Re: Livecode Demo of two way javascript communication?

2024-01-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thanks for that demo.

Jim Lambert

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Re: We lost an Angel

2024-01-11 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

So sorry to hear of Margaret's passing. We remember her fondly.
Please accept our condolences.

Jim & Bonnie Lambert

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Re: Thanks for all the fish

2024-01-04 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thank you very much.
Have a great 2024!

Jim Lambert

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RE: Should I upgrade to Xcode 15.0 or 15.1?

2023-12-21 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Ralph wrote:
> Very Nice! This should be on the LC Lesson site.


Jim Lambert

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Re: All Versions of LC crashing in Sonoma

2023-10-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Bob wrote:
> So for those upgrading to Sonoma, 9.6.10 and 10 dp6 are now a rubicon of 
> sorts. There?s no going back. (I just needed to use the word Rubicon in a 
> sentence today.)

Does that mean the rubes have been conned?

Jim Lambert
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Re: Latest video -- integration of AI into script editor

2023-05-17 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Stephen wrote:
> we are providing an opt in to training feature where you can provide a thumbs 
> up or thumbs down to the code you have been supplied as well as give a 
> description on what was good or bad about it. 

And perhaps offer a way to accept code that we re-write so that it does work as 
we intended. This presumably improved code might then be used to 'educate' the 

Jim Lambert

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Re: opencard and visual effect

2023-05-04 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> you may have missed this in my last posting:


Indeed I did.


P.S. Another possibility you could also fake a transition. Then start your 
timer in the openCard handler of your destination card. 

In starting card:

on fakeTransition
lock screen
import snapshot from rectangle (the rect of next card) of next card
put it into tempImage
set the blendlevel of tempImage to 100
unlock screen

repeat with x = 100 down to 0 step -10
set the blendlevel of tempImage to x
wait 10 ticks with messages
end repeat

lock screen
delete tempImage
go next
end fakeTransition

In destination card:

on openCard
end openCard
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Re: opencard and visual effect

2023-05-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Problem for me ist to measure the time until the user hits a key after a 
> question 
> appears on the screen on the card. 
> And I start this on "opencard", so the VISUAL effect, what the user really 
> sees,
> MUST have been terminated, but obviously "opencard" does not respect this.

If the visual effect may be compromising your very critical timing perhaps you 
should eliminate the visual effect.
Just go card and start timing upon opencard.

Jim Lambert
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Re: [[ ANN ]] Release 9.6.9

2023-04-10 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Panos et al.,

Thanks for the 9.6.9 release. The team's great work is appreciated.

Jim Lambert

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Re:Livecode Hosting

2023-02-27 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
And I believe there's a substantial cloud-based LC product on the horizon.

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Re: Cross-platform font comparison

2023-01-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thank you very much for your deep analysis of fonts & LC & different OSes.
Impressive amount of work!

Jim Lambert
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Re: Training the AI to write better

2023-01-24 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thanks for the excellent analysis.

> it was a brilliant idea to kick this theme off and let it develop
> so creatively. Thanks Kevin and Heather !

And thanks to Ludovic also.
He was the first to bring up ChatGPT on this list.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Training the AI to write better LiveCode

2023-01-13 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Kevin wrote:
> What is important is ensuring that LiveCode, which is supported already, is 
> not left behind and that you can generate LiveCode code at the same standard 
> as other languages. 


> Rick wrote:

> Just because something may be technologically
> possible, doesn't mean we should necessarily do that thing.

Ah! But humans always do. ;)

Jim Lambert

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Re: Sad news about Brahmanathaswami

2022-12-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
So sorry. My condolences to his and our community.


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Re: ChatGPT

2022-12-09 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Even more interesting I issued the same chat request a few hours later and got 
an entirely different coding approach. 
It even helpfully put the code into formatted, copy-able blocks. (formatting 
not shown here.)

ME: Write a calendar app in livecode

Here is an example of how you could implement a simple calendar app in LiveCode:

Copy code
-- Set the default date to the current date put the short date into currentDate 

-- Create the calendar UI 
create calendar 
set the date of calendar to currentDate 
set the rect of calendar to the rect of this card  

-- Function to handle date changes in the calendar 
on dateChanged pNewDate 
put pNewDate into currentDate 
end dateChanged

This script creates a calendar widget and sets its default date to the current 
date. It also defines a dateChanged handler that is called whenever the 
selected date in the calendar changes. In this handler, the currentDate 
variable is updated with the new selected date.

You can then add other UI elements and functions to your app to allow the user 
to view and manage events for the selected date. For example, you could add a 
list widget to display the events for the current date, and buttons to add and 
remove events.

Here is an example of how you could add a list widget to display the events for 
the current date:

Copy code
-- Create a list widget to display the events for the current date 
create field "eventsList" 
set the rect of "eventsList" to 100,100,200,200 
set the text of "eventsList" to "No events for this date" 

-- Function to update the events list 
on updateEventsList 
-- Clear the events list 
put empty into field "eventsList" 

-- Retrieve the events for the current date from a database or file 
put the events for currentDate from database or file into events 

-- Add the events to the list 
repeat for each event in events 
put event & cr after field "eventsList"
 end repeat 
end updateEventsList

This script creates a list widget called eventsList, and defines an 
updateEventsList function that retrieves the events for the current date from a 
database or file and adds them to the list.

You can then call the updateEventsList function whenever the date in the 
calendar changes, so that the list of events is updated to show the events for 
the new selected date. You can do this by adding the following code to the 
dateChanged handler:

Copy code
on dateChanged pNewDate 
put pNewDate into currentDate 
end dateChanged

You can also add buttons to allow the user to add and remove events. For 
example, you could add the following code to create "Add" and "Remove" buttons 
and define the corresponding event handlers:

Copy code
-- Create "Add" and "Remove" buttons

But, of course, this code doesn't actually work. But it could be re-written to 

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Re: ChatGPT

2022-12-09 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> On Dec 9, 2022, at 11:02 AM, Stephen Barncard  wrote:
> OK, we are interested. What is the backstory?  I just looked up ChatGPT
> what did you have to do to get that response?


See the lines labelled ME? That's what I did. And that's all that I did.
Try it yourself! 


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2022-12-09 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
This is interesting. 

ME: Write a calendar app in livecode

To create a calendar in LiveCode, you can use a combination of text fields, 
buttons, and other controls to create a user interface that allows users to 
select a date and view the calendar for that month. Here is an example of how 
you might create a calendar in LiveCode:
Create a new stack in LiveCode and add a text field to the top of the stack. 
This text field will be used to display the current month and year.
Add twelve buttons to the stack, one for each month of the year. These buttons 
will be used to allow users to select a month.
Add a list field to the stack and set its columns to display the days of the 
week (e.g. "Sunday", "Monday", etc.). This list field will be used to display 
the days of the month.
Use the "on mouseUp" event for each of the month buttons to update the text 
field at the top of the stack with the selected month and year.
Use a repeat loop to populate the list field with the days of the selected 
month. Start by setting the first item in the list to the first day of the 
month, then use the "next" function to move to the next day and add it to the 
list. Continue until the end of the month is reached.
Use the "on mouseUp" event for the text field at the top of the stack to allow 
users to navigate to the previous or next month by updating the month and year 
displayed in the text field and updating the list field with the new days of 
the month.
Add additional controls and functionality as needed, such as the ability to 
select a specific day or view the calendar for a specific year.
This is just one example of how you might create a calendar in LiveCode. You 
can use a variety of different controls and techniques to create a calendar 
that meets your specific needs and requirements.

ME: Continue 

Use the "format" function to format the date displayed in the text field at the 
top of the stack. For example, you can use the "format" function to display the 
month and year in a specific format (e.g. "January 2022") or to display the 
month and year in a language other than English.
Use conditional statements to handle special cases, such as leap years or 
months with different numbers of days. For example, you can use an if statement 
to check if the current year is a leap year and adjust the number of days in 
February accordingly.
Use the "sort" function to sort the days of the month in the list field. This 
can make it easier for users to view the calendar and find specific dates.
Add visual elements to the calendar to make it more appealing and 
user-friendly. For example, you can use colors, fonts, and images to highlight 
important dates or events.
Test the calendar to ensure that it is working properly and that all of the 
functionality is working as expected. Make any necessary adjustments or fixes 
before publishing or sharing the calendar.
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Re: A web app launcher with responsive design

2022-08-14 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Very nice!

Jim Lambert

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Re: Audio Control on Mobile?

2022-05-16 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Dan wrote:
> My client wants to make a music playing app.  Need to replicate a music 
> player... so, we need to keep our [custom] transport in sync with the sound.  
> Stop, Start, Pause, Scrub, update current time and time remaining, etc.  EASY 
> on desktop, can't seem to do this on mobile with LiveCode.

I wonder if using the Browser widget would help?

Jim Lambert
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Re: Widget properties

2022-04-07 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> After a day or two with BBC BASIC on a black screen teenagers will "do 
> anything for me" when they see the, supposedly,
> old-fashioned LiveCode IDE and the ever-so-sexy WYSIWYG GUI.

Using the ol' psychology on 'em. 

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Re: nsScriptDatabase 1.1

2022-03-17 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thanks for the update.

Jim Lambert

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Re: nsScriptDatabase 1.1

2022-03-17 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thanks for the update.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Browser Widget and Images

2022-03-13 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> So accessing the URL of the image directly in the image object
> puts the image there, which is a good first step.
> How is it stored however?  
> If one looks at the image source it still shows the URL. 
> I find I?m unable to paint on top of the image, probably 
> because that would require my being able to modify the
> online URL which isn?t possible for the obvious reason.
> I probably need to make a local copy of the image to
> be able to work on it.  Export image? Copy it to
> the clipboard and paste it elsewhere?
> Suggestions?

set the imagedata of img "myImage" to the imagedata of img "myImage"

Will replace the referenced image with the actual content of that image.
In other words the image will now be local and you can then manipulate its data.
No need for snapshots. Although they work too!

Jim Lambert
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Re: Problems with Filter?

2022-03-12 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

put "*THISISMYTEXTTOFIND*" into tTarget
put “abcdefghijkTHISISMYTEXTTOFINDlmnopqrstuvwxyz” into tLargeTextString

put tLargeTextString into pText

filter pText with tTarget into tFilteredTextResult

answer "tFilteredTextResult = " & tFilteredTextResult

Or more simply:
filter tLargeTextString with "*THISISMYTEXTTOFIND*" into tFilteredTextResult

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RIP David Boggs

2022-03-01 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
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Sublime Fields Behavior

2022-02-26 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
I whipped up this behavior just for fun after seeing Ali use SublimeText to 
edit code. 

This behavior creates fields similar to the fields in the SublimeText Code 

When 'sublimeField Behavior' is attached to a field a small image of the 
field's entire contents will be created and placed in a group to the right of 
the field.

As the field scrolls the smaller version will scroll in sync.

When the number of lines in the field change the small version is updated to 

The size ratio of the small image to the field is determined by the 
kPercentShrink constant in the behavior script.

Public Domain  - Jim Lambert 2022

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Re: Livecode and interactive video

2022-01-21 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
A quarter of a century ago, we called this Interactive Multimedia.
It was usually delivered on a CD-ROM.   Ask your parents! ;)

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Re: Can I still change LC code?

2022-01-12 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Of course, you can start 'rolling your own' by cloning the IDE stacks then 
customizing those clones as you wish.
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Happy New Year!

2021-12-31 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
A very Happy, Prosperous and Safe 2022 to all!

Jim Lambert

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a test

2021-11-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Ignore this test


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Re: OT: Facebook -> Meta (Damaged Infinity!)

2021-10-31 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> MarkW wrote:
> From a Boingboing user comment...
> META: Making Evil Totally Acceptable


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Re: Our survey - please don't discuss :)

2021-10-22 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> never conciously

I've tried that excuse but my wife never buys it. ;)

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RE: On the subject of things with the same short name... ('identical' groups which behave differently)

2021-10-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Jacque wrote:
> And then there's "this me", which still tickles me.

"This me" could be a quote from that Scottish author's tale The Strange Case of 
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. ;)

Jim Lambert
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Re: Sorting text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows (Re: Accumulating text is *VERY* slow in LC9 on Windows)

2021-09-10 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Cheddar, Edam and Swiss!
Very daring references on this list.

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Re: LiveCode 10 - what are your thoughts on the new features?

2021-09-09 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Jacque wrote:
> But while I agree completely with your definition, it got me concerned that 
> if I were to marry a very tall, large man, I would be a bigamist.

A 24 carat post!
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Re: LiveCode 10 - what are your thoughts on the new features?

2021-09-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Matthias wrote:
> 'ein paar' means two or three or somewhere in the range.

Ich kann Deutsch. Aber nur ein paar Wörter.

Jim Lambert
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Apple App Store Agreement

2021-08-27 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

"Apple has agreed to a class action settlement that will allow apps developers 
to implement payment systems outside of the App Store and communicate directly 
with customers about them."
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Re: Jim Lambert is not crazy!

2021-07-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Jim Lambert
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Re: workaround for cut-off text in native scroller?

2021-06-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Jacque wrote:
> It's either the Flying Spaghetti Monster or fullscreenmode. ;)

Flying Spaghetti Monster is what I call my code.

Jim Lambert

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Re: 3-way slider control

2021-05-26 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
go url ";

This stack contains a group which is a three-state toggle switch.

The myState of the group contains its current state which is either "ON","OFF" 
or "MID"

You can customize the states' colors by setting the color constants.

See the group script.

To use: Either drag the thumb OR Tap at the left, right or center of the 

Feel free to use, change, copy, whatever.
Jim Lambert
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Re: Bug, feature, or just something I need to program around?

2021-05-13 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Hi Alex,

> I don't follow you Jim.

You wrote: 
>  if I TAB into the field the cursor is initially at the start of the 
> field and the key sequence above will move the cursor to the end 
> *without* selecting the characters.

In Notes if you are in one note then select a different note and execute 
Shift-Command-Right Arrow, you will see the same behavior. The insertion point 
moves to the end of the note without selecting any text. 

I merely pointed out this behavior is somewhat akin to what you see in LiveCode 
as you move from field to field with TAB as long as the autoTab property is 
false. With autoTab set to true the entire contents of the field is selected.

> if I TAB into the field the cursor is initially at the start of the field

Here the field 'remembers' its previous insertion point during the session 
rather than always appearing before char 1.

Glad Jacque's autoTab tip works for you!

Jim Lambert
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Re: Bug, feature, or just something I need to program around?

2021-05-12 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> In a LC single line field (MacOS), the keys shift-cmd-rightarrow will 
> select from the current position to the end of the line, and add that to 
> the selection.
> BUT if I TAB into the field the cursor is initially at the start of the 
> field and the key sequence above will move the cursor to the end 
> *without* selecting the characters.
> At that point, shift-cmd-leftarrow will move it back to the start, still 
> without selecting any characters. But if you do "something else" (e.g. 
> left arrow, insert a char, delete a char, ...) then normal behaviour 
> resumes. If you click into the field, everything behaves itself.


If you go to Apple's Notes and move from note to note, you'll see somewhat 
similar behaviors.
So perhaps it's expected.

Jim Lambert
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Re: notarizing DMG fails - solved

2021-05-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Thank you Matthias! Your tools make my life SO much easier! You have
> done a great service for this community.


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Re: autohilite FUBAR?

2021-04-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

On Mac when I hold the mouse down on a LC button, I can move the cursor around 
within the button and the button remains hilited.
As soon as the cursor exits the button the hilite disappears.
To me this is the desired behavior one should see on all platforms.

Jim Lambert
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Re: mouseenter/mouseleave and pointer tool

2021-03-30 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Good suggestions. Thanks, all.
Commenting out the answer command makes no difference. 
I quit LC and now cannot reproduce the behavior as it is intermittent.
Next time it happens I'll try Scott's suggestions with the Tool Palette.

Jim Lambert

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Re: mouseenter/mouseleave and pointer tool

2021-03-30 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Actually I'm not entirely crazy.
Here is a MOV showing the anomalous behavior of mouse events executing even 
when the Pointer Tool is active. 

This is intermittent. I don't have a reliable way of reproducing. If I did I'd 
file a bug report or attach an example stack to Klaus' report.
Sometimes it is solved by closing and re-opening LC or a different version of 


Jim Lambert
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Re: mouseenter/mouseleave and pointer tool

2021-03-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
I wrote:
> Every time I click on a button in the IDE with the pointer tool in order to 
> select and, say, move it, I'd prefer if the mousedown/up scripts didn't fire 
> off because I'm editing the UI not running it. 
Nevermind. Those scripts are not firing when using the pointer tool.
I'm crazy!!!

Jim Lambert
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Re: mouseenter/mouseleave and pointer tool

2021-03-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Paul wrote:
> This is not a bug, but a feature. Our app contains a specialized network 
> drawing tool and we switch to the pointer tool to allow the user to 
> interact with drawn objects

I'd respectfully suggest that is a fringe use case when compared to authoring 
in the LC IDE.
Every time I click on a button in the IDE with the pointer tool in order to 
select and, say, move it, I'd prefer if the mousedown/up scripts didn't fire 
off because I'm editing the UI not running it. If I recall correctly this was 
not how LC/Revolution originally behaved.

Richard, remember SuperEdit? Very much about authoring.

Jim Lambert
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Re: mouseenter/mouseleave and pointer tool

2021-03-29 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Klaus wrote:
> when the pointer tool is active, "mouseenter" and "mouseleave"
> handlers are executed nevertheless!? 
> I don't this this is correct behaviour!

I agree.
When the pointer tool is selected in the IDE one is supposedly in Editing Mode.
To have code execute when you simply enter or select an object you wish to edit 
is counter to the nature of editing, not helpful and, well, plain wrong.

Of course, it's been this way for a long and annoying while. Special case 
drawing apps not withstanding.

Jim Lambert

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Re: New(?) Idea for Standalones

2021-03-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Richard G. wrote:
>  I raise my whiskey 
> to toast your whisky.


JIm Lambert
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Re: Multidimensional array issue

2021-03-10 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
This is a very interesting discussion of LC arrays. But back to the original 

> HENRY LOWE wrote:
> I am using multidimensional arrays to process data read from JSON files.
> Some of the data in the JSON files can be represented in alternative forms in 
> files from different sources.
> For example a field named ?status? may be represented as either:

> "status": {
> or
> "status": {"active"}
> To recognize both forms I use code (after transforming JSON to an array 
> tArray] 

Perhaps massage the JSON before importing it into an array.

   replace quote & "text" & quote & ":" with empty in myJSON

In this way there won't need to distinguish "alternate forms" in the LC array.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Did I dream this ?

2021-03-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
They would be handy properties. But in the meantime try this behavior:
getProp xLoc

return item 1 of the loc of me

end xLoc

getProp yLoc

return item 2 of the loc of me

end yLoc

After assigning the behavior to any object you can just use:
put the xloc of someObject

put the yloc of someObject

Jim Lambert
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Re: LC Roadmap

2021-02-15 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Andre wrote:
> LC is a small company regardless of how much we love them. They can't provide 
> solution to all our needs. It is not because they don't want to, they have 
> limited resources. We can't treat LC as we treat Apple or Microsoft. 

So true. I absolutely marvel at how much the LiveCode Team have accomplished 
and are able to accomplish at their size and budget. I'm grateful for that.

It helps to remember a map is not a journey. Journeys very often diverge from 
the planned map route. See the sad story of TechTV's James Kim.

Jim Lambert
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Re: MP3 ID3 tag writer

2020-11-24 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Thank you for this, Matthias.
Danke sehr.

Jim Lambert

> Matthias wrote:
> Re: MP3 ID3 tag writer
> I just noticed, that the files are not available anymore.
> I've uploaded a zip archive of those files here
> <>
> -
> Matthias Rebbe

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Re: reading QR-code on Mac from an imported image

2020-11-23 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Would this help you?

Jim Lambert

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Re: Design Question

2020-11-17 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> The application's core is access to Earth data (that scientists used to 
> develop the theory of plate tectonics) and capturing and annotating plots 
> that can be incorporated into student writing.

If the 'student writing' is created in some other program then wouldn't it be 
sufficient to allow a student to copy text, data and plots from your program 
and paste them into whatever writing program the student uses?

If the 'student writing' is created in your program could their work be 
exported as PDF that is then imported into the 'learning management system" 
and/or shared with the teacher?

Jim Lambert
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Re:TIL: JSON validator

2020-10-01 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thanks for those useful links.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Possible : stack with transparent backgound?

2020-09-11 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Here's an example:
go stack url ";

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Re: Possible : stack with transparent backgound?

2020-09-11 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> DavidB wrote:
>  the text and some other elements to be visible but the stack background to 
> be transparent 

Start with a card having a field and a button.
1. Create a GRC retangle the same rect as the card.

2. Set its opaque to false.

3. Set its linesize to 0.

4. Send it to back.

5. Group it with the field and a button.

6. Set the threeD of the Group to false.

7. Set both the borderwidth and margins of the group to 0.

8. Import snapshot from this card.

9. Hide last image.

10. Set the windowshape of this stack to the id of the last image.

This results in the field and button 'floating independently' over whatever 
else is on your screen. That is, the rest of the card is invisible.
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Re: Cross Platform Font Layout

2020-08-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Sean wrote:

> Jim,
> You might want to give me more time for this kind of testing 
Granted! I give you all the time in the world.

>  and have a word with my clients to ensure this.
Ah sorry, can't help there, for that would be your job when responding to 
requests for proposals.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Cross Platform Font Layout

2020-08-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Sean wrote:
> So, after developing at a stupid rate, 12 solid 14-18hr days, we have the 
> finished app ... ready for deployment out to Mac and PC. Tick the boxes in 
> the standalone settings, build and open in their respective platforms. 
> Only to find that everything you had laid out perfectly matching on PC is 
> totally screwed on the Mac. Opening up the stack on the Mac, it?s the same 
> thing.  Now with only one day to go 

Knowing that the deliverables would be required to run on Windows and Mac, 
prudent project management would dictate repeated testing on both platforms 
during the "12 solid 14-18 hour days" of development. You might want to adjust 
your testing approach for future projects.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Browser Widget and Twitter on iOS 13

2020-08-15 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thanks for that switch statement.

Jim Lambert

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Re: ProtonMail vs Apple

2020-08-10 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Yes, Apple's approach is very proprietary. But it is simply not monopolistic. 
Apple does not have a monopoly on smartphones or smartphone OSes.
What they do have is a very strict proprietary control of their products. Some 
argue an overly strict control of their products.

I like my Rolls Royce Phantom, but it's so unfair of Rolls Royce not to offer a 
Phantom with an engine from Volkswagen! ;)

As a consumer or developer if one doesn't like Apple's products and policies 
simply choose to buy and develop elsewhere. If enough folks do likewise, Apple 
will soon change as sales plummet. They did this back in the 90s when they were 
hanging by the thinnest thread and allowed other vendors to sell Mac-compatible 

And yes, our laws may indeed need to be adapted for 21st century realities.

I'm going to stop now and this is recursion! ;)

Jim Lambert
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Re: ProtonMail vs Apple

2020-08-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
BrianM wrote:
> One thing that seems to be missing in this discussion is the point of view of 
> the ?client?, the one who downloads the app and pays for it

In the U.S. the laws against monopoly (the Sherman Act of 1890, the Clayton Act 
of 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914) are there to promote 
competition amongst companies for the benefit of consumers.   Or our end users.

Do Apple's actions and policies monopolistically harm consumers? Consumer 
behavior itself argues against that. Quite the contrary, consumers are willing 
to pay a premium for Apple products and services. 

Andre notes that Apple exercises a monopoly WITHIN the iOS system. But that is 
a misnomer. Apple has a proprietary system not a monopolistic one. And they 
strictly control it. It's simply not true that "there is nothing iOS users can 
do about that." Yes, there is. Consumers who don't want to buy into Apple’s 
closed system are free to buy elsewhere. Consumers can choose Android or any 
other alternative products. No one is forcing consumers to buy and use Apple 
products, which is what would happen if Apple had an actual monopoly. In fact, 
some consumers prefer Apple's strict proprietary control and are willing to pay 
mucho dinero for it. 

Now look at it from the developers' point of view. Apple makes us jump through 
many more hoops than Android developers do. Apple constantly changes these 
hoops which can seem inexplicably capricious. But is it? Or is it a constant 
effort to assure safe computing for their consumers?

There seems to be an assumption that the 30% cut Apple takes is outrageous. But 
what does a developer get for that Apple %? If you think you can replace what 
Apple offers for less money, then just sell your app on Android and rake in the 
extra bucks. What's stopping you?

The reality is that the vast majority of smartphone apps make little or no 
money, regardless of OS. 
So is it painful to surrender 30% of nothing? ;)

But back to the purpose of this list, aren't we lucky to have LiveCode, a 
development platform that gives us the power to develop for whatever platforms 
make sense for us?

Jim Lambert
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Re: ProtonMail vs Apple

2020-08-07 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
"A monopoly refers to when a company and its product offerings dominate a 
sector or industry. Monopolies can be considered an extreme result of 
free-market capitalism <> in 
that absent any restriction or restraints, a single company or group becomes 
large enough to own all or nearly all of the market (goods, supplies, 
commodities, infrastructure, and assets) for a particular type of product or 
service. The term monopoly is often used to describe an entity that has total 
or near-total control of a market.”

Even with 58% of the US smartphone market Apple does not actually have a 
Now there may be plenty of good reasons to object to Apple’s app store policies 
but let’s not misuse the term monopoly.

Jim Lambert
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Re: ProtonMail vs Apple

2020-08-04 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
That article is an interesting read.

Still these two sentences:

Apple is using its monopoly to hold all of us hostage
Apple’s iOS controls 25% of the global smartphone market (the other 75%, is 
largely controlled by Google’s Android).

are self contradictory. By definition a company with 25% of the market is not a 

Jim Lambert
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Re: [ANN] Release 9.6.1 RC-1

2020-07-30 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
LC Team,

Thanks for this release.

FYI. I noticed something I hadn’t seen before when installing earlier LC 
releases on OSX.
I was unable to mount "LiveCodeBusiness-9_6_1_rc_1-Mac.dmg” because a LC 
resource was in use.

Fix. Quit any open LCs first, then mount the dmg.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Object naming

2020-07-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Zanzibar Buck-Buck McFate was my lawyer.
One day I asked if I could call him Zanz.
He said, “Nah. Just call me Dave!”

Jim Lambert

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Re: Is "import snapshot" without parameters broken?

2020-07-25 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Import Snapshot sans parameters works fine for me in LC 9.6.0 on macOS 10.15.5

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Re: tsnetGetFile() example using HTTP?

2020-07-18 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Here’s some info on tsnet 

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Re: [off-topic-ish] do you prefer LC-related content as books or video courses?

2020-07-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Hi André,

I previously always favored printed books.

But now I prefer digital materials that are a combination of text (with 
copiable code!), interactive elements, and supplementary video.
As Richard pointed out LC itself provides "the many learning benefits of direct 
engagement with interactive media.”

IMO, Video is most appropriate when used to convey visual, spatial and temporal 
examples. It’s can also provide a bit of a human touch to the instruction, even 
though it’s utterly mechanical.

So, yeah, I like a combo.

Hope this helps!

Jim Lambert

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Platform Divergence

2020-06-23 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
This year’s WWDC shows Apple is moving to a unified ‘system' for all their 
products: Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AppleTV.
The Apple development environment promises to produce a single app capable of 
running on all, or almost all, of Apple devices. This unification promises to 
be quite convenient for Apple developers.

In contrast, over the last decade or so there has been an ever increasing 
divergence in UX between major operating systems: Apple, Windows, Linux, 
Android. The days when systems were so similar that you could rely on the 
commonality of a handful of UI elements across platforms seems over to me. 
That’s troubling because such commonality is fundamental to LiveCode’s approach 
- write once, run everywhere.

In watching WWDC sessions it’s pretty clear that even simple UI elements have 
become more like UX elements having intrinsic and complex properties, such as 
certain visual and behavioral animations. Users readily learn to expect these 
behaviors. Yet such things are increasing difficult to fake with LiveCode’s 
basic palette of objects.

Enter LiveCode Builder and LC Widgets. They offer the promise of 
platform-specific UI elements - a promise fulfilled with some simple elements 
like iOS Native Button or Android Native Field. But I’m concerned that as 
platforms diverge in the interface experiences they present to users, that LC 
and LC developers will have difficulty satisfying users' divergent expectations.

Is my concern valid?

Jim Lambert

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Re: Unicode and languages

2020-06-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Not LC native but take a look at Google Translate API 

Jim Lambert

> Language detection
> When you don’t know your source text language — for instance, in 
> user-generated content that doesn’t include a language code — our translation 
> products automatically identify languages with high accuracy.
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Re: Scrolling jitter

2020-06-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Clearly jitterbugs!

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Re: upcoming online conferences

2020-05-10 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Thank for the links and for the Machine Learning intro link.

Jim Lambert

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Re: Counting unique items in a file

2020-04-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
function getUniqueNames inData,pColumn
split inData by column

split inData[pColumn] by return and return

combine inData[pColumn] by return and space

return inData[pColumn]

end getUniqueNames

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Re: MP3s

2020-04-13 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Richard wrote:
> I miss the simplicity of delivering true stand-alone apps, but with so 
> many of the most lauded features of LC 8-and-later having been 
> implemented as externals, adding some media files to the mix doesn't 
> affect deployment options much.

I suppose one could store the binary data of MP3s or other media within a 
stack’s properties, then extract them to disk for use by a player object.

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Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 198, Issue 20

2020-03-18 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> We are all sorted now.
> Best Regards,
> Heather

Thanks, Heather and Team!

Jim Lambert
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Happy 2020!

2020-01-01 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Have a Happy LiveCode New Year!

Jim Lambert

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Re: Setting hidden of lines very slow

2018-12-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
>  So I am looking to hide any line that contains no textcolor anywhere.

You might save into a variable the HTMLTEXT of all the lines that contain the 
Also save the HTMLTEXT of the whole field into another variable.
Then in a blink of an eye you can instantly switch between the entire text and 
just the lines with colored characters - and back again.

Jim Lambert 

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Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Herman wrote:
> See my demo here:
> <>
> Overlays the widget while this plays a video.

So floating a second stack over the browser as I suggested does work and is 
beautifully demonstrated in Herman’s

Jim Lambert

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Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Herman wrote:
> See my demo here:
> <>
> Overlays the widget while this plays a video.

So floating a second stack over the browser as I suggested does work and is 
beautifully demonstrated in Herman’s

Jim Lambert
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Re: Will it ever be possible place controls over browser widget?

2018-10-04 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Does anyone know if it will ever be possible to place controls on
> layers above a browser widget?

I don’t know if that is in the works or when it may be available.

But you might be able to kludge it now on desktop:
1- place the control (say, a button) that you want to position within the 
browser’s rect in a separate stack;
2- set the window shape of that stack to match the shape of the button;
3- position that ‘button’ stack on top of the browser widget that is in the 
underlain stack.

I haven’t tried it but it may work.

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Re: [ANN] animationEngine is free now

2018-09-28 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Best of luck!
AE was and is a wonderful tool.

Viele Danke,
Jim Lambert

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Re: Being stupid for a change

2018-09-09 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Richmond, you’re not stupid, just ‘clude’-less. ;)

Jim Lambert
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Re: use-livecode Digest, Vol 180, Issue 17

2018-09-08 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> MarkR wrote:
> Can LiveCode communicate with Bluetooth devices?

There is an extension that comes with an Indy/Business license. mergBLE

From the Dictionary:
"mergBLE is a LiveCode external for iOS and OS X that enables CoreBluetooth 
(BLE) functionality. You can use the external to discover and interact with 
peripherals or advertise your app as a peripheral for others to interact with.”

Jim Lambert

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Re: This is disturbing!

2018-09-07 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> Bob S wrote:
> There is already a string keyword. 

True.   ‘Stringify()’  or ‘’evaluateAsString()’

It’s easy enough to write a function to force string comparisons for those rare 
edge cases like  "6. " is equal to "6.” where the engine automatically converts 
the strings to numbers.

function compareAsStrings string1, string2
return string1 & "a" = string2 & "a"
end compareAsStrings

compareAsStrings("6. ","6.") returns FALSE.

Jim Lambert

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Re: This is disturbing!

2018-09-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

> RichardG wrote:
> Any suggestions for a new operator token to specify numeric equivalence?

Or maybe to specify string equivalence.

> Did anyone know that "6. " is equal to "6."???

string( "6. “) is not equal to string( "6.”)

where the function string() would tell LC not to try to convert the string into 
a number, but simply leave it as a literal string for comparison purposes.

Of course, another way to prevent LC from converting a textual number into an 
actual number is to append a string to the textual number:

whereas  "6. “  =  "6.”   returns TRUE
 "6. “ & “a” =  "6.” & “a”  returns FALSE.

Jim Lambert
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Re: This is disturbing!

2018-09-06 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Did anyone know that "6. " is equal to "6."???

It’s somewhat similar to 
value(“h “) is equal to value(“h”), 
“h “ is not equal to “h”.

I’m not disturbed but appreciative that the engine tries to convert both sides 
to numbers when doing a comparison. Just must remember that and use more 
“string-y” ways to compare strings as only strings.
For example other functions can reveal the strings “6. “ and “6.” are not the 
same string, such as length(“6. “) is not equal to length( “6.”).

Jim Lambert

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Re: ANN: LC Documentation Cache Cleaner

2018-09-03 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode

Very handy!

Jim Lambert

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Re: [OT] Accommodation in Edinburgh

2018-09-01 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Hugh wrote:

> We are (finally!) taking a week's holiday north of the border and want to
> visit Edinburgh 10-15 September.
> Any hotel recommendations? Does not have to be in the city centre!

These are not hotels. But we have stayed at both of these charming apartments.
Hidden Glen was quite near the Tollcross location of the previous LC Conference.
Both are owned by the family that owns The Three Chimneys on Skye, which is an 
exceptionally elegant inn/restaurant.

Old School Tower @ Holyrood Park
1/9 Saint Leonard's Crag, Edinburgh, EH8 9SP 

Hidden Glen Apartments: Glendale
22 Glen Street, Tollcross, Edinburgh, EH3 9JE 

These and others are also directly available through Gillian Taylor & Ewen 
MacAskill’s own site: <>

Stayed at The Scotsman once. They gave us a free upgrade to the penthouse. 
Spectacular! So, of course, we recommend that hotel. ;)
Also The George in New Town is nice.

Hope this helps.

Jim Lambert
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Re: How to get word offset all instances of a string in a chunk of text?

2018-08-30 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> I wrote:
> Then there is also this repeat-less approach using arrays and filter:

> function findWordOffsets pText, pSearchTerm
>   put replaceText(pText,"\W+"," ") into pText
>   split pText by space
>   combine pText with cr and tab
>   filter pText with "*" & tab & pSearchTerm
>   sort numeric pText
>   return pText
> end findWordOffsets

This just doesn’t work in all cases because splitting by space does not assure 
one is splitting by true words.
Sorry about that.

Jim Lambert

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Re: How to get word offset all instances of a string in a chunk of text?

2018-08-30 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> On 30/08/2018 10:24, Keith Clarke via use-livecode wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Is there a single-pass mechanism or more efficient way of returning the 
>> wordOffset of each instance of ?the? in ?the quick brown fox jumped over the 
>> lazy dog? than to use two passes through the text?

Then there is also this repeat-less approach using arrays and filter:

function findWordOffsets pText, pSearchTerm
put replaceText(pText,"\W+"," ") into pText
split pText by space
combine pText with cr and tab
filter pText with "*" & tab & pSearchTerm
sort numeric pText
return pText
end findWordOffsets

put "Then the quick brown fox jumped over "The" very,

very lazy

red dog on the sofa.” into temp   — note the extra spaces and line breaks.

put findWordOffsets(temp, “the”)   
2   the
8   The
15  the

Jim Lambert

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Re: fullscreenmode and rect of a substack on mobile device ?

2018-08-21 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
A shootout between FSM vs. scripted resizing might make a good LC Global 
The pros and cons of each. Cases where one may be better than the other. Etc.

Jim Lambert
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Re: drawing a Barcode without a Barcode font

2018-07-23 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
> Matthias wrote:
> If we print the labels with a thermo printer (203 dpi) then the code cannot 
> be scanned with the values i posted before.
> We  had set the line thickness of the rectangles to 0 and had to increase the 
> width of the black bars and decrease the width of the clear ones.

I wonder if it would make a difference to print snapshots of the graphic group 
rather then the group itself?

Jim Lambert
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Re: Regex (matchChunk) help...

2018-06-15 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Building on what Mark Wieder elegantly wrote:

> MarkW wrote:
>  filter lotsOfText with "*selkirkst*skyrider1*”

function extractStrings lotsOfText, startWord, endWord

replace cr with space in lotsOfText -- Makes sure lotsOfText is just a 
single line

replace startWord with cr & startWord in lotsOfText -- Makes sure a 
line starts with the startWord

replace endWord with endWord & cr in lotsOfText -- Makes sure a line 
ends with the endWord

filter lotsOfText with "*" & startWord & "*" & endWord  — Mark’s 

return lotsOfText

end extractStrings

Try it with your original gibberish. I‘ve added a second instance of the string 
you want to extract to show that the function will return all instances.

Use the *selkirkst* function to check whether a *string* contains a

specified pattern. If *selkirkst* includes a pair of parentheses, the

position of the substring matching the part of theregular expression inside

the parentheses is placed in the variables in the *positionVarsList*. The

number of the first character in the matching substring is placed in the

first variable in the positionVarsList, and the number of the last

*selkirkst is

placed in the second **skyrider1*. Additional starting and ending

positions, matching additional parenthetical expressions, are placed in

additional pairs of variables in thepositionVarsList. If the

*selkirkst* function

returns false, the values of the variables in the positionVarsListare not

*selkirkst is

placed in the third **skyrider1*. changed. The string and regularExpression are 
always case-sensitive,

regardless of the setting of the caseSensitive property. (If you need to

make a case-insensitive comparison, use "(?i)" at the start of the

regularExpression to make the match case-insensitive.)

Jim Lambert

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Re: Rotating PNG images

2018-03-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
With the added WAIT this is a bit more fun to look at.
And it checks for angles > 32767.
You get an error if you set the angle of an image to greater than 32767.

local ang

on spin
   repeat forever
  add 13 to ang
  if ang > 32767 then 
 put 0 into ang
  end if
  set the angle of image 1 to ang
  if the commandKey is down then 
 --set the angle of image 1 to 0
 exit spin
  end if
  wait 0 ticks
   end repeat
end spin

Again this illustrates that setting the angle of an image does not distort the 
image, whereas rotating an image can distort the image.

Jim Lambert
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Re: Rotating PNG images

2018-03-05 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Richmond wrote:
> LiveCode is incapable of rotating anything other than SVG images
> without a bad case of the "jaggies".

RichardG wrote:
> have you tried setting the angle property instead?

Richmond wrote:
> I set the angle on PNG images and they deteriorate.

I find that

rotate image 1 by 13

will often produce jaggies even if resize quality is best. 
And the distortion increases with every iteration.

However, if find that

set the angle of image 1 to 13

never deteriorates the image.

You can do the following all the livelong day without any jaggies in the image.

local ang

on spin
   repeat forever
  add 13 to ang
  set the angle of image 1 to ang
  if the commandKey is down then 
 set the angle of image 1 to 0
 exit spin
  end if
   end repeat
end spin

Jim Lambert

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Re: LC-Magick #11

2018-02-14 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
The LC-Magick Collection is very useful and instructional.
Herman et al, Thank you so much for this.

Jim Lambert

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Re: [ANN] Release 9.0.0 DP-11

2017-12-22 Thread Jim Lambert via use-livecode
Nice release!

For anyone playing with the new MAP widget, the dictionary entry for 
regionChanged states:

on regionChanged
   UpdateCoordinateDisplay the centerCoordinate of the target
end regionChanged

command UpdateCoordinateDisplay pCenter
   put item 1 of pCenter into field "latitude"
   put item 2 of pCenter into field "longitude"
end UpdateCoordinateDisplay

That won’t work because it should read ‘the centerCoordinates’not ‘the 

Jim Lambert
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