Re: ForBean issues

2006-11-15 Thread Srinivas Yermal

Hi Gabriel,

Thanks for the detailed steps. We tried this out, but it didnt work. The
observation here was that only the first item in the collection has the user
entered value while others in the collection dont have their values set.

However I am happy to report that we have solved the issue. We had to use
the DefaultPrimaryKeyConverter as Lutz suggested and it works. We fed the
converter in pageBeginRender and had to access the collection through the
converter.getValues() in the listener. This actually brings up another
question. If I have to use the converter by default for getting to the
changed values, it doesnt somehow seem right. I thought the converter
existed for an all together different purpose of providing the primary key
values to the For loop and viceversa, and not to access changed values.
Either I am doing something that is absolutely not right or this might be a

Another thing I forgot to mention which might be of interest to people is
that we were using the JAG 6.1 generated files. It looks like their delete
function in the list pages which uses checkboxes is also not working for
this reason.

On 11/15/06, Gabriel Lozano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey what I do is the following:

1. You have to initialize the collection somewhere. Yes, pageBeginRender
ok ( well, sorry for the tapestry gurus, but I have also done it that way
And dont have to initialize it in the rewind phase.
2. What I do is to hide the collection in the form. Oh, what I did
sometime was to persist the collection property ( tap 3) but now I prefer
do this.  Items in the collection should implement serializable interface.
In your code I would do:

form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] listener=listener:saveFormHistory
span jwcid=@Hidden value=ognl:items/
tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:items value=ognl:item element=tr
tdspan jwcid=@Insert value=ognl:item.question.textQuestion
tdinput jwcid=@TextField value=ognl:item.answerText//td

3. I dont pass parameters to the submit method, I think you dont need it.
4. With this, in the submit or in the form listener you should have access
to the updated collection.

Tell me if this works for you.

Gabriel H. Lozano M.

On 11/14/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks so much for the response. I will try out the
 DefaultPrimaryKeyConverter and InvokeListener options.
 My comments inline -

  Anyway.. about your code: obviously, I can't tell you which is best.
  But I think you don't have to pass your items as a parameter to the
  listener method. Instead, the form fields (in this case, the
  collection) will be bound to an instance variable in your page object.
  Maybe you should drop that parameters attribute in the @Submit.
  But you have to make sure the list is not null during rewind, and has
  the right length, so you have to refill it before the rewind, and the
  values will be overwritten during rewind.

 I tried not passing them as parameter initially, but that didnt work.
 Setting the parameter was something that I guessed might work, but it
 doesnot. I have also made sure that the items object is not null during
 rewind phase by removing the if condition in pageBeginRender, but all it
 does is gives me the same items without change to any values. On a side
 note, actually it might turn out be a overhead in large pages if I have
 run the query again just for the rewind phase. Moreover, the collection
 serialised and is available from the form, isnt it? Shouldnt it be

 I have another observation to add. I have a method that returns the
 PropertySelectionModel for each item depending on the item. This is
 for the dropdowns for each item. The dropdown values depend on the item.
 During the rewind phase this method gets called and I get proper objects
 with proper values. But when the submit listener gets called I still get
 null collection or the old collection. Is there any other method like
 renderComponent of the page that I have to implement?

 The listener method that is called will be the one referenced in the
  @Submit component. In your case, the one referenced in the @Form is
  never called, I think. So you might want to lose on of those two, to
  avoid confusion.

 Actually, both the listeners get called. The form listener gets invoked
 last. I have both the listeners just as an experiment to see if I get a
 non-null proper collection in any listener at all.
 Thank you very much for the advice. Will continue trying and see where
 goes. Its just that I am running out of time.


Re: ForBean issues

2006-11-14 Thread Lutz Hühnken

I've been using Tapestry for a couple of month now and still haven't
understood how to work with collections in forms correctly.

What works well for me is the DefaultPrimaryKeyConverter. But it seems
such an overhead, I have to populate it in the beginPageRender, and
iterate it in the listener to update my original collection.

In the Enjoy.. book by Kent Tong, he demonstrates using an
InvokeListener and calling a listener on every iteration, to process
the current item. Again, that seems odd to me, especially when you
want to delete items.

I also just used a list as source and the index attribute, it seems
Tapestry updates the items in place during rewind, which is fine.
But I don't understand how I can avoid the items being serialized into
hidden fields if I choose this approach.

Having said all that, I would like to add that I'm not new to
programing or Java. Quite the opposite, really, but I find Tapestry is
not very well documented in some areas (or the documentation is very
hard to find).

Anyway.. about your code: obviously, I can't tell you which is best.
But I think you don't have to pass your items as a parameter to the
listener method. Instead, the form fields (in this case, the
collection) will be bound to an instance variable in your page object.
Maybe you should drop that parameters attribute in the @Submit.
But you have to make sure the list is not null during rewind, and has
the right length, so you have to refill it before the rewind, and the
values will be overwritten during rewind.

The listener method that is called will be the one referenced in the
@Submit component. In your case, the one referenced in the @Form is
never called, I think. So you might want to lose on of those two, to
avoid confusion.

That's about all the advice I can give you let's just hope someone
who really knows let's us in on some collections in forms insight.


On 11/13/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can some tapestry savvy guys look at this and help us out here. Would really
appreciate the effort. This is quite a big blocker for me at present.

On 11/10/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BTW We currently use version 4.0.2. and run it on tomcat. I would also
 appreciate if somebody can point me to the rewind document if any. I have
 heard so many stories about common newbie rewind mistakes but couldnt find
 what they really are.
 Thanks again.

 On 11/10/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am a newbie trying to learn Tapestry. I did try to search through the
  archives for a solution, but couldnt find anything relavant. It would be
  great if someone could point me in the right direction.
  I have a page with a listing of a collection. I am using For component
  (ForBean) in the form. There are text fields against each item which has a
  value from the items in the collection. Now one can change the text value
  and hit the save button at the end of the form. The listener that is
  associated with the form gets called but I dont have a clue as to how I can
  obtain the changed values from the collection. I tried with both form
  listener and submit action listener. I always end up with a null or empty
  item collection.
  Some code snippet below -
  public abstract Collection getItems();
  public abstract void setItems(Collection items);
  ActionListener Method 1:
  public void saveHistory(IRequestCycle cycle, Object[] list) {
  LOG.debug(saveHistory(cycle, array) invoked);
  if (null == list) return;
  for (Object o : list) {
  Question mh = (Question)o;
  LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText() +   + mh.getAnswerText());
  ActionListener Method 2:
  public void saveHistory(IRequestCycle cycle) {
  LOG.debug(saveHistory(cycle, array) invoked);
  List list = cycle.getListenerParameters();
  if (null == list) return;
  for (Object o : list) {
  Question mh = (Question)o;
  LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText() +   + mh.getAnswerText());
  FormListner Method:
  public void saveFormHistory(IRequestCycle cycle) {
  LOG.debug(saveFormHistory(cyle) invoked);
  CollectionQuestion list = getItems();
  if (null == list) return;
  for (Question mh: list) {
  LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText () +   + mh.getAnswerText());
  The HTML file -
  form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] listener=listener:saveFormHistory
  tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:items value=ognl:item element=tr
tdspan jwcid=@Insert value=ognl:item.question.textQuestion 
tdinput jwcid=@TextField value=ognl:item.answerText
  input class=button type=submit value=Save name=save jwcid=@Submit 
  Please do let me know if something here is not right or if you have any
  further questions. 

RE: ForBean issues

2006-11-14 Thread Marcus.Schulte
 I also just used a list as source and the index attribute, it 
 seems Tapestry updates the items in place during rewind, 
 which is fine.
 But I don't understand how I can avoid the items being 
 serialized into hidden fields if I choose this approach.

try, setting the For-component's volatile parameter to true.

 That's about all the advice I can give you let's just 
 hope someone who really knows let's us in on some 
 collections in forms insight.

Imo, using a custom SqueezeAdaptor works best (see the Wiki, tapernate
or honeycomb for how to implement/use one).


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Re: ForBean issues

2006-11-14 Thread Srinivas Yermal

Thanks so much for the response. I will try out the
DefaultPrimaryKeyConverter and InvokeListener options.
My comments inline -

Anyway.. about your code: obviously, I can't tell you which is best.
But I think you don't have to pass your items as a parameter to the
listener method. Instead, the form fields (in this case, the
collection) will be bound to an instance variable in your page object.
Maybe you should drop that parameters attribute in the @Submit.
But you have to make sure the list is not null during rewind, and has
the right length, so you have to refill it before the rewind, and the
values will be overwritten during rewind.

I tried not passing them as parameter initially, but that didnt work.
Setting the parameter was something that I guessed might work, but it
doesnot. I have also made sure that the items object is not null during
rewind phase by removing the if condition in pageBeginRender, but all it
does is gives me the same items without change to any values. On a side
note, actually it might turn out be a overhead in large pages if I have to
run the query again just for the rewind phase. Moreover, the collection is
serialised and is available from the form, isnt it? Shouldnt it be

I have another observation to add. I have a method that returns the
PropertySelectionModel for each item depending on the item. This is required
for the dropdowns for each item. The dropdown values depend on the item.
During the rewind phase this method gets called and I get proper objects
with proper values. But when the submit listener gets called I still get a
null collection or the old collection. Is there any other method like say
renderComponent of the page that I have to implement?

The listener method that is called will be the one referenced in the

@Submit component. In your case, the one referenced in the @Form is
never called, I think. So you might want to lose on of those two, to
avoid confusion.

Actually, both the listeners get called. The form listener gets invoked
last. I have both the listeners just as an experiment to see if I get a
non-null proper collection in any listener at all.
Thank you very much for the advice. Will continue trying and see where this
goes. Its just that I am running out of time.

Re: ForBean issues

2006-11-14 Thread Gabriel Lozano

Hey what I do is the following:

1. You have to initialize the collection somewhere. Yes, pageBeginRender is
ok ( well, sorry for the tapestry gurus, but I have also done it that way ).
And dont have to initialize it in the rewind phase.
2. What I do is to hide the collection in the form. Oh, what I did
sometime was to persist the collection property ( tap 3) but now I prefer to
do this.  Items in the collection should implement serializable interface.
In your code I would do:

form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] listener=listener:saveFormHistory
span jwcid=@Hidden value=ognl:items/
tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:items value=ognl:item element=tr
tdspan jwcid=@Insert value=ognl:item.question.textQuestion
tdinput jwcid=@TextField value=ognl:item.answerText//td

3. I dont pass parameters to the submit method, I think you dont need it.
4. With this, in the submit or in the form listener you should have access
to the updated collection.

Tell me if this works for you.

Gabriel H. Lozano M.

On 11/14/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks so much for the response. I will try out the
DefaultPrimaryKeyConverter and InvokeListener options.
My comments inline -

 Anyway.. about your code: obviously, I can't tell you which is best.
 But I think you don't have to pass your items as a parameter to the
 listener method. Instead, the form fields (in this case, the
 collection) will be bound to an instance variable in your page object.
 Maybe you should drop that parameters attribute in the @Submit.
 But you have to make sure the list is not null during rewind, and has
 the right length, so you have to refill it before the rewind, and the
 values will be overwritten during rewind.

I tried not passing them as parameter initially, but that didnt work.
Setting the parameter was something that I guessed might work, but it
doesnot. I have also made sure that the items object is not null during
rewind phase by removing the if condition in pageBeginRender, but all it
does is gives me the same items without change to any values. On a side
note, actually it might turn out be a overhead in large pages if I have to
run the query again just for the rewind phase. Moreover, the collection is
serialised and is available from the form, isnt it? Shouldnt it be

I have another observation to add. I have a method that returns the
PropertySelectionModel for each item depending on the item. This is
for the dropdowns for each item. The dropdown values depend on the item.
During the rewind phase this method gets called and I get proper objects
with proper values. But when the submit listener gets called I still get a
null collection or the old collection. Is there any other method like say
renderComponent of the page that I have to implement?

The listener method that is called will be the one referenced in the
 @Submit component. In your case, the one referenced in the @Form is
 never called, I think. So you might want to lose on of those two, to
 avoid confusion.

Actually, both the listeners get called. The form listener gets invoked
last. I have both the listeners just as an experiment to see if I get a
non-null proper collection in any listener at all.
Thank you very much for the advice. Will continue trying and see where
goes. Its just that I am running out of time.

Re: ForBean issues

2006-11-12 Thread Srinivas Yermal

Can some tapestry savvy guys look at this and help us out here. Would really
appreciate the effort. This is quite a big blocker for me at present.

On 11/10/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BTW We currently use version 4.0.2. and run it on tomcat. I would also
appreciate if somebody can point me to the rewind document if any. I have
heard so many stories about common newbie rewind mistakes but couldnt find
what they really are.
Thanks again.

On 11/10/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am a newbie trying to learn Tapestry. I did try to search through the
 archives for a solution, but couldnt find anything relavant. It would be
 great if someone could point me in the right direction.

 I have a page with a listing of a collection. I am using For component
 (ForBean) in the form. There are text fields against each item which has a
 value from the items in the collection. Now one can change the text value
 and hit the save button at the end of the form. The listener that is
 associated with the form gets called but I dont have a clue as to how I can
 obtain the changed values from the collection. I tried with both form
 listener and submit action listener. I always end up with a null or empty
 item collection.

 Some code snippet below -

 public abstract Collection getItems();
 public abstract void setItems(Collection items);

 ActionListener Method 1:
 public void saveHistory(IRequestCycle cycle, Object[] list) {
 LOG.debug(saveHistory(cycle, array) invoked);
 if (null == list) return;
 for (Object o : list) {
 Question mh = (Question)o;
 LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText() +   + mh.getAnswerText());

 ActionListener Method 2:
 public void saveHistory(IRequestCycle cycle) {
 LOG.debug(saveHistory(cycle, array) invoked);
 List list = cycle.getListenerParameters();
 if (null == list) return;
 for (Object o : list) {
 Question mh = (Question)o;
 LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText() +   + mh.getAnswerText());

 FormListner Method:
 public void saveFormHistory(IRequestCycle cycle) {
 LOG.debug(saveFormHistory(cyle) invoked);
 CollectionQuestion list = getItems();
 if (null == list) return;
 for (Question mh: list) {
 LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText () +   + mh.getAnswerText());

 The HTML file -

 form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] listener=listener:saveFormHistory
 tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:items value=ognl:item element=tr

   tdspan jwcid=@Insert value=ognl:item.question.textQuestion 
   tdinput jwcid=@TextField value=ognl:item.answerText

 input class=button type=submit value=Save name=save jwcid=@Submit 


 Please do let me know if something here is not right or if you have any
 further questions. Looking forward for some advice.

 Thanks in advance.


Re: ForBean issues

2006-11-10 Thread Srinivas Yermal

BTW We currently use version 4.0.2. and run it on tomcat. I would also
appreciate if somebody can point me to the rewind document if any. I have
heard so many stories about common newbie rewind mistakes but couldnt find
what they really are.
Thanks again.

On 11/10/06, Srinivas Yermal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am a newbie trying to learn Tapestry. I did try to search through the
archives for a solution, but couldnt find anything relavant. It would be
great if someone could point me in the right direction.

I have a page with a listing of a collection. I am using For component
(ForBean) in the form. There are text fields against each item which has a
value from the items in the collection. Now one can change the text value
and hit the save button at the end of the form. The listener that is
associated with the form gets called but I dont have a clue as to how I can
obtain the changed values from the collection. I tried with both form
listener and submit action listener. I always end up with a null or empty
item collection.

Some code snippet below -

public abstract Collection getItems();
public abstract void setItems(Collection items);

ActionListener Method 1:
public void saveHistory(IRequestCycle cycle, Object[] list) {
LOG.debug(saveHistory(cycle, array) invoked);
if (null == list) return;
for (Object o : list) {
Question mh = (Question)o;
LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText() +   + mh.getAnswerText());

ActionListener Method 2:
public void saveHistory(IRequestCycle cycle) {
LOG.debug(saveHistory(cycle, array) invoked);
List list = cycle.getListenerParameters();
if (null == list) return;
for (Object o : list) {
Question mh = (Question)o;
LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText() +   + mh.getAnswerText());

FormListner Method:
public void saveFormHistory(IRequestCycle cycle) {
LOG.debug(saveFormHistory(cyle) invoked);
CollectionQuestion list = getItems();
if (null == list) return;
for (Question mh: list) {
LOG.debug(mh.getQuestionText () +   + mh.getAnswerText());

The HTML file -

form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] listener=listener:saveFormHistory
tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:items value=ognl:item element=tr

  tdspan jwcid=@Insert value=ognl:item.question.textQuestion 
  tdinput jwcid=@TextField value=ognl:item.answerText//td

input class=button type=submit value=Save name=save jwcid=@Submit 

Please do let me know if something here is not right or if you have any
further questions. Looking forward for some advice.

Thanks in advance.