Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Glenn McKechnie
On 14 January 2018 at 16:13, Praveen Chandrasekaran 

> Regarding 3 the data logger does have the data. So why can't the sql
> database be reconstructed?

Ah, you have a datalogger, and it's a Davis, I missed that.
The answer is - I don't know. An interesting question though.
You'll need to consult the manual or review what the weewx hardware docs
 say in reference to
it.  I defer to the experts.

First question to ask would be how much does it store, and for how long?
Which then leads to...  Will your pi's uptime exceed that of the
dataloggers size? ie: Will there be a gap in data if, or when, the pi falls

> One (hopefully last!) Question.
> Does the script you have for rorpi setup work with stock systemd. In
> preinstall step if I don't replace systemd with sysV does it still work ?

It does, providing you reset the initmethod option within the script. line 32 will inform.

You will then need to chase down various little niggles to satisfy systemd
as it insists on leaving its mark in various corners.
They aren't show stoppers, or at least weren't when I ran it with deb 8.
Another user stuck with systemd on multiple units (no weewx) and I believe
they were having success with them all.

If you do go down that path then follow up questions will definitely belong
over at rorpi-discussion


rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Praveen Chandrasekaran
Regarding 3 the data logger does have the data. So why can't the sql database 
be reconstructed?

One (hopefully last!) Question.

Does the script you have for rorpi setup work with stock systemd. In preinstall 
step if I don't replace systemd with sysV does it still work ?

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Re: [weewx-user] Some possible helps for anyone running an old Davis Vantage Pro2 console

2018-01-13 Thread Doug Bo

I upgraded my console to the latest and greatest firmware.  Still seeing 
network issues so the problem isn't the console firmware.  I'm using an 
Ethernet to WiFi bridge between logger and network.  I think that is my 
issue.  Going to make some network changes to see if I can isolate my 
timeout problem.

Doug B.

> On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 5:13:14 AM UTC-8, Tom Keffer wrote:
>> Thanks, Doug
>> Could you put your comments in the Wiki? That way it will be easier for 
>> someone to find, rather than search through the nearly 5,000 topics in 
>> weewx-user.
>> Perhaps something in the hardware 
>>  section?
>> -tk
>> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 7:53 PM, Doug Bo  wrote:
>>> I'm running an older Vantage Pro2 console, vintage 2007, firmware 1.90  
>>> (can't update firmware due to console hardware changes)
>>> My WeatherlinkIP is running current firmware but console seems to be 
>>> very slow to respond.  I disabled the upload to weatherlink.
>>> I had to tweak the conf file to get it to run more than 24 hours.  The 
>>> parameter adjustments below are based on threads I found in this forum.  
>>> Hopefully my discoveries will help someone.  Although I doubt anyone (other 
>>> than me) is running old consoles.  LOL
>>> Any other tips are appreciated.  Thanks.
>>> I'm currently discussing my options with Davis on updating my consoles.  
>>> Maybe newer hardware.  :)
>>> Doug B.
>>> loop_on_init = True
>>> # TCP send delay (when using the WeatherLinkIP):
>>> tcp_send_delay = 0.5
>>> *# experimentcommand_delay = 1.0*
>>> # The id of your ISS station (usually 1). If you use a wind meter 
>>> connected
>>> # to a anemometer transmitter kit, use its id
>>> iss_id = 2
>>> # How long to wait for a response from the station before giving up 
>>> (in
>>> # seconds; must be greater than 2)
>>> # timeout = 4
>>> *timeout = 8*
>>> # How long to wait before trying again (in seconds)
>>> # wait_before_retry = 1.2
>>> *wait_before_retry = 3.5*
>>> # How many times to try before giving up:
>>> max_tries = 4
>>> # Vantage model Type: 1 = Vantage Pro; 2 = Vantage Pro2
>>> model_type = 2
>>> # The driver to use:
>>> driver = weewx.drivers.vantage
>>> -- 
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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Glenn McKechnie
Hi Praveen,

1) It will keep increasing in size as data is accumulated - the size will
be dependent on archive interval and time (measured in years usually!) I
wouldn't sweat on the size increasing to the point where it would be a
serious problem though, or at least not before you became aware of it as
you monitor your system. If it ever got to that stage where you felt it was
too big you could archive it, make a copy, trim the copy to (say) a years
past data, restart weewx and carry on as before.
As a very rough idea - a database here with 45000 entries takes up 27Meg.
That's a month at 1 minute archive intervals or

2) If you want to trust WU with your data I'd suggest looking through the
weewx-user archives before you commit to that idea.  Ok, I really can't say
for certain as I don't use them but It seems from forum posts that they
miss data, especially in rapidfire mode,  and while weewx has a utility to
refetch WU data I think it's a tool of last resort. Check this forum or
wait for someone with more knowledge to clarify that.
No doubt you could set weewx to a 15 minute archive interval, try it and
see if it fits your needs, but I wouldn't factor WU in as a backup.
If the question you're also asking is "do the intervals need to match for
the local database to be restored from WU" then I don't know. Visit the docs
describe wee_import

which should enlighten you way more that I can.

3) That would be a resounding NO!  Or to put it another way, NOTHING beats
an uptodate, fully working, offsite backup.
It's in memory + the powers removed = it's gone forever. If you haven't
taken a recent copy you have nothing current. If you do nothing then the
closest copy you will have will be the database hidden under the bind
mount. That was the database the memory version (that you just lost)
started from. It was uptodate at your last bootup, it's not current now.
Everything captured in-between is lost.

The clue for reconstructing the full database is to back it up first, and
to check your backups regularly. See the link I gave you above if you want
to transfer a copy to another machine.  Using weewx's RSYNC skin as a
backup solution,

Or if you want a skin to do the grunt work for you then look at
weewx-sqlbackup  that's
also in that repository (one level up). You will always be in charge of
restoring it though.

sqlite databases can be backed up by simply copying them, in this case to a
writable usb stick that can be mounted/unmounted as required. The simplest
is a bash script called from cron and most weewx users appear to have
success with that.
I believe Vince has some bash scripts in his github repo that will help if
you want to go that way. Have a look though the weewx-user archives for
further hints, there's various methods and scripts.


rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons

On 14 January 2018 at 14:01, Praveen Chandrasekaran 

> Thanks Glen for such a detailed reply. A few more questions as i m doing
> my homework :)
> 1) The SQL database has data for how many days? 1 day? Wondering how it's
> size doesn't just keep increasing
> 2) If i do rapidfire on WU, WU would also maintain its own archive from
> live data i assume irrespective of logging interval. In that case i would
> set logging interval in my davis logger and weewx to 15 mins which would
> reduce number of SQL writes significantly
> 3) If i dont save the sql from tmpfs due to a power failure i assume it
> can be reconstructed on power up. Does your method do that? If so can you
> point me to that bit.
> Regards,
> Praveen

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread Andrew Milner
I ask the question because whenever I put the heating on I see a change to 
the barometer readings on my graphs which implies to me that the pressure 
is changed (it appears to fall as the temperature rises).  My console is 
2/3 up the wall (too high to even read, but good for sensor reception!) and 
so warms quite rapidly as the hot air from the heating rises making the 
pressure change quite noticeable.  I have always put it down to being a 
quirk of FineOffset and have ignored barometer changes which appeared to be 
indoor temperature change related. However the variation does lead on to my 
conclusions re compensating indoor pressure readings to match outdoor 
temperatures.  Maybe I need to investigate this more and try and correlate 
'pressure' to indoor temperature directly ...  I suspect it may be 
related to temperature differentials between temperature inside the 
pressure sensor and temperature outside the sensor ie if the temperature is 
uniform all is fine but when there is a difference the pressure reading is 
erroneous - which of course would mean that weewx is fine and the pressure 
sensor is naff

Why am I such a pedant I ask myself ..

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 23:38:33 UTC+2, gjr80 wrote:

> As far as I was aware the difference between pressure inside and pressure 
> outside is negligible (unless of course you live in a sealed house). So 
> deriving barometer and altimeter using inside pressure rather than outside 
> pressure has negligible effect. Of course if you use inside temperature 
> there may well be a significant difference to outside temperature so 
> barometric pressure could vary significantly between inside and outside.
> Gary

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Praveen Chandrasekaran
Thanks Glen for such a detailed reply. A few more questions as i m doing my 
homework :)

1) The SQL database has data for how many days? 1 day? Wondering how it's size 
doesn't just keep increasing 

2) If i do rapidfire on WU, WU would also maintain its own archive from live 
data i assume irrespective of logging interval. In that case i would set 
logging interval in my davis logger and weewx to 15 mins which would reduce 
number of SQL writes significantly 

3) If i dont save the sql from tmpfs due to a power failure i assume it can be 
reconstructed on power up. Does your method do that? If so can you point me to 
that bit.


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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Glenn McKechnie
Hi Praveen,

It's on the first page, but I agree that it probably doesn't leap out at
you. You can put it anywhere you like but the default is in memory.

The filesystem layout is defined around an apt install of weewx.

The directory /var/lib/weewx is moved into RAM and mounted as a tmpfs with
a bind mount performed on the system boot.

df -Th /var/lib/weewx
Filesystem Type   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs  tmpfs  486M  279M  208M  58% /var/lib/weewx

Anything within that directory is therefore within memory. The voyage
script will take care of writing that directory back to the SDCard on an
orderly shutdown, which means it's available (remounted) on the next boot
up. If it's anything less than orderly shutdown (eg: power failure) then
the directory contents will be lost forever. That's why the notes have an
excessive emphasis on backups and why the last page in the wiki was
added - Using
weewx's RSYNC skin as a backup solution

If you don't want to go to that bother then remove that bind mount entry
for /var/lib/weewx and instead point it to a seperate read/write drive -
usb stick, usb HDD (whatever floats your boat) and carry on as normal. But
still do backups anyway :-)  You'll still have a read only, root filesystem
that will better survive power failures but your writable database drive
won't have that protection.

All the above assumes you are using the default sqlite database type.
I wouldn't recommend using mysql database on a tmpfs as it requires more
memory than a raspberry pi can supply. It can be done but is not worth the
effort or constant monitoring. It also requires a few extra tweaks to the
mounted directories if you run it under a read only filesystem, even if the
database is moved to a writable drive. Actually, If I recall correctly it's
easiest to move all of /var to the writable drive but memory is still a
squeeze. I'd suggest a usb HDD rather than a usb stick too - I haven't had
much luck with them and mysql probably due to the high disk traffic.

Stick with the sqlite default database, it's way easier.
If you feel like living dangerously, try with mysql but the remaining
pieces are all yours. (If you succeed and have notes though, let us know :-)

There is an ultra low traffic group for rorpi.
  If you have
any further questions relating to the rorpi setup then it's probably best
to ask them over there.

Pre rorpi I used a very similar approach to Vince. Logs and web to memory
and I wrote the sqlite databases to a sandisk usb stick.
I live in a rural area, the power network has no redundancy and trips at a
sideways glance and UPS's aren't cheap here. I would end up with corrupted
filesystems, sometimes unwritable disks, all resulting in missing data. I
probably also asked too much of the SDCard and usb sticks - extra
databases, short archive intervals, multiple skins. Anyway, this eventually
happened one too many times. As a result I ended up travelling the longer
path and so rorpi evolved.

Vince's method is way simpler.  Choose according to your needs.  But
whatever you do, remember your backups. :-)


rorpi - read only raspberry pi & various weewx addons

On 14 January 2018 at 03:07, Praveen Chandrasekaran 

> Hi Glenn,
> Where are the SQL databases stored? Are they still stored on the SD card?
> I could not get that reading your page or maybe I missed it.
> Regards,
> Praveen

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Re: [weewx-user] Extension Installer Syntax Error

2018-01-13 Thread Joe Percival
"Finished installing extension '/home/pi/Downloads/’"

> On Jan 13, 2018, at 3:24 PM, Joe Percival  wrote:
> I think I found the problem here also… I found one section in the earlier 
> configuration section where I had not used a closing brace.
>> On Jan 13, 2018, at 3:12 PM, Joe Percival > > wrote:
>> Though this section is almost an exact duplicate of the mem extension 
>> file, I am getting a syntax error on the last section of the file.
>>   File "/var/tmp/weewx_snow/", line 48
>> files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/']),
>>  ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>> here is the exact text in that section of my
>> files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/']),
>>   ('skins/snow', ['skins/snow/skin.conf',
>>  'skins/snow/index.html.tmpl',
>>  'skins/snow/weewx.css'])]
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: [weewx-user] Extension Installer Syntax Error

2018-01-13 Thread Joe Percival
I think I found the problem here also… I found one section in the earlier 
configuration section where I had not used a closing brace.

> On Jan 13, 2018, at 3:12 PM, Joe Percival  wrote:
> Though this section is almost an exact duplicate of the mem extension 
> file, I am getting a syntax error on the last section of the file.
>   File "/var/tmp/weewx_snow/", line 48
> files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/']),
>  ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> here is the exact text in that section of my
> files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/']),
>   ('skins/snow', ['skins/snow/skin.conf',
>  'skins/snow/index.html.tmpl',
>  'skins/snow/weewx.css'])]
> -- 
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[weewx-user] Extension Installer Syntax Error

2018-01-13 Thread Joe Percival
Though this section is almost an exact duplicate of the mem extension file, I am getting a syntax error on the last section of the 

  File "/var/tmp/weewx_snow/", line 48
files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/']),
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

here is the exact text in that section of my

files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/']),
  ('skins/snow', ['skins/snow/skin.conf',

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Re: [weewx-user] Extension Installer Error

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80
That would do it, my understanding of the extension installer is that in the 
archive everything needs to be under a single top level directory.


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[weewx-user] wee_import WU vs Cumulus

2018-01-13 Thread T Konzl
Hello everyone,

I searched the group for this information, but couldn't find anything 
related.  My question: is there any advantage of importing WU over default 
(out-of-the-box) Cumulus data?...specifically in regard to data 
completeness?  Do any additional fields get populated from either the 
Cumulus data or WU data vs the other?  I suppose it depends on the PWS.  I 
have a Davis VantageVue ISS, so no solar or other fancy sensors.

I'm at a point where I'm ready to continue importing to weeWX and have both 
Cumulus and WU data for 2016 & 2017, and want to know which is preferred to 
upload and why.

Thank you,

Tom K.

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Re: [weewx-user] Extension Installer Error

2018-01-13 Thread Joe Percival
yes.  though I have taken out the readme and changelog for the time being.
I have found the problem.  I created the zip on a Mac and it created a second 
directory inside the archive called _MACOS.  That was confusing the installer.
Deleting that directory allowed the installer to proceed (and churn up the next 
layer of bugs).

> On Jan 13, 2018, at 2:40 PM, gjr80  wrote:
> I know you outlined your zip structure but it wasn't 100% clear to me. I 
> package in tgz format not zip but the structure I have in my tgz file is:
> name
>  |
>  --
>  |
>  -- readme.txt
>  |
>  -- changelog
>  |
>  -- bin
>  |   |
>  |   -- directories/files to go in $BIN directory
>  |
>  -- skins
>  |
>  -- directories/files to go in skin directory
> where name is the common name of the extension/driver etc
> Alternatively, post your zip.
> Gary
> -- 
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[weewx-user] Re: Extension Installer Error

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80
I know you outlined your zip structure but it wasn't 100% clear to me. I 
package in tgz format not zip but the structure I have in my tgz file is:

 -- readme.txt
 -- changelog
 -- bin
 |   |
 |   -- directories/files to go in $BIN directory
 -- skins
 -- directories/files to go in skin directory

where name is the common name of the extension/driver etc

Alternatively, post your zip.


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Re: [weewx-user] wee_import from WU

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80
The reports are generated each archive interval so yes fairly frequently. The 
problem is the process that generates the reports generates from the last 
generated report to the current time, it doesn't 'fill in the gaps'. So when 
you first did the import weeWX would have generated the early 2013 reports, 
presumably weeWX also generated a January 2018 and 2018 report. So the next 
import added the later 2013 data but because of the way the reports are 
generated the corresponding month and year reports were not generated.

Rule of thumb when NOAA reports or plots don't show historical data is to 
delete all NOAA reports and plots and let them be regenerated during the next 
report cycle. If the data is indeed in the archive this fixes the majority of 


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Re: [weewx-user] wee_import from WU

2018-01-13 Thread T Konzl
Good afternoon Gary,

Yes, the NOAA reports are what I'm talking about.  I merely need to delete
these NOAA--mm.txt files and they get regenerated?  What is the
regenerate frequency?  Is it possible for me to regenerate these manually?

Okay, I just did it and answered my own questions.  The regenerate appears
to occur on on a quick interval, so no need to manually regenerate these
Thank you so very much.

Tom K.

On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 3:49 PM, gjr80  wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you be a little more specific with what you mean by 'the new records
> from April to Dec 2013 don't show up in the monthly or yearly HTML page'. I
> would not expect data from 2013 to be appearing on the month or year page,
> as those pages would be showing data from January 2018 and 2018
> respectively. The only place on these pages where I would expect to see
> 2013 data is the NOAA format report drop downs. If that is indeed the issue
> you have then delete all of the NOAA format month and year reports and they
> will be regenerated next report cycle.
> Gary
> --
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[weewx-user] Extension Installer Error

2018-01-13 Thread Joe Percival
 I have tried using the extension installer following the guidance from the 
github wiki on an extension package created by modifying the mem extension 
example.  I do not understand the error message I am getting.  Can someone 
please explain where I've gone wrong?
My extension package is a zipped directory named weewx_snow which contains, a bin directory and a skins directory.
here is the error message I am getting:

raise InstallError("Unable to install from '%s': no common path (the 
extension archive contains more than a single root directory)" % 
weecfg.extension.InstallError: Unable to install from 
'/home/pi/Downloads/': no common path (the extension archive 
contains more than a single root directory)

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[weewx-user] wee_import from WU

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80

Can you be a little more specific with what you mean by 'the new records from 
April to Dec 2013 don't show up in the monthly or yearly HTML page'. I would 
not expect data from 2013 to be appearing on the month or year page, as those 
pages would be showing data from January 2018 and 2018 respectively. The only 
place on these pages where I would expect to see 2013 data is the NOAA format 
report drop downs. If that is indeed the issue you have then delete all of the 
NOAA format month and year reports and they will be regenerated next report 


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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80
As far as I was aware the difference between pressure inside and pressure 
outside is negligible (unless of course you live in a sealed house). So 
deriving barometer and altimeter using inside pressure rather than outside 
pressure has negligible effect. Of course if you use inside temperature there 
may well be a significant difference to outside temperature so barometric 
pressure could vary significantly between inside and outside.


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[weewx-user] wee_import from WU

2018-01-13 Thread T Konzl
I began with a test of wee_import, first with --dry-run then without.  I 
then imported 1.5 months worth of 2013 data from from=2013-02-18 
to=2013-03-31.  This worked without a problem and the data showed up in the 
monthly and yearly HTML page history.  

I then went and modified the weewx.conf to adjust the [StdQC] [[MinMax]] 
values for inTemp and outTemp, because I noticed some wunderground data 
that was way out of bounds (-40), and I thought my new entries for in and 
out mins (40,-10 respectively) would be more appropriate values.  

I then did another --dry-run on the remainder of the 2013 data, 
from=2013-04-01 to=2013-12-31 and was satisfied with the outcome, so I ran 
the import.  Turns out, the original data is still there, but now the new 
records from April to Dec 2013 don't show up in the monthly or yearly HTML 
page.  I've tried to drop and rebuild the daily values, but these didn't do 
anything.  I also tried re-importing this same date range, and the utility 
says that these records already exist in the database.  Huh?  Then why 
aren't they showing up in the monthly and yearly HTML pages?

BTW, I just moved from Cumulus to weeWX about 3 weeks ago.  Any help would 
be appreciated.  Not well-versed in SQLite, but I can work the problem if I 
can just figure out in what direction to look.

I have to say the tool works very well, except for this minor glitch.


Tom K.

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[weewx-user] Re: WS-3000

2018-01-13 Thread olivier . guyotot
And by the way, the console's firmware version is 1.1.6

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[weewx-user] Re: WS-3000

2018-01-13 Thread olivier . guyotot
When I connect the station to a Windows VM, I can successfully read the 
data using EasyTemp. So I tried to compare what EasyTemp and weewx are 
sending on the USB bus, using wireshark. Unfortunately, although there are 
obvious differences, I can't tell what's causing the error.
The two files are attached.

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread Andrew Milner
Tom - this has always baffled me - when the pressure reading is taken from 
an indoor console which is at a different temperature than outdoors.  Maybe 
Tom knows the answer - if one carries a console from inside at 20 degrees o 
outside at 3 degrees does the pressure recorded on the console change?  If 
it does then the 'pressure' reading from the console needs some adjustment 
for temperature change between indoors and outdoors before adjusting for 
altitude (altimeter) and outside temperature (barometer).

Or perhaps I am just misunderstanding (as usual).  The issue would not be 
an issue if the pressure reading was taken from an instrument already at 
outside temperature of course, but most pressure readings seem to come from 
indoor consoles rather than external instrument clusters.

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 20:50:27 UTC+2, Tom Keffer wrote:

> The inside temperature does not enter the calculation. You are correcting 
> for the weight of the air column outside, which is a function of outside 
> density, which is a function of outside air temperature.
> -tk
> Fat-fingered from my Android
> On Jan 13, 2018 8:59 AM, "'ml' via weewx-user"  > wrote:
> Ok i got itwith the outside temperature value 3.2°C is 1025mbar with 
> the inside temperature 23.2°C it is 1020mbar so what is now correct air 
> pressure is measured inside
> --
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RE: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread Thomas Keffer
The inside temperature does not enter the calculation. You are correcting
for the weight of the air column outside, which is a function of outside
density, which is a function of outside air temperature.


Fat-fingered from my Android

On Jan 13, 2018 8:59 AM, "'ml' via weewx-user" 

Ok i got itwith the outside temperature value 3.2°C is 1025mbar with
the inside temperature 23.2°C it is 1020mbar so what is now correct air
pressure is measured inside

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RE: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread 'ml' via weewx-user
Ok i got itwith the outside temperature value 3.2°C is 1025mbar with the 
inside temperature 23.2°C it is 1020mbar so what is now correct air pressure is 
measured inside

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RE: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread Andrew Milner
Have you looked at the code as Tom suggested??

On the link I gave you there is a formula for the calculation which may help

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: 'ml' via weewx-user
Sent: 13 January 2018 17:54
To: weewx-user
Subject: Re: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

Sorry i didn't get how the barometric pressure is calculated with the 
temperature, altitude and absolute pressure can you help?

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Praveen Chandrasekaran
Also Vince, your approach looks lot more simpler than Glenn's approach. But 
is there any downside to it?

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 21:38:21 UTC+5:30, Praveen Chandrasekaran 
> Again the same question as to Glenn. Where are the SQL databases stored? 
> Are they still on the SD card?
> On Saturday, 4 February 2017 05:26:34 UTC+5:30, vince wrote:
>> On Friday, February 3, 2017 at 2:42:09 PM UTC-8, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
>>> The read-only pi that vince refers to is a HowTo at 
>> I do it a little differently, rather than modifying Raspbian at all, I 
>> just mount everything as tmpfs by adding the following to my /etc/fstab:
>> # order matters here, note I use nginx, for apache your content would be 
>> slightly different
>> tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> tmpfs   /var/logtmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> tmpfs   /var/log/nginx  tmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> tmpfs   /var/tmptmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> tmpfs   /var/www/html   tmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> In any event, if you go read-only, you'll need to know what weewx files 
>> to copy out periodically to persistent media.  Generally this is your 
>> weewx.sdb file and possibly your NOAA files, which aren't written often. 
>>  The rsync handler is nice if you have another computer with spinning disk 
>> to just copy your web docroot to, but you'll definitely want to save your 
>> weewx database file periodically.  If you have a Davis station with 
>> datalogger, you only 'technically' have to do this weekly or so probably, 
>> but nightly at minimum is probably a good idea.

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Praveen Chandrasekaran
Again the same question as to Glenn. Where are the SQL databases stored? 
Are they still on the SD card?

On Saturday, 4 February 2017 05:26:34 UTC+5:30, vince wrote:
> On Friday, February 3, 2017 at 2:42:09 PM UTC-8, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
>> The read-only pi that vince refers to is a HowTo at 
> I do it a little differently, rather than modifying Raspbian at all, I 
> just mount everything as tmpfs by adding the following to my /etc/fstab:
> # order matters here, note I use nginx, for apache your content would be 
> slightly different
> tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> tmpfs   /var/logtmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> tmpfs   /var/log/nginx  tmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> tmpfs   /var/tmptmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> tmpfs   /var/www/html   tmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> In any event, if you go read-only, you'll need to know what weewx files to 
> copy out periodically to persistent media.  Generally this is your 
> weewx.sdb file and possibly your NOAA files, which aren't written often. 
>  The rsync handler is nice if you have another computer with spinning disk 
> to just copy your web docroot to, but you'll definitely want to save your 
> weewx database file periodically.  If you have a Davis station with 
> datalogger, you only 'technically' have to do this weekly or so probably, 
> but nightly at minimum is probably a good idea.

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Rpi read-only SD card system usage

2018-01-13 Thread Praveen Chandrasekaran
Hi Glenn,

Where are the SQL databases stored? Are they still stored on the SD card?  
I could not get that reading your page or maybe I missed it. 


On Saturday, 4 February 2017 04:12:09 UTC+5:30, Glenn McKechnie wrote:
> The read-only pi that vince refers to is a HowTo at 
> It covers installing weewx on a stock Raspian installation and then 
> converting that to a read only configuration
> It's a long read, for what turns out to be a simple conversion, but I've 
> tried to cover most gotchas in the process.
> If you're busting to go with it, then there are scripts to speed up the 
> installation and conversion; but you still may need to back up and read the 
> notes anyway.
> As an aside, it uses the old sysV init scripts, but the last install I did 
> I stuck with the stock systemd. There don't seem to be any major hiccups 
> with that install - given my weather station / raspberry pi combo. YMMV.
> Cheers
>  Glenn
> rorpi - read only raspberry pi + weewx: now with scripts 
> On 4 February 2017 at 04:39, vince  
> wrote:
>> On Friday, February 3, 2017 at 9:02:35 AM UTC-8, Tom Lafleur wrote:
>>> It would be nice to see an image for the Rpi using these ideas with 
>>> WeeWx to build a stable Rpi platform...
>>> I'm NOT proficient enough in Linux to know all of the in-and-out that 
>>> using this might have on WeeWx
>> There have been a number of posts along those lines over the years here, 
>> if you search back a little you'll find them.
>> (hint - try "read-only pi" in your search and look for Glenn's postings) 
>> (hint 2 - try "reducing writes on sd card based RasPi" in your search 
>> and see the thread from December)
>> -- 
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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Barometric pressure correction the right way

2018-01-13 Thread 'ml' via weewx-user
Sorry i didn't get how the barometric pressure is calculated with the 
temperature, altitude and absolute pressure can you help?

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[weewx-user] Re: Question about latitude/longitude

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80
No problems Keith, plenty of younger folk here miss things just as plain :)


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[weewx-user] Re: Question about latitude/longitude

2018-01-13 Thread k_herriage via weewx-user
My apologies for not seeing the forest for the trees.
After I found a formula for decoding decimal degrees to deg, min, seconds 
what you said was correct. What I hadn't noticed was the 00.64*'. *This was 
in minutes, not minutes and seconds as wview was.
Sorry for my lack of attention to details.
At almost 71 yr old, I get distracted easily. :-)

Have gauges working, now starting on realtime gauges.

Thanks again for trying to set me straight.


On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 12:21:17 PM UTC-6, gjr80 wrote:
> None of those things should really mess with something as fundamental as 
> lat and long in weewx.conf. If you have been making substantial changes to 
> weewx.conf and/or editing the Standard skin config file 
> (skins/Standard/skin.conf) then you could cause lat long problems, though 
> any changes in skin.conf would more likely be a formatting problem not one 
> of accuracy.
> Also, did you mean to attach something?
> Gary

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[weewx-user] Re: weewx exits after changing to vantage

2018-01-13 Thread torresb1160
SOLVED. I think the problem was at the console. Took out the batteries, 
disconnected the power then I took a dremmel tool and ground out some plastic 
that seemed like it wasn’t allowing the data logger to fully seat because the 
usb wire was binding. Went through the start up procedure exactly as the Davis 
manuals dictates (I think this is was solved the issue). Started up weewx and 
it instantly communicated and started downloading data.

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[weewx-user] Re: WeeWX Interceptor: Rain not registering

2018-01-13 Thread jan hallink
Hello Maarten
I tried several times to upgrade my station from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 firmware 
through the ws tool app, But I didn't succeeded, I got the message download 
So I cannot give you at this moment an answer if WOW works directly.
But with the weewx coupled to my station it is working with WOW 

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[weewx-user] Very simple utility

2018-01-13 Thread gjr80

Sounds like a bit of a clunky way to do things, but sticking to the question as 

One approach could be to write your own weeWX service that would check for your 
file and act accordingly. Just subclass off class StdService (in 
bin/weewx/, create a couple of methods that check for your file and 
make the changes you want, one each to handle loop packets and one to handle 
archive records (assuming you want to alter both loop and archive data) and 
bind the methods to the NEW_LOOP_PACKET and/or NEW_ARCHIVE_RECORD as necessary. 
Class StdCalibrate in bin/weewx/ uses a similar structure.

Your service should be added to the process_services list in weewx.conf.


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