thus one decleration has
> been made in "Tree" class and all siblings are using that one?

Without showing the code in this loop, I can't comment on what you
observed.  Don't have any idea what you mean by a sibling.  The only
meaning I can think of is that two classes each derived from a common
base class can be considered siblings.  But you don't do any deriving in
this email.



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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-11 Thread Jan Riechers

On 10.01.2013 19:50, Mitya Sirenef wrote:

On 01/10/2013 09:06 AM, richard kappler wrote:

class Tree(object):
 height = 0

 def grow(self):
 self.height += 1

You may have a dozen of related functions and you can logically group
them together by making them methods of a class, making it easier to
think about and work on the logic of your program.

Actually one question about those "dozens of related" instances 
generated by:

greenwoodTree = Tree()
oakTree = Tree()

Both, greenwoodTree and oakTree, are derived from Tree class, thus 
receiving the features and also - if so - holding unique values created 
in there __init__ generator method - "self.height", "self.color" and so 
forth uniquely each.

But do both share the same function memory space from the class "Tree"?

I am currently trying also to get my head wrapped around OOP in general, 
but not 100% sure so that derived instances use the same functions (also 
memory wise speaking) - or are there several definitions of "grow" ?

The confusion came somehow when reading about "classmethods" and 
"staticmethods" and patterns like Singleton, monostate, borg...
from which I understand only ensure that the "self.height" properties 
are shared across multiple instances of a given class?

From what I tried out using id() and generating functions in a loop - 
the "id(class.function) provided the same result when printed out, 
according to that:

So I assume the functions are shared across thus one decleration has 
been made in "Tree" class and all siblings are using that one?

Thank you in advance for clarification.


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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-10 Thread Mitya Sirenef

On 01/10/2013 09:06 AM, richard kappler wrote:

Class is still something I  struggle with. I think I'm finally starting

> to get my head wrapped around it, but the discussion in a different
> thread has sparked a question. First, please check my understanding:

> A class creates objects, it's like a template that allows me to create
> as many copies as I want of the object but allows me to have slightly
> different versions of the object by having different values for the
> variables within the object, which I can set with arguments?

There are good answers already, I just want to address this question;
you are correct but classes allow you to do other things, too. You may
want to use a class even if you don't need multiple instances. Classes
allow you to group related functionality and data together:

class Tree(object):
height = 0

def grow(self):
self.height += 1

You may have a dozen of related functions and you can logically group
them together by making them methods of a class, making it easier to
think about and work on the logic of your program.

Classes also create a namespace for each instance:

x = 1

class A(object):
x = 2

a = A()

a.x = 3

Here, a.x is completely independent of the global namespace's 'x'. In
instance methods, it can be called with 'self.x' .

There are other things classes provide, but these are the most important
in small / medium size programs. You can read up on OOP here:

HTH, - m

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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-10 Thread Dave Angel
On 01/10/2013 09:06 AM, richard kappler wrote:

Since you don't specify Python version or implementation, I'll use
CPython version 2.7 for the details below.  Jython (for java
environments) and other implementations are likely to differ in their
garbage collection details.  But the effect will be the same.  I'm also
assuming new-style classes, which are all that's available in Python 3,
but in 2.7, you get one by making sure your class is derived from object.

> Class is still something I struggle with. I think I'm finally starting to
> get my head wrapped around it, but the discussion in a different thread has
> sparked a question. First, please check my understanding:
> A class creates objects, it's like a template that allows me to create as
> many copies as I want of the object but allows me to have slightly
> different versions of the object by having different values for the
> variables within the object, which I can set with arguments?

Python is already full of class objects.  The only special thing about
'class' is it lets you define your own types of objects.  There are
dozens of built-in and library types, and you're probably already
familiar with many of them.  For example, every integer is an instance
of the int class.  Python has a special syntax that lets you create them
invisibly, but they are there, nonetheless.  I don't think it's useful
to think of them as copies of a master int, but rather as independent
int objects, each with some content that may or may not be unique.

> By using  __init__ (self) I instantiate a new copy of the object?

The new INSTANCE is made when somebody invokes  MyClass(arg1).  During
that creation, two methods of MyClass are called.  The __new__() method
actually creates the empty class object, and associates methods and such
to it.  And then the __init__() method gets control and can add other
attributes to it.  Most programs let the default __new__() method do its

> Whether the above is correct or not (and do please correct me/ tutor me),
> my question is, if I create objects in a while True loop, do the objects
> get garbage collected, ie. disappear when the loop returns to the beginning
> and creates new versions of the objects?
> Psuedo code example:
> (presuming I have a class that creates a lemon, a lime and has a function
> that operates on them called juice)

But your code below does not fit the sentence above.

> while True:
> lemon = yellow() # create a yellow object called lemon

Actually, the object has no name.  The name lemon is bound to the object
in that line, but it's really a one-way binding.  However, CPython keeps
a count of such bindings for each object, called a reference count.

> lime = green() # create a green object called lime
> drink = juice(lemon, lime) # operate on objects lemon and lime in a
> function called juice resident in the class

Since you don't give any context, I don't know where() juice is defined,
or where this loop is defined, nor what you mean by 'the class'.  But if
you mean what you say, then you're missing an object parameter to the
juice method.

> So, using the above example, when the loop reaches the end and returns to
> the beginning, new lemons and limes are created, yes?

Not exactly.  New instances of class yellow and class green are created,
and the names lemon and lime are unbound from the old objects, and bound
to those new objects.  If this loop is all the code, then the old
objects now have zero reference counts and will be immediately freed. 
Technically this is different than garbage collection, but the effect is
the same.

>  What happens to the
> old ones? Or have I still got this completed boggled?
> regards, RIchard

Objects that have no bindings are inaccessible, and eventually go away
(get freed).



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Re: [Tutor] garbage collection/class question

2013-01-10 Thread Hugo Arts
On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 3:06 PM, richard kappler wrote:

> Class is still something I struggle with. I think I'm finally starting to
> get my head wrapped around it, but the discussion in a different thread has
> sparked a question. First, please check my understanding:
> A class creates objects, it's like a template that allows me to create as
> many copies as I want of the object but allows me to have slightly
> different versions of the object by having different values for the
> variables within the object, which I can set with arguments?
> By using  __init__ (self) I instantiate a new copy of the object?
This is essentially correct. There are some intricacies in python with
__init__, which doesn't create a new object but merely initiates it. Python
also has __new__, which actually creates a new instance. But this is mostly
just details, in 99% of cases we can simply write an __init__ method for
initialization and not worry about __new__

> Whether the above is correct or not (and do please correct me/ tutor me),
> my question is, if I create objects in a while True loop, do the objects
> get garbage collected, ie. disappear when the loop returns to the beginning
> and creates new versions of the objects?
> Psuedo code example:
> (presuming I have a class that creates a lemon, a lime and has a function
> that operates on them called juice)
> while True:
> lemon = yellow() # create a yellow object called lemon
> lime = green() # create a green object called lime
> drink = juice(lemon, lime) # operate on objects lemon and lime in a
> function called juice resident in the class
> So, using the above example, when the loop reaches the end and returns to
> the beginning, new lemons and limes are created, yes? What happens to the
> old ones? Or have I still got this completed boggled?
In a general sense, objects are garbage collected when there are no more
references to these objects, i.e. when you become unable to use them. On
each pass of the loop, you make the names lemon, lime and drink point to
new instances. The instances they were pointing to previously thus become
inaccessible. If there are no other references to these objects in the
program, they will be garbage collected (whether this happens immediately
or after a while differs depending on python implementation).

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