Re: is there any way to auto recover the wasce server?

2009-04-10 Thread Jack Cai
I'd say it's not a good idea to restart the server to clean up things.

If it's the performance becomes unacceptable because there are too many
users and the server is overloaded, then you should add more servers to the
cluster to distribute the workload, or upgrade the hardware configuration of
the current server (more memory, more CPU, etc.).

If there are memory leaks (as you say the memory consumption gets larger and
larger), you should check whether it's a problem in your application (e.g.,
not releasing objects in time). It might also be a problem in the server,
for which people here are happy to work with you to solve.


2009/4/9 WenDong Zhang

 Hi all.

 I'm using httpd2.2  mod_jk as the load balancer server, and to wasce
 server as the cluster nodes. The requests per second for each wasce
 node maybe more than 200 times.
 Now after running for a long time, the wasce server's performance is
 getting lower (the system resource usage is higher, cpu usage almost
 100%  memory usage is higher than 1G). When the response time of
 wasce server is too long (more than 3s), I need to restart the wasce
 server to release the system resource.
 My question is:
 Could to wasce server auto clear the using resource after running for
 a period? such as terminate the running threads, release system
 resource. Even this maybe lost some requests, but it can server the
 subsequent requests timely.
 Now my way is restart the wasce server per several minutes...


 Best Regards!
 Wen Dong

Re: G trunk and maven dependencies question

2009-04-10 Thread Peter Petersson

David Jencks wrote:
Where exactly do you see the file with the dated version?  I've looked 
around in my build and don't see anything obvious.
BTW this problem sounds familiar but I don't remember yet when I ran 
into it...
Searching for geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec in trunk i see the dated version 
tag in loots (if not all) of the built /target ... dependecies.xml 
files. I am rebuilding trunk now to give some exact locations. I don't 
think this is a local problem on my comp as I get the same problem on a 
newly setup vmware server (i.e no long time forgotten tweaking on that 

thanks peter

david jencks
On Apr 9, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Peter Petersson wrote:

I am building some geronimo plugins against G v2.2 (trunk) and I am 
getting a strange unresolved maven dependency issue against a dated 
version of the   geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec (see below) when I build 
from a clean .m2 repository.

AFAICT the geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec version should be 1.0-SNAPSHOT (as 
declared in geronimo server root pom). I have Geronimo Server 
Private Repository and Apache Snapshots Repository as repository 
settings in my project (should be enough to build gplugins?) but only 
when I first build Geronimo server trunk will my derby plugin build 
without error.
Looking at the generated dependency versions for 
geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec in my built geronimo server trunk I also see 
a dated version (1.0-20080804.213256-1) of the spec in 
dependecies.xml and not as I would expect the 1.0-SNAPSHOT version.

Do I have some misconfiguration or is this a (by me) unforeseen maven 
snapshot behavior?

 peter petersson

[INFO] [car:verify-no-dependency-change]


86K downloaded
[INFO] [car:package]
[INFO] Packaging module configuration: 

[INFO]  GBean references are not using proxies
[INFO]  ClassLoading behaviour has changed.  The Original 
Classloading mode is in effect.  If you are experiencing a problem
you can change the behaviour by specifying 
-DXorg.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MPCLSearchOption= property.  
=safe to revert to the original behaviour.  This is a temporary 
change until we decide whether or not to make it

permanent for the 2.0 release
[ERROR] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state: 

Missing dependency: 






Re: G trunk and maven dependencies question

2009-04-10 Thread Peter Petersson
Oh sry my mistake I pointed to the wrong file(s) the dependencies.xml 
files don't have the version tag.

I rebuilt from a empty local repository and did a mvn clean install on 
gernimo/server/trunk (svn rev 763909) and here is a couple of places 
where the dated version of geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec shows up

(and plan.xml) have


Also for example monitoring/mconsole-jetty-server 
.../target/assembly/repository/... geronimo-plugin.xml and plan.xml and 
hmm the cmp generates thous files, question is why (and where) dose it 
got hold of the 1.0-20080804.213256-1 version?

mvn --version gives
Maven version: 2.0.9
Java version: 1.5.0_16
OS name: linux version: 2.6.27-11-generic arch: amd64 Family: unix

Its not a big thing as everything builds fine after building 
gernonimo/server/trunk but It would be nice to find out whats going on 
and maybe fix the problem as it would be good to be able to do 
plugin/assembly development/builds without also having to check out and 
build the server.

   peter petersson

David Jencks skrev:
Where exactly do you see the file with the dated version?  I've looked 
around in my build and don't see anything obvious.
BTW this problem sounds familiar but I don't remember yet when I ran 
into it...

david jencks
On Apr 9, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Peter Petersson wrote:

I am building some geronimo plugins against G v2.2 (trunk) and I am 
getting a strange unresolved maven dependency issue against a dated 
version of the   geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec (see below) when I build 
from a clean .m2 repository.

AFAICT the geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec version should be 1.0-SNAPSHOT (as 
declared in geronimo server root pom). I have Geronimo Server 
Private Repository and Apache Snapshots Repository as repository 
settings in my project (should be enough to build gplugins?) but only 
when I first build Geronimo server trunk will my derby plugin build 
without error.
Looking at the generated dependency versions for 
geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec in my built geronimo server trunk I also see 
a dated version (1.0-20080804.213256-1) of the spec in 
dependecies.xml and not as I would expect the 1.0-SNAPSHOT version.

Do I have some misconfiguration or is this a (by me) unforeseen maven 
snapshot behavior?

 peter petersson

[INFO] [car:verify-no-dependency-change]


86K downloaded
[INFO] [car:package]
[INFO] Packaging module configuration: 

[INFO]  GBean references are not using proxies
[INFO]  ClassLoading behaviour has changed.  The Original 
Classloading mode is in effect.  If you are experiencing a problem
you can change the behaviour by specifying 
-DXorg.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MPCLSearchOption= property.  
=safe to revert to the original behaviour.  This is a temporary 
change until we decide whether or not to make it

permanent for the 2.0 release
[ERROR] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state: 

Missing dependency: 






Re: G trunk and maven dependencies question

2009-04-10 Thread David Jencks
For some reason I'm not seeing this locally, perhaps due to the local  
changes in my build.  I took a heavy-handed approach of just deleting  
the timestamped artifacts from the snapshot repo.  Please let us know  
if this does not fix the problem.

david jencks

On Apr 10, 2009, at 4:11 AM, Peter Petersson wrote:

Oh sry my mistake I pointed to the wrong file(s) the  
dependencies.xml files don't have the version tag.

I rebuilt from a empty local repository and did a mvn clean install  
on gernimo/server/trunk (svn rev 763909) and here is a couple of  
places where the dated version of geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec shows up

META-INF/geronimo-plugin.xml (and plan.xml) have


Also for example monitoring/mconsole-jetty-server .../target/ 
assembly/repository/... geronimo-plugin.xml and plan.xml and more.
hmm the cmp generates thous files, question is why (and where) dose  
it got hold of the 1.0-20080804.213256-1 version?

mvn --version gives
Maven version: 2.0.9
Java version: 1.5.0_16
OS name: linux version: 2.6.27-11-generic arch: amd64 Family:  

Its not a big thing as everything builds fine after building  
gernonimo/server/trunk but It would be nice to find out whats going  
on and maybe fix the problem as it would be good to be able to do  
plugin/assembly development/builds without also having to check out  
and build the server.

  peter petersson

David Jencks skrev:
Where exactly do you see the file with the dated version?  I've  
looked around in my build and don't see anything obvious.
BTW this problem sounds familiar but I don't remember yet when I  
ran into it...

david jencks
On Apr 9, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Peter Petersson wrote:

I am building some geronimo plugins against G v2.2 (trunk) and I  
am getting a strange unresolved maven dependency issue against a  
dated version of the   geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec (see below) when I  
build from a clean .m2 repository.

AFAICT the geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec version should be 1.0-SNAPSHOT  
(as declared in geronimo server root pom). I have Geronimo Server  
Private Repository and Apache Snapshots Repository as  
repository settings in my project (should be enough to build  
gplugins?) but only when I first build Geronimo server trunk will  
my derby plugin build without error.
Looking at the generated dependency versions for geronimo- 
jaspi_1.0_spec in my built geronimo server trunk I also see a  
dated version (1.0-20080804.213256-1) of the spec in  
dependecies.xml and not as I would expect the 1.0-SNAPSHOT version.

Do I have some misconfiguration or is this a (by me) unforeseen  
maven snapshot behavior?

peter petersson

[INFO] [car:verify-no-dependency-change]
86K downloaded
[INFO] [car:package]
[INFO] Packaging module configuration: /usr/local/proj/geronimo- 

[INFO]  GBean references are not using proxies
[INFO]  ClassLoading behaviour has changed.  The Original  
Classloading mode is in effect.  If you are experiencing a problem
you can change the behaviour by specifying - 
DXorg.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MPCLSearchOption= property.   
=safe to revert to the original behaviour.  This is a temporary  
change until we decide whether or not to make it

permanent for the 2.0 release
[ERROR] Error while starting; GBean is now in the FAILED state:  
Missing dependency: org.apache.geronimo.specs/geronimo- 


RE: Deployment Question

2009-04-10 Thread Russell Collins
Thank you for your help with this information.

From: Kevan Miller []
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Deployment Question

On Apr 9, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Russell Collins wrote:

Couple of questions that I have with the install-library command:

* It shows the option for GroupId.  Is there options for Artifact ID 
and Version?

Pretty sure the answer is no...

* The way that it installs the jar file, it seems as if the jar file is 
in the format of name-version.jar it will install it in the 
Group/Artifact/Version format in the directory.  Is this assumption correct?  
Is this type of format the standard way of naming .jar assemblies?

Correct. It's the maven convention for naming artifacts...

* With the deploy command, is there a way to specify how a .jar file is 
to be deployed using an xml descriptor?  If so, what is the format of the xml?

Again, pretty sure the answer is no...

Can see that it could be helpful... You can create a Jira and see if somebody's 
interested in implementing this. Better yet, you could submit a patch... ;-)
