Re: Moved files

2008-10-16 Thread drukepple

I go back and forth on this matter.  See, SVN has no real move command
(at least, as far as I know, but I'm for sure one of the least
experienced SVN users on this forum).  So it's perfectly in sync with
what's really going on with a move to display a deleted and an added

On the other hand, this lack of moving is one of the most frustrating
things about SVN, because let's face it, I'm used to the Finder, where
to move something, you just, well, move it.  Having to remember to
copy it, instead, and then add/delete in SVN is cumbersome when it
works, and downright aggravating when I forget and start moving whole
directories around.  So it is nice to have a GUI to at least make a
move more logical (just have to remember to not do it in the
Finder!).  And in that case, maybe it would be nice to have an extra
non-standard icon to signify such an event.

In either case, I find it a pretty good practice to make the move, and
any necessary related changes, and then commit.  Your commit is now
simply just to register the moving of files.  Then move forward with
your regular development, and commit as usual.  This should keep your
icon weirdness to a minimum, as you won't be in the move = delete +
add situation for too long.
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Re: Moved files

2008-10-18 Thread drukepple

Thanks for the explanation Ray, that makes sense.  Like I said, I'm by
far the least SVN-savvy person on this forum!  All I know is that SVN
doesn't like it when you just move files around in the Finder.

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Re: Educational Pricing

2008-11-29 Thread drukepple

For the record, I found Sofa's response congenial and not attitudey,
more of a "we understand that you're upset and want to choose another
product; there's apparently not much we can do to change your mind, so
no hard feelings, OK?"  I'd prefer that to a sniveling manservant-type
of "Oh, please, don't leave us, what can we do for you and you alone,

Jason, I'm curious where you work.  In one post you sound like the IT
director for an academic institution, and in another you sound like a
regular programmer at a regular shop, reporting to a boss.  Just
trying to understand why you're panties in such a bunch over the
educational pricing thing.

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Re: One repository per project, or subfolders?

2009-07-09 Thread drukepple

On Jul 7, 7:42 am, Mitch Cohen  wrote:
> They are scattered all over my hard drive (organized by client)

Wow, you let your client organize your hard drive?  :)

Oh, yes, I'd vote for one client = one repo, too.  That's how we do
it; keeps a balance between too many and too few.
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Software Update "Remind me Later"

2009-09-27 Thread drukepple

When I click on the "Remind me later" button in the dialog prompting
me to update my copy of Versions, it should not prompt me again until
I launch Versions again.  Instead, it prompts me every half hour or so
(never really timed it, but it's often enough to be annoying).  Not
only does it prompt me again, it brings itself to the front.  I understand most people will probably just go ahead and
update right away, and I'm in the minority of people who don't want to
update right away but also don't want to skip the update, but still.
The darn thing shouldn't be on a timer.  It should be at launch.

The ironic thing is that this won't get fixed...without an update.
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Re: Congrats, Versions team

2010-12-03 Thread drukepple
I say, "good job, Dirk et. al."  It's been a long time coming, but
clearly you've been working on it.  My biggest fear about Versions has
been the lack of updates, and that we had bought licenses to a dead-in-
the-water product.  I'm glad to be wrong about that.

All in all, I like the visual changes (still getting used to the new
All/Changed position) and am glad to see that long list of bullet
points (didn't read every one, I do have a job I need to get done, but
I scanned it and it's impressive).  Possibly my favorite new feature
is the right-click in the Bookmarks pane.  Can't tell you how many
times I did that anyway, only to be disappointed.

I'm on the fence about the look of the Timeline/Browse/Transcript
buttons.  They are less contrasty (and I'm on 10.6) and it's less
obvious to be sure.  I think, though, that because there are three of
them, it's easy enough to tell.  I think the style is one of those
things where if there there were only two buttons in the group, you
wouldn't be able to tell very easily which is selected.  But because
there is always one selected and two deselected, you have a frame of
reference.  Personally, I think a little more contrast would help, but
I'm only bringing it up because Gabriel did.

Thanks for the update.  It's a good point release.  Can't wait for the
next one, now!  Get working!

On Dec 2, 10:02 pm, Daniel Dickison  wrote:
> Here's one more kudos for the nice update.  It looks like Sofa taking
> over Versions development is working out well (for you guys and for
> us!)
> Daniel
> On Dec 2, 12:01 pm, Dirk Stoop  wrote:
> > Thanks Joe,
> > It means a lot to hear that.
> > - Dirk
> > the Versions team
> > On Dec 2, 3:10 pm, Joe Wicentowski  wrote:
> > > 1.1 looks like a solid release with needed fixes and good new features.
> > > Thanks for continuing the development of Versions!
> > > For those who haven't seen it yet, here are the release
> > > notes:
> > > Cheers,
> > > Joe

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Re: Subversion 1.7 support?

2012-09-14 Thread drukepple
Not only have I moved on from Versions, I've moved on from Subversion and 
on to Git.  If you have the option, try it.  You'll like it, once you get 
the hang of it -- although that can take a while if you're used to SVN. 
 And if you need a nice GUI for Git, SourceTree is pretty full-featured and 
free. (and it's made by Atlassian, so it 
doesn't suck and sees regular updates)

I think it's time to abandon ship.  I was still getting daily summaries for 
this list...but it's time to cut the cord.  Versions was good while it 
lasted.  It didn't last very long, unfortunately.

On Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:44:56 AM UTC-6, Ron Stewart wrote:
> I agree... I've written this one off.
> I've moved to Cornerstone on two of my Macs, and Syntevo's free 
> "foundation" version of their SmartSVN client on my other Mac and my Linux 
> boxes. Both of those are decent or better as SVN clients with v1.7 support, 
> and they've been there for about 8 months.
> On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 7:37:29 PM UTC-6, Ryan wrote:
>> I've made the move to cornerstone. I'm pissed that Versions isn't up to 
>> date on this after parting with the money. I should have got a 5-license 
>> with cornerstone to begin with. It's the 19th of August!
>> On Saturday, May 19, 2012 1:19:24 AM UTC+8, William Chu wrote:
>>> When is Subversion 1.7 support coming to Versions? It's become a real 
>>> hindrance and I've found myself gradually using Versions less and less 
>>> given this limitation.

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Re: Subversion 1.7 support?

2013-01-10 Thread drukepple
Wow, I totally forgot about this thread.  But thanks, because the email 
notification reminded me that I should just unsubscribe myself.  Even if 
SVN were still a thing for me (why, hello, Git!), Versions would be dead to 
me owing to the very topic of this thread.  Best of luck to you.  Thanks 
for the year or two that Versions was grand, and I hope your plan works out 
the way you expect.  So long.

On Wednesday, January 9, 2013 3:38:44 PM UTC-7, Daniel Dickison wrote:
> Just another ping on svn 1.7 support — even a vague ballpark statement 
> would be nice.  Is 1.7 support a priority?  Perhaps after Kaleidoscope 2 
> emerges from beta? I've switched to the command line for now, and 
> contemplating other apps.
> On Sunday, May 27, 2012 8:20:01 AM UTC-4, dlpasco wrote:
>> We bought this software to continue updating it and make it even greater 
>> than it already is.
>> Unfortunately, disclosing our product roadmap is not an option. Jack is 
>> in the unenviable position of being the public face for this product - 
>> please at least divert your frustration to me personally, because he is 
>> just conveying the message that our team members have all internally agreed 
>> to stand by: we give a damn what people think, our product group is very 
>> busy, and we can't talk about when we'll release products or what will be 
>> in the those releases until they have shipped.
>> If people are upset about that, it's understandable. All that I can say 
>> is, we didn't acquire this product to kill it or sit on it.
>> The gist of this is as follows:
>> * We can't miss a deadline we don't announce (on at least one product, we 
>> would have missed our proposed deadline multiple times if we'd kept telling 
>> people when we planned to ship. Unfortunately, really producing a polished 
>> product takes a lot of time, and we agreed internally that we'd rather take 
>> longer to make something better than just push something out the door that 
>> would make people upset).
>> * If we don't announce the features in our next planned release, we can't 
>> get flamed for postponing support for that feature in the release if it 
>> looks like it's not ready to make it into the build yet).
>> * Our competitors (and there are many out there) - can't jump the gun on 
>> us if we don't announce an upcoming feature before it goes live.
>> All three of these factors are important, and the last one may only be 
>> important to us, but it's a critical one: our product team is young and 
>> totally buried working on applications - if we lose market share simply 
>> because we announce something before it's ready, and someone else is 
>> capable of responding to the announcement before we ship, it's going to 
>> really hurt our ability to even break even on what we're working on - which 
>> means that it will become even harder for our team to ship great updates to 
>> these apps.
>> My personal focus for almost the last year has been on putting absolutely 
>> all of my energy into our product team. These apps are large, complex, 
>> great things, and we're committed to doing great work on everything we 
>> ship. Since our product team currently consists of about five full time 
>> developers and four full time designers, and we have taken on five 
>> different applications. Moving forward with these apps *and* doing a great 
>> job on them takes time.
>> Our company is investing heavily in the product group, currently at a net 
>> loss. Hopefully, at some point in the future we will at least break even on 
>> our work. At the present, please try to take the following points to heart:
>> * We are crazily in love with our apps
>> * We are working our butts off
>> * We have already turned down offers to acquire our company, as well as 
>> offers to acquire individual products, because we want to see these apps 
>> *ship* and we want them to be amazing. 
>> * We are absolutely not sitting on these apps and happily collecting 
>> revenue from them - we're using the revenue to pay for the work our product 
>> team is doing and our company is sinking considerably more than those apps 
>> are making into the product group in order to pay for the other people that 
>> the direct revenue doesn't cover.
>> At this point, as I've told Jack (who has expressed support for our 
>> stance of silence, but also really been uncomfortable with the fact that it 
>> doesn't leave him in a very good position on the support front), the only 
>> thing we can do is shut up and ship something great. Which is what we're 
>> trying to do.
>> If we lose customers in the interim, those are lumps we will have to 
>> take. Hopefully as our apps do ship, they will be compelling enough that 
>> people will be interested in trying them out.
>> I wish we were big enough that I could just throw 30 people at these 
>> projects and ship them on an expedited pace. Unfortunately, this is why 
>> being indie is a double-edged sword: we