using report in userpref sql table

2006-12-13 Thread Matthew S. Cramer
I'm using the latest SpamAssassin, 3.1.7, with perl 5.8.8 with Slack
11.0,  MySQL 5.0.24a, DBD-mysql-3.0008, DBI-1.53.

I should also mention I am using MIMEDefang to call the
Mail::SpamAssassin routines versus running spamc and spamd, but my
question (I believe) is independent of that usage.

I tested the standard userpref table and was able to store settings
for report for a user with a single line value.  However the
standard loading of userprefs from the table doesn't give me a way to
ORDER BY things like report which will have multiple entries but for
which the order DOES matter (unlike, say, a list of whitelist_from's).

So I just want to make sure I am on the right track, because I see two

* Some way encode my line breaks for my report into a giant long
line (yuck, unless there is some cool automagical way to do this in

* Create a custom query in SA and have another column which I can use
as line number for ORDER BY after I sort %GLOBAL, users, etc.

If anyone else is storing different reports in userpref SQL tables and
has some advice, I'd appreciate it.



Matthew S. Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Office: 717-396-5032
Project Manager, Planning and Service ManagementFax:717-396-5590
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.Cell:   717-917-7099

Re: Bayes mysql db error

2005-11-02 Thread Matthew S. Cramer
On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 01:23:54PM -0600, Mike Loiterman wrote:

 spamassassin -D --lint  debug.txt 21
 [22511] dbg: bayes: database connection established
 [22511] dbg: bayes: found bayes db version 3
 [22511] dbg: bayes: unable to initialize database for root user, aborting!
 [22511] dbg: bayes: not scoring message, returning undef
 [22511] dbg: bayes: opportunistic call attempt failed, DB not readable

Have you tried running sa-learn with a piece of mail?  I run sitewide
bayes (not per-user) in MySQL and after setting up the access and
making the tables, my lint was failing like your's above.

Doing an sa-learn to populate the tables with some data first allowed
the lint to work without any bayes errors.


Matthew S. Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Office: 717-396-5032
Project Manager, Planning and Service ManagementFax:717-396-5590
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.Cell:   717-917-7099

Re: Do we need a Joe job bounce message blacklist?

2005-06-01 Thread Matthew S. Cramer
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 11:48:53AM -0400, Kevin Peuhkurinen wrote:
 Matthew S. Cramer wrote:
 If an email is from  or MAILER-DAEMON then I check the mail for a
 line that looks like /^Received.*one.of.our.ip.addresses/.  If it
 doesn't have the line, then I reject the mail with a 554 and Bounced
 message did not originate here.

 I was intrigued by this idea and started looking at some of the mail 
 coming in from the  address.   One thing I've noticed is that lots of 
 Read reciepts are sent using this address.   Have you done something 
 to allow these through or do you reject them as well?

Here is my perl code for MIMEDefang.  I took this from something
another member of that list had posted.

# Confirm bounces originated from Armstrong
if ($Sender =~ /^$|^mailer-daemon\@/i) {
my $found = 0;
my $receivedline = 0;
# Skip header
if (open(IN,./INPUTMSG)) {
while(IN) {
last if /^$/;
# Search body
while(IN) {
next unless /Received:/i;
# Look for our ip-range.
if (/x\.y\.z\./) {
close IN;
if ($receivedline  !$found) {
return action_bounce(Bounced message has no Received line from 

So to answer the couple of questions - this doesn't break DSN since I am
looking for the Received line itself.  Hope that clarifies some


Matthew S. Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Office: 717-396-5032
Infrastructure Security Analyst Fax:717-396-5590
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.Cell:   717-917-7099

Re: Do we need a Joe job bounce message blacklist?

2005-05-27 Thread Matthew S. Cramer
On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 12:16:52PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think this is an awesome idea!
 I hate getting stupid emails about how my spam or virus was rejected from
 someone I've never heard of.  I can't very well be sending out Outlook 
 from a Linux box!
 Its just adding to the problem of wasting bandwith with worthless mail.

You could probably do this with a SA rule.  I do it with MIMEDefang

If an email is from  or MAILER-DAEMON then I check the mail for a
line that looks like /^Received.*one.of.our.ip.addresses/.  If it
doesn't have the line, then I reject the mail with a 554 and Bounced
message did not originate here.

This has eliminated all the bogus bounces of spam and bogus virus
alerts.  I think virtually all MTAs include original message headers
when bouncing (even the ones that are sending the bogus spam and virus
bounces) so we haven't had any issues with this for the 6 months we've
been doing it.  Theoretically a legitimate bounce that didn't include
the original message headers would be rejected, but then it should end
up with the postmaster of the original bouncer and they will see the
cause of the error and fix their MTA.  But if that has happened to us,
no one has complained.


Matthew S. Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Office: 717-396-5032
Infrastructure Security Analyst Fax:717-396-5590
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.Cell:   717-917-7099

Re: Comparison of SA and commercial solutions

2005-05-26 Thread Matthew S. Cramer
 monthly cost/user:   $0.03

So I can market too: we block 90% of the spam before [the DATA phase
of SMTP] comes onto our network.  Our FP percent is less than
1/100th of a percent.  Only 0.35% of people who are emailed an
executable need it right away and call the Helpdesk.

I have no way for users to report missed spam, so I use my anecdotal
experience and guess we get about 97-99%.  (Hopefully I will give
users a report as spam button in their MUA in the near future, but
then someone will have to manually review it for accuracy if there is
a lot, i.e. AOL user confusion over Delete vs. Delete as Spam.)

I use as reference this study
from Network World, and calculate my numbers the same they do their
numbers (PPV etc.).



Matthew S. Cramer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Office: 717-396-5032
Infrastructure Security Analyst Fax:717-396-5590
Armstrong World Industries, Inc.Cell:   717-917-7099