Re: [OT] Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-27 Thread Andrew Hill

> Not to hit below the belt, but the only place that I have seen that
> naming used in practice is in the Win32/COM world. Can you name
> another? ;-)

We do it as part of our coding conventions (we also do the Abstractxxx 
thing too). Im rather pro doing it that way too. Mostly its a matter of 
taste, though I do find it helps to visualise the design better (a 
diagram would also help - but who has time for that, and anyhow I think 
better in code than in pictures) - as soon as I see an Ixxx I know that 
its intended that will be different impls that plug in, and that Id get 
a lot further trying to instantiate one of those than the interface 
class... etc...
It works niely for us, but I doubt we would lose much doing it the other 
way. Certainly beats trying to think of new words that end in 'able'. 
;-) Ymmv...

Larry Meadors wrote:
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:30:18 +0100, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can you tell me the exact difference between a leading "I" and a leading
"Abstract"  ?
AbstractButton, AbstractModel, AbstractAction...

"Abstract" describes the behavior (the class is an abstract or partial
implementation), where "I" is just a name mangler...I suppose you
*could* argue that it describes the *lack of* behavior, but that still
seems like nonsense. ;-)

I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething.
There was almost none of those in jdks 1.0, 1.1.x and so on, till swing / 
Wait till 1.6 :-)

OK, you made me look at 1.6, which I suppose is a good thing. :-) 

But you also proved my point - I am looking at it now, and see many,
many interfaces, and not a *single one* that is named with a leading
"I" that is not part of what the interface describes - and no,
Iterator does not count...but it was still darn funny!
Not to hit below the belt, but the only place that I have seen that
naming used in practice is in the Win32/COM world. Can you name
another? ;-)
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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Erik Weber
Thanks a lot.

Robert Taylor wrote:
> So, this additional layer, in a Struts application, resides between the
> Struts classes (Actions) and your managerial facade? The Action
> instantiates/looks up a CustomerApplicationServiceImpl, which does CRUD
> via the CustomerService component but also manages (possibly by itself,
> possibly by delegation) app-specific notification logic, high-level 
> helper logic, etc. Is this correct?
Yes. The application service becomes the core of the application 
specific logic. As such, it is the most volatile. Once the domain 
components (domain object, dao, and manager) are created to perform 
operations which are relative to their respective domain, then they 
shouldn't change much and essentially become a library of reusable 
components. Contrary to an application service which are subject to 
the whim of the business contraints.

>Effectively then, this layer
> decouples the managerial layer from, not Struts per se (though it does
> indirectly), but, from your implementation strategy (whether you use
> passive/active notification, how you filter read results, etc.) with
> respect to the business rules. Right?
Yes. As mentioned above. Just to clarify, I consider the managerial 
layer to manage the domain component (domain object and its respective 
dao). If the "implementation strategy" refers to the implementation of 
the application specific logic, then yes.

This strategy mainly falls out of my own experience with doing just 
what I cautioned against. I started developing domain objects using an 
ActiveRecord (see Martin Fowler) design pattern and then each time a 
new application requirement was added, I ended up adding a static 
method to my domain object. After a while my domain object was doing 
things wa out of its domain and consequentially not as 
reusable. I have found this to be a common pitfall in application 
development; especially as the application goes from "simple" to 
complex and critical.

After some research (reading Core J2EE Patterns, Rod Johnson, etc...) 
and lots of refactoring, I started using the strategy I just described 
and have found the applications have been more scalable and most of 
the changes tend to be isolated in the application service layer.


Erik Weber wrote:
Robert Taylor wrote:
I think things look pretty good so far.
Right now Customer is a domain object representing a customer.
CustomerDAO is a DAO respsonible for mapping the Customer to its 
relational counterpart(s). CustomerService collaborates with 
CustomerDAO  to manage the persistence and data access of a Customer.
Together these 3 classes make up what I would refer to as a 
CustomerComponent. This simple component can be used in any of your 
applications that interact with a customer and need simple Customer 
CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) services.

I would caution you against adding any application specific logic to 
this component as it would reduce the reusability of it in other 
applications which you may develop which may need to use the same 
component. I'm assuming right now your application logic mirrors the 
services provided by the CustomerService; simple CRUD  operations. 
Now let's say you have some additional requirements such as:

- When a customer is created, notify operations.
- When a customer is deleted, notify operations.
- Find all the customer's who have placed orders within a specified
  date range.
You might be tempted to add this functionality to CustomerService 
and add the supporting functionality to CustomerDAO and Customer. 
Now let's say you need to develop another application which needs 
simple CRUD functionality for a Customer. Ooops. You can't use 

I have found that an additional application service layer provides 
the flexibility to add application specific logic leveraging a 
library of components instead of modifying them. For example, you 
might want to add a CustomerApplicationService which leverages the 
services provided by CustomerService. So for the example provided 
above, the CustomerApplicationService may collaborate with event 
listeners which respond appropriately to creating and deleting a 
customer. It may also collaborate with specialized DAO for 
retrieveing customer's using application logic criteria. It may also 
collaborate with value object assemblers to build value objects 
which cannot simply be represented by a single Customer. My point is 
that the additional layer provides a layer of abstraction which 
decouples the domain components from application specific logic 
which allows you to leverage your investments in these domain 
components, instead of modifying them to support additional 
application requirements.

So, this additional layer, in a Struts application, resides between 
the Struts classes (Actions) and your managerial facade? The Action 
instantiates/looks up a CustomerApplicationServiceImpl, which does 
CRUD via the CustomerServic

Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Robert Taylor
> So, this additional layer, in a Struts application, resides between the
> Struts classes (Actions) and your managerial facade? The Action
> instantiates/looks up a CustomerApplicationServiceImpl, which does CRUD
> via the CustomerService component but also manages (possibly by itself,
> possibly by delegation) app-specific notification logic, high-level view
> helper logic, etc. Is this correct?
Yes. The application service becomes the core of the application 
specific logic. As such, it is the most volatile. Once the domain 
components (domain object, dao, and manager) are created to perform 
operations which are relative to their respective domain, then they 
shouldn't change much and essentially become a library of reusable 
components. Contrary to an application service which are subject to the 
whim of the business contraints.

>Effectively then, this layer
> decouples the managerial layer from, not Struts per se (though it does
> indirectly), but, from your implementation strategy (whether you use
> passive/active notification, how you filter read results, etc.) with
> respect to the business rules. Right?
Yes. As mentioned above. Just to clarify, I consider the managerial 
layer to manage the domain component (domain object and its respective 
dao). If the "implementation strategy" refers to the implementation of 
the application specific logic, then yes.

This strategy mainly falls out of my own experience with doing just what 
I cautioned against. I started developing domain objects using an 
ActiveRecord (see Martin Fowler) design pattern and then each time a new 
application requirement was added, I ended up adding a static method to 
my domain object. After a while my domain object was doing things 
wa out of its domain and consequentially not as reusable. I have 
found this to be a common pitfall in application development; especially 
as the application goes from "simple" to complex and critical.

After some research (reading Core J2EE Patterns, Rod Johnson, etc...) 
and lots of refactoring, I started using the strategy I just described 
and have found the applications have been more scalable and most of the 
changes tend to be isolated in the application service layer.


Erik Weber wrote:
Robert Taylor wrote:
I think things look pretty good so far.
Right now Customer is a domain object representing a customer.
CustomerDAO is a DAO respsonible for mapping the Customer to its 
relational counterpart(s). CustomerService collaborates with 
CustomerDAO  to manage the persistence and data access of a Customer.
Together these 3 classes make up what I would refer to as a 
CustomerComponent. This simple component can be used in any of your 
applications that interact with a customer and need simple Customer 
CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) services.

I would caution you against adding any application specific logic to 
this component as it would reduce the reusability of it in other 
applications which you may develop which may need to use the same 
component. I'm assuming right now your application logic mirrors the 
services provided by the CustomerService; simple CRUD  operations. Now 
let's say you have some additional requirements such as:

- When a customer is created, notify operations.
- When a customer is deleted, notify operations.
- Find all the customer's who have placed orders within a specified
  date range.
You might be tempted to add this functionality to CustomerService and 
add the supporting functionality to CustomerDAO and Customer. Now 
let's say you need to develop another application which needs simple 
CRUD functionality for a Customer. Ooops. You can't use CustomerService.

I have found that an additional application service layer provides the 
flexibility to add application specific logic leveraging a library of 
components instead of modifying them. For example, you might want to 
add a CustomerApplicationService which leverages the services provided 
by CustomerService. So for the example provided above, the 
CustomerApplicationService may collaborate with event listeners which 
respond appropriately to creating and deleting a customer. It may also 
collaborate with specialized DAO for retrieveing customer's using 
application logic criteria. It may also collaborate with value object 
assemblers to build value objects which cannot simply be represented 
by a single Customer. My point is that the additional layer provides a 
layer of abstraction which decouples the domain components from 
application specific logic which allows you to leverage your 
investments in these domain components, instead of modifying them to 
support additional application requirements.

So, this additional layer, in a Struts application, resides between the 
Struts classes (Actions) and your managerial facade? The Action 
instantiates/looks up a CustomerApplicationServiceImpl, which does CRUD 
via the CustomerService component but also manages (possibly by itse

Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Personally, I find the "leading I on an interface" rule to 
> hurt readability, but worse is that it also tempts you to an 
> insidious practice of naming an interface with the I, and 
> then an implementation class the same way without the I.  
> Consider the two names:
> * IThisIsAVeryLongName (interface describing part of your app's API)
> * ThisIsAVeryLongName (class that implements IThisIsAVeryLongName)
> Without studying closely, can you instantly tell the 
> difference?  I contend that it's easier to do that (although 
> not necessarily trivial with long names) with patterns like:
> * ThisIsAVeryLongName (interface describing part of your app's API)
> * ThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl (class that implements ThisIsAVeryLongName)

Actually the I-Fraction I belong to says:

as well as 

Aspect1ThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl and 
AnotherAspectThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl (like FileSystemThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl
and PostgresThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl)

along with 


or, if you have more then one:

The clue is:

ThisIsAVeryLongName < is never used directly. 


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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> Personally, I find the "leading I on an interface" rule to 
> hurt readability, but worse is that it also tempts you to an 
> insidious practice of naming an interface with the I, and 
> then an implementation class the same way without the I.  
> Consider the two names:
> * IThisIsAVeryLongName (interface describing part of your app's API)
> * ThisIsAVeryLongName (class that implements IThisIsAVeryLongName)
> Without studying closely, can you instantly tell the 
> difference?  I contend that it's easier to do that (although 
> not necessarily trivial with long names) with patterns like:
> * ThisIsAVeryLongName (interface describing part of your app's API)
> * ThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl (class that implements ThisIsAVeryLongName)

Actually the I-Fraction I belong to says:

as well as 

Aspect1ThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl and 
AnotherAspectThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl (like FileSystemThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl
and PostgresThisIsAVeryLongNameImpl)

along with 


or, if you have more then one:

The clue is:

ThisIsAVeryLongName < is never used directly. 


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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Erik Weber
Robert Taylor wrote:
I think things look pretty good so far.
Right now Customer is a domain object representing a customer.
CustomerDAO is a DAO respsonible for mapping the Customer to its 
relational counterpart(s). CustomerService collaborates with 
CustomerDAO  to manage the persistence and data access of a Customer.
Together these 3 classes make up what I would refer to as a 
CustomerComponent. This simple component can be used in any of your 
applications that interact with a customer and need simple Customer 
CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) services.

I would caution you against adding any application specific logic to 
this component as it would reduce the reusability of it in other 
applications which you may develop which may need to use the same 
component. I'm assuming right now your application logic mirrors the 
services provided by the CustomerService; simple CRUD  operations. Now 
let's say you have some additional requirements such as:

- When a customer is created, notify operations.
- When a customer is deleted, notify operations.
- Find all the customer's who have placed orders within a specified
  date range.
You might be tempted to add this functionality to CustomerService and 
add the supporting functionality to CustomerDAO and Customer. Now 
let's say you need to develop another application which needs simple 
CRUD functionality for a Customer. Ooops. You can't use CustomerService.

I have found that an additional application service layer provides the 
flexibility to add application specific logic leveraging a library of 
components instead of modifying them. For example, you might want to 
add a CustomerApplicationService which leverages the services provided 
by CustomerService. So for the example provided above, the 
CustomerApplicationService may collaborate with event listeners which 
respond appropriately to creating and deleting a customer. It may also 
collaborate with specialized DAO for retrieveing customer's using 
application logic criteria. It may also collaborate with value object 
assemblers to build value objects which cannot simply be represented 
by a single Customer. My point is that the additional layer provides a 
layer of abstraction which decouples the domain components from 
application specific logic which allows you to leverage your 
investments in these domain components, instead of modifying them to 
support additional application requirements.

So, this additional layer, in a Struts application, resides between the 
Struts classes (Actions) and your managerial facade? The Action 
instantiates/looks up a CustomerApplicationServiceImpl, which does CRUD 
via the CustomerService component but also manages (possibly by itself, 
possibly by delegation) app-specific notification logic, high-level view 
helper logic, etc. Is this correct? Effectively then, this layer 
decouples the managerial layer from, not Struts per se (though it does 
indirectly), but, from your implementation strategy (whether you use 
passive/active notification, how you filter read results, etc.) with 
respect to the business rules. Right?


Don't forget that CustomerApplicationService should be an interface 
such  that it can be implemented as a POJO (plain old java object) or 
maybe a delegate which hides a remote implementation.

Tim Christopher wrote:
I'm currently designing a web application and as time progresses I
keep on less convinced that my approach is correct.
Applying what I have to a shop example the classes I have are:
* Note: I use the iBATIS framework.
# Contains get + set methods using correct types, ie. name (String),
age (int), etc.
# An interface for database operations for the Customer, i.e.
insertCustomer, updateCustomer, etc.
# Implements the CustomerDAO interface and effectively calls the db.
# Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO. (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
# Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to object;
calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
parameter; return ActionForward.
# Contains DynaValidatorForm for storing customer details.
I've tried looking through a few books and using Google for
information that would explain if this is the correct approach, but
all the tutorials I can find only show examples of projects that are
very small.
I'm now at the stage in my project where I think I still have time to
change the design if I do it in the next couple of days - otherwise
I'm stuck with the approach I'm using above.
I think the closest I'v

Re: [OT] Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Larry Meadors
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:30:18 +0100, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you tell me the exact difference between a leading "I" and a leading
> "Abstract"  ?
> AbstractButton, AbstractModel, AbstractAction...

"Abstract" describes the behavior (the class is an abstract or partial
implementation), where "I" is just a name mangler...I suppose you
*could* argue that it describes the *lack of* behavior, but that still
seems like nonsense. ;-)

> > I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething.
> There was almost none of those in jdks 1.0, 1.1.x and so on, till swing / 1.2.
> Wait till 1.6 :-)

OK, you made me look at 1.6, which I suppose is a good thing. :-) 

But you also proved my point - I am looking at it now, and see many,
many interfaces, and not a *single one* that is named with a leading
"I" that is not part of what the interface describes - and no,
Iterator does not count...but it was still darn funny!

Not to hit below the belt, but the only place that I have seen that
naming used in practice is in the Win32/COM world. Can you name
another? ;-)


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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Larry Meadors

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:32:22 +0100, Leon Rosenberg
> > I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething.
> I-terator?
> :-
> -
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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething. 



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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
> I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething. 



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[OT] Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Can you tell me the exact difference between a leading "I" and a leading
"Abstract"  ?

AbstractButton, AbstractModel, AbstractAction... 

> I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething. 
There was almost none of those in jdks 1.0, 1.1.x and so on, till swing /
Wait till 1.6 :-) 


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Samstag, 26. Februar 2005 14:24
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Struts Approach
> On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:13:59 +0100, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm, i thought it's more or less standart for interfaces in the 
> > advanced java community...
> > 
> Baloney.
> HttpServletRequest? HttpServletResponse? ResultSet? List?
> No leading "I" on any of those. 
> I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething. 
> Larry
> > But you can of course drop any points to the kind of the class like 
> > "Service" "Factory" "DAO", "Action", "Bean" and the poor 
> "Abstract" and "I"
> >  this will sure make it more readable...
> > 
> > And it's not hungarian since "Interface" is not a type.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Leon
> > 
> > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Gesendet: Samstag, 26. Februar 2005 14:06
> > > An: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > Betreff: Re: AW: Struts Approach
> > >
> > > Couldn't disagree more. ;-)
> > >
> > > IMO, adding hungarian notation like that to a Java project is 
> > > pointless. What's next? sCustomerName? iCusomerId?
> > >
> > > Nonsense. Leave that for C coders. :-D
> > >
> > > Larry
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 13:58:41 +0100, Leon Rosenberg 
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >   <2cents>
> > > > The interface should start with an 'I' -> ICustomerService, and 
> > > > you also need a CustomerServiceFactory to 
> create/retrieve/manager 
> > > > CustomerServiceImpl instances :-)
> > > >
> > > >   
> > > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[OT] Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Leon Rosenberg
Can you tell me the exact difference between a leading "I" and a leading
"Abstract"  ?

AbstractButton, AbstractModel, AbstractAction... 

> I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething. 
There was almost none of those in jdks 1.0, 1.1.x and so on, till swing /
Wait till 1.6 :-) 


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Samstag, 26. Februar 2005 14:24
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: AW: Struts Approach
> On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 14:13:59 +0100, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm, i thought it's more or less standart for interfaces in the 
> > advanced java community...
> > 
> Baloney.
> HttpServletRequest? HttpServletResponse? ResultSet? List?
> No leading "I" on any of those. 
> I am unaware of any interfaces in the JDK that are ISomething. 
> Larry
> > But you can of course drop any points to the kind of the class like 
> > "Service" "Factory" "DAO", "Action", "Bean" and the poor 
> "Abstract" and "I"
> >  this will sure make it more readable...
> > 
> > And it's not hungarian since "Interface" is not a type.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Leon
> > 
> > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Gesendet: Samstag, 26. Februar 2005 14:06
> > > An: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > Betreff: Re: AW: Struts Approach
> > >
> > > Couldn't disagree more. ;-)
> > >
> > > IMO, adding hungarian notation like that to a Java project is 
> > > pointless. What's next? sCustomerName? iCusomerId?
> > >
> > > Nonsense. Leave that for C coders. :-D
> > >
> > > Larry
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 13:58:41 +0100, Leon Rosenberg 
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >   <2cents>
> > > > The interface should start with an 'I' -> ICustomerService, and 
> > > > you also need a CustomerServiceFactory to 
> create/retrieve/manager 
> > > > CustomerServiceImpl instances :-)
> > > >
> > > >   
> > > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Larry Meadors

What you are describing is actually very close to how I build struts
apps with iBATIS.

Starting with your example of a Customer maintenance application, here
are the components I would create: - a typed bean that describes the properties of a customer - the interface for the DAO layer - the implementation of the interface for the DAO layer - a dispatch action for the application - a regular (non-dyna) form for the application - the interface for the service layer - the implementation of the interface for the
service layer

There are two parts here that can be controversial: The non-dyna
CustomerForm, and the seperation of the service interface and

I do both for the sake of testing - I try to get 100% coverage with my
unit tests, so explicit behavior (like with the non-dyna CustomerForm)
and loose coupling (with the added service interface) are quite

I put a nested Customer object in my action form, and deal with type
conversions from the web layer there (i.e., dates, numbers, etc) so
that by the time my action gets involved, it can get the customer from
the form and pass it to the service layer without worrying too much
about that stuff. For types that bean-utils does well with, I simply
delegate to the Customer bean from the action form (public String
getName(){return getCustomer().getName;}). Yes, it is some extra code
that you would avoid with a dyna, but I prefer the explicit behavior,
because IMO, it is easier to test and debug when problems arise, and
you really do not eliminate much code with the dyna bean approach -
you simply move it into an XML file. ;-)

For testing, I use constructors to provide the service implementation
to the action class, and to provide the dao implementation to the
service class. When the application runs normally, it gets the
implementations from the factories (I use a service factory as well as
a dao factory).


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 23:43:10 +, Tim Christopher
> Hi,
> I'm currently designing a web application and as time progresses I
> keep on less convinced that my approach is correct.
> Applying what I have to a shop example the classes I have are:
> --
> * Note: I use the iBATIS framework.
> --
> # Contains get + set methods using correct types, ie. name (String),
> age (int), etc.
> # An interface for database operations for the Customer, i.e.
> insertCustomer, updateCustomer, etc.
> # Implements the CustomerDAO interface and effectively calls the db.
> # Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO.
> (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
> # Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
> DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to object;
> calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
> parameter; return ActionForward.
> Struts-Config.xml
> # Contains DynaValidatorForm for storing customer details.
> --
> --
> I've tried looking through a few books and using Google for
> information that would explain if this is the correct approach, but
> all the tutorials I can find only show examples of projects that are
> very small.
> I'm now at the stage in my project where I think I still have time to
> change the design if I do it in the next couple of days - otherwise
> I'm stuck with the approach I'm using above.
> I think the closest I've come to finding anything is here:
> ...  Though to be honest I don't really understand it.
> Can someone take a look at my previous example and suggest any extra
> classes I should be using.  Also it would be useful if you could let
> me know how the existing files link up to being: DAOs, DTOs, Value
> Objects (same of DTO?!), and business classes.
> I think I'm a little confused! :os
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Tim Christopher
> -
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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Larry Meadors
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:27:09 -0800, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Without knowing more details it is hard to respond.  I did find the
> description of the relations between the DAO objects a bit "off" from
> what I would have expected.  I would have expected something like:
> CustomerDAO customerDAO = FactoryDAO.getCustomerDAO();
> This assumes that the CustomerDAO is an interface and that
> getCustomerDAO() in FactoryDAO is setup to get the default
> implementation of the CustomerDAO.  If CustomerSqlMapDAO is such an
> implementation, then I understand.  The naming is just a bit odd to
> me.  (I don't use iBatis and that may be standard terminology there.)

I am assuming that Tim is using the iBATIS DAO layer as well as
SQLMaps, so what you are describing is pretty accurate.

The factory call is *slightly* different - in iBATIS, we use an
factory that requires you to cast the returned DAO:

CustomerDao dao = (CustomerDao)daoManager.getDao(CustomerDao.class);


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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-26 Thread Robert Taylor
I think things look pretty good so far.
Right now Customer is a domain object representing a customer.
CustomerDAO is a DAO respsonible for mapping the Customer to its 
relational counterpart(s). CustomerService collaborates with CustomerDAO 
 to manage the persistence and data access of a Customer.
Together these 3 classes make up what I would refer to as a 
CustomerComponent. This simple component can be used in any of your 
applications that interact with a customer and need simple Customer CRUD 
(create, retrieve, update, and delete) services.

I would caution you against adding any application specific logic to 
this component as it would reduce the reusability of it in other 
applications which you may develop which may need to use the same 
component. I'm assuming right now your application logic mirrors the 
services provided by the CustomerService; simple CRUD  operations. Now 
let's say you have some additional requirements such as:

- When a customer is created, notify operations.
- When a customer is deleted, notify operations.
- Find all the customer's who have placed orders within a specified
  date range.
You might be tempted to add this functionality to CustomerService and 
add the supporting functionality to CustomerDAO and Customer. Now let's 
say you need to develop another application which needs simple CRUD 
functionality for a Customer. Ooops. You can't use CustomerService.

I have found that an additional application service layer provides the 
flexibility to add application specific logic leveraging a library of 
components instead of modifying them. For example, you might want to add 
a CustomerApplicationService which leverages the services provided by 
CustomerService. So for the example provided above, the 
CustomerApplicationService may collaborate with event listeners which 
respond appropriately to creating and deleting a customer. It may also 
collaborate with specialized DAO for retrieveing customer's using 
application logic criteria. It may also collaborate with value object 
assemblers to build value objects which cannot simply be represented by 
a single Customer. My point is that the additional layer provides a 
layer of abstraction which decouples the domain components from 
application specific logic which allows you to leverage your investments 
in these domain components, instead of modifying them to support 
additional application requirements.

Don't forget that CustomerApplicationService should be an interface such 
 that it can be implemented as a POJO (plain old java object) or maybe 
a delegate which hides a remote implementation.

Tim Christopher wrote:
I'm currently designing a web application and as time progresses I
keep on less convinced that my approach is correct.
Applying what I have to a shop example the classes I have are:
* Note: I use the iBATIS framework.
# Contains get + set methods using correct types, ie. name (String),
age (int), etc.
# An interface for database operations for the Customer, i.e.
insertCustomer, updateCustomer, etc.
# Implements the CustomerDAO interface and effectively calls the db.
# Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO. (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
# Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to object;
calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
parameter; return ActionForward.
# Contains DynaValidatorForm for storing customer details.
I've tried looking through a few books and using Google for
information that would explain if this is the correct approach, but
all the tutorials I can find only show examples of projects that are
very small.
I'm now at the stage in my project where I think I still have time to
change the design if I do it in the next couple of days - otherwise
I'm stuck with the approach I'm using above.
I think the closest I've come to finding anything is here:
...  Though to be honest I don't really understand it.  

Can someone take a look at my previous example and suggest any extra
classes I should be using.  Also it would be useful if you could let
me know how the existing files link up to being: DAOs, DTOs, Value
Objects (same of DTO?!), and business classes.
I think I'm a little confused! :os
Any help would be appreciated.
Tim Christopher
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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-25 Thread Vamsee Kanakala
Tim Christopher wrote:
# Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO. (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
# Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to object;
calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
parameter; return ActionForward.

I'm interested in learning what the above classes do - can you please 
elaborate? Can you post/point to a little code? I'm particularly 
interested in how DispatchAction class can be used.

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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-25 Thread Shey Rab Pawo
Without knowing more details it is hard to respond.  I did find the
description of the relations between the DAO objects a bit "off" from
what I would have expected.  I would have expected something like:

CustomerDAO customerDAO = FactoryDAO.getCustomerDAO();

This assumes that the CustomerDAO is an interface and that
getCustomerDAO() in FactoryDAO is setup to get the default
implementation of the CustomerDAO.  If CustomerSqlMapDAO is such an
implementation, then I understand.  The naming is just a bit odd to
me.  (I don't use iBatis and that may be standard terminology there.)

With that small question in the back of my mind, this looks good.  I
would use the methods in the dispatch action to pass the detail work
off to helper objects in the model.

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 23:43:10 +, Tim Christopher
> Hi,
> I'm currently designing a web application and as time progresses I
> keep on less convinced that my approach is correct.
> Applying what I have to a shop example the classes I have are:
> --
> * Note: I use the iBATIS framework.
> --
> # Contains get + set methods using correct types, ie. name (String),
> age (int), etc.
> # An interface for database operations for the Customer, i.e.
> insertCustomer, updateCustomer, etc.
> # Implements the CustomerDAO interface and effectively calls the db.
> # Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO.
> (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
> # Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
> DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to object;
> calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
> parameter; return ActionForward.
> Struts-Config.xml
> # Contains DynaValidatorForm for storing customer details.
> --
> --
> I've tried looking through a few books and using Google for
> information that would explain if this is the correct approach, but
> all the tutorials I can find only show examples of projects that are
> very small.
> I'm now at the stage in my project where I think I still have time to
> change the design if I do it in the next couple of days - otherwise
> I'm stuck with the approach I'm using above.
> I think the closest I've come to finding anything is here:
> ...  Though to be honest I don't really understand it.
> Can someone take a look at my previous example and suggest any extra
> classes I should be using.  Also it would be useful if you could let
> me know how the existing files link up to being: DAOs, DTOs, Value
> Objects (same of DTO?!), and business classes.
> I think I'm a little confused! :os
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Tim Christopher
> -
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No one ever went blind looking at the bright side of life.

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Re: Struts Approach

2005-02-25 Thread Erik Weber
I think you're doing fine. What is your cause for concern? Does your 
application behave as you expect? As long as the business decisions are 
mostly made by your CustomerService object, you're on the right track.

DTO == value object.
As far as adding "extra classes", why? The goal is to *reduce* 
unnecessary code . . .


Tim Christopher wrote:
I'm currently designing a web application and as time progresses I
keep on less convinced that my approach is correct.
Applying what I have to a shop example the classes I have are:
* Note: I use the iBATIS framework.
# Contains get + set methods using correct types, ie. name (String),
age (int), etc.
# An interface for database operations for the Customer, i.e.
insertCustomer, updateCustomer, etc.
# Implements the CustomerDAO interface and effectively calls the db.
# Used to gain access to CustomerDAO and CustomerSqlMapDAO. (ex insert method - but will contain CRUD)
# Gets instance of CustomerService; copies jsp form details into a
DynaActionForm; copy form DynaActionForm to object;
calls insert method in CustomerService with Customer object as the
parameter; return ActionForward.
# Contains DynaValidatorForm for storing customer details.
I've tried looking through a few books and using Google for
information that would explain if this is the correct approach, but
all the tutorials I can find only show examples of projects that are
very small.
I'm now at the stage in my project where I think I still have time to
change the design if I do it in the next couple of days - otherwise
I'm stuck with the approach I'm using above.
I think the closest I've come to finding anything is here:
...  Though to be honest I don't really understand it.  

Can someone take a look at my previous example and suggest any extra
classes I should be using.  Also it would be useful if you could let
me know how the existing files link up to being: DAOs, DTOs, Value
Objects (same of DTO?!), and business classes.
I think I'm a little confused! :os
Any help would be appreciated.
Tim Christopher
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