injecting keystrokes into ubuntu system

2015-02-13 Thread Eric S. Johansson
i'm trying an experiment.  I'm running naturallyspeaking on windows, and 
I want to inject it's output into an ubuntu system and treat the 
character stream as if it is coming from a keyboard.  one implementation 
idea is to connect from windows to linux via ssh or mosh. with with 
focus on the ssh terminal emulator, NS sends all character output to 
that window.  on the linux machine, I run a program that takes the NS 
generated character stream from stdin and injects it as described above.

problem is I don't know how to do the injection.  I've read up some on 
uinput but it is not clear if that is the right path.

would appreciate some  guidance.   thanks!

--- eric

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: iaccessible2 and linux (was Re: Lubuntu and Accessibility)

2011-06-12 Thread Eric S. Johansson

On 6/12/2011 2:40 AM, Isaac Porat wrote:


My comments were not a criticism of at-spi but rather the need were possible 
to unify accessibilities standard across platforms for the simple reason that 
if software vendors have to worry about one accessibility stack it is better 
than two or three, as Linux as very small user based it is always left behind 
by the main vendors.

in my opinion, any criticism of the current accessibility world should not be 
focused on just cross platform but on how they don't really meet the needs of 
the disabled, application developers, or accessibility interface developers.

I start from the principle that accessibility is defined by what the user needs, 
not what the application but accessibility interface vendor is willing to give. 
For example, nuance doesn't give me what I need (a speech user interface was 
sufficient discoverability) therefore, they don't provide sufficient 
accessibility. At the same time, I a assert that individual is responsible for 
their own accessibility because what the user needs depends on what they do and 
the nature of their disability. There's no way that any application or 
accessibility vendor can possibly provide that level of customization at a price 
that individual can afford.

The second starting point is that trying to replicate a GUI or extract 
information from a GUI is a failed proposition. Speech user interfaces (spoken 
or heard) have entirely different structure. A blind person using a web 
application should here a small number of things essential to operating the 
interface and not all of the junk around the application unless they ask for it. 
A spoken interface is a wide and shallow interface where control the scope makes 
the same or similar command do different things.

My personal objection to most of the current work is that they seem to ignore 
speech recognition entirely or so cripple the interface as to be useless for 
anything but direct text dictation in a very limited way.

The current accessibility tool kits are replicating the same mistakes I've seen 
inaccessibility environments since I've been disabled. I think a better 
solution, is for the application to export the data and operations available via 
a GUI and accessibility tool to reveal all of its controls and data so that a 
customizable framework can drive both application and accessibility tool to 
provide the accessibility interface necessary for the user.

the model I propose reduces the cost for an applications developer to provide 
accessibility, makes it possible to split boundaries between which machine has 
the accessibility device, and which machine has the application as well as 
applications within browsers. This model also makes accessibility cheaper, 
easier to validate, customize, and support than the current models.

this is still theoretical as I don't have any hands with which to write code.  I 
wouldn't turn away a volunteer to help me with making a prototype. the basic 
idea is sound enough that others I have bounced it off of think it's worth 
exploring. All I need is someone with hands.

--- eric

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Persona Survey results

2010-08-30 Thread Eric S. Johansson
  On 8/30/2010 2:11 AM, Maurice McCarthy wrote:
 Thanks for that. It is a dud then.

Not necessarily.  Don't fall into the trap of thinking that the accessibility 
interface belongs on the same machine as the application. It would be possible 
to put a simple bridge on grub and have it speak to the second machine fully 
enabled. How you get there is a different story but something like serial port 
or equivalent might be sufficient.

Machine with grub tells remote machine what to say. Remote machine babbles. 
is a lot easier than loading up grub with a whole bunch of stuff 99% of the 
universe doesn't need. A small change is much more likely to be accepted.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Persona Survey results

2010-08-21 Thread Eric S. Johansson
  On 8/21/2010 6:59 AM, Maurice McCarthy wrote:
 Hi All,

 I read the survey last night and it makes interesting reading.

 A few people mentioned Dragonsoft programs such as Naturally Speaking
 and Dictate. Forgive me if I am wrong but earlier this year I was
 looking at these sort of programs.

 Naturally Speaking has not undergone any development for over 2 years
 and is now half price in Amazon. When I also discovered that voice
 recognition is vastly improved in Windows 7 I leapt to the conclusion
 that Microsoft have bought Dragonsoft and incorporated their product
 into Windows. I may be wrong but this sort of thing has happened often
 - Roxio cd burner, Visio CAD and Winternals to name the obvious ones.

NaturallySpeaking version 11 was just released. It has been improved but not in 
the ways that matters. It has a bunch of gui improvements, some speed and 
accuracy improvements. I can't find out if they've improved the number of a 
controls it works with. I can almost guarantee you it does not work with any of 
the open source edit controls such as gtk+ or wxwindows. On the other hand, 
there's been a lot of activity in the wine community and I would not be 
surprised if this was the year we had a working solution.

Windows speech recognition is completely separate from nuance. I've been told 
it's on par with NaturallySpeaking 10.1. Unfortunately, Microsoft is even less 
responsive to the needs of the disabled than nuance. Quite a pity.  One of the 
Microsoft developers was hanging out on the voice coder list and helped out 
significantly with using Microsoft's speech recognition and then he vanished 
when we started asking questions, hard questions about bug fixes. We call this 
the I think I hear my mommy calling effect.

 Against my better nature I bought a copy of Win7 to see for myself and
 found nothing as good as this in Linux.

Isn't it exhilarating When you find something nice (er) than what you've ever 
known and horrifying to realize you can never be satisfied with either 

For example, I've been looking at a bunch of windows IDE's in the vain hope 
I will find one that will work with NaturallySpeaking. But in my exposure to 
these different tools and user interfaces, I've come to find that I like some 
them better than Emacs but they still fall short so I find myself stuck between 
modern Windows gui's and emacs and neither work with speech recognition. Isn't 
that exquisite? It makes me weep.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Persona Survey results

2010-08-21 Thread Eric S. Johansson
  On 8/21/2010 6:59 AM, Maurice McCarthy wrote:
 Hi All,

 I read the survey last night and it makes interesting reading.

 A few people mentioned Dragonsoft programs such as Naturally Speaking
 and Dictate. Forgive me if I am wrong but earlier this year I was
 looking at these sort of programs.

 Naturally Speaking has not undergone any development for over 2 years
 and is now half price in Amazon. When I also discovered that voice
 recognition is vastly improved in Windows 7 I leapt to the conclusion
 that Microsoft have bought Dragonsoft and incorporated their product
 into Windows. I may be wrong but this sort of thing has happened often
 - Roxio cd burner, Visio CAD and Winternals to name the obvious ones.

NaturallySpeaking version 11 was just released. It has been improved but not in 
the ways that matters. It has a bunch of gui improvements, some speed and 
accuracy improvements. I can't find out if they've improved the number of a 
controls it works with. I can almost guarantee you it does not work with any of 
the open source edit controls such as gtk+ or wxwindows. On the other hand, 
there's been a lot of activity in the wine community and I would not be 
surprised if this was the year we had a working solution.

Windows speech recognition is completely separate from nuance. I've been told 
it's on par with NaturallySpeaking 10.1. Unfortunately, Microsoft is even less 
responsive to the needs of the disabled than nuance. Quite a pity.  One of the 
Microsoft developers was hanging out on the voice coder list and helped out 
significantly with using Microsoft's speech recognition and then he vanished 
when we started asking questions, hard questions about bug fixes. We call this 
the I think I hear my mommy calling effect.

 Against my better nature I bought a copy of Win7 to see for myself and
 found nothing as good as this in Linux.

Isn't it exhilarating When you find something nice (er) than what you've ever 
known and horrifying to realize you can never be satisfied with either 

For example, I've been looking at a bunch of windows IDE's in the vain hope 
I will find one that will work with NaturallySpeaking. But in my exposure to 
these different tools and user interfaces, I've come to find that I like some 
them better than Emacs but they still fall short so I find myself stuck between 
modern Windows gui's and emacs and neither work with speech recognition. Isn't 
that exquisite? It makes me weep.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Scheduling Our Next Meeting

2010-06-28 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 6/24/2010 6:40 AM, Penelope Stowe wrote
 As it's time for us to think about our next meeting, I'd like to
 propose meeting June 30 at 21h UTC. Does this work for those

works here,

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: disabilities

2010-05-24 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/24/2010 5:52 AM, Bruno Girin wrote:
 There are more than disabled people on standard committees than you
 think. In practice, the problem is not with web and accessibility
 standards themselves, they are with their implementation in browsers and
 how well (or not) they are followed by web site designers...

this common experience is why I've come to the conclusion that are 
APIs and design models are fundamentally doomed to failure. Why? History. Also 
because anytime you expect somebody else to change something to accommodate 
they will not do it. Having been in the software biz, having run companies, I 
will tell you accessibility needs fall dead last both in terms of project and 
financial expenditures. They fall dead last because they do not add anything to 
the bottom-line. The number of disabled users of software is almost vanishingly 
small when compared to the larger market.

unfortunately, the article above doesn't deal with upper extremity disabilities 
like mine so one probably should assume the numbers given are the lower limit 
disabled users. They estimate something like 7% of the population is disabled. 
That's on a par with number of Linux users and we see how well the marketplace 
accommodates TAB users who have disposable income in contrast to disabled users 
who have trouble finding jobs and have correspondingly less disposable income.

I think the current models also doome because it puts the administrative load 
for accessibility on every system to disabled person uses. Further increasing 
cost for little benefit especially for employers which will probably never see 
disabled person cross the threshold to apply for job let alone hold 
one.remember, 7% disabled in a total population approximately works out to 
something like one person in 20 to one person 30 in the actual working 

In my 30 year career, I'm the first, maybe second disabled person I've seen in 
any of the companies I worked for and these were not small companies.

So, how do we change this? We changes by minimizing the changes necessary to 
applications and hopefully, embed them in libraries so they are used 
automatically without any work on the part of the developer.  We built clients 
to handle the disability user interface and talk to the back doors in those 
libraries to do the disability work. We lower the costs/barrier to entry for 
employers and application developers alike and we end up with a greater range 
applications that can be used.

cultural and technical challenges discussed later if you care.

 It's true, as a person with no disability, it took me a long time to get
 it. And I don't think I completely get it yet but at least I'm now able
 to make a judgement call on whether some code uses techniques that are
 likely to cause accessibility issues. This is to be expected: it is
 extremely difficult for someone who does not have a given disability to
 understand what it is like to live with that disability. In fact, I
 suspect it is difficult for a blind person to understand the challenges
 faced by people with motor disabilities for instance.

I'm puzzled by this. If you going to work with disability issues, one on 
handicap yourself in the same way. For example, gloves that restrict finger 
movement or induced pain when you touch something. Blind folds or having 
remove your keyboard, or worse, generate random keystrokes when you touch a 
I would think that a couple of days with nothing but speech recognition and the 
mouse would give you a feel for the panic the disabled user feels and a week 
might give you the first glimmers of understanding to how the solver is 
problems. A month, and you'll be one of us. :-)

 All this to say that to solve accessibility problems, we need to talk to
 each other and understand that getting it is very difficult for able
 people. Which means that able people need to be ready to listen and see
 their assumptions and cool ideas challenged; while disabled people
 need to be patient in explaining why a particular design doesn't work
 for them and suggesting constructive alternatives.

good point. I will also add that patience runs out somewhere around 10 to 12 
years of explaining to yet another generation of clueless programmers what's 
wrong with their approach and being told get off of your own fucking lawn 
grandpa, we know what we are doing only to see them crash, burn, and walk away 
saying that wasn't really an interesting problem after all.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Ubuntu-accessibility Digest, Vol 54, Issue 23

2010-05-24 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/24/2010 6:46 AM, Kenny Hitt wrote:
 Just to clarify something: my attitude isn't directed at any of the people 
 who have asked me
 questions about my Orca crash.  My attitude comes from the fact I can debug
 Linux kernel code but can't debug a fucking gnome screen reader.
 In my opinion, switching to Python from C was a mistake for a screen reader.

just a side note we may want to talk about a different thread. I really like 
Python because, if I control how names are formatted, I can write Python code 
with a small number of macros. Editing is a bit of a bitch because I don't have 
the right feedback from Emacs (fookin OSS purists getting in the way). 
Unfortunately, most Python code from tabs has pep-8 formatted names which 
totally screws up speech recognition accessibility. Sometimes I take the code 
and use a global search and replace to create accessible code. :-)

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: VEDICS Speech Assistant

2010-05-23 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/23/2010 2:49 AM, Tim Cross wrote:

 while I can appreciate the frustration you express in your posts, I have to
 agree with Kenny on this one. Your points regarding history being repeated etc
 mayb e valid. However, you made no reference to any of the points you later
 expanded upon in your original post. As Kenny points out, you didn't even
 acknowledge what the OP stated as the limitations in their system. I suspect
 you didn't even look into it any further than that simple introductory post.
 Your response was flippent and negative.

Yes, I accept your correction. I was being flippant and negative. I am 
frustrated by developers who do not ask the users what they need. I don't mean 
short-term users but, people who have been in a particular field for a long 

In my sarcasm, I did acknowledge the limitations and the type of limitations. 
Problem being that you had to understand and know the types of systems, the 
limitations, and the tasks users need to perform in order understand sarcasm. 
This also points to another problem in the disability community, a lack of 
knowledge of necessary components.

 The issues you raise are real and complex. They are going to be difficult to
 resolve and ther are almost certainly going to be many failures before we have
 some success. I suspect you are correct in that many with the technical skills
 don't understand the underlying issues well and frustratingly, we are destined
 to see the same mistakes being made. I believe this is because the problem is
 generally not well understood and as a consequnce, the outcomes are less than
 we would hope. However, I also feel that this is part of the process and it
 very much mirrors developments in other areas. Frequently, we learn more from
 our failures than we do from our successes. A frustrating part of software
 development is that, unlike the real sciences, we don't document and publish
 our failures. If we did, maybe the forward progress would be better.

I spent 18 years as a software developer before my hands went pop. I've since 
then spent 15+ years as an analyst/designer. The points you made are true for 
the coder world. There is very little knowledge of what has gone before, or 
whether professionals or do. But if you spend a few hours a month reading 
research papers on what people are doing with software development and 
especially the psychology of software development, you could learn some amazing 
things. I particularly loved software practice and experience. I don't know 
it's still a good given the current model of no editing, no vetting, publish on 
the net culture of today but, it's worth a shot. The ACM has some good journals 
as well.

Point being, you don't have to make the same mistakes. You can learn from 
and make different mistakes. I'm not seeing different mistakes being made here. 
I would be much more supportive if I was.

 I also disagree with the view/belief that ignorance of history always means
 that the same mistakes are just repeated. Sometimes, ignorance of history
 results in fresh new approaches that find a solution. In some cases, awareness
 of history can have negative impact as well. It tends to constrain/define the
 approaches taken. In computing in particular, there have been a number of
 great advances made by people who did not come from a computing background,
 who were not aware of past history and attempts. In some cases, they did
 things that those who were more aware of the past and informed about the
 technology had already discounted because of their past experiences or because
 of theoretical limitations. In fact, this is a frequent pattern in many areas.
 Consider where we would be now if the Wright brothers had just looked at the
 past history of our attempts to fly!

I know I sound like an ass by continually disagreeing but, the Wright brothers 
were aware of the history of other flyers. They knew you needed to make a 
lightweight motor and have a certain amount of lift . They chose Kitty Hawk for 
the steady laminar flow winds and the landscape.  they also lifted a lot of 
from Otto Lilienthal

You'll notice that his work was well documented and repeatable so you could 
always build a wing that glided consistently.

In any case, your point is made and wonderfully highlighted the absolutely 
unprofessional and unacceptable shortcomings of the software development arena.

 We should be aware of past history and we should try to learn from it.
 However, we also need to be balanced and sometimes, we just need to have a go.
 We may well fail, thats not the issue. What we need to do is pick ourselves up
 again after the failure, learn fromt he experiences and try again.

My original background was astronomy and physics. One thing that was apparent 
once I got into the experimental portion was that you replicate a mistake to 
understand the mistake and then you go to make a new mistake 

Re: Ubuntu-accessibility Digest, Vol 54, Issue 23

2010-05-23 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/23/2010 11:26 AM, Kenny Hitt wrote:

 There isn't a kernel module in this case since they are using sane.
 I regularly build and install kernel modules without needing to reboot.
 Maybe these notes were for Windows?  That is the only explanation I can
 come up with to explain this.

I went and read which reveals that is a Linux solution. I have observed that 
scanner interfaces are, fragile at best, and I'm not surprised they want to 
reboot with the device turned on.

 Fortunately for me, I don't need this app since I already have a functional 
 ocr solution .
 in Linux.
 My solution involves a few shell commands.  It seems much simpler than this 
 app in any case.

from reading the documentation, this application looks very simple and it is 
aimed at visually impaired users.  if you can use a keyboard, this shouldn't be 
a problem.

As for a few shell commands, that's a reasonably inaccessible especially from 
speech recognition. Shell commands fail accessibility for a couple reasons. 
First the discoverability. You have to know that command exists in order to 
out what it does unless you happen to remember it. I think I know of about 30 
commands in the shell environment and I need to look at the man pages on 28 of 
them but I do anything more than the basics. Yet there are hundreds of shell 
commands that will probably do what I need except, I don't know they exist and 
don't know what they do.

The second way they fail is presentation. The name of the command, how it's 
invoked etc. it is not accessible either to speech recognition or 
text-to-speech. The last one, text-to-speech, may do a more credible job at 
presenting garbled text (command names, commandline arguments etc.) than speech 
recognition will when generating the same.

You are correct however that once you have a CLI idiom memorized it does become 
easier to use because you associate a concept with a more complicated structure 
and then just use the concept as shorthand for that structure.

--- eric

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Ubuntu-accessibility Digest, Vol 54, Issue 23

2010-05-23 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/23/2010 12:40 PM, Kenny Hitt wrote:
 On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 12:16:12PM -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
 On 5/23/2010 11:26 AM, Kenny Hitt wrote:

 There isn't a kernel module in this case since they are using sane. I
 regularly build and install kernel modules without needing to reboot.
 Maybe these notes were for Windows?  That is the only explanation I can
 come up with to explain this.

 I went and read which reveals that is a Linux solution. I have observed
 that scanner interfaces are, fragile at best, and I'm not surprised they
 want to reboot with the device turned on.

 I just switched scanners yesterday with no need to reboot.  That idea about
 scanners doesn't match with my experience in Linux.

fair enough. I don't use scanners except for one and that's under Windows
because I haven't had time to set up on my wife's machine. (Yes, her Facebook
workstation is the house linux box unless you count the mini ITX system running
virtual machines for my firewall and internal print services. Yes, let's not
count that :-)

 Since I'm totally blind, that means I'm likely supposed to be one of the
 users of this product. Since I have years of Linux experience, I don't have
 much confidence in any app that tells me I need to reboot after installing a
 user space app.

really good point. And I'm glad to hear you talk about your experiences. We 
more user stories to help extract a better than the current model for 
accessibility. This is really great.

 I find I'm still faster and more productive in the text console at a bash
 prompt than I've ever been in a GUI like Gnome.  Gnome has never been stable
 or reliable enough for me to stick with it for more than a few months at a
 time. I had 4 years of Windows experience and was one of the early adopters
 of Gnome accessibility, but Gnome hasn't lived up to it's marketing.

right. That makes sense. What I'm hearing from your experience is that you 
a mental model of all the commands, you can type them in and get feedback 
through text-to-speech or a braille output device to confirm that you entered 
the right data. The unpronounceable nature of the commandline doesn't bother 
you??? Is that right?

I think the big problem with putting accessibility features for blind users on 
GUI is that you try to map a two-dimensional shallow but wide user interface 
into an aural format.  similar problem to what we deal with speech recognition.

 The second way they fail is presentation. The name of the command, how
 it's invoked etc. it is not accessible either to speech recognition or
 text-to-speech. The last one, text-to-speech, may do a more credible job
 at presenting garbled text (command names, commandline arguments etc.) than
 speech recognition will when generating the same.

 I don't follow this one.  help $command works for me with a screen reader any
 time I need a reminder of a built in command $command --help works when I
 need a reminder for an external command.

Okay. I was channeling from too deep inside my head on the theory behind 
accessibility. Sorry about that

cp -al [UcWd]* .

How do you pronounce that? In simplest form, its

Charlie papa space minus sign space left bracket cap uniform charlie cap 
delta close bracket no space asterisk space dot

ugly as hell and rife with potential for speech recognition errors which makes 
it even harder to speak!

If I was to make a little smarter using some macro capability it might be 
something like:

Copy with links source pattern cap uniform charlie cap whiskey delta
close with wildcard
destination there (memorized target location)

little more verbose but, far more resilient against speech recognition errors. 
It's also form one could translate command into for a text-to-speech user. The 
downside with this model is that you need to create special macros for every 
stupid command and work out the appropriate argument handling grammar.

fortunately, I think there's a better way I like to see other ideas if people 
have them.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: VEDICS Speech Assistant

2010-05-21 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/21/2010 11:04 AM, Nischal Rao wrote:

 I and some of my friends have created a speech assistant software for
 linux called VEDICS(Voice Enabled Desktop Interaction and Control
 System). Using this software the user can access any element found on
 the user's screen through speech. The user can also navigate the
 filesystem through speech.

 We have created some demo screencasts of the software:

 1. Accessing the gnome panel and application.

 2. Changing the theme and background.

 3. Navigating directories and playing songs:

 4. Running a slide show:

 5. Running default applications and window operations:

 6. Stopping and starting vedics:

 7. Creating and deleting files:

 8. Navigating links:

 Currently the software doesn't support the dictation facility. However,
 we are planning to add this feature in the future.
 The best part of this software is that it is speaker independent, no
 training is required and it can recognize words not present in the
 English dictionary.

 Currently it works well on ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 10.04

 You can find the source code at :

very nice.  have you thrown away your keyboard yet?  please do so and send a 
message to the list without keyboard.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

ideological speed bumps

2010-05-15 Thread Eric S. Johansson
I've had this conversation with a couple of OSS developers and the answers 
always leave me very uncomfortable.

The problem is how does one live by OSS principals when essential tools are 
vehemently closed and the barriers to replacements are decade scale and no one 
is working on them?

The problem I refer to is the use of speech recognition as a tool for dealing 
with upper extremity disabilities. There is only one vendor for continuous 
speech large vocabulary recognition. There is maybe one or two universities in 
the world conducting research into speech recognition. All the open-source 
toolkits are hampered by design criteria (fixed grammar small vocabulary) and 
there is no corpus sufficient to build acoustical models. Recognition engines 
are multimillion dollar efforts to build and corpus collection is even more 
expensive. Speech recognition also requires very specialized knowledge and the 
people skilled in the art are owned by industry.  Therefore, if a rational 
person would assume that OSS speech recognition is not coming anytime in the 
near future, maybe not even in my lifetime.

A rational person would also assume that part of the way to tackle the problem 
is to nibble at the edges from the application side to the recognizer side, 
gradually increasing the availability of OSS components so that the disabled 
person can minimize their dependence on proprietary or closed source 

A lot of us disabled programmers have done a good job the nibbling around the 
edges but there's a lot of cases where we don't have the knowledge and need the 
help of project related people for example, Emacs integration mode with 
NaturallySpeaking (VR-mode) doesn't work right. It is incredibly fragile and 
breaks apparently at random. When I asked for help from various Emacs wizards 
help keep it up-to-date and maybe even integrated into Emacs source in the 
that it would be less likely to break, I was told there was no chance of help 
because it was linked to a proprietary package.

That doesn't leave us in a very good place because if that attitude persists 
from the ideologically pure, disable users have a shrinking number of 
open-source applications they can use because, the users require the use of a 
proprietary package.

How does one deal with the real world issue that disabled users will need 
proprietary packages integrated with open source applications to keep them from 
being forced into using 100% proprietary applications with no options?

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: ideological speed bumps

2010-05-15 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/15/2010 8:59 PM, Tim Cross wrote:

 Hi Eric,

 the points you raise and your observations are all true, but I don't think
 there is a good answer. What it really boils down to is that OSS is largely
 about solutions that have been developed by users scratching their own itch.
 Unfortunately, voice recognition is an extremely complex and difficult to
 scratch itch and the number of developers with the necessary skills that want
 to scratch it is very small.

thanks for a great series responses to a complex question. As for scratching 
your own it, there's one big difference. I can't scratch my own itch because my 
hands don't work right.  It's roughly the same problem as telling a blind 
that they can write their own code in an IDE that has lots of wonderful 
graphical images that tell you what you need to do... whoops

 It has been a umber of years since I've looked at the status of voice
 recognition in the OSS world. Working on these projects would seem to be a
 good proactive approach. In addition to this, two other approaches that might
 be worth pursuing, especially by anyone who is interested in this area and
 doesn't feel they have the technical skill to actually work in the development
 area, would be to lobby commercial vendors to either make some of their code
 open source or to provide low cost licenses and to lobby for project funding 
 support OSS projects that are working on VR. A significant amount of the work
 done to improve TTS interfaces has been made possible because of effective
 loggying and gaining of support from commercial and government bodies.

The vast majority of the speech recognition efforts today are for IVR, 
interactive voice response systems such as those you would ask. Weather in 
Boston and get a text-to-speech response like the weather in Boston is 
to out-of-towners and not very kind to locals either

The difference between speech recognition and text-to-speech today is that 
usable text-to-speech is easy to create with a team of grad students.  Speech 
recognition takes generations of grad students. Witness how little progress has 
been made on the Sphinx toolkit's since its creation. We have three different 
engines all with different characteristics but all on the same problem space. 
don't have proper acoustic modeling. We don't have proper language modeling 
etc. I know I'm being a broken record but, these are huge obstacles to 
general-purpose use.

I would love to see us license for little or no money the nuance 
NaturallySpeaking toolkit for purposes of developing accessibility interfaces. 
can't even get them to return a phone call what I'm calling about a commercial 
application. If it's for accessibility, they don't even pick up the phone. This 
tells me it may be time for some guerrilla action. If someone has a spare 
I have a scanner and I'm sure we can find some good friends in Europe and 
  not that I'm saying or even suggesting we should violate nuanc's copyright of 
course because that would be as wrong as denying disabled people information 
they need to make themselves more independent and increasing their prospects 

 I'm possibly a little more optimistic regarding the future of OSS VR. Voice
 recognition is rapidly moving from living in a very specialised domain to
 being much more general purpose. This is largely due to the growth in small 
 factor devices, such as mobile phones. I've been told that the Google Nexus 1
 phone has quite good VR support. This is an indication that decent VR
 applications that run in an OSS environment are becoming more prevalent.

here's a dirty little secret. They didn't do the speech recognition in the 
phone. Not enough horsepower or memory space for vocabularies. They ship the 
audio to a server which then does speech recognition not real-time and shoves 
the text back to the cell phone.

this may unfortunately be our future for disability use. We'll no longer have 
control over speech recognition engines but instead rent recognition time off 
the cloud.

I really hate the cloud. I understand why pilots hate them as well because if 
you fly to the big fluffy thing, the fluffy soft thing can turn really really 
hard as you run into a mountain hidden within the cloud.  boink!

I'm wait for the equivalent to happen in the software cloud world.

 It is
 also likely as demand increases for VR solutions that more University research
 will occur as it will be seen as something with good commercial potential i.e.
 good funding opportunities.

Speech recognition research is aimed at IVR. Funding has plateaued or even 
dropped because recognition accuracy is not improving. The techniques have run 
out of steam. It will take a radically new approach to put any fire under 
recognition again. Sometimes I think the only way nuance is improving 
NaturallySpeaking is by fixing bugs. I doubt there's no new technology going on 


user interface animations Re: Next Meeting **Revised Date**: May 6 2010 10:00 UTC

2010-05-03 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/3/2010 2:23 PM, Phillip Whiteside wrote:

 not sure I understand, do you want something like a slide-presentations
 (power-point style) as done on these or a screen cast such as

 If it is the latter, I will ask leszek if he could spare some time to
 help you. If it is the former, I will make some further enquiries

The end result I want is an animated sequence intermixing audio and graphics 
representing a user interface and its operation. F take a simple example of 
changing a directory. For the most part, the is an open loop system where you 
have the grammar of cd dir And dir is just a list of names. Usually static 
or, at best customized by the developer on each machine.

This sucks.

open a terminal window
Try push to 
observe: sidebar with last 10 reference directories on-screen.

Push to 10

The 10th item on the list is used to execute a pushd command and some marker is 
left on the screen somewhere indicating it's been pushed. Maybe a [dir] in the 
title bar.

But what if you didn't want one of the 10 on the first list. You want something 
from the most frequently used list

Go frequently used

and the sidebar indication would change to list of most frequently used 

One could also search so with something like

Name starts with albc

a search box would open up on top of the sidebar and you could edit by voice or 
by hand search box.

However, at no point the user interface give you any capability whatsoever to 
anything by hand other than the simple editing feature. Everything must be 
driven by voice

As you can see, this is a moderately complex user interaction that should be 
simpler when presented visually and by request for a helpful animator.

Things get more complicated why start talking about the enhanced dictation box 
I've been pushing for a couple of years. It's probably the best solution 
available for bridging between NaturallySpeaking and Linux.

I advocate for the solution because I do not believe it is possible for the 
open-source community to come up with a workable speech recognition solution by 
the time I die. I would like to spend the next 15 years of my life being 
effective, working with speech recognition to make money, so I can write, and 
I can have a comfortable life. I want to make programming by voice work far 
better than we've done so far. Enhanced dictation box is core to my ideas on 
that topic. But, enhanced dictation box is a simple complicated idea that needs 
animation to make the concept accessible to many people.

now that I'm already wound up on the topic. :-)

Enhanced dictation box is the same as the regular dictation box with four major 

1) user definable cut and paste sequences (mouse control, keystroke sequences) 

2) persistence. Does not go away until you tell it to. Implies one copy per 
active application but active dictation box matches window focus

3) internal log/journaling system. Can't lose data, cannot figure out what you 

4) input and output transformations. After you grab data, and transform it into 
some speech recognition friendly form. When you paste it, the data returns to 
the speech recognition hostile form

If one is truly clever, the application we split into two parts. The first part 
is the user interface. Light, fast, doesn't degrade recognition. The second 
talks to the first part by the net which means that do not need to be on the 
same machine. Do it right and you can dictate on Windows or wine and have your 
results show up in Linux.

Not that difficult to build if you have hands but potentially extremely useful.



 On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:

 On 5/3/2010 12:59 PM, Penelope Stowe wrote:
   The meeting will be in #ubuntu-accessibility.
   And for the person who asked, yes, that's 6AM EDT in the US. I know
   it's really early, but last time most of the people at the meeting
   were in the UK/Europe and also due to my work schedule this week, I
   needed to hold an early meeting.
   Please let me know if you have any further questions!

 I could use a graphics person with some animation knowledge.  I've been
 advocating a tool and a new form of user interface to make speech
 user interface
 is far more practical and discoverable. Obviously my mouse hand is
 on the fritz
 and, well speech just as the wrong tool for creating graphics.

 I could really use the help with this because I believe that these user
 interface models or something derived from them would be the next
 step in a
 better direction for us. Everyone I've given the whiteboard talk to
 really loves
 it but fuzzy whiteboard and me waving my hands around just doesn't
 translate to
 the Internet. :-)

 --- eric


Re: Can pulseaudio be made to work with consoles and Orca at the same time?

2010-01-01 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 1/1/2010 7:07 AM, Bill Cox wrote:

 Any basically usable Linux system for the blind needs Orca and speakup
 working together.  Pulseaudio, SFAIK, only allows one instance to use
 the sound card at a time.  Pulseaudio also requires each user to have
 his own copy.  Speakup runs before any user logs in, and therefore
 must run as it's own user.

 Therefore... pulseaudio can't work on any truely accessible Linux box?
   Is this basically true?  If this can be fixed, which peice of code
 needs fixing (I'm willing to fix it)?  Should we try and make multiple
 instances of pulseaudio play nice together so they can share the sound

I will admit I haven't played with this lately that was a problem as of a few 
months ago. Specifically using multiple sound devices with speech recognition 
(or any other app requiring audio input such as a telephone.

For some reason, Lennox audio systems don't seem to cope very well with a USB 
microphone  because instead of letting it stand as a second device, it seems to 
displace the primary audio device in favor of a USB device and not leave the 
application which one it wants to use. My favorite use case is using a headset 
to speak with someone (voip) while running rhythm box playing some tunes in the 
background. For voip, you can also substitute wine running NaturallySpeaking.

in any case, I think is a generic problem dealing with multiple devices and if 
you can fix it, that would be fantastic.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: pulseaudio problems again

2009-08-18 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Halim Sahin wrote:
 Hi Eric,
 Can you please explain why we need a new  audio  system and not using
 alsa directly???

because Alsa is broken.  It does not work well with wine.  It does not work 
with USB microphones for speech recognition.  It does not support two sound 
devices at the same time.  For example, I listen to Pandora on my laptop 
soundcard and I use speech recognition with my USB headset.  Windows it mostly 
works.  Linux, it bites

 If you want to use a soundserver why not jack or esd?

why was pulse audio built instead of using them?  Ego?  Cluelessness?

 It's really difficult to understand why ubuntu's audiosystem is broken
 people with disabliilities since 7.10.
 this doesn't need money.
 This need only 
 the use of stable software.
 (pa isn't stable yet).

There isn't any stable audio software.  It's all broken from a USB, multiple 
source perspective.  the money is to pay somebody to write code to fix the 
glaring bugs, architectural faults, and missing device drivers.

 What about the working console setup?
 All console screenreaders can't use the audio system when pa starts in
 desktop session.

Another example of brokenness.  Audio developers are not thinking through the 
use cases properly.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: pulseaudio problems again

2009-08-18 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Halim Sahin wrote:
 I can listen to anything and use my usb logitech headset for voip
 Maybe your problems are configuration mistakes?

could be but I've never found anyone that can tell me how to fix it.  the last 
time I tried, the usb device (iMic, buddy, and vxi b200) overrode the primary 
sound device.  last round with the vxi, someone from the alsa group admitted 
that the driver for the b200 was inadequate.

 It will be interesting how pulseaudio can give more stability if the
 layer (alsa) is broken.
 With broken alsa drivers you can't get more stability.
 for usb devices?

yup.  that is why folks should pick one interface and *make it work*

 BTW. I am using alsa about 10 years and had no problem with it.
 I am using voip with my usb logitech head set (twinkle) without

great but audio quality probably isn't up to speech recognition standards.  we 
can be quite the pain in the butt about that. :-)

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Promoting idea of getting Ubuntu to adapt to users' accessibility preferences...

2009-07-30 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Brian Cameron wrote:

 This does seem like an interesting idea.  To expand upon it, I think
 GNOME also needs a solution that works more generally.
 There has been talk of enhancing gnome-settings-daemon so that it is
 possible for users to hit particular keybindings or other sorts of
 gestures (e.g. mouse gestures) to launch AT programs.  This would
 allow a user to launch the on-screen-keyboard, text-to-speech, or
 magnifier by completing the appropriate gesture (e.g. keypress or
 mouse gesture).
 I would think that using a specific smart card or USB stick is another
 form of gesture that would also be good for launching AT programs.
 However, wouldn't it be better to come up with a solution that would
 support all of these sorts of gestures in one place?
 Providing a solution that can recognize different sorts of gestures
 (perhaps configurable so users can define their own sorts of gestures -
 perhaps with other unique hardware based solutions - like pressing a
 button on their braille display) seems a way to go about implementing
 your idea and also supporting other mechanisms that could be used to
 launch AT programs as needed.

as I added as a counter proposal

It is unrealistic to expect all machines a user uses to have accessibility
software. There may be multiple reasons for this ranging from administrative
overhead to licensing issues to interference with normal operation. By adopting
the perspective that the user interface moves with the user and not the machine
opens up new possibilities for widely available accessibility. By associating
the user interface software (speech recognition, text-to-speech, various dog and
pony tricks, etc.), the impact on the general machine is lessened, and
administrative costs are lowered, licensing issues are reduced or eliminated,
and the user has increased control over the software they need to function.

This can be implemented today using virtual machine technology and relatively
minimal bridge software making the accessibility software interface visible on
the host and enabling interaction between the application and the accessibility

The Web for all model doesn't address something I consider fundamental flaw of
accessibility technology. I should be able to use any machine I have access to.
I shouldn't have to wait for an administrator or buy new license just because
I'm using a new machine whether it be for a lifetime or just a few minutes. I
should be able to plug-in, click a few icons and start working. After all,
that's what keyboard and mouse allow tabs to do. Why put any further barriers
disabled people?

I believe the future of accessibility will start with putting accessibility
tools on a netbook and connecting that network to other systems on demand. I
believe this because if you give me an accessibility interface, you control how
I use the computer. If you give me an API, and a remote accessibility toolkit, I
can control how I use any computer.

Yes, I'm a wee bit cranky about this because I spent the past 15 years watching
speech driven user interfaces get almost no support and I am seeing speech
recognition on Linux (NaturallySpeaking on wine) sit at the cusp of being useful
by disabled people and getting no traction with the developer community.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Cygwin / Dragon / SAPI / Linux

2009-06-30 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Thomas Lloyd wrote:
 Not sure if you have tried Cygwin but that does allow you to open both a
 full gnome desktop and individual applications within windows and in
 theory should allow you to control the system remotely over ssh via
 You can run the system full screen and you would not know that you were
 even using a windows system.
 If you would like further information let me know as i have worked quite
 extensively on such setups.

gack.  have I ever told you just how badly cygwin and I get along? The past
three times I installed it, if those my XP environment so badly I had to
reinstall... everything  I guess another option would be to use the Ubuntu
Windows Linux merge.

I think I'm reluctant to use these to because Windows always degrades for me. I
might be able to keep her from degrading if I don't run any applications on
Windows except the bare minimum but, it always degrades.

I liked the purity of running limits as my host. It always feels like home and
like its the system I should be using at a deep and fundamental emotional level.
I cannot emphasize enough how much it feels like my computer spiritual
philosophical home.

but, as I often say, functionality trumps politics so I should drag out a 250 GB
laptop drive and start hacking away. Two guiding questions. I want to keep all
of my data on a separate filesystem/partition. If I'm not using Windows
applications for anything, is it possible to do this? can I run Thunderbird
under cygwin?  can I have a separate partition running ext4 or nilfs? I suspect
these two are true with ubuntu windows merge

Can I run a virtual machine in addition to cygwin/uwm?
Kennedy was all on Windows 7 because of lost a Windows XP disc with sata drivers
as well as my video drivers and my WebCam drivers etc. etc. (God, I thought
linux aged poorly with regards to drivers. You have no idea how good it is in
comparison to Windows)
 As a side note i have been integrating the Microsoft SAPI interface into
 Linux and have been mainly concentrating on text to speech but there is
 the speech to text interface that I have tested but not yet done any
 work on. I see that Dragon also has the potential to have such an
 interface developed in the same fashion that I have created for SAPI. I
 have quite a large amount of experience and as along as we can get the
 bare minimum components of Dragon running under Wine your away.
 I could do with a sneak peak at the details on the Dragon scripting
 interface to see if it supports COM automation under windows. If so it
 will be more straight forward for me.

don't bother listing interface. (I think) take a look at natlink and dragonfly.
 natlink is a low-level exporting of some Dragon interfaces into Python.
Dragonfly places a higher Lowell wrapper around these interfaces and makes it
easier to work with the terms of grammar and action code. For what it's worth,
people using these easy interfaces to speech recognition are almost universally
Python driven in part because you can write Python code using speech recognition
with relatively small modifications to your environment. It's not very efficient
but, it is possible  will get you started in the right direction
with all components

 I have a little bit of experience of the SAPI speech recognition system
 and never rated it really, that is why i have left it alone till now.
 Anyone who has experience of it can let me know otherwise.

We can help you find people with experience. Whether they will talk to me is
quite another story. :-) but we will do a weekend.

 I would love someone with experience of the Vista SDK to come on board
 and help me suck out the SAPI 5.3 components to see if we can get them
 running under wine. Any volunteers? 

This is going to be a problem. Microsoft just cut back on their speech
recognition group if rumor  a thing). We might feel the find some of the people
on the street and they might be a let help so, again we'll take a look.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Cygwin / Dragon / SAPI / Linux

2009-06-30 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Bill Cox wrote:
 The thought of getting Naturally speaking working with Linux is very
 exciting, and I may be able to put in some hours on the Linux side.
From what I've read, it's possible to get NS Professional working with
 the built-in text editor, but you can't get text to focus on any Linux
 app.  Getting that working would be huge.

well, we have a bunch of work in wine and audio that needs help

I've possibly solved the problem with the cross environment boundary.  when i
get back from a client site i'll try to write it up

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Future of accessibility under Ubuntu

2009-06-29 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Bill Cox wrote:

 If Canonical cares about support for the visually impaired, then it may
 be time to mount a significant effort to put out this fire.  On every
 blog I'm reading, the visually impaired are recommending that users
 switch away from Ubuntu.  I am currently running Orca and Ubuntu 9.04,
 and I have to offer that same advice.  It's more than just removing
 pulseaudio.  I've hacked problems for a week straight, and Orca is still
 not functioning properly.  There are at least a dozen major problems,
 and not all of them have work-arounds yet.  Clearly there was zero
 testing of Orca for 9.04.

I hope you do not consider me root for pointing out the accessibility doesn't
stop with the blind. As much as you may be dependent on text-to-speech, I am
extremely dependent on speech to text (i.e. speech recognition). Naturally
speaking kind of works under wine and it really needs some dedicated
effort/money/something to get it to the point where we can dictate into any of
the next application. I have some ideas on how to bridge that gap but first we
need a stable NaturallySpeaking.

 current open source speech recognition systems are a waste of time and money.
They are the wrong tool for the application, says the man with 15 years
experience using speech recognition.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Future of accessibility under Ubuntu

2009-06-29 Thread Eric S. Johansson

 What can be done to make accessibility work more accessible? :-)

well, it would really really help if you, or someone just like you could make
NaturallySpeaking completely reliable under wine. Then we could examine
usability issues around transferring the dictation results into Linux
applications. I've become a fan of a dictation box variation for this purpose.

Another thing, accessibility projects could do because language developers won't
is building a smart framework for programming by voice. It's not pretty what we
have out there today (a collection of circus tricks) and it would be nice to
change things.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Jaunty -RT testing

2009-03-22 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Joseph Reagle wrote:
 As an aside, while I wasn't comfortable with with Jaunty RT oddness, I don't
 think NaturallySpeaking in a VirtualBox Machine requires RT, just
 low-latency. So I actually tried Intrepid again and built a kernel [1] with
 the following settings. I'm also using the new vbox 2.2b1 [2] -- with much
 improved USB performance -- and things seem quite good.

interesting.  2.2 Beta one with the standard kernel of 8.10 gives me choppy
audio.  I've put a note on the mailing list about this and offer to try and help
gather some information to figure out what's wrong.  I wonder if a different
scheduler might help.

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Re: Microsoft Speech Recognition / COM interfaces

2009-02-17 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Tom Lloyd wrote:
 Is there any millage in using the Microsoft speech recognition engine. I have
 no experience of using it but I can create the bridge from wine to linux. I
 havealready created the Text to speech element that now works in linux using
 Orca and speech dispatcher. It works quite nicely and i have had the speech
 recognition working but not trained it etc or really tried it for
 Possibly if there is a com method for interfacing into Dragon Naturally
 Speaking like SAPI then it will work as well. This method can work I am mid
 writing this up at the moment and doing the first release of the project so
 if people are interested you have to bear with me..

I believe it uses sapi and I suggest you take a look at the natlink project.  It
exports an interface to Dragon which I think is COM.

here are two different implementations (as far as I know) from original code 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: dictation

2009-02-16 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Angelo Marra wrote:
 Hi folks
 How hobout bulding a dictation Sofware for ubuntu?
 WE need it!
 QUOTE from the net:
 * TheMuso's blog
 Voce Dictation
 Submitted by NathanDBB (not verified) on Wed, 11/28/2007 - 05:05.
 Many people who use Linux are spending 10+ hours in front of their 
 computers each day. Because of this, many of us have typing-related hand 
 damage. While I don't expect to be able to use the command line with 
 voice, I should be able to write email and use a mouse-grid.
 Ubuntu _needs_ voice dictation software. We have not even started down 
 the LONG ROAD to having free voice software. We have a couple of 
 speech-to-text engines, but we don't have a good large vocabulary to 
 work with. This Wiki page talks about getting the collection of this 
 vocabulary started, but NOTHING has happened.
 As you point out, we need voice tools if we are going to get into 
 mainstream corporate and government desktops. If we are are going to be 
 an alternative to MS Vista in these markets, speech-to-text is MORE 
 IMPORTANT then 3d desktops.
 I  totally agree!
 What do tou think?

as a long-term user of speech recognition, I too long for speech recognition on
Linux.  A friend of mine, Susan Cragin, is the lead QA person for naturally
speaking on wine.  She has reported that if you use NaturallySpeaking 10 plus
the latest bleeding edge wine, on the Jaunty Alpha's, NaturallySpeaking works
for about 13 minutes before croaking.

However, dictation on the wine environment alone is not useful.  We need a
gateway to communicate from NaturallySpeaking in wine to Linux applications.
I've proposed using an enhancement of the NaturallySpeaking dictation box as a
preferred user interface with dealing with remote applications.

Over the past 15 years, I've seen almost no progress in speech enabling
applications.  It's hard work, it changes every time the application changes
and, quite frankly it's almost completely a dead loss in terms of effort.
Getting an OS to use a common code base for  automatic speech recognition is
almost as completely fruitless as tweaking applications.  Why?  Because if it
was possible or valued, it would have been done by now.  So, the only way to
handle this is to use a different user interface model and  one possibility is
the dictation box cut and paste model.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: New developer

2008-10-27 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Tom Lloyd wrote:
 Hello All,
 Just wanted to say Hi and to get myself known. I have been using Ubuntu for=
 three or so years. I am a 26 year old developer from the UK trained in Emb=
 edded / Realtime systems. As a side project I am intergrating SAPI into Ubu=
 ntu to gives access to the MS speech engines using speech dispatcher.
 I use compiz for zoon, so i could be intrested in working to improve speech=
 and magnification under ubuntu, suggestions for projects welcome.=20
 Look forward to joining in.

it would be nice if you could help out on the other side of the house (speech
recognition) too.  Naturally speaking 10 works reasonably well under wine and we
need some people with working hands to help out with the software bridging from
the wine environment to the Linux environment.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

support for speech recognition

2008-09-18 Thread Eric S. Johansson
NaturallySpeaking 10 is working reasonably well under wine (if you use the
bleeding edge git code).  I have some ideas on how to bridge the barrier between
linux and wine but I'd like to learn what facilities are native in the current
gnome accessibility toolkit.  The last time I read the documentation, it was
almost entirely focused on the visually impaired.  If I've misinterpreted the
documentation, I'd like to learn where I went wrong.



Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

[Bug 191776] Re: Shutdown guest using the VI Client with VMware ESX 3.0.2 doesn't work

2008-03-28 Thread Eric S. Johansson
the problem with the VM ware tools package is that it's missing some
very important components, specifically:


there may be something else missing for invoking the scripts but, I
haven't figured out what it is yet.  without these scripts in place one
should not use Ubuntu as a virtual machine because there is no way to
cleanly shutdown a virtual machine when the host is shutting down.  I
view this as a critical problem especially if you hope to use  8.04 as a
virtual server.  fixing this problem shouldn't be too hard as the
current code base of open-VM-tools has what is needed.

Shutdown guest using the VI Client with VMware ESX 3.0.2 doesn't work
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 191776] Re: Shutdown guest using the VI Client with VMware ESX 3.0.2 doesn't work

2008-03-28 Thread Eric S. Johansson
 according to the documentation on the open-VM-tools website, the four
default files listed above should be placed into /etc/vmware-tools with
the execute bit turned on (555 seems to work).  Initial, admittedly very
brief testing reset and suspend appear to work.  What's still missing is
the VM Ware automatic cursor grab and release functionality.  When you
try to use the VM Ware workstation console, the mouse is grabbed until
you hit ctrl-alt to release it.  Full vmware tools should not
demonstrate this problem.

Shutdown guest using the VI Client with VMware ESX 3.0.2 doesn't work
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 92408] Re: X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

2007-12-06 Thread Eric S. Johansson
my deepest apologies for not responding sooner.  Had significant
household crises.  Yes, new driver does work, it looks really good.
Display is clean and clear now if I could only fix the power supply I
would be a happy camper.  :-)

X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: [Bug 24184] Re: Samba and system passwords should be synchronized.

2007-05-23 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Huygens wrote:
 Thank you Eric for your work :-) that is a nice initiative.

Glad to be of help.  I'm also making trouble in the anti-spam (reputation-based)
arena and small-scale Web frameworks (learn hours, not days or weeks), and 
speech recognition-based accessibility.
 However, there is a caveat with your approach and the one taken in Bug
 103708. The problem is that it tends to associate a share with a credential.
 Nevertheless, credentials in Samba are samba-wide, meaning there can only
 be one login/password combination for all the shares in Samba. So if the user
 set a specific login for share A and define the password. When later he wants
 to create a new share (let's call it B), and he wants to access it using the
 same specific login, there is no need for him to use the same password. If we
 had the user credentials definition in the GUI that share a folder, we will
 make the end-user think that a credential is bound to a share, which is not
 the case in Samba configuration (apart a few exceptions like home

Are you referring to the Ubuntu's Samba implementation or Samba in general?  I 
have set up Samba with different credentials for different shares and not just 
with the home directory.  This is why I thought about binding credentials to a 
share.  If you want to have multiple credentials associated with a share, Samba 
has a way of creating groups.

As for associating a set of credentials with a share, I don't think that's bad. 
  We need some mechanism that the user will be driven to to enter credentials 
for sharing.  If we don't do that, people will not set their share username and 
password.  Maybe, the user model would be forcing the user to enter a username 
and password if there is none and giving them the option to set different 
usernames and passwords if one exists.

The workflow would be something like:

Create the first share with Mandatory username password before accepting share 

Create second share

optional username password but user is notified of that option and given the 
ability to set username and password on the share dialog box (don't make me 
click another button please, my hands hurt)

 So a more logical place would be a central Samba configuration GUI like the
 one which can be found in System-Administration-Shared folders. Where you
 can click to set Samba-wide settings such as the domain/workgroup for the
 computer, etc. However, in the end-user logic, this is not the expected
 place, and if we put it here, I'm sure we will find countless forum posts
 about where to set Samba password.

Which is why it belongs on the user form to create a share.  It's horrible but 
one must always accept that the user hate surprises it wants to be led by the 
nose.  To those of us who grew up using command lines, it's anathema.  To 
like my wife it's comfort.

 A work-around solution would be to present to a user when he first shares a
 folder a specific GUI where he can set Samba-wide parameters (such as the
 domain/workgroup and his credentials). There is however another caveat, which
 is when there are multiple user at home. If user A install Ubuntu and share
 folder /tmp. User B, who is using another machine on the network and who
 knows about the share, wants to access it. User B enters his login name and
 password and the access is refused. User A would then need to understand that
 he should create a local user named B and then create the Samba credentials.
 Unless he is an IT guy, this might not be obvious to him.

Exactly.  It's even confusing to me at times until I slap my forehead

 Another idea could be have a simplified sharing mechanism for home users.
 Where a guest account is activate by default so when a share is opened,
 people on their network can view them (but not modified them). Then we could
 imagine that the smbpasswd would be automatically created when a user is
 created (meaning also in the Ubuntu installation process). If a user set his
 login credentials, he could then access read/write the shares. There are some
 caveats to that, mainly for SOHO, Enterprises and enthusiasts where they do
 not want to have a smb account for each user they are creating. They probably
 do not want the guest account thing, etc.

That also has the serious privacy issues.  I have stumbled across peoples 
machines that are sharing the entire C drive and had access to their e-mail. 
So, I'm really not comfortable with the guest idea especially if the user gets 
to set the share directory.  Another possibility if you're not comfortable with 
my idea from above is to create a default username and password when the first 
account is created so that if they share their own directories, they use their 
own username and password.  I'm not comfortable with that on a couple of levels 
but I could live with it.

A third option is to add to the share dialog box a button labeled share with 
others.  This box would bring up a spreadsheet like 

Re: [Bug 103708] Re: When setting up a simple file share you are unable to access the share from a Windows machine, while the samba server has no password set.

2007-05-23 Thread Eric S. Johansson
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 24184 ***

Huygens wrote:

 Once you have a draft, you could propose it for review. :-) Perhaps,
 people could bring ideas too and enhance it. If you look at other
 specification, some do not even propose software ones, but are just
 trying to properly define the user need. Those are proposed and then
 other person can try to create a software specification out of this. So
 if you feel already just like defining the user needs, that would be
 great. Perhaps, you could use the forums ( to
 start a poll/investigation/discussion about what the users want.

this is a really idea and I hope we can come up with a small set of options we 
can present via the forums/mailing list.  I am concerned that we'll get too 
fanciful/impractical options and not be able to find or get good comments.


Speech-recognition in use.  It makes mistakes, I correct some.

When setting up a simple file share you are unable to access the share from a 
Windows machine, while the samba server has no password set.
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 24184] Re: Samba and system passwords should be synchronized.

2007-05-22 Thread Eric S. Johansson
in bug 103708 Jonathan Watmough  posted a small image showing where one
could put a user's button to activate what users are associated with
what shares.   what Jonathan is concerned with is an important problem,
it's just not this problem.  I propose adding two more fields to the
basic dialog box (see attached) so that one can specify the user and
password combination one would use to access that share.  if you want
multiple users and passwords for a share, one could extend this dialogue
to have a tabular box for user name and password type information.

I apologize for the crudeness of the image but I have an upper extremity
disability plus significant tremors which makes it hard to control mouse
etc. and then I further handicapped myself by doing this in Windows

** Attachment added: smbauth.bmp

Samba and system passwords should be synchronized.
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is a direct subscriber.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 24184] Re: Samba and system passwords should be synchronized.

2007-04-10 Thread Eric S. Johansson
I've been thinking about this problem a bit more since I filed the
initial bugs and I think password synchronization is only part of the

The initial thought was for a naïve user.  A naïve user wants to export
a share so he/she can use it from another machine.  They might even give
their password to other people so they can access the share.  A more
advanced user would want more control over who gets their password and
what people can access the share.

I believe the advanced user configuration is something that can be
implemented relatively easily.  It would require modifying the share
folder dialog box to have three additional fields.  Two of the field
would be password and password confirmation and the third would be a
list of users  permitted.

In the future, synchronization could be enabled with the addition of a
checkbox indicating the users desire to use their system password.

 the primary advantage to this potentially simple technique is that it
gives the user a hint that something else needs to be done as well as
making it possible for them to do it in one place in the GUI.

Samba and system passwords should be synchronized.
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is a direct subscriber.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 92408] Re: X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

2007-03-18 Thread Eric S. Johansson
res: 1400x1050
disptype: lcd/lvds

is this what you are looking for?

X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 92408] X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

2007-03-14 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Public bug reported:

this has been a long term problem with X11.  I think it dates back to

laptop: compaq presario 1700t

lspci reports video as:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY

install sets up video as 1024x768 which works ok but is very fuzzy
because of mismatch between native lcd resolution and displayed

to trigger the problem, system-preferences-screen resolution.  change
resolution to 1400x1040.  display changes to higher resolution and has
random broken blocks of screen data.

I have screen capture if it is any help

ProblemType: Bug
Architecture: i386
Date: Wed Mar 14 21:33:24 2007
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 7.04
Uname: Linux slappy 2.6.20-10-generic #2 SMP Mon Mar 12 00:02:49 UTC 2007 i686 

** Affects: Ubuntu
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: Unconfirmed

X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 92408] Re: X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

2007-03-14 Thread Eric S. Johansson

** Attachment added: broken screen image

X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 92408] Re: X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

2007-03-14 Thread Eric S. Johansson

** Attachment added: X11 config file

X11 does not support laptop lcd native resolution

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: Voice Recognition for Linux

2007-03-03 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Chris Hayes wrote:
 Thanks or the feedback Eric. Is it really this hopeless? 

remember what I said about negative filtering.  :-)

If I had the time I would finish writing up my bit on the mediator and 
how it would work.  I believe it's eminently practical and even a good 
idea.  given enough hands, it's not that hard to complete relatively 
soon (i.e. under six months).  But well, I don't really have that good 
hands and code always takes me forever and a day to get done because it 
wears on my throat.

 You talked 
 about the Sphinx projects being okay - but not ready for normal users. 
 To what extent are they capable? I'd really love to know if you or 
 anyone else has tried them.

I'm sure there are others on the list to have tried and maybe even 
developed parts of them.  I'll let them out themselves.  :-)
 I have looked into them but haven't had the time (and not being a very 
 capable technical user) to get them going, orto get them going nicely. 
 If I knew how well they worked, I'd probably be more inclined to use the 
 time I don't have getting them working.

your experience as part of the existence proof that they aren't ready 
for prime time.  The two reasons packages don't get used is that it's 
incomplete/not ready or it has poor PR.  I've been guilty of both of my 
projects :-)


Speech-recognition in use.  It makes mistakes, I correct some.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Voice Recognition for Linux

2007-02-23 Thread Eric S. Johansson
as I was constructing my response, and was almost finished when it hit 
me about what's wrong with the model proposed.   it is the equivalent of 
raw natural text.  Full function natural text sucks a little bit.  The 
broken, unable to correct consistently, natural text is horrible and 
ruins voice models.  What you're proposing has even less functionality 
than a broken natural text.

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:

Eric S. Johansson wrote:
this is one half of the solution needed.  Not only do you need to 
propagate text to Linux but you need to provide enough context back to 
windows so that NaturallySpeaking can select different grammars.  It 
would be nice to also modify the text injected in to Linux because 
nuanced really screwed the pooch on natural text.

My point that this is actually all you need. It has the advantage of 
being quite simple from a coding point of view: you need the transmitter 
on the windows system that NS feeds into (a version already exists) and 
you need a gnome or KDE app on the other end with solid usability and 
configurability. The latter is something that our open source community 
is quite good at making and there are good tools like Mono, python, Qt4 
that can be used.

There is a system that art exists that does exactly what you've opposed. 
 While it was technically successful, it has failed in that nobody but 
the originator uses it in even he admits  this model  has some serious 

The reason I insist on feedback is very simple.  A good speech 
recognition environment lets you lets you correct recognition errors and 
create application-specific and application neutral commands.

One point I've obviously glossed over is training. You'll need to do 
some training to improve the recognition rate. Under my proposed scheme 
you would need to do the training natively under windows. I'm quite 
happy to do that actually. I would rather not worry about training 
during my daily work with using the system, but would collect the 
mistakes over a week or so and spend an hour or two doing just training. 
With the system I'm proposing you could make the Linux client recognise 
a 'must-train-this-later' command, which would cause it to save the past 
few lines to a log file.

modern systems train incrementally.  This improves the user experience 
because you don't have to put up with continual misrecognition's. 
Apparently they also train incrementally on what's not corrected which 
means batch correction is not a good thing.  another example is what's 
happening with me right now.  There are a bunch of small words and 
misrecognized endings that are cropping up with increasing frequency. 
If nuance hadn't screwed up and left naturaltext in a working state, I 
would be able to correct them as I dictate into this Thunderbird window. 
 But no, it's so broken I make corrections by hand and as a result, the 
misrecognition get cast in stone and I need to scrap the user and start 
over again retraining about every six months.  Do not subject users to 
this kind of frustration and time waste.  They will drop the system in a 
heartbeat if you do.

I have no problem leaving the entire user interface for correction etc. 
in Windows.  The only trouble is how do you make it visible if you're 
running a virtual machine full-screen?  Don't run the virtual machine 

this is a difficult task.  There is a very nice package called voice 
coder spearheaded by Alain Desilets up at nrc-it in conjunction with 
David Fox.

Do you have a link to this work? I'd be interested to see.

Something you might also want to see which is a full Select-and-Say 
interface to Emacs

These two things should keep you out of trouble for a while.  :-)

We don't need any of that. We just accept a text stream from NS, running 
in pure dictation mode, and create our events based on that. All we are 
after is the excellent recognition engine. The GUI we leave behind.

You don't. You set this all up first on the native system along with the 
initial setup. If you notice that it's not working as it should you open 
the VMware window or the VNC session where NS is running and make a few 
adjustments to it directly.

the graphical user interface is an integral portion of the dictation 
process.  For example, I pay attention to the little floating box which 
shows partial recognition states.  It gives me an early warning on how I 
am speaking and the quality of the recognition.  It also gives me the 
ability to terminate a recognition sequence is NaturallySpeaking loses 
his mind.  The little recognition box floats inside the window of the 
application is active so that if it's not in the window and I'm not 
getting any text injected, I know it's time to reset/restart 

if you look at a system running NaturallySpeaking with the VNC, the 
dictation box is usually not visible

Re: Voice Recognition for Linux

2007-02-22 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 Eric S. Johansson wrote:

 In short: Create a copy-left (GPL) tool to transfer text from Naturally 
 Speaking on Windows to Linux.

this is one half of the solution needed.  Not only do you need to 
propagate text to Linux but you need to provide enough context back to 
windows so that NaturallySpeaking can select different grammars.  It 
would be nice to also modify the text injected in to Linux because 
nuanced really screwed the pooch on natural text.

 A few starts have been made on this, but it needs to be organised as a 
 proper community project and driven forward by several people. 

this is a difficult task.  There is a very nice package called voice 
coder spearheaded by Alain Desilets up at nrc-it in conjunction with 
David Fox.  They haven't gotten a whole lot of additional contributions. 
  People with upper extremity disorders tend not to volunteer a whole 
lot because quite frankly life is bouncing physical pain against what 
needs to be done.  It's exhausting.

 The user 
 interface should aim to be better than what the native Windows NS 
 version has. It should be speech engine and OS agnostic. That way you'll 
 get people using it to transfer speech between all sorts of different 
 systems, and it will get more use and development. You should be able to 
 easily plug in a free engine like Sphinx (so these will be encouraged to 
 improve) or even Vista's native system, which will be very widespread.

damn, you are the optimist.  Yes, user interface does need to be better 
but it may not be possible because the recognition engine or systems 
around it may not expose the interface is necessary to make it better. 
For example, where do you get the information from to give the user 
clear feedback that the system is hearing something and it's at the 
right level?  Also, the whole process of adding or deleting words from 
your dictionary, training, or testing your audio input to make sure it 
works right?  I'm not saying it's impossible.  I'm just saying be 
prepared to work very very hard.  I think we'd be better off finding 
some way of overlaying the user interface from NaturallySpeaking on top 
of a Linux virtual machine screen.  Sucks but you might get done faster 
than you are very desirable but overly optimistic wish.
 My biggest gripe with NS is the editing interface. The actual 
 recognition is quite good IMO, but when you do make a mistake it is very 
 awkward to fix it without using the keyboard. If you give an edit 
 command and that is not understood correctly either then you get a 
 meaningless sentence and you are no longer able to easily correct the 
 one you originally wanted to fix. The end result is that to totally lose 
 the flow of what you were trying to express.

It's not quite that bad.  Select-and-Say when it works is quite useful 
for small phrases.  What we need to do is propagate the Emacs mark and 
point interface into a GUI environment.  It's far more effective, at 
least when you're noodling about within error-prone navigation process.

In any event, take a look at the voice coder you live for making 
corrections.  I really like it.  It's the best correction interface is 
seen so far.  David Fox is responsible for that wonderful creation.

 I presume the macro functionality in NS is configured so that the 
 pattern recognition is quite good on the macros you define yourself. So 
 when you say 'Paste in my address' it generally works. We can (ab)use 
 this macro facility for our own editing needs. We would define a set of 
 macros that would be processed by the NS engine and would give us a know 
 and parseable string.

natpython is the way to go.  It lets a user create a sapi4 grammer  and 
associate a method with the grammar wants it resolves.  Or is the term 
hits a termial node?  Anyway, it works, it's reliable, it's written in 
Python and from user level looks to be relatively portable between 
recognition requirements.

 So saying 'Macro: delete sentence' would actually insert the text 
 **MACRO-DELETE-SENTENCE** into the text stream. If you were watching the 
 text on the Windows system the real text would be interspersed with such 
 commands, but on the Linux system receiving the stream it would just Do 
 the Right Thing. The big advantage is that it's very configurable this 
 way so we can make it do what we want.

you mean something like this...

 operation = left | right | delete | kill | switch | copy;
 datatype = character | word | sentence | paragraph | line | region;
 doit exported = operation datatype ;

 def gotResults_operation(self, words, fullResults):
 'leftcharacter':   {ctrl+b},
 'rightcharacter':  {ctrl+f},
 'deletecharacter': {Backspace},
 'killcharacter':   {ctrl+d},
 'switchcharacter': {ctrl+t},
 'rightword':   {esc}f

speech recognition to Linux text injector

2006-12-04 Thread Eric S. Johansson

Ed Suominen created this package which injects text spoken to a Windows 
speech recognition application and injects it into Linux.  He used a 
modified xnee  package to somehow improve the reliability of text 
injection.  I have two queries on this.  First, can we use the at-spi 
instead of a hacked xnee?  Second, is there anyone with knowledge of 
at-spi and working hands would be willing to help with this project?


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: speech recognition to Linux text injector

2006-12-04 Thread Eric S. Johansson
Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
 That looks very interesting. I tried to do something similar last year 
 using a VNC connection instead, with mixed results. This looks much more 
 elegant. I'll be very interested to try it. It seems building and 
 installing is a major issue with it at the moment (because everyone has 
 different environments). We should clearly get it packaged for Ubuntu.
 I don't know anything about Xnee, but I know that Chris wrote some 
 simple C code to inject keystrokes for onBoard, without using Xnee or 

Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute 
user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can 
imitate the job you just did.

I agree packaging is a really important step but packaging what is there 
is not so good.  I really think that we should consider eliminating the 
xnee hack, before distributing.  I think simple keystroke injection 
while a good let's get something working and help some level of 
disabled user step, it may make it difficult to move to an environment 
where there is full command and control of gnome.  for example, one 
simple problem is awareness of the currently active window.  I use a 
Python based macro environment for all of my command and control macros. 
  When the grammar recognizes Emacs is active, it turns on the Emacs 
specific grammars so I can work in Emacs was painfully than I can by 
hand.  Simple keystroke injection makes that difficult.  Keystroke 
injection with active window state feedback makes it less so.

Then there is the ever popular select and say feature of 
NaturallySpeaking.  Again with direct injection, not very possible.  But 
with the right at-spi interfaces, we could read the window, find a 
section to be selected and do whatever magic is necessary.  But these 
things are not happen all at once.  I just wanted to highlight a couple 
of issues that will come in the future.

I was hoping to get to try it out today but I'm running out of time. 
Please keep me up to date on what ever you do.  I'm even willing to be a 
guinea pig.  Since I use Linux in a virtual machine, I can create a new 
test bed as long as I have disk space.

My goal is to eventually get to the place where Windows is only a host 
OS and a speech recognition platform.  Linux would run in a virtual 
machine full-screen and I can get my work done.


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