Printers ???

2002-04-06 Thread Kathy Quinlan
Hi all,

I have an LCIII which I want to print over the network to my FreeBSD server
(which then sends the stuff to a windows printer) I have the software
configured to get the mac talking to FreeBSD (netatalk is kewl).

The LCIII is running OS 7.5.5.

Now my problem, I have no printers anywhere :o(

In chooser their are no printers listed, in my system folder are some
printer files, but I am not sure what to drag into the chooser to let me
share printers :o(

The Windows printer is a HP 4L (and I do not think HP did any mac drivers)

Any help appreciated,



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IE 5.1 OS X

2002-04-06 Thread James Anderson

Hi all,
recently IE 5.1 on OS X.1.3 , G4 QS 867mhz, has decided to 
occasionally not work. - random occurances, quiting and re-opening 
doesn't help.

the program opens fine but won't connect to any web pages, it just 
says "looking for" (as an example) in the bar at the 
bottom of the window.

There is no problem with the connection, as I can use Netscape in 
classic, but it is a pain waiting for classic to load up etc etc.

Any hints, I would have deleted the prefs in OS 9 but what to do in 
OS X - are there prefs to delete?


Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Rod Lavington
On 6/4/02 1:41 PM, "John Currie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Panorama has a basic fee of $ US 250 plus add on costs depending on size
> of the data base in terms of the number of forms (reports) and procedures
> (macros). For the case under discussion, at the outside another $US 50.
> For this you can make an unlimited number of copies with the freedom to
> change the images and the captions or any other data at any time
> John

Keep plugging that Panorama John, keep plugging ;-)



Re: Ink Cartridges

2002-04-06 Thread Dark Servant
Try going to  they do extremely good refill kits 
for many types of printers include Epson Stylus 740's (I have the exact 
same printer). I'm pretty sure they do new cartridges too.

Ruben A. Franke

Any one know the cheapest place to get ink cartridges for a Epson 
Stylus 740


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Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread John Currie
Onno wrote

>>The best part is the licencing of a CD to distribute - *not*.
>AFAIK Filemaker standalone executables made with the developers tools
>don't need to be licenced.

Panorama has a basic fee of $ US 250 plus add on costs depending on size
of the data base in terms of the number of forms (reports) and procedures
(macros). For the case under discussion, at the outside another $US 50.
For this you can make an unlimited number of copies with the freedom to
change the images and the captions or any other data at any time


Re: norton Utes

2002-04-06 Thread Rod Lavington
On 6/4/02 12:43 PM, "Doug Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why do people keep bashing Norton Utilities? Yes there were problems with
> the switch to HFS+ but those issues are long past. As a last resort a couple
> weeks ago I grabbed the latest beta Symantic was offering to fix a disk that
> I really wouldn't have minded losing. Disk Fist Aid had failed and
> Diskwarrior kept bombing out on me. Disk Doctor fixed the problem. I'm not
> saying the program is perfect and I've had situations where Diskwarrior
> fixed a problem that Nortons couldn't. I've also had problems where DFA has
> fixed problems that both Nortons and Diskwarrior failed on. I really don't
> get the dislike for Nortons.

I think for most people it was once bitten, twice shy. When data on your
hard drive is at stake, would you try something that has a notorious
history or something that is recommended by most technicians?



Re: norton Utes

2002-04-06 Thread Doug Wilson
on 6/4/02 9:21 AM, Rod Lavington at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Can anyone tell me if its safe to use Norton Utilities Ver 6.0 on 7200 with
>> System 8.6?
>> Bill
> I didn't think it was ever safe  :-)
> Seeya
> Rod
> (who is patiently waiting for more DiskWarriors to arrive in stock!)

Why do people keep bashing Norton Utilities? Yes there were problems with
the switch to HFS+ but those issues are long past. As a last resort a couple
weeks ago I grabbed the latest beta Symantic was offering to fix a disk that
I really wouldn't have minded losing. Disk Fist Aid had failed and
Diskwarrior kept bombing out on me. Disk Doctor fixed the problem. I'm not
saying the program is perfect and I've had situations where Diskwarrior
fixed a problem that Nortons couldn't. I've also had problems where DFA has
fixed problems that both Nortons and Diskwarrior failed on. I really don't
get the dislike for Nortons.
ERROR: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.

cannot find server

2002-04-06 Thread Alan Fenton
Is anyone with iinet during the last week and still getting the message" cannot
find server" allot when going to websites?
I am.
Regards from Alan.

cannot find server

2002-04-06 Thread Alan Fenton
Is anyone with iinet during the last week and still getting the message" cannot
find server" allot when going to websites?
I am.
Regards from Alan.

Cubic VR vs normal VR's?

2002-04-06 Thread Darren Kam

Hey gang,

I've been developing some QuickTime VR panoramas and have stumbled 
upon something called Cubic VR's. As I understand it, QuickTime 5 
for both Mac & PC can view cubic VR's, but how do I create them?! 
Normal VR panoramas are long images which are wrapped around, but 
this doesn't enable the "person" in the scene to look directly up or 
directly down.

Cubic VR's should be able to let me provide a fully immersive 
solution, but how do I create the images which then get transformed 
into cubic VR's?

If it helps I'm using Art*Lantis 4 to create the VR's at the moment, 
but they're not cubic.


P.S. If you're bored, or want a sneak peek, the new Telethon 2002 
Home web site at  so you can view 
the VR's that I've created there. (click on "virtual tour") - you 
have to love sorenson 3 compression on the VR's!

Web Design | Multimedia | Programming | IT Consulting

Darren Kam
Duckie Designs
Western Australia
ABN: 252 277 20 141
Mob: 0411 242 591

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Shay Telfer

Then again, distributing CDs is such a "dark ages" model :-) It's
easy to slap a database up on a web server, then it's always up to

Yes, however most people's bandwidth is still in the "dark ages"

Have fun,
=== Shay Telfer 
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Sponsor WA's Solar Car
Opinions for hire [POQ] Sungroper

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Shay Telfer

> Also, you can't put a PHP/SQL database onto a CD to distribute it to

multiple users on multiple platforms if you ever decide to do so.
FileMaker does this relatively painlessly.

The best part is the licencing of a CD to distribute - *not*.

AFAIK Filemaker standalone executables made with the developers tools 
don't need to be licenced.

As to licensing the content of the database, surely the information's 
just as copyable as when it's viewed on a web page?

Have fun,

=== Shay Telfer 
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Sponsor WA's Solar Car
Opinions for hire [POQ] Sungroper

Re: Cataloguing issues

2002-04-06 Thread Andrew Nielsen

At 14:49 +0800 04/04/2002, Dr Jim Cummins wrote:

Ultimately when corrected we want to make these available for all to
study, probably via a CD that the students can purchase rather than
via the WWW (too easy to steal!).

Mmm, bet they'd _never_ figure out how to copy a CD! :-) Whereas on 
the web, you can restrict access to paying customers if you want, or 
display only low-res images initially and charge for high-res ones. 
And provide incentives for them to keep using your site, such as 
continual improvements/upgrades/addition of content, rather than 
having to produce and mail out CDs and have people complain that the 
CD doesn't run on their particular model of computer, or whatever.


Andrew Nielsen 
Starfish Technologies Pty Ltd 
ACN 076 426 714 / ABN 49 426 849 601 Tel: 0500 555 677
Consultants in Unix, Mac OS, Windows & networking technologies

OS X on a G3 233MHz

2002-04-06 Thread Matt Huitson
Hi all,
I'd appreciate some feedback from anyone currently running (or with 
prior experience of running) OS X on a G3 233 Mhz processor. Just a 
brief word or two on general speed of system would suffice. Additional 
comments on how MS Office X performs would be a bonus. Happy for them 
to be sent direct to me if you prefer.


Matt Huitson
Dept. of Psychology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6097
Western Australia
work: 61 89 380 3639
mob: 0414 294 770

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: norton Utes

2002-04-06 Thread Reg Whitely

Doesn't Nortons create problems just to prove it can fix them, then can't...?


> Can anyone tell me if its safe to use Norton Utilities Ver 6.0 
on 7200 with

System 8.6?


I didn't think it was ever safe  :-)


(who is patiently waiting for more DiskWarriors to arrive in stock!)

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'The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher regard 
those who think alike than those who think differently.'

Friedrich Nietzsche

Re: norton Utes

2002-04-06 Thread Rod Lavington
On 6/4/02 7:32 AM, "Dr Bill Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me if its safe to use Norton Utilities Ver 6.0 on 7200 with
> System 8.6?
> Bill

I didn't think it was ever safe  :-)


(who is patiently waiting for more DiskWarriors to arrive in stock!)