Re: [twitter-dev] Re: xauth error -1012

2010-04-20 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
> Yes, granted my app for xAuth...
> Any suggestion on what I should do to fix the issue?
> I did all I can and I'm STUCK at the point.

A little easy googling (for "NSURLErrorDomain error 1012") turned up,
which might be helpful for you.

Also, again, some very easy searching in the Xcode docs yields
NSURLErrorDomain error -1012 as:

Returned when an asynchronous request for authentication is cancelled
by the user.
This is typically incurred by clicking a “Cancel” button in a
username/password dialog, rather than the user making an attempt to

So it looks like you're getting an auth request in the http response
and you're not handling it correctly / at all. So either the auth
request is incorrect -- in which case you should probably post the
full http request and response to this list -- or you need to handle
it. (If you don't know how to handle it, and you can't figure it out
from the docs, it's probably a question better suited for an iPhone
dev list.)


> On Apr 20, 1:27 pm, Taylor Singletary 
> wrote:
>> Hi Sae,
>> Have you received approval for using xAuth in your application yet by
>> emailing ? I'm not familiar enough with Objective-C to
>> understand the error, but your signature base string and authorization
>> header look otherwise correct on first glance.
>> Taylor Singletary
>> Developer Advocate, Twitter
>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 1:13 PM, sae  wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I just set up my application for xauth and started testing.
>> > It keeps failing with error message:
>> > Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 UserInfo=0x268d70 "Operation
>> > could not be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012.)
>> > What is this error?  Is anything wrong with my app setting, or my
>> > parameter  may not be correct?
>> > Any clue will be really appreciated...
>> > Here is the copy of signature-base-string and authorization header,
>> > which all look ok to me:
>> > POST&
>> > %2Faccess_token&oauth_consumer_key%3Dxx%26oauth_nonce
>> > %3D684B1D0C-4276-47BD-9A43-C31FDDD0DD8A%26oauth_signature_method
>> > %3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1271708678%26oauth_version
>> > %3D1.0%26x_auth_mode%3Dclient_auth%26x_auth_password%3Dxx
>> > %26x_auth_username%3Dy
>> > OAuth realm=\"\",
>> > oauth_consumer_key=\"\",
>> > oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",
>> > oauth_signature=\"rg5s%2BW8wMxSx5MJt0wV3idqjriI%3D\",
>> > oauth_timestamp=\"1271708678\",
>> > oauth_nonce=\"684B1D0C-4276-47BD-9A43-C31FDDD0DD8A\",
>> > oauth_version=\"1.0\";
>> > --
>> > Subscription settings:
>> >

Re: [twitter-dev] Problem with JSON

2010-04-19 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
It looks like you are implicitly assuming that the OS will send you
chunks of stream data that correspond to single, complete parsable
chunks. That may have worked accidentally because that happened to be
how they arrived in time, but it is definitely unreliable (as you
found). What you should do in connection:didReceiveData: is buffer the
data you received, and split it up yourself by looking for the
delimiters that separate individual tweets, and then parse those
individual tweets.


On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 5:29 AM, Carl Knott  wrote:
> I have developed an iPhone app that connects to the streaming API the
> app was running correctly for 2 months but since yesterday it has not! I can
> still receive a response from the stream but now I can not parse the JSON
> correctly... My parser believes that the stream is incorrectly structured. I
> get a few correctly structured results and then I get errors. Is it a
> problem at twitters end or mine? Below is a snippet of my code.
> To initialize the HTTP request:
> request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString
> stringWithFormat:
> @"";,
> [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"UsernameKey"],
> [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"PasswordKey"],
> searchFormat]] ];
> - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData
> *)data {
> NSString *responseString = [[[NSString alloc]  initWithData:data
> encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
> NSDictionary *dictionary = (NSDictionary *) [parser
> objectWithString:responseString error:nil];
> NSDictionary *user = (NSDictionary *) [dictionary valueForKey:@"user"];
> if([user valueForKey:@"screen_name"] != nil) {
> Tweet *tweet = [[Tweet alloc] init];
> [tweet setScreenName:[user valueForKey:@"screen_name"]];
> [tweet setLink:[user valueForKey:@"profile_image_url"]];
> [tweet setMessage:[dictionary valueForKey:@"text"]];
>                 //do something
> [tweet release];
> }
> }

Subscription settings:

[twitter-dev] Any chance of annotations for user objects?

2010-04-17 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
I know you guys have plenty on your plates, just curious if it was on
the roadmap. :)

Sample use case (one I particularly want): Tweetie on my phone and
Tweetie on my laptop could easily stay synced about where in my tweet
stream I have read to. Other features like saved searches and lists
could easily have begun life as user annotations. Generally lots of
client data (prefs, settings, state) could be stored where it belongs,
in the cloud, making it less transient, easier to
migrate/sync/import/share, etc.

Really excited about annotations -- thanks!


Subscription settings:

Re: [twitter-dev] Streaming API - weird data in JSON text

2010-04-14 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder


2010/4/14 Mad Euchre :
> Can someone please tell me why some tweets have the following as the
> text?
> "text":"\uc624\ub298 \uc2dc\uac00\ucd1d\uc561\uc774 $AAPL \uc740
> $208.0B \uc774\uace0 $GOOG \uc740 $177.2B \ub124\uc694.
> \uadf8\ub3d9\uc548 \uc5c5\uce58\ub77d \ub4a4\uce58\ub77d\ud558\ub358
> \ub450 \ud68c\uc0ac\uc758 \uc2dc\uac00\ucd1d\uc561 \uacbd\uc7c1\uc740
> \uc544\uc774\ud328\ub4dc \ubc1c\ud45c\ub97c \uc804\ud6c4\ud574\uc11c
> \uc560\ud50c \ucabd\uc73c\ub85c \uae30\uc6b0\ub294 \uac83
> \uac19\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. \ubb3c\ub860 \ud5a5\ud6c4\uc5d0 \uc5b4\ub5bb
> \uac8c \ub420\uc9c...
> Thanks,
> Peter

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are sequenced

2010-04-11 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Hi John (et al.),

These emails from you are great -- they are exactly the sort of
thoughtful, detailed, specific, technical emails that I would
personally love to see accompany future announcements. I think they
would prevent a fair amount of FUD. Thank you.

I have one stupid question, if you don't mind, though. You refer in
every email to "K". What, precisely, does K refer to? What are its
units? (I think I know what it you mean by it, but I'd be interested
to hear precisely.)


On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 2:23 PM, John Kalucki  wrote:
> If you are writing a general purpose display app, I think, (but I am not at
> all certain), that you can ignore this issue. Reasonable polling frequency
> on modest velocity timelines will sometimes, but very rarely, miss a tweet.
> Also, over time, we're doing things to make this better for everyone. Many
> of our projects have the side-effect of reducing K, decreasing the already
> low since_id failure odds even further. Some tweet pipeline changes when
> live in the last few weeks that dramatically reduce the K distribution for
> various user types.
> Since I don't know how the Last-Modified time exactly works, I'm going to
> restate your response slightly:
> Assuming synchronized clocks (or solely the Twitter Clock, if exposed
> properly via Last-Modified), given a poll at time t, the newest status is at
> least t - n seconds old, and sufficient n, then even a naive since_id
> algorithm will be effectively Exactly Once. Assuming that Twitter is running
> normally. For a given poll, when the poll time and last update time delta
> drops below this n second period, there's a non-zero loss risk.
> Just what is n? It is K expressed as time rather than as a discrete count.
> For some timelines types, with some classes of users, K is as much as
> perhaps 180 seconds. For others, K is less than 1 second. There's some
> variability here that we should characterize more carefully internally and
> then discuss publicly. I suspect there's a lot to be learned from this
> exercise.
> Since_id really runs into trouble when any of the following are too great:
> the polling frequency, the updating frequency, the roughly-sorted K value.
> If you are polling often to reduce display latency, use the Streaming API.
> If the timeline moves too fast to capture it all exactly, you should
> reconsider your requirements or get a Commercial Data License for the
> Streaming API. Does the user really need to see every Bieber at 3 Biebers
> Per Second? How would they ever know if they missed 10^-5 of them in a blur?
> If you need them all for analysis, consider calculating the confidence
> interval given a sample proportion of 1 - 10^6 (6 9s) or so vs. a total
> enumeration. Indistinguishable. If you need them for some other purpose, say
> CRM, the Streaming API may be the answer.
> -John Kalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Brian Smith  wrote:
>> John,
>> I am not polling. I am simply trying to implement a basic “refresh”
>> feature like every desktop/mobile Twitter app has. Basically, I just want to
>> let users scroll through their timelines, and be reasonably sure that I am
>> presenting them with an accurate & complete view of the timeline, while
>> using as little bandwidth as possible.
>> When I said “10 seconds old”/“30 seconds old”/etc. I was referring to I
>> was referring to the age at the time the page of tweets was generated. So,
>> basically, if the tweet’s timestamp – the response’s Last-Modified time more
>> than 10,000 ms (from what you said below), you are almost definitely getting
>> At Least Once behavior if Twitter is operating normally, and you can use
>> that information to get At Least Once behavior that emulates Exactly Once
>> behavior with little (usually no) overhead. Is that a correct interpretation
>> of what you were saying?
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of John Kalucki
>> Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 3:31 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are
>> sequenced
>> Your second paragraph doesn't quite make sense. The period between your
>> next poll and the timestamp of the last status is irrelevant. The issue is
>> solely the magnitude of K on the roughly sorted stream of events that are
>> applied to the materialized timeline vector. As K varies, so do the odds,
>> however infinitesimally small, that you will miss a tweet using the last
>> status id returned. The period between your polls of the API does not affect
>> this K.
>> My recommendation is to ignore this issue in nearly every use case. If you
>> are, however, polling high velocity timelines (including search queries) and
>> attempting to approximate an Exactly Once QoS,

Re: [twitter-dev] Mobile view of doesn't show "This person has protected their tweets" message

2010-04-07 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
> Have a look at the new It looks awesome and
> displays if profiles are protected.

It does look awesome!

The grammar freak in me feels compelled to point out that "Whats being
said about..." should be "What's being said about..."; that is, it's
missing the apostrophe in the contraction. Anyone at Twitter want to
make a 1 (or 5) character fix? :)


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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are sequenced

2010-03-27 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
> So I think we need to allow Twitter some leeway here.

I apologize if my tone came off badly; it was not intended. I've just
had bumpy rides using timestamps for coordination in distributed
systems (less cool ones than space flight), so this worried me a
little. In the end, whatever Twitter decides to do, I'll work with.

> As far as occasional glitches are concerned, we have those now. Every
> so often, we still get Fail Whales, 5xx errors, DDos attacks, etc.

The difference is that those errors are straightforwardly detectable
on the client side and can be handled more or less gracefully. Minor,
intermittent data issues (like the odd missing tweet) are less
straightforward to detect, but still trigger support emails. :)


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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are sequenced

2010-03-26 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Hi Taylor (et al.),

There are two reasons to think that, with the scheme you propose,
tweet ids will not necessarily be monotonically increasing.

Naveen hit the first:

> It seems if two messages are posted at very close to same time, they may not
> be sequential since the bottom bits will be randomly generated

There is another: Time synchronization is hard to always get right
(Einstein jokes aside). Clock skew happens for any number of reasons
-- sometimes ntpd sends time backwards when network i/o gets really
ugly, machine clocks wander, colos get out of sync, humans err, etc.
These are rare events, but they do happen, and they can cause
misalignment of clocks big enough for the odd tweet or two to fall

Does missing the odd tweet or two matter? As for the tweet themselves:
Probably not. But if it gets noticed, it causes users / developers to
lose some amount of trust in their app / platform...and that matters a
lot and can also generate a lot of annoying support emails.

You wrote:

> since_id will work as well as it does today as a result of this change.

Is that assuming monotonically increasing tweet ids? If not, would you
mind elaborating?

Having a universal counter is untenable, but having occasional,
undiagnosable, unreproducible glitches also sucks. :) Thinking out
loud, perhaps there is some middle ground -- a way to have generally
monotonically increasing ids globally, and guaranteed monotonically
increasing ids along some useful dimension, such as per user (this
doesn't play nicely e.g. w/ Cassandra, but it is still reasonably
scalable by other means). Not sure whether that would help folks or


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Re: [twitter-dev] Retweets

2010-03-03 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
> I need to fix my retweets logic. Does anyone know someone (or some
> recommended service) that retweets ad nauseum (via twitter's formal
> retweet feature), or nearly so?

I certainly wouldn't call it ad nauseum, but the esteemed @NickKristof
retweets fairly regularly.


Re: [twitter-dev] Inconsistent responses for particular users -- data for users/show, but Not found for statuses/friends

2010-02-24 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
> just
> worked fine for me. It might have been a temporary issue.

Confirmed -- works again for me. Looks like it was a temporary bump,
indeed. Thanks, Abraham.


> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 07:02, Josh Bleecher Snyder 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm getting what look like inconsistent responses from the API for a
>> particular small handful of users. I'm sure I'm doing something
>> stupid, but I can't figure out what; any insight would be appreciated.
>> Here is a sample pair of problematic calls/responses:
>> curl "";
>> {"profile_background_image_url":"","description":"Blogger,
>> SEO, PPC & Social Media Marketer, Software Developer, Mentor, Family
>> Man, Freak &
>> Christian!","friends_count":101,"profile_link_color":"ff","status":{"in_reply_to_status_id":null,"truncated":false,"created_at":"Wed
>> Feb 24 13:40:54 +
>> 2010","in_reply_to_user_id":null,"source":"web","favorited":false,"in_reply_to_screen_name":null,"id":9575982473,"text":"ok,
>> enough of my ramble on
>> Jan 10 20:28:50 +
>> 2008","favourites_count":0,"profile_background_color":"FF","contributors_enabled":false,"profile_image_url":"","geo_enabled":false,"profile_sidebar_fill_color":"e0ff92","lang":"en","notifications":false,"screen_name":"johncow","following":false,"verified":false,"time_zone":"Eastern
>> Time (US &
>> Canada)","profile_sidebar_border_color":"87bc44","protected":false,"location":"Sault
>> Ste Marie, Canada","name":"Jason
>> Katzenback","id":12084472,"utc_offset":-18000,"profile_text_color":"00","followers_count":13245,"url":""}
>> So johncow exists, has friends, etc. But:
>> curl "";
>> {"request":"/1/statuses/friends.json?screen_name=johncow","error":"Not
>> found"}
>> Any vision into what I've screwed up?
>> Thanks,
>> Josh
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |
> Project | Out Loud |
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

[twitter-dev] Inconsistent responses for particular users -- data for users/show, but Not found for statuses/friends

2010-02-24 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder

I'm getting what look like inconsistent responses from the API for a
particular small handful of users. I'm sure I'm doing something
stupid, but I can't figure out what; any insight would be appreciated.
Here is a sample pair of problematic calls/responses:

curl "";
SEO, PPC & Social Media Marketer, Software Developer, Mentor, Family
Man, Freak & 
Feb 24 13:40:54 +
enough of my ramble on"},"statuses_count":2280,"profile_background_tile":false,"created_at":"Thu
Jan 10 20:28:50 +
Time (US & 
Ste Marie, Canada","name":"Jason

So johncow exists, has friends, etc. But:

curl "";
{"request":"/1/statuses/friends.json?screen_name=johncow","error":"Not found"}

Any vision into what I've screwed up?


Re: [twitter-dev] Oauth using vs

2009-12-17 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Hey Josh,

Good to see I reached you, albeit not through the channel I'd anticipated. :)

I really think the issue is quite simple; sorry I haven't expressed it
clearly enough. If you look at the source of the
http://(api.)? page, you'll see that the
sign up link is a relative url:

Sign up and Join the Conversation!


yields a 404 but

does not. So either (1) one is only supposed to use for
oauth/authorize, or (2) Twitter ought to be using an absolute url to
point to, or (3) oughtn't be a 404, but a signup page.

All the same goes, mutatis mutandis, for the sign out page.

Hope that clarifies the issue a little.

Oh, and by the way, thanks for the awesome library. :)


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Josh Roesslein  wrote:
> Sorry left off the link to the issue.
> [1]
> Josh
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:15 PM, Josh Roesslein  wrote:
>> Hey,
>> Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention. I have opened an issue
>> for it here [1].
>> I will look into this and see what I can do to help resolve it. Shiplu
>> is probably on the right track
>> about this being cookie related. Will post updates here and on the
>> issue as I make progress.
>> Thanks,
>> Josh Roesslein
>> Tweepy author
>> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 1:42 PM, shiplu  wrote:
>>> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Josh Bleecher Snyder
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> The tweepy twitter client uses for the host for oauth 
>>>> calls:
>>>>    REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = ''
>>>>    ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = ''
>>>> I've found that this works, until the user tries to sign out or sign
>>>> up during the authorization; if this happens, they get a 404. If,
>>>> however, is used as the host:
>>> I think this happens due to cookie. People sign in not in
>>> When a user already signed in, the cookie's domain is
>>> Now if you redirect to, browser
>>> wont load the cookie as its from It'll try to find
>>> cookies from But there is no cookie. So you have to
>>> sign in again I guess.
>>> Its better to use instead of when its one
>>> of those 4 oauth urls.
>>> --
>>> Shiplu Mokaddim
>>> My talks,
>>> Follow me,
>>> SUST Programmers,
>>> Innovation distinguishes bet ... ... (ask Steve Jobs the rest)

Re: [twitter-dev] Oauth using vs

2009-12-17 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Hey Shiplu,

>> I've found that this works, until the user tries to sign out or sign
>> up during the authorization; if this happens, they get a 404. If,
>> however, is used as the host:
> I think this happens due to cookie. People sign in not in
> When a user already signed in, the cookie's domain is

Thanks for the suggestion. However, this is definitely
url/host/routing related, not cookie related.

(a) I can reproduce after clearing all cookies.

(b) The cookie sets has as its domain.

(c) yields a 404; does not.

(d) The issue is not that it doesn't remember the user, but rather
that the "sign out" and "sign up" links on the oauth page are broken
(lead to 404s).


[twitter-dev] Oauth using vs

2009-12-17 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Hi all,

The tweepy twitter client uses for the host for oauth calls:


I've found that this works, until the user tries to sign out or sign
up during the authorization; if this happens, they get a 404. If,
however, is used as the host:


then *everything*, including signout and signup, works. This also
matches the instructions at

However, it strikes me as odd that the oauth stuff half works at

My question is: What is the bug? That the oauth
endpoints only partially work -- in which case tweepy is fine and I
should file a bug with Twitter -- OR that the oauth
works at all -- in which case I should ping the author of tweepy and
perhaps suggest to Twitter that they remove this partial functionality
to prevent future confusion?

Many thanks,

Re: [twitter-dev] What exactly does the follow parameter to friendships/create do?

2009-12-13 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Thanks Zach and Josh. Sure enough, it was a stupid question. :)

Definitely seems like adding more color to the docs would be a good idea.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 12:03 AM, Josh Roesslein  wrote:
> Hey Josh,
> Notifications when enable will cause tweets from the followed user to
> be sent to the authenticated user's device.
> See 
> for more details.
> Josh
> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Josh Bleecher Snyder
>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm sure this is a stupid question, but my Google kung fu is failing me.
>> describes the parameter thus:
>> * follow.  Optional. Enable notifications for the target user in
>> addition to becoming friends.
>> What confuses me is: What are "notifications for the target user"?
>> Thanks,
>> Josh

[twitter-dev] What exactly does the follow parameter to friendships/create do?

2009-12-12 Thread Josh Bleecher Snyder
Hi all,

I'm sure this is a stupid question, but my Google kung fu is failing me.
describes the parameter thus:

* follow.  Optional. Enable notifications for the target user in
addition to becoming friends.

What confuses me is: What are "notifications for the target user"?
