Re: Using SA to prevent bouncing spam?

2006-08-14 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> Hi, in order to avoid bouncing spam back to the (almost certainly) faked
> sender-addresses, I thought I could use SA directly:

What's  your  MTA  and/or SA-invoking app? Surely it is easier to have
that  agent  parse  SA's  feedback  (headers, subject mod or score) in
deciding the final disposition of the msg than to try to trick the MTA
into dumping the mail.

Please elaborate on the use case in which you can't use MTA processing
rules   to  prevent  backscatter,  given  that  you  trust  SA  markup
completely here, right?


Re: SA and MTA message filtering

2006-08-18 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> 1) if message is marked as SPAM and mail address doesn't exist - delete it
> or move to a local folder on SA_MACHINE,

> 3) if message is not marked as SPAM and mail address exist - pass it to the
> Exchange mail server,

> 4) if message is not marked as SPAM and mail address doesn't exist - pass it
> to the Exchange mail server,

Three  out  of your four objectives are markedly off-topic: there's no
reason  for  SA  to  ever see mail for unknown local recipients. Those
messages should be rejected by the MTA, using either your text file or
direct  LDAP  lookup:  you  should  Google  or  post elsewhere for the
specifics.  There's  a large archive of envelope-rejection methods for
every popular MTA.

> 2) if message is marked as SPAM and mail address exist - pass it to the
> Exchange mail server or move to a local folder on SA_MACHINE,

As  for  this  objective,  you've  listed  two  options.

- If you want to quarantine the messages on the MTA, it'd be up to the
MTA  docs  to  tell  you  how  to deal with the returned info from SA,
either  by  interpreting the returned SA weight directly or by parsing

-  If  you want to pseudo-quarantine them on the Exchange box, you can
use  individual  header  rules or a store-wide event sink to dump each
user's marked spam into into a mailbox subfolder with a fixed name.


Re: Suse OpenExchange forwarding to Microsoft Exchange

2006-08-29 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> I'm  having  a strange problem with SpamAssassin running on my Linux
> box  which  then  forwards (with .forward) the mail to some users on
> Exchange.  When  the mail gets scanned and makes it through and then
> forwards to Exchange the email comes up completely blank with 'From:
> Spam  Filter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The rest of the email is lost in the
> ether.

Are  you  sure  that  the SA caller is not breaking the MIME, and that
some  form  of  the  original  body  is not present (yet not displayed
within OL/OWA)?

Is  this completely predictable for certain messages or certain users?
Have you gotten your hands on a raw message, preferably by copying off
your Linux box in addition to forwarding it to Exchange?

Tell  you  this  much: if you're sending Exchange a truncated message,
there's clearly nothing you can do on the Exchange side, natch.

If  the  MIME  is  still  RFC,  but  OL/OWA won't render it, that's an
OL/OWA/Exchange  problem.  But  if  the  MIME  is indeed non-RFC after
mangling by your MTA/SA caller/SA, kudos to OL/OWA for not "fixing" it
for once


Re: 20_bodytests

2006-05-09 Thread Sanford Whiteman

Dan-80 wrote:
> 2) What do 'tflags' do?:
>   describe MIME_CHARSET_FARAWAY   MIME character set indicates foreign  
> language
>   tflags MIME_CHARSET_FARAWAY userconf

tflags SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME [ {net|nice|learn|userconf|noautolearn} ]

Used to set flags on a test. These flags are used in the score-determination
back end system for details of the test's behaviour. Please see
bayes_auto_learn and use_auto_whitelist for more information about tflag
interaction with those systems. The following flags can be set: 

The test is a network test, and will not be run in the mass checking system
or if -L is used, therefore its score should not be modified. 


The test is intended to compensate for common false positives, and should be
assigned a negative score. 


The test requires user configuration before it can be used (like language-
specific tests). 


The test requires training before it can be used. 


The test will explicitly be ignored when calculating the score for learning

Dan-80 wrote:
> 3) What are 'test' lines?:

test SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME (ok|fail) Some string to test against

Define a regression testing string. You can have more than one regression
test string per symbolic test name. Simply specify a string that you wish
the test to match. 
These tests are only run as part of the test suite - they should not affect
the general running of SpamAssassin.

View this message in context:
Sent from the SpamAssassin - Users forum at

Re[2]: checksumming image spam

2006-05-23 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> And  to  me  that  sounds  like me running a Small Business Server I
> should be alrighht?

Yes, absolutely.


Re: Naming conventions for tests

2006-05-23 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> The  main  problem with this approach is that it requires monitoring
> of  the  SPAM  assassin  tests  being  applied  as  the  software is
> updated...

Well,  I'd  say  this  is  a  problem  chiefly  because  whoever  _is_
administering  the server -- not -- is clearly
not encouraging the use of granular client-side filtering.

If  filtering  on  more  than  the Spam Score were an expectation from
end-to-end, you would have a consistently updated list provided to you
by  your  mail  admin,  through an intranet portal or whatever. It's a
virtual  certainty  that your mail admin is using rules and metas that
don't ship with SA. What would you do about those?


Re[2]: lint failure with 3.1.2

2006-05-27 Thread Sanford Whiteman
>> > internal_networks 192.168/16
> Isn't this the internal_networks entry?

Yes,  and  the warning is telling you that the value '192.168/16' (not
thethename   'internal_networks')   is   not   duplicated   in
trusted_networks, as would normally be expected. 3.0.x docs say:

> MXes for your domain(s) and internal relays should also be specified
> using  the internal_networks setting. When there are 'trusted' hosts
> that  are not MXes or internal relays for your domain(s) they should
> only be specified in trusted_networks.

As  for why this linted OK before, couldn't tell ya. Haven't looked at
3.1.2 yet.


Re: Hiring for Spam Assassin Troubleshooting

2006-06-03 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> We already have SA setup and working with Smartermail.

Well, not really. I'd say part and parcel of any SA-MTA integration is
finding  a way to whitelist messages _before SA is launched_, thus (a)
saving   you   SA's  CPU  and  disk  time  (esp.  since  you're  using
process-based spamassassin and not client/server spamc/spamd), and (b)
eliminating  problems  like  this caused when DNS and/or local content
issues force SA to judge your messages as spammy. SA itself is not the
place for true whitelisting; you really want to do this pre-SA.

Anyway, SmarterMail shells to the external command-line you specify --
you   may   be   calling   SMFilter  (a  tiny  wrapper  for  Clam  and
SpamAssassin), orcallingspamassassin.batorcompiled
spamassassin.exe  directly  --  passing  the  body  file  name as last
argument. You can thus retrieve the body file name from within a batch
file as %1, if you've ever worked with batch file syntax.

Within  the  first  couple of headers added by SmarterMail, you'll see
whether  the  mail  was  submitted  by an authenticated user or not. I
don't  know  their  exact syntax offhand, but I know that SM does pass
the authentication info to external apps. Ask on the SM forum what the
exact string'll be. Then I'd suggest writing a batch file that, at the
very  top  before  calling  spamassassin,  uses  a text search/replace
utility to search only the first, say, 10 lines for a known string and
skips calling SA if the string is found. Pseudo-batch:

head -10 %1 | find /i /c "string"


 (exit from batch file and return to smartermail, mail was auth'd)


 (scan with SA, since authentication string was not found)

This  example uses the unxtools version of head.exe, which you can get

While you may not be comfortable with this course of action either, it
does  tap  into a different skill set that may be more familiar to you
than  DNS.  You should have a way going forward of excluding mail from
being even touched by SA.

BTW,  I consider this a SmarterMail issue as much as an SA one, and as
such I hope you have been thorough enough to ask on their forum, or at
least you will now.


Re[2]: Hiring for Spam Assassin Troubleshooting

2006-06-03 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> I have talked to the SM tech support and have searched through their
> forum but they believe this is SA issue.

It  is  and  it  isn't.  The fact that they don't have a simple way of
skipping  their  external test (and they have had many, many bugs over
the  past  few  years  relating  to  incomplete bypassing of auth'd or
whitelist'd  mails) is an essential design flaw. That they are pushing
back  at  you  like  that,  instead of at least saying they'll add the
feature  in  the  future, is typical of their developers... and is the
reason I never adopted SM.

> That  makes  a  lot  of sense. Yes, I am familiar with writing batch
> files. I am not a god at writing them but I can read and write them.

Okay, you should be off to the races.

> Yes  we do use SMFilter but we call the spamassassin.bat from it. (I
> didn't know we could compile an exe file)

No  matter.  How  you're calling SA (bat or exe), when you call it, is
pretty  much  immaterial  now.  What  you need to do is insert a layer
above  everything  else,  so  that  you have SM run _your batch file_,
which in turn _optionally_ runs SMFilter or whatever you want.

> Now, here is the issue I see with the bat file.

> There are millions of key phrases.


Isn't  the key phrase just the "authenticated..." line? Did you ask SM
about that? _That's_ the only thing you need to search on.

> Is  there  a  way in the bat file to point it to some type of a list
> such  as  the  one  spam  assassin  already  has  or  some type of a
> database.

In a sense, yes, but you don't need to do that.

> If  I  utilize: head -10 %1 | find /I /c "string" then this is going
> to require me to enter each string on a separate line.

I  think  you're confused about what you're searching for. The idea is
to catch the header flag that means "this mail was auth'd."

> Then  that  brings  me to a point of asking, If I can utilize the SA
> Database using that method, then what good is SA?

The answer to that is way off this topic. Using a find command against
a filter file is a tiny subset of what SA does.


Re[2]: Hiring for Spam Assassin Troubleshooting

2006-06-03 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> If  SMFilter  adds its own headers, couldn't you just write a custom
> rule  for  SA  that  gives any message with those headers a negative
> score?

SMFilter  doesn't add anything; SM does add an "authenticated" header.
But  rather  than  plunge  Wayne  into SA rules -- which are still the
wrong  place to bypass SA, and where he is clearly less comfortable --
I am encouraging a solution at his wrapper/caller layer that will both
save considerable resources and possibly be more in his comfort zone.


Re[2]: Hiring for Spam Assassin Troubleshooting

2006-06-03 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> I have talked to the SM tech support and have searched through their
> forum but they believe this is SA issue.

P.S.  You didn't start *a new thread* on their forum, which is as much
community-supported  as  vendor-supported. This is not being thorough,
for what seems like an urgent issue.


Re[2]: SPAM: Re: Re[2]: Hiring for Spam Assassin Troubleshooting

2006-06-03 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> I usually don't top quote, but folks, this is a troll..

No, it's not.

Difficult to distinguish between people totally out of their depth and
people  here  to  cause  harm.  Wayne  came to get help with what is a
totally  foreign  system  (as  he  is  a  hardware repair guy) and was
promptly  given  some ridiculous quotes, like $4500 and $6000, to stop
SA  from  scoring  authenticated  submissions!  Of  course, with those
estimates,  now he's only more confused and defensive about the nature
of the problem. I mean, c'mon, have some dignity. The guy works longer
hours  than  probably  anyone  else here (7 x 15), offered to pay, and
keeps getting treated like trash.

[And,  hold  on,  the  proof  that  he's  a troll is that his outgoing
messages  are  caught and report_safed by SA before they get submitted
to   the   list...   basically   the   *exact  symptom*  he  mentioned
originally... howzzat again?]


Re[3]: Hiring for Spam Assassin Troubleshooting

2006-06-04 Thread Sanford Whiteman

Pro bono, here's the way to get SmarterMail to bypass SpamAssassin for
authenticated users.

BACKGROUND after playing around with SM for a few minutes

Like  many/most  MTAs, SM writes two spool files for every e-mail. One
is  the  message  header/body,  the  other is the message envelope. In
naming  the former, SM uses a message number + the extension .EML. THe
latter uses the same message number + the extension .HDR. So for every
message, there will be two files in the spool like so:


In  the  HDR file for SMTP AUTH-enticated e-mails -- and only in those
e-mails -- there's a line that begins with the string 'auth'. What you
need  is thus for your SpamAssassin caller to quick-check the contents
of  the  HDR  file  before  deciding  whether  or  not  it should call


(1) Go to SM Admin and choose Settings-General Settings-Spool tab.

(2)  Check  the  value  in 'Command-line file to run on new mail.' You
will see a value like

 c:\progra~1\spamassassin\spamassassin.bat %filepath

or maybe

 c:\smfilter\smfilter.exe %filepath

or similar.

(3)  Copy the string to the left of '%filepath' to the clipboard. That
is, just the 'c:\smfilter\smfilter.exe' part in the second example.

(4)  Open  a new batch file. Here are the first two lines of the batch

 for /f %%I in ('echo %1') do find /i /c "auth" %%~dI%%~pI%%~nI.hdr
 if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 exit

You must copy-and-paste or retype these lines exactly as shown.

(5)  The  third and final line of the batch file will be the value you
copied out in step (3) followed by the string '%1' (no quotes). If you
copied  out  'c:\smfilter\smfilter.exe'  in (3) then the third line of
the batch will be

 c:\smfilter\smfilter.exe %1

(6) Save the three-line batch file as WLAUTH.CMD in a path you choose.
You can put it wherever SM was installed. For example, say you save it
to c:\progra~1\spamassassin\wlauth.cmd.

(7)  Go  back  into the SM Admin page. Now replace the contents of the
'Command-line  file...' box with your batch file name, followed by the
string  '%filepath'  (no  quotes).  If  you  saved  the  batch file as
c:\progra~1\spamassassin\wlauth.cmd, the value will be:

 c:\progra~1\spamassassin\wlauth.cmd %filepath

(8) Save changes in SM Admin.

You  now have a system that prechecks for auth'd users and doesn't run
SpamAssassin against their mail. QED.

That'll be $4500. LOL. Contact me off-list if you have probs.


Re: Tricky DNS Question - Advanced

2006-06-06 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> Server  B  is  a  regular  DNS server set up for caching and running
> BIND.  It's  the  one that will be the public face for the blacklist
> providing caching for Server A so as not to load down Server A.

Make  B  -- and, believe me if you are operating a public blacklist, C
and  D  and E as well :) -- a secondary to primary A, with A thus your
unpublished "stealth primary" for the zone.

B,  C,  D, E are the published authoritative NSs for the zone, while A
is  "secretly,"  as  you put it, the truly authoritative source of the
zone  data  served  to  the world by B, C, D, E. This is a good way to
take  advantage  of  the  flexibility/updatability  of  RDBMS backends
without  worrying  about  the  RDBMS-backed  server  seeing any direct


Re[2]: The Future of Email is SQL

2006-06-09 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> If  we are talking about making a SQL application that is usable for
> a  multitude of people then why lock them into something. That's the
> easiest way to drive them away from supporting it.

Word.  Perl  can  play  nice with plenty of RDBMSs. If this discussion
belongs  here  at  all, I can't see how RDBMS partisanship is going to
take it anywhere good.

FTR,  there are several (commercial) spam quarantine applications, and
at  least  three  very  big  compliance/archival services, that take a
SQL-based  back-end as a given. Their traffic and access patterns have
clearly  been taken into account here, but nonetheless these are proof
that  the concept already has real-world purchase, depending on budget
and application.


Re[3]: Various plugins for Windows version?

2006-06-23 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> win can lock the file on occasion and cause SA to fail.

By  which  I think you mean that *your Windows-based MTA* can lock the
file and cause SA to fail.

A properly-written MTA-SA hook, or MTA-name_your_external_hook, has no
such  problems  on  Windows.  We  process millions of messages through
Windows   MTAs   with  standalone  shells,  SPAMC  shells,  and
integrated  SPAMD calls and don't have any such locking issues. Issues
like  yours  likely  depend  on  whether  your calling MTA attempts to
maintain   existing   file  handles  while  shelling  to  an  external
application,  and  also  may  be  linked  to  how the MTA waits on the
external  app  and  obtains  its results (WFSO + exit code lookup/exit
code   lookup   after   fixed   timeout/notify   on   "sentinel"  file
creation/reopen the message file after a fixed delay/other IPC). There
are  numerous  Win32  API approaches to perform these same tasks; some
are safe, some are unsafe.

In  addition  to  stress-testing  your  choice of MTA for poor locking
code, ensure that real-time AV and other external hooks are also taken
out  of  the  picture  (including,  as you have already mentioned, the
Indexing Service).


Re[2]: What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper

2006-08-01 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> Please  don't  pollute  the  IMAP  and  POP  protocols this way.

POP3  XTND  XMIT  submission  extensions  already "polluted" POP3 many
years   ago,   supported  by  many  thousands  of  servers  (tho'  not
necessarily enabled).


Re[2]: What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper

2006-08-01 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> MAPI. [is]..implemented over DCE/RPC (i.e. LAN-only).

Maybe a nit... but technically not LAN-only using ncacn_http.


Re[4]: What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper

2006-08-02 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> Well... *intended* to be LAN-only...

Ncacn_http  is intended to be WAN-centric, actually (though those that
roll it out often use it on the LAN as well for simplicity).


Re[2]: What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper

2006-08-02 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> Does anyone use [XTND XMIT]?

These  days,  not really. But when Eudora was king and the feature was
usually enabled when supported on the MTA side, I would guess maybe 1%
of  Eudora  users knew of and used the feature. The point is more that
the extension's already been built, but never got a foothold.


Re[2]: What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper

2006-08-02 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> So  you think that viruses are going to know how to find and decrypt
> the passwords of all email programs?

Any  data  that  must  be  decrypted  without user intervention can be
accessed  in  its  unencrypted form without user intervention. If user
intervention  is  required  for decryption, well, you pretty much just
have to be there when it happens. These are fundamental rules. A virus
needs no "decryption" feature per se.

A sniffer can readily isolate plain-text passwords as they go over the
wire.  Alternately,  yep, specific memory inspection routines could be
built  for  "all  email  programs"  that  are  likely  to  be found on
compromised  machines  --  all,  what, 3 or 4 of them -- regardless of
what  happens  on  the  wire.  This part is child's play for a hacker,
relative  to  the  harder part of finding new attack vectors for those
boxes that are lucky enough to get disinfected and patched.

Marc,  I  have some respect for your optimism, a rare trait in a place
where  others  have  (themselves well-earned) chips on their shoulders
from  pushing  back  a surging, inarguably criminal element from their
networks  all  day.  I  also think that the accusations that you're an
agent  of  some government, enterprise, NGO, etc., are ludicrous based
on  the  fundamental  naïveté of your proposal (like the fact that you
suggested  an  enhancement  which  was already BTDT 8 years ago -- not
going  to get you a lot of followers on such a technical list). Yet: I
concur  that  you  don't  have  anywhere  near sufficient knowledge of
current,  let  alone  historical,  technologies  for  mail sending and
retrieval  to be suggesting... well, to be suggesting any enhancements
or improvements at all.

Look, it's okay to admit that you have to go "back to school" on those
subjects.  From  your bio, you have grounding in other technical areas
that many people here do not. I didn't know much about mail until 1999
or  so,  and  that was after supporting mail systems (along with other
systems  I actually understood) for, like, 6 years! But I also kept my
mouth  shut  until  1999.  Because  of  that experience, I find myself
agreeing  with  the  overall reaction of, in essence: "Kill me now, if
his  proposal  is  going  to be disseminated by any entity who doesn't
have enough techies on staff to shoot it down."

Please,  for  the  good of the world, take a couple of months to study
before your next proposal.

