Re: Unicode organization is still anti-Serbian and anti-Macedonian

2014-02-17 Thread Kent Karlsson

Den 2014-02-17 10:33, skrev "Gerrit Ansmann" :

>> I don't like the idea, but one possibility would be to define Serbian glyph
>> styles by adding variation selectors.  Variation selectors are already
>> 'defined' for the decimal digits U+0030 to U+0039.  It would, however,
>> mess up string comparison operations that weren't smart enough to ignore
>> variation selectors.


Also, for the variation selectors to work for the end user, it requires
> the same technologies whose lack of support is why we are discussing this
> in the first place, doesn¹t it? So, defining the corresponding variation
> selectors would not make the end user see the correct glyphs earlier.

Still, variation selectors would be, in the text, a very localized
indication, independent of (displaying) user's preference settings
or language declaration (from the author, in e.g. XML/HTML formats)
for the text, and variation selectors are indeed more likely to
survive operations like cut-and-paste. There would be a problem of
inserting variation selectors at all places where appropriate, though.
Spell checking functionality could, in principle at least, help with
the latter.

/Kent K

Unicode mailing list

Re: Unicode organization is still anti-Serbian and anti-Macedonian

2014-02-17 Thread Otto Stolz


Крушевљанин Иван had written:

People, do you realize that proper glyphs are needed everywhere and
every time, CONSTANTLY, even when American ordinary user chats with
German ordinary user about Serbian language

Am 2014-02-17 um 00:50 Uhr MEZ schrieb Richard Wordingham:

One issue here that I don't know the solution for is how the right
glyphs should be chosen for displaying plain text communication.  I
don't know any general mechanism for, say, specifying that by
default Cyrillic text should use Serbian glyphs, CJK characters
should use Japanese glyphs and that Cuneiform should use Neo-Assyrian

This boils down to the fact that, in plain-text communication, the
receiver can – and should – chose the appropriate font. This holds,
in particular, for classical e-mail. Thence my recent claim that the
problem posed by Иван is a mere font issue.

In HTML, this is a bit different: The author has control over the
fonts (thence over the glyphic style) used for the display, but the
reader can normally override the author’s choice. Hence, WWW authors
should specify suitable fonts for their respective articvles (or even
parts thereof).

On paper, or in PDF and other facsimile formaats, the author is
entirely responsible for the glyphic style and appearnce, and he
should always chose suitable fonts. This is the realm of the
solution involving that ‘Gentium Plus srp’ font I had mentioned,

May i humbly remind Иван (and all other readers of this thread) that
the problem manifests itself (mainly or only) with italic style
letters; hence there remains virually no problem with normal
(non-italic) style.

Best wishes,
  Otto Stolz

Unicode mailing list

Re: Unicode organization is still anti-Serbian and anti-Macedonian

2014-02-17 Thread Gerrit Ansmann

On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 00:50:45 +0100, Richard Wordingham 

I don't like the idea, but one possibility would be to define Serbian glyph 
styles by adding variation selectors.  Variation selectors are already 
'defined' for the decimal digits U+0030 to U+0039.  It would, however, mess up 
string comparison operations that weren't smart enough to ignore variation 

Also, for the variation selectors to work for the end user, it requires the 
same technologies whose lack of support is why we are discussing this in the 
first place, doesn’t it? So, defining the corresponding variation selectors 
would not make the end user see the correct glyphs earlier.
Unicode mailing list