Jewel DataGrid Column Sizing

2020-02-17 Thread Brian Raymes
I cannot seem to make the Jewel DataGrid size properly when the width is set to 
a percentage.

In Flex 3, it was possible to set the DataGrid's width to a percentage, as well 
as columns, and/or mix/match with pixel widths. What am I missing?

I've been toying with examples within Jewel, and cannot seem to replicate the 
DataGrid that scales.

FYI, I am running the absolute latest as I build the framework from a local git 
clone that I update daily.

This is how it appears with every build:


Sample code:


Any help would be appreciated.


RE: Jewel DataGrid Column Sizing

2020-02-17 Thread Brian Raymes
My apologies, sent to wrong group. Sending to Royale Users.

From: Brian Raymes 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 4:53 PM
To: '' 
Subject: Jewel DataGrid Column Sizing

I cannot seem to make the Jewel DataGrid size properly when the width is set to 
a percentage.

In Flex 3, it was possible to set the DataGrid's width to a percentage, as well 
as columns, and/or mix/match with pixel widths. What am I missing?

I've been toying with examples within Jewel, and cannot seem to replicate the 
DataGrid that scales.

FYI, I am running the absolute latest as I build the framework from a local git 
clone that I update daily.

This is how it appears with every build:


Sample code:


Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Jewel DataGrid Column Sizing

2020-02-17 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Brian,
still not the right group ;)
can you upload the image to a service and post the link, can see the image

El mar., 18 feb. 2020 a las 1:59, Brian Raymes ()

> My apologies, sent to wrong group. Sending to Royale Users.
> From: Brian Raymes 
> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 4:53 PM
> To: '' 
> Subject: Jewel DataGrid Column Sizing
> I cannot seem to make the Jewel DataGrid size properly when the width is
> set to a percentage.
> In Flex 3, it was possible to set the DataGrid's width to a percentage, as
> well as columns, and/or mix/match with pixel widths. What am I missing?
> I've been toying with examples within Jewel, and cannot seem to replicate
> the DataGrid that scales.
> FYI, I am running the absolute latest as I build the framework from a
> local git clone that I update daily.
> This is how it appears with every build:
> [cid:image001.png@01D5E5B1.69171470]
> Sample code:
> xmlns:j="library://"
>  id="activityLogDataGrid"
> width="100%"
> dataProvider="{activityLogs}"
> rowHeight="42"
> emphasis="emphasized">
>  dataField="formattedTimestamp" label="When"/>
>  dataField="recipient" label="Recipient"/>
>  dataField="duration" label="Duration"/>
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Brian


Carlos Rovira

Presidente Ejecutivo

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