Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-20 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Mar 19, 2008, at 8:25 AM, viktoras didziulis wrote:

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their  
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user  
interface or Revolution engine...

Let's say I need an object "City" having properties: minLatitude,  
maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, area, populationSize,  
growthRate, dateFounded, currentDate so it can be handled using  
specific handlers and functions (e.g. its methods). Or, well, it  
would be more correct to start with creation of a class "City" or  
"templateCity" and then use it to create new "city" objects  
(NewYork, Paris, etc...) that can be processed by their functions  
like "populationGrowth(Paris, start_year, end_year)" and so on...

The three approaches that I can imagine are somehow inter-tangled:  
(1) creating an object as a custom property set of a stack or (2)  
creating it as an array or (3) creating it as an invisible control  
with custom properties. But all these have their drawbacks.

Just some quick notes from methods I've tried. You probably won't find  
any consensus on this since Rev does not have an elegant way of  
extending the xtalk syntax to our own custom objects. Hopefully one  

1) This could work but I have found it easier to work with individual  
objects. I just pass button references around to my "class" handlers.  
See point 3 notes.

2) This can be useful in some circumstances but it is easier to  
inspect the custom props of a button during debugging.

3) I prefer this approach. I create a stack that I use as a library. I  
then create "classes" using handler prefixes:

put city.getProp (pLongIDofButton, "growth rate") into theGrowthRate
city.setProp pLongIDofButton, "growth rate", "1"
put city.Serialize (pLongIDofButton) into theSerializedCity

Each handler takes a reference to a button whose uObjectProps custom  
property set represent the object properties. So calling city.getProp  
would return the uObjectProps["growth rate"] custom property for  
example. Calling city.setProp would set the uObjectProps["growth  
rate"] value after having performed integrity checks.

I create buttons on hidden stacks or just hide the button itself on a  
visible stack. Depends on my needs.

I prefer to define city.getProp/setProp handlers since I hate writing  
out city.getGrowthRate, city.setGrowthRate every time I want to add a  
new property.

I never use Revolution's getProp/setProp handlers when dealing with  
custom objects unless they are GUI elements. getProp/setProp fails to  
be called when messages are locked which is not very robust.

The (1) and (3) approach allows attaching handlers to custom  
properties and allows accessing object (e.g. a custom property set)  
properties using both an array notation (somehow an equivalent to an  
array-like behavior of objects in javascript) and in a way  
consistent with handling of properties in Rev e.g. "set the .. of ..  
to ..." or "get .. the .. of ...". Unfortunately (1) allows only a  
single object to be active and thus accessible. The (3) is a dirty  
one, because object is created using empty controls with their own  
additional properties and methods. The (2) looks promising, one can  
create a class, write a constructor function that would create new  
objects from the class, etc... But it lacks consistency with the  
existing OOP style in Rev - e.g. you can not get or set an element  
of an array using "get the  of " or  
"set the  of  to ". Besides  
you can not use getProp or setProp handlers with array's elements.

Not being able to define our own objects that have the same elegant  
syntax that is native to Rev is the real drawback.

Did anyone try doing something like this kind of OOP in Rev? I would  
appreciate if you can share your thoughts, warnings, tricks and  
approaches :-). I am not looking for a complex C++ like style of OOP  
in Rev. Anything simpler like the OOP model of javascript would be  
OK. In general, I think, it would be nice if one could treat and  
access Revolution arrays as objects with custom properties, with all  
the getProp, setProp and templateObject stuff... Or is it possible  
somehow? If not, is this already posted to QC as an enhancement  
request - I would vote for it? Otherwise going to post it there  

Just some thoughts. I have tried a few different approaches myself and  
the above is what I have settled on for the time being.


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-20 Thread Mark Smith
Viktoras, you can effectively hide the array manipulations in a  
library stack. I've done this quite a lot, though haven't really  
thought of it as OOP-like, though it produces at least some kind of  
'encapsulation'. One could think of the library stack as being the  
place where you define 'classes'.

Just off the top of my head, the script of the library 'class' stack  
might look like this :

local sCities
local sCityProperties =  

on setCity pCity, pProp, pVal
  if pProp is among the items of sCityProperties then put pVal into  
sCities[pCity, pProp]

end setCity

function getCity pCity, pProp
  if pProp is empty then put "all" into pProp

  switch pProp
  case "all"
return allCityData(pCity)
  case "populationDensity"
return popDensity(pCity)
   return sCities[pCity, pProp]
  end switch
end getCity

function allCityData pCity
  put the keys of sCities into tKeys
  filter tKeys with pCity & "*"
  repeat for each line L in tKeys
put item 2 of L & "=" & sCities[L] & cr after tCityData
  end repeat
  put popDensity(pCity) after tCityData
  return tCityData
end allCityData

function popDensity pCity
  return sCities[pCity, population] / sCities[pCity, "area"]
end popDensity

and so-on

so then in the main app, you'd do things like :

setCity "London", "country", "UK"
setCity "London", "population", 800

if getCity("London", "populationDensity") > 34 then
put getCity("London")

which is sort of equivalent to :
London.population = 800
if London.populationDensity > 34 then

Forgive me if this is all stuff you've already done, but it's  
certainly helped me think about it a bit!



On 19 Mar 2008, at 14:19, viktoras didziulis wrote:


me too like rOOP, but I feel it is a little incomplete, just one  
more step. The ones that you call real objects are limited to user  
interface controls only. The thing I was curious about is a  
possibility to create an independent data object which is nor  
control neither a gui element. Which in this case may simply mean  
enhanced arrays...

What for ?.   I think this would make code cleaner and reduce  
amount of commenting in larger projects.. Also facilitate creation  
or adoptions of existing  libraries in C or C++ for very specific  
purposes - like reading shapefiles, netcdfs, doing geographical  
transformations, astronomy, bioinformatics, etc... This  
consequently will increase the scope of applications that can be  
created in Rev and hopefully availability of diverse libraries.

In general it would make creation of complex software easier. We  
can already simulate objects using arrays, but at least the code  
would be more readable (!!!) if I were able to distinguish array  
operations from object manipulations.

Best wishes

Mark Schonewille wrote:


I just don't get it. I never ever felt a need for OOP and I just  
can't imagine I ever will, using xTalks. I'd call xTalk rOOP  
(really object oriented programming) because xTalk uses real  
objects, like fields, buttons, etc.

Why don't you simply forget about OOP? What does OOP have that  
rOOP doesn't?



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Op 19-mrt-2008, om 13:25 heeft viktoras didziulis het volgende  

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their  
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user  
interface or Revolution engine...

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-20 Thread Len Morgan

1) Lack of experience
2) Concern about performance - I'm working on an audio application which 
can get into some intensive processing.

It seems that the object template stack or what JB suggested below is 
the consensus choice of  the group so I'll start there.  Thanks to 
everyone that made suggestions.

len morgan

jbv wrote:

what hinders you from having a function "crateFader" that would dynamically
build a group with all the required components ? No need to "store" any
object, just call the function as many times as needed...



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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
this is the web page from which I started looking into MetaCard and 
finally came to Revolution website a few years ago. One more interesting 
thing Scot mentioned there is right before the paragraph about the 
completion of OO features where he wrote about possibility to output 
java bytecodes:

"A method for outputting Java byte-codes equivalent to MetaCard scripts 
has been designed, but implementation has been delayed until the serious 
performance, compatibility, and functionality limitations in Java have 
been rectified. "

Nice idea :-).


Richard Gaskin wrote:

I believe Mark Waddingham has hinted in the past that adding OOP 
extensions to Rev would be an interesting thing to do.  Even going 
back to when Scott Raney owned the engine, there were some ideas along 
these lines floating around -- see the bottom of this page:


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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> This RQQC request addresses this by proposing a new "locked" property
> for groups which would make them behave as a single control under the
> pointer tool, regardless of the state of the selectGroupControls global
> property:

Vote cast.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Richard Gaskin

viktoras didziulis wrote:

me too like rOOP, but I feel it is a little incomplete, just one more 
step. The ones that you call real objects are limited to user interface 
controls only. The thing I was curious about is a possibility to create 
an independent data object which is nor control neither a gui element. 
Which in this case may simply mean enhanced arrays...

I believe Mark Waddingham has hinted in the past that adding OOP 
extensions to Rev would be an interesting thing to do.  Even going back 
to when Scott Raney owned the engine, there were some ideas along these 
lines floating around -- see the bottom of this page:

Of course at this point there's no telling when such things may make it 
into the engine or what form they'll take, but at least it's encouraging 
 that the notion appears to have the owners' interest.

In the meantime, I've been getting by well enough adopting some of the 
philosophy behind the original Mac OS API to my work.  Long before OOP 
became the standard, the Mac API was centered around "Managers", with 
discrete components interoperating with others through minimal and 
well-defined connections.

Much of that architectural style lends itself well to working with Rev, 
allowing us to get some of the benefits of OOP today without needing to 
wait for anything from RunRev.

And down the road if/when they add OOP extensions to the language, so 
much the better.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Richard Gaskin

Len Morgan wrote:

Putting the OOP vs rOOP discussion aside for a moment, I would love to 
have the ability to create "new" GUI objects.  For example, consider a 
fader for a mixing board. 

It has a sliding "thumb" (like a scrollbar), usually a pan control at 
the top, perhaps a VU meter next to the slider to show the signal (sort 
of a progress bar), and a couple of text fields at the bottom for the 
name of the channel (Guitar, Vocal, etc), and the current dB value of 
the slider.  Such an object would have properties for current slider 
position, set the VU meter level, set the pan position, etc.  I'd like 
to be able to create this object and place it on a card just like a 
button or field.

I suppose this could be done with a group (just about all of the 
required pieces are there and could be manipulated with xTalk) but I 
don't know of an easy way to store that "object" in such a way that I 
could drop it on to a card.  Perhaps a future enhancement might be 
"stack format" that could save just an object in it (.obj or .wid?).  I 
don't think that would be too big a stretch.

Any ideas or comments?

You could make a substack called "ObjectTemplates" and store your custom 
group widgets there.  To get them on the current card, just use:

  copy grp "MyWidget" of stack "ObjectTemplates" to this cd

The nice thing about that form of the copy command is that when you 
specify a destination the object goes directly there rather than to the 
clipboard, so the user's clipboard data is not affected.

If you need a simpler form you could write a handler like this:

 on CreateCustom  pObjectType
copy grp pObjectType of stack "ObjectTemplates" to this cd
 end CreateCustom when calling it you never need to remember where the template 
group object is locatated:

 CreateCustom "MyWidget"

Ken and I have adopted a convention over the years of defining custom 
object types in a library, putting as little code as possible into the 
widget itself and instead having its UI elements call handlers in that 
library.  This allows us to fix bugs and provide enhanced behaviors by 
working with just one script, and all instances of the object reflect 
the changes.

The Rev Interoperability Project has produced a set of guidelines for 
making libraries and custom widgets which can be shared with others more 
easily by storing common metadata (type, copyright, version, etc.) in a 
set of custom props -- see the ECMI Spec (Edinburgh Core Metadata 
Initiative) in the Files section here:

For example, using the uRIP["type"] property, a frontScript or library 
can easily identify the type of control, so system messages can be 
routed to specific handlers if needed, using simple in-the-path 
messaging rather than the slower send command:

  on mouseDown
if the uRIP["type"] of the target is "Splitter" then
ufwSplitterMouseDown  -- defined in a library
else pass mouseDown
  end mouseDown

We've had more than a dozen Rev developer contribute to the ECMI 
guideliness, and at this point they're complete enough that it's 
possible to make version control and auto-update tools that work on all 
ECMI-savvy components regardless of who made them.  There are tools 
there now ("RIPEdit" and others) which make it easy to add RIP 
properties to a stack with a simple inspector tool.

One downside to working with groups as custom controls is that they're 
inherently brittle during development; that is, it's really easy to turn 
on the selectGroupControls and accidentally move controls within the group.

This RQQC request addresses this by proposing a new "locked" property 
for groups which would make them behave as a single control under the 
pointer tool, regardless of the state of the selectGroupControls global 

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Mark Schonewille


The availability of OOP really doesn't affect the scope of  
applications. Nor does it affect the use of C++. You won't be able to  
use C++ anyway, you need to create externals for that, which you can  
do already. Last but not least, I can't think of any code more  
readable than Talk code.


Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

A large collection of scripts for HyperCard, Revolution, SuperCard and  
other programming languages can be found at

On 19 mrt 2008, at 15:19, viktoras didziulis wrote:


me too like rOOP, but I feel it is a little incomplete, just one  
more step. The ones that you call real objects are limited to user  
interface controls only. The thing I was curious about is a  
possibility to create an independent data object which is nor  
control neither a gui element. Which in this case may simply mean  
enhanced arrays...

What for ?.   I think this would make code cleaner and reduce amount  
of commenting in larger projects.. Also facilitate creation or  
adoptions of existing  libraries in C or C++ for very specific  
purposes - like reading shapefiles, netcdfs, doing geographical  
transformations, astronomy, bioinformatics, etc... This consequently  
will increase the scope of applications that can be created in Rev  
and hopefully availability of diverse libraries.

In general it would make creation of complex software easier. We can  
already simulate objects using arrays, but at least the code would  
be more readable (!!!) if I were able to distinguish array  
operations from object manipulations.

Best wishes

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread viktoras didziulis


me too like rOOP, but I feel it is a little incomplete, just one more 
step. The ones that you call real objects are limited to user interface 
controls only. The thing I was curious about is a possibility to create 
an independent data object which is nor control neither a gui element. 
Which in this case may simply mean enhanced arrays...

What for ?.   I think this would make code cleaner and reduce amount of 
commenting in larger projects.. Also facilitate creation or adoptions of 
existing  libraries in C or C++ for very specific purposes - like 
reading shapefiles, netcdfs, doing geographical transformations, 
astronomy, bioinformatics, etc... This consequently will increase the 
scope of applications that can be created in Rev and hopefully 
availability of diverse libraries.

In general it would make creation of complex software easier. We can 
already simulate objects using arrays, but at least the code would be 
more readable (!!!) if I were able to distinguish array operations from 
object manipulations.

Best wishes

Mark Schonewille wrote:


I just don't get it. I never ever felt a need for OOP and I just can't 
imagine I ever will, using xTalks. I'd call xTalk rOOP (really object 
oriented programming) because xTalk uses real objects, like fields, 
buttons, etc.

Why don't you simply forget about OOP? What does OOP have that rOOP 



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Op 19-mrt-2008, om 13:25 heeft viktoras didziulis het volgende 

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their 
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user 
interface or Revolution engine...

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread jbv

Len Morgan a *crit :

> I suppose this could be done with a group (just about all of the
> required pieces are there and could be manipulated with xTalk) but I
> don't know of an easy way to store that "object" in such a way that I
> could drop it on to a card.  Perhaps a future enhancement might be
> "stack format" that could save just an object in it (.obj or .wid?).  I
> don't think that would be too big a stretch.

what hinders you from having a function "crateFader" that would dynamically
build a group with all the required components ? No need to "store" any
object, just call the function as many times as needed...


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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Len,

I make new objects all the time. I just combine the components in a  
group and when I need it, I copy the group, by script, from a  
template stack to its destination. Setprop handlers allow me to treat  
the group as if it were a true, native object.




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Op 19-mrt-2008, om 14:02 heeft Len Morgan het volgende geschreven:

Putting the OOP vs rOOP discussion aside for a moment, I would love  
to have the ability to create "new" GUI objects.  For example,  
consider a fader for a mixing board.
It has a sliding "thumb" (like a scrollbar), usually a pan control  
at the top, perhaps a VU meter next to the slider to show the  
signal (sort of a progress bar), and a couple of text fields at the  
bottom for the name of the channel (Guitar, Vocal, etc), and the  
current dB value of the slider.  Such an object would have  
properties for current slider position, set the VU meter level, set  
the pan position, etc.  I'd like to be able to create this object  
and place it on a card just like a button or field.

I suppose this could be done with a group (just about all of the  
required pieces are there and could be manipulated with xTalk) but  
I don't know of an easy way to store that "object" in such a way  
that I could drop it on to a card.  Perhaps a future enhancement  
might be "stack format" that could save just an object in it (.obj  
or .wid?).  I don't think that would be too big a stretch.

Any ideas or comments?

len morgan

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Len Morgan
Putting the OOP vs rOOP discussion aside for a moment, I would love to 
have the ability to create "new" GUI objects.  For example, consider a 
fader for a mixing board. 

It has a sliding "thumb" (like a scrollbar), usually a pan control at 
the top, perhaps a VU meter next to the slider to show the signal (sort 
of a progress bar), and a couple of text fields at the bottom for the 
name of the channel (Guitar, Vocal, etc), and the current dB value of 
the slider.  Such an object would have properties for current slider 
position, set the VU meter level, set the pan position, etc.  I'd like 
to be able to create this object and place it on a card just like a 
button or field.

I suppose this could be done with a group (just about all of the 
required pieces are there and could be manipulated with xTalk) but I 
don't know of an easy way to store that "object" in such a way that I 
could drop it on to a card.  Perhaps a future enhancement might be 
"stack format" that could save just an object in it (.obj or .wid?).  I 
don't think that would be too big a stretch.

Any ideas or comments?

len morgan

Mark Schonewille wrote:


I just don't get it. I never ever felt a need for OOP and I just can't 
imagine I ever will, using xTalks. I'd call xTalk rOOP (really object 
oriented programming) because xTalk uses real objects, like fields, 
buttons, etc.

Why don't you simply forget about OOP? What does OOP have that rOOP 



Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 19-mrt-2008, om 13:25 heeft viktoras didziulis het volgende 

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their 
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user 
interface or Revolution engine...

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Thomas McGrath III


I have not tried this in Rev but I was thinking that you might want to  
mix the array with custom props so that the array set the custom props  
of the object. The array could build the object and it's properties.

Just a thought.

Others on the list will have more experience with this.


On Mar 19, 2008, at 8:25 AM, viktoras didziulis wrote:

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their  
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user  
interface or Revolution engine...

Let's say I need an object "City" having properties: minLatitude,  
maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, area, populationSize,  
growthRate, dateFounded, currentDate so it can be handled using  
specific handlers and functions (e.g. its methods). Or, well, it  
would be more correct to start with creation of a class "City" or  
"templateCity" and then use it to create new "city" objects  
(NewYork, Paris, etc...) that can be processed by their functions  
like "populationGrowth(Paris, start_year, end_year)" and so on...

The three approaches that I can imagine are somehow inter-tangled:  
(1) creating an object as a custom property set of a stack or (2)  
creating it as an array or (3) creating it as an invisible control  
with custom properties. But all these have their drawbacks.

The (1) and (3) approach allows attaching handlers to custom  
properties and allows accessing object (e.g. a custom property set)  
properties using both an array notation (somehow an equivalent to an  
array-like behavior of objects in javascript) and in a way  
consistent with handling of properties in Rev e.g. "set the .. of ..  
to ..." or "get .. the .. of ...". Unfortunately (1) allows only a  
single object to be active and thus accessible. The (3) is a dirty  
one, because object is created using empty controls with their own  
additional properties and methods. The (2) looks promising, one can  
create a class, write a constructor function that would create new  
objects from the class, etc... But it lacks consistency with the  
existing OOP style in Rev - e.g. you can not get or set an element  
of an array using "get the  of " or  
"set the  of  to ". Besides  
you can not use getProp or setProp handlers with array's elements.

Did anyone try doing something like this kind of OOP in Rev? I would  
appreciate if you can share your thoughts, warnings, tricks and  
approaches :-). I am not looking for a complex C++ like style of OOP  
in Rev. Anything simpler like the OOP model of javascript would be  
OK. In general, I think, it would be nice if one could treat and  
access Revolution arrays as objects with custom properties, with all  
the getProp, setProp and templateObject stuff... Or is it possible  
somehow? If not, is this already posted to QC as an enhancement  
request - I would vote for it? Otherwise going to post it there  

All the best!

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread Mark Schonewille


I just don't get it. I never ever felt a need for OOP and I just  
can't imagine I ever will, using xTalks. I'd call xTalk rOOP (really  
object oriented programming) because xTalk uses real objects, like  
fields, buttons, etc.

Why don't you simply forget about OOP? What does OOP have that rOOP  



Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 19-mrt-2008, om 13:25 heeft viktoras didziulis het volgende  

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their  
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user  
interface or Revolution engine...

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their 
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user interface 
or Revolution engine...

Let's say I need an object "City" having properties: minLatitude, 
maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, area, populationSize, 
growthRate, dateFounded, currentDate so it can be handled using specific 
handlers and functions (e.g. its methods). Or, well, it would be more 
correct to start with creation of a class "City" or "templateCity" and 
then use it to create new "city" objects (NewYork, Paris, etc...) that 
can be processed by their functions like "populationGrowth(Paris, 
start_year, end_year)" and so on...

The three approaches that I can imagine are somehow inter-tangled: (1) 
creating an object as a custom property set of a stack or (2) creating 
it as an array or (3) creating it as an invisible control with custom 
properties. But all these have their drawbacks.

The (1) and (3) approach allows attaching handlers to custom properties 
and allows accessing object (e.g. a custom property set) properties 
using both an array notation (somehow an equivalent to an array-like 
behavior of objects in javascript) and in a way consistent with handling 
of properties in Rev e.g. "set the .. of .. to ..." or "get .. the .. of 
...". Unfortunately (1) allows only a single object to be active and 
thus accessible. The (3) is a dirty one, because object is created using 
empty controls with their own additional properties and methods. The (2) 
looks promising, one can create a class, write a constructor function 
that would create new objects from the class, etc... But it lacks 
consistency with the existing OOP style in Rev - e.g. you can not get or 
set an element of an array using "get the  of 
" or "set the  of  to 
". Besides you can not use getProp or setProp handlers with 
array's elements.

Did anyone try doing something like this kind of OOP in Rev? I would 
appreciate if you can share your thoughts, warnings, tricks and 
approaches :-). I am not looking for a complex C++ like style of OOP in 
Rev. Anything simpler like the OOP model of javascript would be OK. In 
general, I think, it would be nice if one could treat and access 
Revolution arrays as objects with custom properties, with all the 
getProp, setProp and templateObject stuff... Or is it possible somehow? 
If not, is this already posted to QC as an enhancement request - I would 
vote for it? Otherwise going to post it there myself...

All the best!

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Re: OOP in Rev

2002-02-26 Thread Richard Gaskin

Mat Korica asks:

> So how do the standard object-oriented programming concepts translate into
> the Rev world? How do I make classes, subclasses, instances, etc.

Traditional OOP per se is not easily done in an xTalk.  There are common
elements between xTalk and OOP systems, but each model has unique strengths
and weaknesses which offer different ranges of benefits for the job at hand.

I have hobbyist interest in automata and simulations, where OOP is
particularly useful.   I crafted a couple of tests for a framework that will
give me enough OOP-like behavior to get the job done and still keep the code
simple.  It's nothing fancy, little more than a slightly slower verion of
the parentScript feature I keep requesting, but might be useful:

I have a stack named "Classes" that contains a bunch of buttons.  The
scripts of all buttons in the Classes stack are inserted as backcripts on

The script of each Class button has handlers that take this form:




The system has a frontscript that traps most system messages, and checks the
target for a custom property named "Class".  We can call this the
Dispatcher.  If the target has a Class property the Dispatcher simply
prepends it to the name of the message and sends that to the target.

For example, suppose you click on a button.  The Dispatcher gets the message
first with this trap:

  on mouseUp
doClass the params
pass mouseUp
  end mouseUp

The doClass handler is also in that frontscript:

  on doClass
get the Class of the target
if it is not empty then
  if there is not a btn it of stack "classes" then exit doClass
  put the params into tParams
  delete word 1 of tParams
  delete char 1 of tParams
  delete last char of tParams
  put cr&"on "&it&"."&word 1 of tParams into tCheckStr
  if tCheckStr is in the script of btn it of stack "classes" then
send it&"."&tParams to the target
  end if
end if
  end doClass

The resulting "cFileSelector.mouseUp" message is sent to the target, and
since the target doesn't handle it directly it passes through to the class
definition for cFileSelector, which is the backscript for the button of that
name from the Classes window:

  on cFileSelector.mouseUp
answer file "Select a file:"
if it is empty then exit to top
set the uFile of the target to it
  end cFileSelector.mouseUp

While this message heirarchy scheme is only one-deep, it's relatively fast
and allows you an easy way to handle messages for a great many objects
without ever putting any scripts in any of them.  You just set one property,
and their behaviors change.

To measure performance, I modified the Dispatcher's doClass handler to
measure speed:

  on doClass
put the milliseconds into t
repeat 1000
get the class of the target
if it is not empty then
  if there is not a btn it of stack "classes" then exit doClass
  put the params into tParams
  delete word 1 of tParams
  delete char 1 of tParams
  delete last char of tParams
  put cr&"on "&it&"."&word 1 of tParams into tCheckStr
  if tCheckStr is in the script of btn it of stack "classes" then
send it&"."&tParams to the target
  end if
end if
end repeat
put (the milliseconds - t) /1000 && the params
  end doClass

On my G4/500, and using only stub handlers in the button class so as not to
muddy the waters, it seems the Dispatcher takes about 1/10 of a millisecond
to execute (0.096 ms avg).   Noticeable difference, esp. since most messages
are simply passed without processing, as only those messages handled by the
target's class ever get dispatched.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Custom Software and Web Development for All Major Platforms
 Developer of WebMerge 1.9: Publish any Database on Any Site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

use-revolution mailing list

OOP in Rev

2002-02-26 Thread Mat Korica

So how do the standard object-oriented programming concepts translate into
the Rev world? How do I make classes, subclasses, instances, etc.

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