[weewx-user] Rsync - how to prevent directory from deletion

2024-05-26 Thread 'Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
Dear Weewx users.

I'd like to ask how can I prevent Rsync called by Weewx from deleting a 
directory or file on a remote server when refreshing the site with weather 

The problem is: I wrote short documentation for people visiting my PWS 
site. It is in directory called 'docs'. I put it manually to the main 
directory of remote WWW server (public_html). When my Weewx updates files 
and is sending them by Rsync, 'docs' directory is being deleted from 
server. I can't protect it by 'chatrr +i' in Linux because this is hosted 
server and I can't use all normal Linux system tools.

Some hints...? 

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[weewx-user] Re: Remove/update archive (history) data

2024-04-30 Thread 'Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
OK, sorry for a noise. I found instructions on the 
wiki: https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Cleaning-up-old-'bad'-data

But it's strange that I see April's values in history section despite 
weewx.sdb oldest data is 2024-05-01 00:00:00. 

środa, 1 maja 2024 o 06:55:45 UTC+2 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):

> Dear Weewx users.
> My station was in "test mode" until midnight May 1. Now I want to remove 
> all data before this date. SQLite database is modified and has only data 
> after May 1, 00:00:00. But in my archive (history) data on website I see 
> earlier months and max/min values too. How to get rid of them? I suppose 
> some 'weectl database' command but which one?

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[weewx-user] Remove/update archive (history) data

2024-04-30 Thread 'Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
Dear Weewx users.

My station was in "test mode" until midnight May 1. Now I want to remove 
all data before this date. SQLite database is modified and has only data 
after May 1, 00:00:00. But in my archive (history) data on website I see 
earlier months and max/min values too. How to get rid of them? I suppose 
some 'weectl database' command but which one?

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[weewx-user] Re: rsync: host key verification failed - problem

2024-02-08 Thread 'Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
In my weewx.conf I have a section:

enable = true
server = XYZ # It's only identifier needed for file described below. 
Can be anything, for example MY_SECRET_SERVER
path = /path/to/files/on/my/remote/server # for example: 

And in /root/.ssh I have file named simply 'config':

Host XYZ
HostName my.remote.server.com # HostName can be also direct IP address
Port 45678 # Port to SSH if not standard 22
User me # name of your user on remote server

And rsync from inside of Weewx works in my case.

czwartek, 8 lutego 2024 o 09:33:14 UTC+1 Kalju napisał(a):

> Hi all,
> Facing same issue with *ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload:  Host key 
> verification failed *error. 
> However, it's really strange...
> I can ssh to remote site as both *root* as well as *pi* user
> I can do manual rsync with no problems but weewx builtin rsync returns 
> above error
> At the moment my weewx installation is syncing using cron with no problems 
> but I want to understand why builtin rsync fails
> Problem started after upgrade from weewx 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
> Any ideas?
> Thank you forward :-)
> On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 1:14:24 PM UTC+3 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> Thank you for replies.
>> @Warren Gill: yes, I was thinking about crontab but wanted to use 
>> built-in solution. Of course crontab is good as backup solution.
>> @vince: you're right, I didn't think about it from this side. Just for 
>> record for future seekers:
>> 1. I logged as root ('sudo -i' from 'pi' account)
>> 2. generated SSH keys ('ssh-keygen')
>> 3. copied them to external server ('ssh-copy-id 
>> ace...@external.domain.com -p 222')
>> 4. copied /home/pi/.ssh/config to /root/.ssh/config
>> 5. changed owner of 'config' ('chown root:root /root/.ssh/config')
>> 6. waited for next synchronization
>> 7. smiled because everything worked as expected :)
>> czwartek, 20 lipca 2023 o 23:24:20 UTC+2 vince napisał(a):
>>> Unless you did something custom, weewx runs as root, not as user 'pi'.
>>> You need 'root' to be able to ssh into the remote system with the 
>>> user+key you specified.  Same procedure you did to get 'pi' to work, just 
>>> do it after sudo(ing) to root so you set the 'root' account up similiarly. 
>>>   Two minute thing to do.
>>> On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 1:06:54 PM UTC-7 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> rsync: host key verification failed
>>>> Dear Weewx users.
>>>> I'm trying to send files generated by Weewx to external webserver (paid 
>>>> hosting) with rsync. I'm familiar with rsync, ssh and Linux. Weewx is 
>>>> running on Raspberry Pi as 'pi' user. Here are my configs:
>>>> /home/pi/.ssh/config
>>>> Host CF
>>>> #HostName external.domain.com <- here of course is real web address
>>>> HostName <- here of course is real IP
>>>> Port 222
>>>> User acetone <- this is my username on remote webserver (hosting)
>>>> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>> (...)
>>>> [[RSYNC]]
>>>> # rsync'ing to a webserver is treated as just another report
>>>> skin = Rsync
>>>> # If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh 
>>>> using
>>>> # public/private key authentication from the user account that 
>>>> weewx
>>>> # runs to the user account on the remote machine where the files
>>>> # will be copied.
>>>> #
>>>> # If you wish to use rsync, set "enable" to "true", then
>>>> # fill out server, user, and path.
>>>> # The server should appear in your .ssh/config file.
>>>> # The user is the username used in the identity file.
>>>> # The path is the destination directory, such as 
>>>> /var/www/html/weather.
>>>> # Be sure that the user has write permissions on the 
>>>> destination!
>>>> enable = true
>>>> server = external.domain.com
>>>> port = 222
>>>> user = acetone
>>>> path = domains/external.domain.com/p

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-02-01 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
That's strange message. When you manualy decompress ZIP (I suppose 
downloaded from GitHub) and look into install.py, last line says:

*files=[('bin/user', ['bin/user/interceptor.py'])]*

I don't know why in your case there is / (slash) in error message:

*FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

But I think you can manually copy just one file - *interceptor.py*  - to 
*/etc/weewx/bin/user* directory and make changes in *weewx.conf,* then 
restart weewx, it should work. There are additiional files in *util* 
directory but install.py omits them so they are not necessary. 
czwartek, 1 lutego 2024 o 08:35:01 UTC+1 Chris McLeod napisał(a):

> @Tomasz, you stated above that ' I installed both interceptor and HP1000 
> drivers by weectl. " Can you provide some insight into how you did this? I 
> have a fresh install of 5.0.1 and when I run 'weectl extension install 
> weewx-interceptor.zip (fresh download) I get an error stack below. I am 
> posting here just in case I am missing something obvious, if not I will 
> start a new thread. 
> Thanks, 
> Chris 
> :~$ weectl extension install weewx-interceptor.zip
> Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Install extension 'weewx-interceptor.zip' (y/n)? y
> Extracting from zip archive weewx-interceptor.zip
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weectl.py", line 74, in 
> main()
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weectl.py", line 66, in main
> namespace.func(namespace)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weectllib/__init__.py", line 121, in dispatch
> namespace.action_func(config_dict, namespace)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weectllib/extension_cmd.py", line 116, in 
> install_extension
> ext.install_extension(namespace.source, no_confirm=namespace.yes)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/extension.py", line 138, in 
> install_extension
> extension_name = self._install_from_file(extension_path, filetype)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/extension.py", line 168, in 
> _install_from_file
> extension_name = self.install_from_dir(extension_dir)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/extension.py", line 185, in 
> install_from_dir
> self._install_files(installer['files'], extension_dir)
>   File "/usr/share/weewx/weecfg/extension.py", line 269, in _install_files
> shutil.copy(source_path, destination_path)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/shutil.py", line 418, in copy
> copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/shutil.py", line 264, in copyfile
> with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc, open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
> '/bin/user/interceptor.py'
> On Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 1:27:34 AM UTC-7 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> Mystery solved. 
>> But answering to vince question, my system is rather typical - Raspbian 
>> on Raspberry Pi, only WLAN interface is active. Weewx was unwillingly 
>> updated from 4.10.2 to 5.0.0. I checked all point of failure: Python 
>> version, permissions (thank you Gary!), network traffic. As I wrote before, 
>> rtupdate.wunderground.com was hijacked - local DNS redirected it to 
>> Weewx. So I deleted this bypass, allowing console to send data to real WU 
>> server. But still I couldn't see any traffic on my router. Total silence. 
>> It was abnormal (and it explains why PCAP file captured by Tshark was empty 
>> on port 80). But I didn't check WU settings in WiFi console. Station ID was 
>> empty, password was obfuscated by asterisks. I don't use WU website at all, 
>> I just needed credentials for conversation between console and Weewx. I 
>> entered ID and password - and then console started send data to real WU. So 
>> I redirected  network traffic on my DNS again, and Weewx started to receive 
>> data from WiFi console via interceptor driver :)
>> Thank you to everyone who patiently read my writings and tried to help.
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 22:54:46 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> Difficult to answer with no info from you on exactly 'what' command you 
>>> ran for wireshark and whether your listening computer is wifi, ethernet, or 
>>> both.  What kind of computer are you running on ?  What os ?  What version 
>>> ?  Which interfaces ?  What was your 'exact' wireshark command ?
>>> But I see nothing basically in that 6-second pcap.  If running a sniffer 
>>> on your computer sees no traffic

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-25 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
Mystery solved. 

But answering to vince question, my system is rather typical - Raspbian on 
Raspberry Pi, only WLAN interface is active. Weewx was unwillingly updated 
from 4.10.2 to 5.0.0. I checked all point of failure: Python version, 
permissions (thank you Gary!), network traffic. As I wrote before, 
rtupdate.wunderground.com was hijacked - local DNS redirected it to Weewx. 
So I deleted this bypass, allowing console to send data to real WU server. 
But still I couldn't see any traffic on my router. Total silence. It was 
abnormal (and it explains why PCAP file captured by Tshark was empty on 
port 80). But I didn't check WU settings in WiFi console. Station ID was 
empty, password was obfuscated by asterisks. I don't use WU website at all, 
I just needed credentials for conversation between console and Weewx. I 
entered ID and password - and then console started send data to real WU. So 
I redirected  network traffic on my DNS again, and Weewx started to receive 
data from WiFi console via interceptor driver :)

Thank you to everyone who patiently read my writings and tried to help.

środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 22:54:46 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> Difficult to answer with no info from you on exactly 'what' command you 
> ran for wireshark and whether your listening computer is wifi, ethernet, or 
> both.  What kind of computer are you running on ?  What os ?  What version 
> ?  Which interfaces ?  What was your 'exact' wireshark command ?
> But I see nothing basically in that 6-second pcap.  If running a sniffer 
> on your computer sees no traffic being redirected from the station, then 
> there is nothing for interceptor to intercept on the weewx computer.
> Again, when you say "*But I hijacked DNS on my router*" that (to me) does 
> not cause any traffic from your station to wunderground to be redirected to 
> your weewx system unless I'm not understanding what you're saying.  Perhaps 
> you should tell everybody what your system config is so those who do 
> interceptor can try to help more. 
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 1:38:25 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> I attach PCAP file with packets captured for 120 seconds. TCP/80 only. 
>> Weewx was shut down. No traffic on this port until I manually have done the 
>> operation described in one of me previous posts (browser query): 
>> https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/O8DTjzeeQcg/m/psrDaMHoAAAJ 
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 22:22:37 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> Stop weewx.  Just run the packet capture and post the .pcap file so 
>>> others can take a look please.  Be sure to capture only tcp/80.   Compress 
>>> the pcap file if it's large or post it someplace online where others can 
>>> download it.
>>> The gui version of wireshark is much easier to understand.
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 1:16:50 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> My mistake. These packets were captured when Weewx was running with 
>>>> HP1000 driver. When I changed the driver to interceptor, I didn't captured 
>>>> *any* packets from WiFi console. I don't understand it...
>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 21:06:53 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>>>> You need something to send traffic to intercept.  Run wireshark on 
>>>>> your weewx computer and listen on port 80 and see if your computer is 
>>>>> hearing anything (and what).  If it's http the payload should be 
>>>>> decipherable.
>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, 
>>>>>> it has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to 
>>>>>> WU 
>>>>>> only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:
>>>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>>>> PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>>>>>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 
>>>>>> ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
>>>>>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 
>>>>>> ttl=64 time=0.128 ms
>>>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>>>> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> 
>>>>>> rtupdate.

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
Just one more thought. Maybe interceptor driver is "too new" for my WiFi 
console? Maybe I should try some older version? But unfortunately I don't 
see any releases on driver's GitHub page 

środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 22:22:37 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> Stop weewx.  Just run the packet capture and post the .pcap file so others 
> can take a look please.  Be sure to capture only tcp/80.   Compress the 
> pcap file if it's large or post it someplace online where others can 
> download it.
> The gui version of wireshark is much easier to understand.
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 1:16:50 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> My mistake. These packets were captured when Weewx was running with 
>> HP1000 driver. When I changed the driver to interceptor, I didn't captured 
>> *any* packets from WiFi console. I don't understand it...
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 21:06:53 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> You need something to send traffic to intercept.  Run wireshark on your 
>>> weewx computer and listen on port 80 and see if your computer is hearing 
>>> anything (and what).  If it's http the payload should be decipherable.
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, 
>>>> it has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to 
>>>> WU 
>>>> only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>>>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 
>>>> ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
>>>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 
>>>> ttl=64 time=0.128 ms
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> 
>>>> rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> ;; global options: +cmd
>>>> ;; Got answer:
>>>> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48940
>>>> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
>>>> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
>>>> ;rtupdate.wunderground.com. IN A
>>>> rtupdate.wunderground.com. 0 IN A
>>>> ;; Query time: 170 msec
>>>> ;; SERVER:
>>>> ;; WHEN: śro sty 24 20:59:32 CET 2024
>>>> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70
>>>> I even updated console's firmware to the latest available version from 
>>>> Ambient Weather website. In server.ini file I see only this:
>>>> [Menu]
>>>> default=www.wunderground.com
>>>> web=1
>>>> web1=www.wunderground.com
>>>> [www.wunderground.com]
>>>> Server=rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> ServerType=php
>>>> ServerPort=80
>>>> UploadType=Customize
>>>> ReadOnly=true
>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:48:31 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>>>> Just a thought, but interceptor is 'listening' on port 80.  Don't you 
>>>>> need to configure your hardware to 'send' to port 80 on your weewx 
>>>>> computer 
>>>>> ?
>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:39:31 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized 
>>>>>> that I have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands 
>>>>>> begining 
>>>>>> with 'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
>>>>>> /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:
>>>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
>>>>>> Python 3.7.3
>>>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):
>>>>>>> Here it comes:

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
I attach PCAP file with packets captured for 120 seconds. TCP/80 only. 
Weewx was shut down. No traffic on this port until I manually have done the 
operation described in one of me previous posts (browser 
query): https://groups.google.com/g/weewx-user/c/O8DTjzeeQcg/m/psrDaMHoAAAJ 

środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 22:22:37 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> Stop weewx.  Just run the packet capture and post the .pcap file so others 
> can take a look please.  Be sure to capture only tcp/80.   Compress the 
> pcap file if it's large or post it someplace online where others can 
> download it.
> The gui version of wireshark is much easier to understand.
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 1:16:50 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> My mistake. These packets were captured when Weewx was running with 
>> HP1000 driver. When I changed the driver to interceptor, I didn't captured 
>> *any* packets from WiFi console. I don't understand it...
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 21:06:53 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> You need something to send traffic to intercept.  Run wireshark on your 
>>> weewx computer and listen on port 80 and see if your computer is hearing 
>>> anything (and what).  If it's http the payload should be decipherable.
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, 
>>>> it has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to 
>>>> WU 
>>>> only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>>>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 
>>>> ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
>>>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 
>>>> ttl=64 time=0.128 ms
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> 
>>>> rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> ;; global options: +cmd
>>>> ;; Got answer:
>>>> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48940
>>>> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
>>>> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
>>>> ;rtupdate.wunderground.com. IN A
>>>> rtupdate.wunderground.com. 0 IN A
>>>> ;; Query time: 170 msec
>>>> ;; SERVER:
>>>> ;; WHEN: śro sty 24 20:59:32 CET 2024
>>>> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70
>>>> I even updated console's firmware to the latest available version from 
>>>> Ambient Weather website. In server.ini file I see only this:
>>>> [Menu]
>>>> default=www.wunderground.com
>>>> web=1
>>>> web1=www.wunderground.com
>>>> [www.wunderground.com]
>>>> Server=rtupdate.wunderground.com
>>>> ServerType=php
>>>> ServerPort=80
>>>> UploadType=Customize
>>>> ReadOnly=true
>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:48:31 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>>>> Just a thought, but interceptor is 'listening' on port 80.  Don't you 
>>>>> need to configure your hardware to 'send' to port 80 on your weewx 
>>>>> computer 
>>>>> ?
>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:39:31 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized 
>>>>>> that I have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands 
>>>>>> begining 
>>>>>> with 'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
>>>>>> /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:
>>>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
>>>>>> Python 3.7.3
>>>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):
>>>>>>> Here it comes:

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
My mistake. These packets were captured when Weewx was running with HP1000 
driver. When I changed the driver to interceptor, I didn't captured *any* 
packets from WiFi console. I don't understand it...
środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 21:06:53 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> You need something to send traffic to intercept.  Run wireshark on your 
> weewx computer and listen on port 80 and see if your computer is hearing 
> anything (and what).  If it's http the payload should be decipherable.
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, it 
>> has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to WU 
>> only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:
>> pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 
>> ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 
>> ttl=64 time=0.128 ms
>> pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ;; global options: +cmd
>> ;; Got answer:
>> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48940
>> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
>> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
>> ;rtupdate.wunderground.com. IN A
>> rtupdate.wunderground.com. 0 IN A
>> ;; Query time: 170 msec
>> ;; SERVER:
>> ;; WHEN: śro sty 24 20:59:32 CET 2024
>> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70
>> I even updated console's firmware to the latest available version from 
>> Ambient Weather website. In server.ini file I see only this:
>> [Menu]
>> default=www.wunderground.com
>> web=1
>> web1=www.wunderground.com
>> [www.wunderground.com]
>> Server=rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ServerType=php
>> ServerPort=80
>> UploadType=Customize
>> ReadOnly=true
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:48:31 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> Just a thought, but interceptor is 'listening' on port 80.  Don't you 
>>> need to configure your hardware to 'send' to port 80 on your weewx computer 
>>> ?
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:39:31 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized 
>>>> that I have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands begining 
>>>> with 'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
>>>> /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
>>>> Python 3.7.3
>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):
>>>>> Here it comes:
>>>>> # systemd service configuration file for WeeWX
>>>>> [Unit]
>>>>> Description=WeeWX
>>>>> Documentation=https://weewx.com/docs
>>>>> Requires=time-sync.target
>>>>> After=time-sync.target
>>>>> [Service]
>>>>> ExecStart=weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>>> StandardOutput=null
>>>>> StandardError=journal+console
>>>>> RuntimeDirectory=weewx
>>>>> RuntimeDirectoryMode=775
>>>>> User=root
>>>>> Group=root
>>>>> [Install]
>>>>> WantedBy=multi-user.target
>>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:33:17 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>>>>> Lets see your systemd service file.
>>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:46:50 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> OK, I changed user and group to root 
>>>>>>> in /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service, weewx now starts with port 80 and 
>>>>>>> interceptor driver. But nevermind which  option I use - observer or 
>>>>>>> wu-client - I always get:

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
I used command line version of Wireshark - Tshark - and collected packets 
for 15 minutes. Then loaded the PCAP file into Wireshark and filtered by 
source IP of weather station  console. Every 2 seconds I see:

   b8 27 eb dd 86 34 08 d8 33 53 93 a9 08 00 45 00   .'...4..3SE.
0010   00 90 1b 12 00 00 80 06 9d 2a c0 a8 00 71 c0 a8   .*...q..
0020   00 6a c0 08 19 64 e3 81 0c 05 7e 63 ac 14 50 18   .j...d~c..P.
0030   00 44 fc 9d 00 00 48 50 32 30 30 30 00 00 57 52   .DHP2000..WR
0040   49 54 45 00 00 00 4e 4f 57 52 45 43 4f 52 44 00   ITE...NOWRECORD.
0050   00 00 00 00 00 00 68 00 00 00 8a 00 00 00 c5 00   ..h.
0060   2f 3d 33 33 b3 41 33 d3 73 44 00 c0 7d 44 9a 99   /=33.A3.sD..}D..
0070   e9 40 9a 99 99 3e 9a 99 e9 40 00 00 00 00 00 00   .@...>...@..
0080   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0090   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 ..

But I don't know if it makes any sense :)   

środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 21:06:53 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> You need something to send traffic to intercept.  Run wireshark on your 
> weewx computer and listen on port 80 and see if your computer is hearing 
> anything (and what).  If it's http the payload should be decipherable.
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 12:01:31 PM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, it 
>> has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to WU 
>> only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:
>> pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 
>> ttl=64 time=0.130 ms
>> 64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 
>> ttl=64 time=0.128 ms
>> pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ;; global options: +cmd
>> ;; Got answer:
>> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48940
>> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
>> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
>> ;rtupdate.wunderground.com. IN A
>> rtupdate.wunderground.com. 0 IN A
>> ;; Query time: 170 msec
>> ;; SERVER:
>> ;; WHEN: śro sty 24 20:59:32 CET 2024
>> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70
>> I even updated console's firmware to the latest available version from 
>> Ambient Weather website. In server.ini file I see only this:
>> [Menu]
>> default=www.wunderground.com
>> web=1
>> web1=www.wunderground.com
>> [www.wunderground.com]
>> Server=rtupdate.wunderground.com
>> ServerType=php
>> ServerPort=80
>> UploadType=Customize
>> ReadOnly=true
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:48:31 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>> Just a thought, but interceptor is 'listening' on port 80.  Don't you 
>>> need to configure your hardware to 'send' to port 80 on your weewx computer 
>>> ?
>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:39:31 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized 
>>>> that I have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands begining 
>>>> with 'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
>>>> /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:
>>>> pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
>>>> Python 3.7.3
>>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):
>>>>> Here it comes:
>>>>> # systemd service configuration file for WeeWX
>>>>> [Unit]
>>>>> Description=WeeWX
>>>>> Documentation=https://weewx.com/docs
>>>>> Requires=time-sync.target
>>>>> After=time-sync.target
>>>>> [Service]
>>>>> ExecStart=weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>>> StandardOutput=null
>>>>> StandardError=journal+console
>>>>> RuntimeDirectory=weewx
>>>>> RuntimeDirectoryMode=775
>>>>> User=root
>>>>> Group=root

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
By hardware do you mean WiFi console from my weather station? If yes, it 
has very simple (almost none) configuration. It sends weather data to WU 
only. But I hijacked DNS on my router:

pi@meteo:~ $ rtupdate.wunderground.com
PING rtupdate.wunderground.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 
time=0.130 ms
64 bytes from rtupdate.wunderground.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 
time=0.128 ms

pi@meteo:~ $ dig rtupdate.wunderground.com

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u9-Raspbian <<>> rtupdate.wunderground.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 48940
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
;rtupdate.wunderground.com. IN A

rtupdate.wunderground.com. 0 IN A

;; Query time: 170 msec
;; WHEN: śro sty 24 20:59:32 CET 2024
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70

I even updated console's firmware to the latest available version from 
Ambient Weather website. In server.ini file I see only this:


środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:48:31 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> Just a thought, but interceptor is 'listening' on port 80.  Don't you need 
> to configure your hardware to 'send' to port 80 on your weewx computer ?
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:39:31 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized that 
>> I have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands begining with 
>> 'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
>> /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:
>> pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
>> Python 3.7.3
>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):
>>> Here it comes:
>>> # systemd service configuration file for WeeWX
>>> [Unit]
>>> Description=WeeWX
>>> Documentation=https://weewx.com/docs
>>> Requires=time-sync.target
>>> After=time-sync.target
>>> [Service]
>>> ExecStart=weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>>> StandardOutput=null
>>> StandardError=journal+console
>>> RuntimeDirectory=weewx
>>> RuntimeDirectoryMode=775
>>> User=root
>>> Group=root
>>> [Install]
>>> WantedBy=multi-user.target
>>> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:33:17 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>>>> Lets see your systemd service file.
>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:46:50 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>>> OK, I changed user and group to root 
>>>>> in /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service, weewx now starts with port 80 and 
>>>>> interceptor driver. But nevermind which  option I use - observer or 
>>>>> wu-client - I always get:
>>>>> weewxd[27966]: DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>>>> But I found this wiki article -> 
>>>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe and started 
>>>>> interceptor driver from command line:
>>>>> sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
>>>>> /etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py --port=80 --debug --device=observer 
>>>>> --mode=listen
>>>>> Then - exactly  as this part of article says -> 
>>>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe#verify-that-the-interceptor-can-receive-data
>>>>> I pasted to browser such query:
>>>>> And I got an answer in terminal:
>>>>> raw data: 
>>>>> PASSKEY=XXXX&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.5.5&dateutc=2019-12-29+16:27:27&tempinf=67.1&humidityin=39&baromrelin=30.138&baromabsin=30.138&freq=915M&model=GW1000
>>>>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 157763

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
Previously I had strange problems with Python but finally I realized that I 
have Python2 and Python3 installed. When I called commands begining with 
'python', v2 was started. But 'sudo update-alternatives --install 
/usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10' has made the trick:

pi@meteo:~ $ python --version
Python 3.7.3

środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:36:46 UTC+1 Tomasz Lewicki napisał(a):

> Here it comes:
> # systemd service configuration file for WeeWX
> [Unit]
> Description=WeeWX
> Documentation=https://weewx.com/docs
> Requires=time-sync.target
> After=time-sync.target
> [Service]
> ExecStart=weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> StandardOutput=null
> StandardError=journal+console
> RuntimeDirectory=weewx
> RuntimeDirectoryMode=775
> User=root
> Group=root
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:33:17 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):
>> Lets see your systemd service file.
>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:46:50 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>> OK, I changed user and group to root 
>>> in /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service, weewx now starts with port 80 and 
>>> interceptor driver. But nevermind which  option I use - observer or 
>>> wu-client - I always get:
>>> weewxd[27966]: DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>>> But I found this wiki article -> 
>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe and started 
>>> interceptor driver from command line:
>>> sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
>>> /etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py --port=80 --debug --device=observer 
>>> --mode=listen
>>> Then - exactly  as this part of article says -> 
>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe#verify-that-the-interceptor-can-receive-data
>>> I pasted to browser such query:
>>> And I got an answer in terminal:
>>> raw data: 
>>> PASSKEY=&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.5.5&dateutc=2019-12-29+16:27:27&tempinf=67.1&humidityin=39&baromrelin=30.138&baromabsin=30.138&freq=915M&model=GW1000
>>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
>>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
>>> raw data: 
>>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
>>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
>>> So it seems that driver is working when called explicitly from command 
>>> line. So why I got "empty queue" when started by 'sudo systemctl start 
>>> weewx'?
>>> wtorek, 23 stycznia 2024 o 15:46:08 UTC+1 gary@gmail.com napisał(a):
>>>> sudo only issues the command as root.
>>>> What is in the service file for user and group?
>>>> That is who weewx is running as.
>>>> On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 11:43:48 AM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>>> I run weewx as root:
>>>>> sudo systemctl start weewx
>>>>> If I set higher port (8080), weewx starts but I have empty queue for 
>>>>> interceptor.
>>>>> niedziela, 21 stycznia 2024 o 18:49:48 UTC+1 matthew wall napisał(a):
>>>>>> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 12:23:34 PM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading 
>>>>>> station type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: driver 
>>>>>> version is 0.60
>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: device 
>>>>>> type: observer
>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: hardware 
>>>>>> name: weatherstation via interceptor
>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: mode is 
>>>>>> listen
>>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: listen on 
>>>>>> :80
>>>>>> if you listen on port 80, then the process must run as root (only 
>>>>>> root can listen on lower ports).
>>>>>> so either run weewxd as root, or configure interceptor (and the 
>>>>>> station) to communicate on a higher port.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
Here it comes:

# systemd service configuration file for WeeWX


ExecStart=weewxd /etc/weewx/weewx.conf


środa, 24 stycznia 2024 o 20:33:17 UTC+1 vince napisał(a):

> Lets see your systemd service file.
> On Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 9:46:50 AM UTC-8 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> OK, I changed user and group to root in /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service, 
>> weewx now starts with port 80 and interceptor driver. But nevermind which  
>> option I use - observer or wu-client - I always get:
>> weewxd[27966]: DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
>> But I found this wiki article -> 
>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe and started 
>> interceptor driver from command line:
>> sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python 
>> /etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py --port=80 --debug --device=observer 
>> --mode=listen
>> Then - exactly  as this part of article says -> 
>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe#verify-that-the-interceptor-can-receive-data
>> I pasted to browser such query:
>> And I got an answer in terminal:
>> raw data: 
>> PASSKEY=&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.5.5&dateutc=2019-12-29+16:27:27&tempinf=67.1&humidityin=39&baromrelin=30.138&baromabsin=30.138&freq=915M&model=GW1000
>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
>> raw data: 
>> raw packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
>> mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
>> So it seems that driver is working when called explicitly from command 
>> line. So why I got "empty queue" when started by 'sudo systemctl start 
>> weewx'?
>> wtorek, 23 stycznia 2024 o 15:46:08 UTC+1 gary@gmail.com napisał(a):
>>> sudo only issues the command as root.
>>> What is in the service file for user and group?
>>> That is who weewx is running as.
>>> On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 11:43:48 AM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>> I run weewx as root:
>>>> sudo systemctl start weewx
>>>> If I set higher port (8080), weewx starts but I have empty queue for 
>>>> interceptor.
>>>> niedziela, 21 stycznia 2024 o 18:49:48 UTC+1 matthew wall napisał(a):
>>>>> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 12:23:34 PM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading station 
>>>>> type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: driver 
>>>>> version is 0.60
>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: device 
>>>>> type: observer
>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: hardware 
>>>>> name: weatherstation via interceptor
>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: mode is 
>>>>> listen
>>>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: listen on 
>>>>> :80
>>>>> if you listen on port 80, then the process must run as root (only root 
>>>>> can listen on lower ports).
>>>>> so either run weewxd as root, or configure interceptor (and the 
>>>>> station) to communicate on a higher port.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-24 Thread &#x27;Tomasz Lewicki' via weewx-user
OK, I changed user and group to root in /etc/weewx/systemd/weewx.service, 
weewx now starts with port 80 and interceptor driver. But nevermind which  
option I use - observer or wu-client - I always get:

weewxd[27966]: DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue

But I found this wiki article 
-> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/gw1000-recipe and started 
interceptor driver from command line:

sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py 
--port=80 --debug --device=observer --mode=listen

Then - exactly  as this part of article says -> 
I pasted to browser such query:

And I got an answer in terminal:

raw data: 
raw packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1577636847, 'usUnits': 1}
raw data: 
raw packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}
mapped packet: {'dateTime': 1706118216, 'usUnits': 1}

So it seems that driver is working when called explicitly from command 
line. So why I got "empty queue" when started by 'sudo systemctl start 
wtorek, 23 stycznia 2024 o 15:46:08 UTC+1 gary@gmail.com napisał(a):

> sudo only issues the command as root.
> What is in the service file for user and group?
> That is who weewx is running as.
> On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 11:43:48 AM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> I run weewx as root:
>> sudo systemctl start weewx
>> If I set higher port (8080), weewx starts but I have empty queue for 
>> interceptor.
>> niedziela, 21 stycznia 2024 o 18:49:48 UTC+1 matthew wall napisał(a):
>>> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 12:23:34 PM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading station 
>>> type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: driver 
>>> version is 0.60
>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: device type: 
>>> observer
>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: hardware 
>>> name: weatherstation via interceptor
>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: mode is listen
>>> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: listen on :80
>>> if you listen on port 80, then the process must run as root (only root 
>>> can listen on lower ports).
>>> so either run weewxd as root, or configure interceptor (and the station) 
>>> to communicate on a higher port.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Re: Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-22 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
I run weewx as root:

sudo systemctl start weewx

If I set higher port (8080), weewx starts but I have empty queue for 

niedziela, 21 stycznia 2024 o 18:49:48 UTC+1 matthew wall napisał(a):

> On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 12:23:34 PM UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading station 
> type Interceptor (user.interceptor)
> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: driver version 
> is 0.60
> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: device type: 
> observer
> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: hardware name: 
> weatherstation via interceptor
> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: mode is listen
> Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: listen on :80
> if you listen on port 80, then the process must run as root (only root can 
> listen on lower ports).
> so either run weewxd as root, or configure interceptor (and the station) 
> to communicate on a higher port.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"weewx-user" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to weewx-user+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[weewx-user] Driver permission error when starting Weewx

2024-01-21 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
I got problem with running Weewx with old/new station. Recently I bought 
new station and moved it to previous remote location. Old station will be 
installed in my home. It is clone of FineOffset HP1000 so both HP1000 
driver from AussieSusan (https://github.com/AussieSusan/HP1000) and 
Interceptor from Matthew Wall 
(https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-interceptor) should work.

I installed both interceptor and HP1000 drivers by weectl. But after 
starting Weewx I got critical errors in my log (see below). I suppose it is 
something easy to fix, some permissions to file and/or directory but I 
don't know where. 

Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Initializing weewxd 
version 5.0.0
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Command line: 
/usr/share/weewx/weewxd.py /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Using Python 3.7.3 
(default, Oct 11 2023, 09:51:27) #012[GCC 8.3.0]
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Located at 
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Platform 
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Locale: 'pl_PL.UTF-8'
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Entry path: 
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: WEEWX_ROOT: /etc/weewx
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Configuration file: 
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: User module: 

Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO __main__: Debug: 1
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: DEBUG __main__: Initializing engine
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading station type 
Interceptor (user.interceptor)
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: driver version 
is 0.60
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: device type: 
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: hardware name: 
weatherstation via interceptor
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: mode is listen
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: INFO user.interceptor: listen on :80
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: ERROR weewx.engine: Import of driver 
failed: [Errno 13] Brak dostępu ()
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 115, in setupStation
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 self.console = loader_function(config_dict, self)
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 316, in loader
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 return InterceptorDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME])
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 2529, in __init__
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 self._device = self.DEVICE_TYPES.get(self._device_type)(**stn_dict)
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 1286, in __init__
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 Observer.Parser(), handler=Observer.Handler, **stn_dict)
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 430, in __init__
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 self._server = Consumer.TCPServer(address, port, handler)
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/etc/weewx/bin/user/interceptor.py", line 585, in __init__
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 TCPServer.__init__(self, (address, int(port)), handler)
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/lib/python3.7/socketserver.py", line 452, in __init__
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/lib/python3.7/socketserver.py", line 466, in server_bind
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL weewx.engine:  
 PermissionError: [Errno 13] Brak dostępu
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL __main__: Unable to load 
driver: [Errno 13] Brak dostępu
Jan 21 18:14:17 FR24 weewxd[14285]: CRITICAL __main__:   Exiting...

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[weewx-user] Re: Different time for report generation and sending to website via rsync?

2024-01-21 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for :)

sobota, 20 stycznia 2024 o 21:48:57 UTC+1 bell...@gmail.com napisał(a):

> Checkout, http://www.weewx.com/docs/5.0/custom/report-scheduling/
> On Saturday 20 January 2024 at 15:37:10 UTC-5 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> Hello Weewx users.
>> I'd like to know if it is possible to set different time (interval) for 
>> generating reports:
>> [StdArchive]
>> archive_interval = 300
>> and for syncing the files to website by rsync? My station is installed in 
>> a place where I have only cellular internet (LTE) with monthly transfer 
>> limits so I send them every 10 minutes (archive-interval = 600). I'd like 
>> to have database records every 5 minutes but sending data to website every 
>> 10 minutes. I hope I explained it properly. 

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[weewx-user] Different time for report generation and sending to website via rsync?

2024-01-20 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Hello Weewx users.

I'd like to know if it is possible to set different time (interval) for 
generating reports:

archive_interval = 300

and for syncing the files to website by rsync? My station is installed in a 
place where I have only cellular internet (LTE) with monthly transfer 
limits so I send them every 10 minutes (archive-interval = 600). I'd like 
to have database records every 5 minutes but sending data to website every 
10 minutes. I hope I explained it properly. 

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Re: [weewx-user] Barometer and pressure once again

2023-09-04 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
OK, so I was using these terms without knowing them :)

poniedziałek, 4 września 2023 o 20:37:41 UTC+2 Greg Troxel napisał(a):

> Tomasz Lewicki  writes:
> > abbreviations - SLP and ISA :)
> Sea Level Pressure
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Atmosphere

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Re: [weewx-user] Barometer and pressure once again

2023-09-04 Thread Tomasz Lewicki

W dniu 3.09.2023 o 14:02, gszla...@gmail.com pisze:

No wonder the OP is confused.

In Europe, METARs generally don’t have SLP, they have QNH stated as a “Q 
code” in the actual METAR report. An Altimeter /QNH reading of 1022 
would be Q1022 in the METAR report.

So typically, QNH > QFF when current or average outside temps are 
greater than the ISA temp for his elevation. That is the reason why the 
OP remarks that he is “missing” 7 hPa:

[I]> METAR for  EPWR airport shows 1015 hPa. So I need to "collect" 
additional ~7 hPa

 > (1015 from METAR minus 1007.8 from Weewx calculations)[/I]

The OP is smarter than us because WeeWX SLP is 1007.8 and Altimeter/QNH 
= 1015.

Two different things entirely!

So let’s take a step back and try this again. We want to match 

1. The OP is trying to calibrate by matching QNH at airport (EPWR)
2. You need to use an Altimeter calculator or ISA calculator, not a SLP 

Let’s redo the REL offset for a 560m sensor elevation:

1013.25 – 947.760 = 65.49 (65.5 rounded)

The 947.76 is the fixed ISA pressure for any 560m elevation. You can use 
a standard atmosphere calculator or Altimeter calculator to calculate it.

Therefore, for a 560m elevation, QNH must always be 65.5 hPa higher than 
whatever the Fine Offset station pressure is at the moment or looking at 
it from a sea level perspective, station pressure must be 65.5 hPa lower 
than QNH.


If EPWR is showing Q1022 then:

1022(REL) – 65.5(REL offset) = 956.5 (ABS) station pressure.
i.e. REL= QNH at airport minus your offset = station pressure at your 
location (560m).

To calibrate, you can either:

1. Set REL = 1022 and set your ABS = 956.5.


2. Add 65.5 to your existing ABS value and then compare the REL value on 
your display to the QNH value at the airport. Adjust the ABS value up or 
down until the REL display is the same as QNH as the airport. ABS and 
REL on your display move lock-in-step. To change the REL value, you have 
to change the ABS value. REL must always show to be 65.5 higher than 
your current live ABS reading. There will be a lot of button pushing 
involved, but make sure the “spread” or pressure difference between REL 
and ABS is always 65.5.

The first method is obviously a shortcut method. It is the simplest, and 
you still have to lookup your ISA pressure for your elevation, but you 
won’t learn much about the process.

The second method is the method I usually recommend. I am assuming the 
OP is configuring his barometer on a display console and must be using 
the ABS/REL system instead of the offset system.
The Fine Offset manufactured WiFi gateways use a different system. They 
are a display-less console that uses a ABS offset/REL offset system.

If the OP is still running into calibration snags, I would encourage him 
to post his quesion at wxforum.net in the Ambient/Ecowitt/Fine Offset 
clone forum.

First of all, *huge* thanks for taking your time and claryfing whole 
process in detail. In the meantime, before you wrote your instructions, 
I used your previous tips 
(https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=45601) and done calibration 
process. Of course I can't be sure I got now "real" values but - as you 
have noticed - my console doesn't allow entering the offset (which in my 
opinion is much more instructive way than just entering REL and ABS 
values). I have to check once more ABS value with certified barometer.

By the way: I'd be grateful if someone could explain the following 
abbreviations - SLP and ISA :)

Tomasz Lewicki

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Re: [weewx-user] Barometer and pressure once again

2023-09-01 Thread Tomasz Lewicki

W dniu 31.08.2023 o 16:55, 'Rainer Lang' via weewx-user pisze:
to calibrate your WS-1001 (Ambient version of the FineOffset/EcowittWH24 
outdoor array and the WH1080 console) you could just follow the 
instructions in https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=40730.0 chapter 6
determine the offset and enter it accordingly (either an offest of 
change the value, whatever the console wants --> manual).

METAR, airport etc. are secondary approaches for refinements which you 
may or may not want to follow. There are lengthy and complex treatises 
on that topic in the same forum, from simple to highly complex.

[by the way, if you have a European or international "version" of the 
Ambient WS-1001 and call this a clone version, then that's very strange 
wording as Ambient is the clone and not Fine Offset/Ecowitt = the 

but true, weewx should come to a proper result - and unless your station 
also reports wrong absolute pressure (= local pressure) - or you display 
the wrong variable/observation in your skin, then something is wrong 
with weewx. Rather unlikely.

Did you read the barometer topic in the weewx online documentation ?

I'm back and starting my reply from Rainer's last question. Yes, I've 
read this topic: 
on the very beginning. I use only 'pressure' and 'barometer' terms 
below, according to definitions from wiki.

So, I'm even more confused than before. I've made the calculations with 
the calculator listed in https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=40730.0 
(direct link: https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1224575267 - BTW they 
will close at September 20) with my current conditions (pressure 944.5 
hPa, temperature 20*C, height of sensor 560 m AMSL) and got result 
1007.8 hPa - this is perfectly equal to what I see on my webpage - 
1007.7 hPa calculated by Weewx algorithm (difference of 1/10th of hPa is 
neglible). I recall that I use 'software' option in weewx.conf for 
'barometer' but 'prefer_hardware' for 'pressure'.

But very accurate numerical forecast for my location *and* METAR for 
EPWR airport shows 1015 hPa. So I need to "collect" additional ~7 hPa 
(1015 from METAR minus 1007.8 from Weewx calculations). Does it mean I 

a) add whole calculated offset - ~70 hPa (1015 from METAR minus ~945 of 
absolute pressure) - in my PWS console


b) add smaller offset - 63.3 hPa (1007.8 calculated by Weewx minus 944.5 
read by sensor) PLUS use relevant section in weewx.conf:

#   This section can adjust data using calibration expressions.


# For each type, an arbitrary calibration expression can be given.
# It should be in the units defined in the StdConvert section.
# Example:
foo = foo + 0.2

to incorporate "rest" of offest (METAR value minus barometer value 
calculated by Weewx):

barometer = barometer + 7.2

I only need confirmation that I'm going in right direction - or opposite.

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Re: [weewx-user] Barometer and pressure once again

2023-08-31 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Thank you for advice. I will follow the guide you pointed me to.

czwartek, 31 sierpnia 2023 o 16:55:41 UTC+2 Rainer Lang napisał(a):

> to calibrate your WS-1001 (Ambient version of the FineOffset/EcowittWH24 
> outdoor array and the WH1080 console) you could just follow the 
> instructions in https://www.wxforum.net/index.php?topic=40730.0 chapter 6
> determine the offset and enter it accordingly (either an offest of change 
> the value, whatever the console wants --> manual).
> METAR, airport etc. are secondary approaches for refinements which you may 
> or may not want to follow. There are lengthy and complex treatises on that 
> topic in the same forum, from simple to highly complex.
> [by the way, if you have a European or international "version" of the 
> Ambient WS-1001 and call this a clone version, then that's very strange 
> wording as Ambient is the clone and not Fine Offset/Ecowitt = the 
> manufacturer]
> but true, weewx should come to a proper result - and unless your station 
> also reports wrong absolute pressure (= local pressure) - or you display 
> the wrong variable/observation in your skin, then something is wrong with 
> weewx. Rather unlikely.
> Did you read the barometer topic in the weewx online documentation ?
> On 31.08.2023 10:29, Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
> Rainer, Greg,
> thank you both for thoughts and hints. Indeed, when I wrote "When 
> calculated by Weewx itself ("software" option enabled in weewx.conf), my 
> weather station shows 1001 hPa - still too low", I meant what Weewx 
> calculates and show on my webpage, not on console's display - display is 
> completely wrong in my opinion.
> According to design of PWS, I own Ambient Weather WS-1001-WiFi clone. I 
> use HP-1000 driver. I don't know if it is designed wrong or not, but I know 
> that many people still use it.
> Manual for my station say "To determine the relative pressure for your 
> location, locate an official reporting station near you (the internet is 
> the best source for real time barometer conditions, such as Weather.com or 
> Wunderground.com), and set your weather station to match the official 
> reporting station." I understand it, I should calibrate PWS entering proper 
> value from METAR for example.
> But I still don't understand why Weewx, using "software" option for 
> calculating the sea-level (relative) pressure, shows too low value. As I 
> said, my station location AMSL in weewx.conf is "altitude = 550, meter" 
> (and for me it is neglible if it is 552 or 560; it is fraction of 1 hPa). 
> So the only way to show "real" value is to calibrate the relative pressure 
> (barometer in Weewx's terms) on the station's display and set 
> "prefer_hardware" in weewx.conf? I'm really confused.
> Or maybe I have some units in weewx.conf messed up? I use metric system so 
> I entered meters when it was possible.
> czwartek, 31 sierpnia 2023 o 02:39:14 UTC+2 Greg Troxel napisał(a):
>> from the wiki page I sent 
>> For example, the FineOffset consoles can display either the station 
>> pressure (called 'absolute' pressure) or the station pressure plus an 
>> offset (called 'relative' pressure). T 
>> So Fine Offset equipment just does pressure badly. 
>> So get station pressure into weewx, do software from that, and tape over 
>> the "relative pressure" display on the console so nobody can see it! 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "weewx-user" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to weewx-user+...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/973dedbe-af6f-4daf-8fbe-9050b8681d4dn%40googlegroups.com
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/973dedbe-af6f-4daf-8fbe-9050b8681d4dn%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
> .

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Re: [weewx-user] Barometer and pressure once again

2023-08-31 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Rainer, Greg,

thank you both for thoughts and hints. Indeed, when I wrote "When 
calculated by Weewx itself ("software" option enabled in weewx.conf), my 
weather station shows 1001 hPa - still too low", I meant what Weewx 
calculates and show on my webpage, not on console's display - display is 
completely wrong in my opinion.

According to design of PWS, I own Ambient Weather WS-1001-WiFi clone. I use 
HP-1000 driver. I don't know if it is designed wrong or not, but I know 
that many people still use it.

Manual for my station say "To determine the relative pressure for your 
location, locate an official reporting station near you (the internet is 
the best source for real time barometer conditions, such as Weather.com or 
Wunderground.com), and set your weather station to match the official 
reporting station." I understand it, I should calibrate PWS entering proper 
value from METAR for example.

But I still don't understand why Weewx, using "software" option for 
calculating the sea-level (relative) pressure, shows too low value. As I 
said, my station location AMSL in weewx.conf is "altitude = 550, meter" 
(and for me it is neglible if it is 552 or 560; it is fraction of 1 hPa). 
So the only way to show "real" value is to calibrate the relative pressure 
(barometer in Weewx's terms) on the station's display and set 
"prefer_hardware" in weewx.conf? I'm really confused.

Or maybe I have some units in weewx.conf messed up? I use metric system so 
I entered meters when it was possible.

czwartek, 31 sierpnia 2023 o 02:39:14 UTC+2 Greg Troxel napisał(a):

> from the wiki page I sent
> For example, the FineOffset consoles can display either the station
> pressure (called 'absolute' pressure) or the station pressure plus an
> offset (called 'relative' pressure). T
> So Fine Offset equipment just does pressure badly.
> So get station pressure into weewx, do software from that, and tape over
> the "relative pressure" display on the console so nobody can see it!

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[weewx-user] Barometer and pressure once again

2023-08-30 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
I'm trying to sort out barometer and pressure values. I own HP1001 clone. 
Internal T/H/P sensor was calibrated with my friends certified barometer 
before. Currently it sensor shows absolute pressure value 936,7 hPa and it 
almost perfectly (+/- 1 hPa) aligns with very accurate numerical forecast 
for my location. Same meteogram show also relative pressure 1007 (+/- 1 
hPa) for my location. METAR for nearby (43 km) airport shows 1008 hPa. 

Relative pressure displayed by my HP1001 is about 20 hPa higher than 
absolute - obviously too low value because I'm located about 550 m AMSL.

When calculated by Weewx itself ("software" option enabled in weewx.conf), 
my weather station shows 1001 hPa - still too low. Of course I checked 
location setting and AMSL value and unit - in my opinion they are properly 
set. Should I change something in weather station settings? I can set only 
coordinates, not the AMSL height. 

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[weewx-user] Re: Are both meteo-services.com and weather365 now defunct?

2023-07-28 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
When you enter https://www.weather365.net, you got infographics that this 
site is closed since 31.12.2020 and it automatically redirects 
to https://meteo-services.com - is this the site you are looking for?

WHOIS for meteoservices.com:

Updated Date: 2023-07-20T05:35:03Z
Creation Date: 2002-07-26T00:00:00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2024-07-25T00:00:00Z
Registrar: Eurodns S.A.

So probably this site expired and registrar "intercept" it. Maybe someone 
forgot to extend the validity of domain or just abandoned it.

czwartek, 27 lipca 2023 o 23:43:27 UTC+2 Kruse Ludington napisał(a):

> I feed data to numerous places via weewx, but since yesterday my attempts 
> to send weewx data to weather365 - and meteroservices.com - are no longer 
> working. The last transmission I was able to make - to both of them - was 
> at exactly 9:30pm EST July 26, 2023 (does the same corporatre entity own 
> them both?). In the weewx wiki I don't see weather365 (not sure if it used 
> to be there, I thought it was) - and now I am unable to get to the 
> weather365 web site. I am unable to get to the meteoservices.com web site 
> either. Anybody notice this? Is this just an outage they are having, or are 
> they both gone for good? Was there any kind of an announcement that went 
> out - for either?

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Re: [weewx-user] Understanding Weewx new method of logging

2023-07-27 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
I confirm that from a moment when I changed False to True, log are not 
filled anymore. I have only these lines:

version = 1
disable_existing_loggers = True

# Root logger
  level = ERROR
  handlers = syslog,

So probably I found Holy Grail.

czwartek, 27 lipca 2023 o 21:21:58 UTC+2 vince napisał(a):

> I'd appreciate it if others try to verify it and let me know via email 
> please and I'd be happy to do so.
> On Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 11:13:17 AM UTC-7 Tom Keffer wrote:
>> Geez, if that works, it should be mentioned in the Logging wiki.
>> On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 9:22 AM vince  wrote:
>>> This worked for me in debian12 using a v5 beta.
>>> It's probably not 'off' completely but there are zero syslog lines from 
>>> weewx starting/running/stopping other than a line or two that systemd 
>>> writes.
>>> [Logging]
>>> version = 1
>>> disable_existing_loggers = True
>>> # Root logger
>>> [[root]]
>>>   level = CRITICAL
>>> -- 
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/weewx-user/5e5d16d8-48e6-4491-808d-cc60771e01a7n%40googlegroups.com
>>> .

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: Understanding Weewx new method of logging

2023-07-27 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Thank you for advice but external SSD/USB is not an option. Unfortunately I 
can't send logs to other machine because I will install the station in 
remote place where web access is limited and I have limits for LTE transfer 
(transfer rate and volume of data). UPS supply is out of the question too. 
I got RPi outside and have to limit potential points of failure as much as 

I worked in IT for some time and of course I know that log tell you the 
truth (even if you don't want to know it). But I also think that 
it's entirely up to the user if he/she wants some service enabled/disabled 
or log created or not. With all pros and cons of this approach of course.

czwartek, 27 lipca 2023 o 12:33:17 UTC+2 Rainer Lang napisał(a):

> you are free to do whatever you want...
> You can even disable the rsyslog service completely and have no logging at 
> all.
> However, turning off logging is not a very smart approach, and thinking 
> you can turn logging on again "when it's needed" is imho rather naive 
> thinking. When an application (and it may even fail to restart) fails, you 
> may no longer be able to find out what has caused the issue without logs.
> You can use RAM (temporary file system) as suggested by @vince, you can 
> move the logs to a remote server (e.g. NAS) etc., but switching off logging 
> completely is nothing a professional IT person would recommend
> you could also use a SSD disk instead of a microSD with your RPi or a SLC 
> microSD card if you want to avoid wear out of your SD card ...
> I'm using both approaches for years now with my RPi's - and have my logs 
> available in case they are needed 😎
> On 27.07.2023 12:18, Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
> Thank you. I'm using log2ram so I think it has the same effect. But I 
> think that some mechanism to completely turn off logging does/should exist. 
> I can always turn it on if needed. 
>  I don't know if it is good approach but I've used 
> "disable_existing_loggers = True" directive in weewx.conf and log aren't 
> generated - or I can't find them :)
> środa, 26 lipca 2023 o 17:50:53 UTC+2 vince napisał(a):
>> I just log to tmpfs (essentially ramdisk) and it is not an issue for me. 
>> Add this to your /etc/fstab and reboot
>> # put logs and tmp dirs in ramdisk ---
>> tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> tmpfs   /var/logtmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> tmpfs   /var/tmptmpfs   
>> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
>> #-
>> Note that the result here is that you will lose 'all' logs when you 
>> reboot, but the upside is it never writes to SD card.  In this 
>> configuration your pi SD is close to read-only.
>> On Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 2:40:26 AM UTC-7 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>>> Hi WX users.
>>> I'd like to ask about logging in Weewx (I'm using version 4.10.2). To 
>>> make a long story short, I'd like to completely turn off logging by Weewx - 
>>> because I'm using Raspberry Pi with SD card and want to minimize write 
>>> operations as much as possible. 
>>> I've read article on wiki (
>>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/WeeWX-v4-and-logging) but do not 
>>> clearly understand new way of control logging. I'd like to have simple 
>>> switch in weewx.conf, for example "completely_disable_logging = True" or 
>>> something similar. Is there some switch in [Logging] block as I see it in 
>>> wiki? If I change "disable_existing_loggers = False" to 
>>> "disable_existing_loggers = True", will I get the expected effect?
>> -- 
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> .

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[weewx-user] Re: Understanding Weewx new method of logging

2023-07-27 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Thank you. I'm using log2ram so I think it has the same effect. But I think 
that some mechanism to completely turn off logging does/should exist. I can 
always turn it on if needed.

 I don't know if it is good approach but I've used 
"disable_existing_loggers = True" directive in weewx.conf and log aren't 
generated - or I can't find them :)

środa, 26 lipca 2023 o 17:50:53 UTC+2 vince napisał(a):

> I just log to tmpfs (essentially ramdisk) and it is not an issue for me.
> Add this to your /etc/fstab and reboot
> # put logs and tmp dirs in ramdisk ---
> tmpfs   /tmptmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> tmpfs   /var/logtmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> tmpfs   /var/tmptmpfs   
> defaults,nosuid,mode=0755,nodev,noatime   0   0
> #-
> Note that the result here is that you will lose 'all' logs when you 
> reboot, but the upside is it never writes to SD card.  In this 
> configuration your pi SD is close to read-only.
> On Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 2:40:26 AM UTC-7 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> Hi WX users.
>> I'd like to ask about logging in Weewx (I'm using version 4.10.2). To 
>> make a long story short, I'd like to completely turn off logging by Weewx - 
>> because I'm using Raspberry Pi with SD card and want to minimize write 
>> operations as much as possible. 
>> I've read article on wiki (
>> https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/WeeWX-v4-and-logging) but do not 
>> clearly understand new way of control logging. I'd like to have simple 
>> switch in weewx.conf, for example "completely_disable_logging = True" or 
>> something similar. Is there some switch in [Logging] block as I see it in 
>> wiki? If I change "disable_existing_loggers = False" to 
>> "disable_existing_loggers = True", will I get the expected effect?

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[weewx-user] Understanding Weewx new method of logging

2023-07-26 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Hi WX users.

I'd like to ask about logging in Weewx (I'm using version 4.10.2). To make 
a long story short, I'd like to completely turn off logging by Weewx - 
because I'm using Raspberry Pi with SD card and want to minimize write 
operations as much as possible. 

I've read article on wiki 
(https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/WeeWX-v4-and-logging) but do not 
clearly understand new way of control logging. I'd like to have simple 
switch in weewx.conf, for example "completely_disable_logging = True" or 
something similar. Is there some switch in [Logging] block as I see it in 
wiki? If I change "disable_existing_loggers = False" to 
"disable_existing_loggers = True", will I get the expected effect?

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[weewx-user] Re: rsync: host key verification failed - problem

2023-07-21 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Thank you for replies.

@Warren Gill: yes, I was thinking about crontab but wanted to use built-in 
solution. Of course crontab is good as backup solution.

@vince: you're right, I didn't think about it from this side. Just for 
record for future seekers:

1. I logged as root ('sudo -i' from 'pi' account)
2. generated SSH keys ('ssh-keygen')
3. copied them to external server ('ssh-copy-id acet...@external.domain.com 
-p 222')
4. copied /home/pi/.ssh/config to /root/.ssh/config
5. changed owner of 'config' ('chown root:root /root/.ssh/config')
6. waited for next synchronization
7. smiled because everything worked as expected :)

czwartek, 20 lipca 2023 o 23:24:20 UTC+2 vince napisał(a):

> Unless you did something custom, weewx runs as root, not as user 'pi'.
> You need 'root' to be able to ssh into the remote system with the user+key 
> you specified.  Same procedure you did to get 'pi' to work, just do it 
> after sudo(ing) to root so you set the 'root' account up similiarly.   Two 
> minute thing to do.
> On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 1:06:54 PM UTC-7 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> rsync: host key verification failed
>> Dear Weewx users.
>> I'm trying to send files generated by Weewx to external webserver (paid 
>> hosting) with rsync. I'm familiar with rsync, ssh and Linux. Weewx is 
>> running on Raspberry Pi as 'pi' user. Here are my configs:
>> /home/pi/.ssh/config
>> Host CF
>> #HostName external.domain.com <- here of course is real web address
>> HostName <- here of course is real IP
>> Port 222
>> User acetone <- this is my username on remote webserver (hosting)
>> /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>> (...)
>> [[RSYNC]]
>> # rsync'ing to a webserver is treated as just another report
>> skin = Rsync
>> # If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh 
>> using
>> # public/private key authentication from the user account that 
>> weewx
>> # runs to the user account on the remote machine where the files
>> # will be copied.
>> #
>> # If you wish to use rsync, set "enable" to "true", then
>> # fill out server, user, and path.
>> # The server should appear in your .ssh/config file.
>> # The user is the username used in the identity file.
>> # The path is the destination directory, such as 
>> /var/www/html/weather.
>> # Be sure that the user has write permissions on the destination!
>> enable = true
>> server = external.domain.com
>> port = 222
>> user = acetone
>> path = domains/external.domain.com/private_html/meteo/
>> # To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
>> # to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
>> #HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx
>> # Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server 
>> if
>> # they don't exist under HTML_ROOT locally. USE WITH CAUTION: if 
>> you
>> # make a mistake in the remote path, you could could 
>> unintentionally
>> # cause unrelated files to be deleted. Set to 1 to enable remote 
>> file
>> # deletion, zero to allow files to accumulate remotely.
>> delete = 0
>> (...)
>> I can log in to external server with ssh (passwordless) with command:
>> $ ssh -p 222 ace...@external.domain.com
>> or just
>> $ ssh CF <- this is host from .ssh/config
>> I got error message from weewx:
>> Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] DEBUG weeutil.rsyncupload: 
>> rsyncupload: cmd: [['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', '-e', 'ssh -p 222', 
>> '/var/www/html/weewx/', 'ace...@external.domain.com:~/domains/
>> external.domain.com/private_html/meteo']]
>> Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: rsync 
>> reported errors. Original command: ['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', '-e', 
>> 'ssh -p 222', '/var/www/html/weewx/', 'ace...@external.domain.com:~/domains/
>> external.domain.com/private_html/meteo']
>> Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload:  
>> Host key ver

[weewx-user] rsync: host key verification failed - problem

2023-07-20 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
rsync: host key verification failed

Dear Weewx users.

I'm trying to send files generated by Weewx to external webserver (paid 
hosting) with rsync. I'm familiar with rsync, ssh and Linux. Weewx is 
running on Raspberry Pi as 'pi' user. Here are my configs:


Host CF
#HostName external.domain.com <- here of course is real web address
HostName <- here of course is real IP
Port 222
User acetone <- this is my username on remote webserver (hosting)



# rsync'ing to a webserver is treated as just another report
skin = Rsync

# If you wish to use rsync, you must configure passwordless ssh 
# public/private key authentication from the user account that weewx
# runs to the user account on the remote machine where the files
# will be copied.
# If you wish to use rsync, set "enable" to "true", then
# fill out server, user, and path.
# The server should appear in your .ssh/config file.
# The user is the username used in the identity file.
# The path is the destination directory, such as 
# Be sure that the user has write permissions on the destination!
enable = true
server = external.domain.com
port = 222
user = acetone
path = domains/external.domain.com/private_html/meteo/

# To upload files from something other than what HTML_ROOT is set
# to above, specify a different HTML_ROOT here.
#HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html/weewx

# Rsync can be configured to remove files from the remote server if
# they don't exist under HTML_ROOT locally. USE WITH CAUTION: if you
# make a mistake in the remote path, you could could unintentionally
# cause unrelated files to be deleted. Set to 1 to enable remote 
# deletion, zero to allow files to accumulate remotely.
delete = 0


I can log in to external server with ssh (passwordless) with command:

$ ssh -p 222 acet...@external.domain.com

or just

$ ssh CF <- this is host from .ssh/config

I got error message from weewx:

Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] DEBUG weeutil.rsyncupload: 
rsyncupload: cmd: [['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', '-e', 'ssh -p 222', 
Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload: rsync 
reported errors. Original command: ['rsync', '--archive', '--stats', '-e', 
'ssh -p 222', '/var/www/html/weewx/', 
Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload:  Host 
key verification failed.
Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload:  
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
Jul 20 21:36:04 WeewxFR24 weewx[28079] ERROR weeutil.rsyncupload:  
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(235) [sender=3.1.3]

I can send single file or whole directory with this command applied 
directly from CLI:

$ rsync --archive --stats -e 'ssh external.domain.com -p 222 -l acetone' 
/var/www/html/weewx/ CF:domains/external.domain.com/private_html/meteo/

I can also send files with simpler command (no additional options for -e 
ssh because they are in .ssh/config):

$ rsync --archive --stats -e ssh /var/www/html/weewx/ 

But *not* with:

rsync --archive --stats -e ssh /var/www/html/weewx/ 

And *not* with:

rsync --archive --stats -e ssh /var/www/html/weewx/ 

As you can see, if .ssh/config is properly filled with data, it is much 
simpler to 'do' rsync. But why it works when executed manually but not from 
inside Weewx? Keys are valid if I can log in without password from CLI. 
Maybe you could do [[RSYNC]] option more flexible and use .ssh/config?

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: HP1000 driver with WS-1001 clone - "HP1000: Timed out too many times"

2023-07-20 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
haps if 
> you have something like that you can see how it is trying to communicate 
> with the console.
> As a side note - if you have something like the RTL-SDR dongle then you 
> might be able to tap into the data from the weather station to the console 
> and use the RTL_433 to get it into WeeWx.
> Not a satisfactory answer I know but without having one of the consoles to 
> 'play' with it is hard to diagnose the problem from the console side.
> Susan
> On Thursday, 20 July 2023 at 1:11:16 am UTC+10 Tomasz Lewicki wrote:
>> Hi Weewx users.
>> Recently I bought WS-1001 clone - HP1001 made by Conrad (Germany). Two or 
>> three years ago I've installed Weewx for my DIY weather station so I'm 
>> familiar with this software. I'm also long time Linux user so I'm not 
>> afraid of CLI.
>> So. I have working Weewx installation. I see logs (debug = 1 in 
>> weewx.conf). I've downloaded and successfully installed HP1000 driver (
>> https://github.com/AussieSusan/HP1000). Weewx is reconfigured to use 
>> HP1000 driver. I know IP of my weather station, it has static address, like 
>> many devices in my LAN. When I start Weewx, I see in log:
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Initializing weewx version 4.10.2
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Using Python 3.7.3 (default, Jun 29 2023, 
>> 18:03:57) [GCC 8.3.0]
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Located at /usr/bin/python3
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Platform 
>> Linux-5.10.103-v7+-armv7l-with-debian-10.13
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Locale is 'pl_PL.UTF-8'
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Debug is 1
>> weewx[13810] INFO __main__: PID file is /var/run/weewx.pid
>> weewx[13814] DEBUG __main__: Initializing engine
>> weewx[13814] INFO weewx.engine: Loading station type HP1000 (user.HP1000)
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: HP1000 Starting
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Using "netifaces" to determine broadcast 
>> mask
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Address Mask =
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Retry count = 5.00
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Socket timeout = 5.00
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Loop delay = 15.00
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Retry Wait = 5.00
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Max Retry = 3.00
>> But after some time a message appears:
>> weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Timed out too many times
>> repeated dozens of times.
>> I started Wireshark to sniff the network traffic on my laptop in the same 
>> LAN as Weewx and weather station and got this:
>> 60 4.225791451 UDP 82 48576 → 6000 Len=40
>> 282 24.194043968 UDP 82 50680 → 6000 Len=40
>> 511 44.162213176 UDP 82 37338 → 6000 Len=40
>> First column is packet number. Second - time of sniffing. Third - IP of 
>> my Raspberry with Weewx ( Fifth - is broadcast 
>> address, equal to Address Mask in Weewx log. UDP is network protocol. Sixth 
>> - packet length in bytes. Seventh - five digits number is port number of 
>> Weewx sending the packet; 6000 is destination port of weather station. 
>> Len=40 is packet size in bytes (8+8+24, see below).
>> According to description in HP1000 driver:
>> Communication starts with a UDP IP broadcast on the local subnet to port 
>> 6000 to
>> see if the weather station responds. The broadcast packet is structured 
>> as:
>> Offset  Value   Structure   Comment
>> 0x00PC2000  8 byte string   Identifies the calling station
>> 0x08SEARCH  8 byte string   Command
>> 0x10nulls   24 null bytes   I think there could be structure 
>> here but
>> sending nulls works!
>> Inspecting the packets I see hex dump:
>>    ff ff ff ff ff ff b8 27 eb dd 86 34 08 00 45 00   ...'...4..E.
>> 0010   00 44 28 e0 40 00 40 11 8f 0f c0 a8 00 6a c0 a8   .D(.@.@..j..
>> 0020   00 ff bd c0 17 70 00 30 1d 20 50 43 32 30 30 30   .p.0. PC2000
>> 0030   00 00 53 45 41 52 43 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ..SEARCH
>> 0040   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
>> 0050   00 00 ..
>> So it seems Weewx that "asking" for weather station -

[weewx-user] HP1000 driver with WS-1001 clone - "HP1000: Timed out too many times"

2023-07-19 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Hi Weewx users.

Recently I bought WS-1001 clone - HP1001 made by Conrad (Germany). Two or 
three years ago I've installed Weewx for my DIY weather station so I'm 
familiar with this software. I'm also long time Linux user so I'm not 
afraid of CLI.

So. I have working Weewx installation. I see logs (debug = 1 in 
weewx.conf). I've downloaded and successfully installed HP1000 driver 
(https://github.com/AussieSusan/HP1000). Weewx is reconfigured to use 
HP1000 driver. I know IP of my weather station, it has static address, like 
many devices in my LAN. When I start Weewx, I see in log:

weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Initializing weewx version 4.10.2
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Using Python 3.7.3 (default, Jun 29 2023, 
18:03:57) [GCC 8.3.0]
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Located at /usr/bin/python3
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Platform 
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Locale is 'pl_PL.UTF-8'
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: Debug is 1
weewx[13810] INFO __main__: PID file is /var/run/weewx.pid
weewx[13814] DEBUG __main__: Initializing engine
weewx[13814] INFO weewx.engine: Loading station type HP1000 (user.HP1000)
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: HP1000 Starting
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Using "netifaces" to determine broadcast 
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Address Mask =
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Retry count = 5.00
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Socket timeout = 5.00
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Loop delay = 15.00
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Retry Wait = 5.00
weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Max Retry = 3.00

But after some time a message appears:

weewx[13814] INFO root: HP1000: Timed out too many times

repeated dozens of times.

I started Wireshark to sniff the network traffic on my laptop in the same 
LAN as Weewx and weather station and got this:

60 4.225791451 UDP 82 48576 → 6000 Len=40
282 24.194043968 UDP 82 50680 → 6000 Len=40
511 44.162213176 UDP 82 37338 → 6000 Len=40

First column is packet number. Second - time of sniffing. Third - IP of my 
Raspberry with Weewx ( Fifth - is broadcast 
address, equal to Address Mask in Weewx log. UDP is network protocol. Sixth 
- packet length in bytes. Seventh - five digits number is port number of 
Weewx sending the packet; 6000 is destination port of weather station. 
Len=40 is packet size in bytes (8+8+24, see below).

According to description in HP1000 driver:

Communication starts with a UDP IP broadcast on the local subnet to port 
6000 to
see if the weather station responds. The broadcast packet is structured as:

Offset  Value   Structure   Comment
0x00PC2000  8 byte string   Identifies the calling station
0x08SEARCH  8 byte string   Command
0x10nulls   24 null bytes   I think there could be structure 
here but
sending nulls works!

Inspecting the packets I see hex dump:

   ff ff ff ff ff ff b8 27 eb dd 86 34 08 00 45 00   ...'...4..E.
0010   00 44 28 e0 40 00 40 11 8f 0f c0 a8 00 6a c0 a8   .D(.@.@..j..
0020   00 ff bd c0 17 70 00 30 1d 20 50 43 32 30 30 30   .p.0. PC2000
0030   00 00 53 45 41 52 43 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ..SEARCH
0040   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   
0050   00 00 ..

So it seems Weewx that "asking" for weather station - so far, so good. 

And here comes the question: why the Weewx and weather station can't talk 
to each other. Or maybe - why weather station is not responding to Weewx 

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Re: [weewx-user] Pressure and barometer on one plot?

2020-08-06 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu czwartek, 6 sierpnia 2020 15:06:56 UTC+2 użytkownik Tom Keffer 
> [[day_images]]
> x_label_format = %H:%M
> bottom_label_format = %x %X
> time_length = 97200 # 27 hours
> [[[daybarometer]]]
> barometer  # SLP
> pressure   # SP
> Be sure to see the Wiki article *Barometer, pressure, and altimeter 
> *.
Thank you, Tom. It works. Of course I had to set station altitude and now 
it seems OK. 

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[weewx-user] Pressure and barometer on one plot?

2020-08-06 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
I'd like to plot station pressure (SP) and corrected pressure (SLP) on one 
graph. Of course I know station height AMSL so it should be simple (I hope).

How could I do it?

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[weewx-user] Re: Downloading weewx issue

2020-07-31 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu piątek, 31 lipca 2020 15:32:46 UTC+2 użytkownik Dale Huber napisał:
> On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 7:52:04 PM UTC-4, Dale Huber wrote:
>> I use the wget command and I get an error from the download site when 
>> using Linux. Not sure what to do, if i use a browser to download it will 
>> save to the DOWNLOAD folder. I need to have it in the HOME folder then 
>> extract, right? This is a little different than it was back in 2015, a lot 
>> simpler then.
> I have attached jpeg file 1237 to show my issue. 
> You should be in *your* home directory. So after opening terminal you can 
just paste wget and rest of command. Or, if you are in another directory, 
enter first:

cd ~


cd /home/pi

and then wget...

Sudo isn't necessary at this stage.


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Re: [weewx-user] Re: DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-28 Thread Tomasz Lewicki

W dniu wtorek, 28 lipca 2020 16:29:06 UTC+2 użytkownik Norbert F napisał:
> I dont think its enough if you are in a area with "Winter", you have very 
> short and flat sun and sometimes weeks with cloudy sky and nebula. I think 
> you need a big panel and strong akkus.

I don't know yet how my setup will work during winter. I live on latitude 
of 51 N . 

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-28 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu wtorek, 28 lipca 2020 15:49:24 UTC+2 użytkownik Norbert F napisał:
> Its USB powered because in Winter there is snow on the panel in my area 
> and so solar dosent work.

Yes, I'm afraid of this too. But I will install the station in such manner 
that I could remove the snow easily from the solar panel. Now I'm testing 
it at home, in the room, trying to "deep sleep" ESP8266 for 1 minutre, then 
wake, send the data and sleep again. 

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-28 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu wtorek, 28 lipca 2020 15:31:22 UTC+2 użytkownik Norbert F napisał:
> I use a ESP8266 with "tasmota" for my homemade Weatherstation. Its easy to 
> configure, didnt need much power, sends mqtt. Tasmota knows the most 
> Sensors by default and send all mqtt via wifi to weewx-mqttSubscribe driver.

I use ESPEasy instead of Tasmota but basically it is the same. Is your 
station powered by USB or solar panel?

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[weewx-user] Re: DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-28 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Thank you all for the answers and tips. The right answer was MQTT and 
topics around it :)

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: MQTT weather data as input to weewx

2020-07-27 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu poniedziałek, 27 lipca 2020 10:01:02 UTC+2 użytkownik Tomasz Lewicki 
> Thank you Ørjan and NorbertF. I have done clean installation of Raspberry 
> Pi OS, Weewx (APT method) and WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe. Before installing 
> MQTTSubscribe everything was going without problems (no errors in 
> weewx.log). But after install of MQTTSubscribe, trying to restart Weewx I 
> still got the message in the log: (...)

> Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] ERROR weewx.engine: Import of driver 
> failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused ()
> Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
> ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
> Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL __main__: Unable to load 
> driver: [Errno 111] Connection refused
> Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL __main__:   Exiting...
> And I reply to myself. I forgot to install Mosquitto (sudo apt install 
mosquitto). Shame on me...

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Re: [weewx-user] Re: MQTT weather data as input to weewx

2020-07-27 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu poniedziałek, 27 lipca 2020 08:44:42 UTC+2 użytkownik Ørjan Hofstad 
> Hi,
> No the plugin does not work. But there is another guy that have made a new 
> plugin. Maybe that will work.
> https://github.com/bellrichm/WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe

Thank you Ørjan and NorbertF. I have done clean installation of Raspberry 
Pi OS, Weewx (APT method) and WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe. Before installing 
MQTTSubscribe everything was going without problems (no errors in 
weewx.log). But after install of MQTTSubscribe, trying to restart Weewx I 
still got the message in the log:

Jul 27 09:52:19 pogoda weewx[3676]: Stopping weewx weather system: weewx 
not running
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3698] INFO __main__: Initializing weewx 
version 4.1.1
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3698] INFO __main__: Using Python 3.7.3 
(default, Dec 20 2019, 18:57:59) #012[GCC 8.3.0]
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3698] INFO __main__: Platform 
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3698] INFO __main__: Locale is 'en_US.UTF-8'
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3698] INFO __main__: PID file is 
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO __main__: Using configuration file 
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO __main__: Debug is 0
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO weewx.engine: Loading station type 
MQTTSubscribeDriver (user.MQTTSubscribe)
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3686]: Starting weewx weather system: weewx.
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
Version is 1.6.1
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) Log 
level: 0
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) Log 
debug setting: 0
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) Log 
console: None
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) Log 
file: None
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
overlap is 0.0
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
message_callback_provider_name is user.MQTTSubscribe.MessageCallbackProvider
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
clientid is MQTTSubscribe-5908
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
client_session is True
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) host 
is localhost
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) port 
is 1883
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
keepalive is 60
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
username is None
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
password is set
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] INFO user.MQTTSubscribe: (Driver) 
Archive topic is None
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] ERROR weewx.engine: Import of driver 
failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused ()
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
Traceback (most recent call last):
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 103, in setupStation
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
self.console = loader_function(config_dict, self)
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/user/MQTTSubscribe.py", line 1521, in loader
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
return MQTTSubscribeDriver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME])
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/user/MQTTSubscribe.py", line 1542, in __init__
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
self.subscriber = MQTTSubscribe(stn_dict, self.logger)
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/share/weewx/user/MQTTSubscribe.py", line 1324, in __init__
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
self.client.connect(host, port, keepalive)
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 937, in 
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
return self.reconnect()
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 1071, in 
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
sock = self._create_socket_connection()
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine: File 
"/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/paho/mqtt/client.py", line 3522, in 
Jul 27 09:52:20 pogoda weewx[3702] CRITICAL weewx.engine:   
return socket.create_connection(addr, source_address=source, 

Re: [weewx-user] Re: MQTT weather data as input to weewx

2020-07-26 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Hi Ørjan.

Did you get your config to work? If yes, where was the problem?

W dniu niedziela, 2 września 2018 23:41:39 UTC+2 użytkownik Ørjan Hofstad 
> Here is what I have tried. But cant get it to work. I was just testing 
> over mqtt client. Maybe Im sending the data wrong or something.
> This is the setting I have set in /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> loop_on_init=true
> station_type = wxMesh
> [wxMesh]
> host =
> client = Arduino-station
> username = username
> password = password
> topic = weather
> driver = user.wxMesh
> poll_interval = 1
> [[label_map]]
> TIME = dateTime
> HUMT = outTemp
> RHUM = outHumidity
> INTE = inTemp
> INHU = inHumidity
> BARP = barometer
> IRRA = radiation
> PHOV = supplyVoltage
> BATV = consBatteryVoltage
> AMBT = extraTemp1
> SYST = extraTemp2
> This is the setting I have set in /usr/share/weewx/user/wxMesh.py
> where to find the data file
>   self.host = stn_dict.get('host', '')
>   self.topic = stn_dict.get('topic', 'weather')
>   self.username = stn_dict.get('username', 'username')
>   self.password = stn_dict.get('password', 'password')
>   self.client_id = stn_dict.get('client', 'Arduino-station') # MQTT client 
> id - adjust $

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Re: [weewx-user] DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-24 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
W dniu piątek, 24 lipca 2020 16:01:50 UTC+2 użytkownik Tom Keffer napisał:
> Did you read the section *Porting to new hardware 
> * in the Customizing 
> Guide?
>> Yes, I saw this chapter yesterday when sailing through docs ocean but it 
is rather for developers, I think. Unfortunately, my Python knowledge and 
coding skills are very low.

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Re: [weewx-user] DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-24 Thread Tomasz Lewicki

W dniu piątek, 24 lipca 2020 14:34:18 UTC+2 użytkownik Mike Harold Chan 
> cool wx sensor, but I wish will also include Rain collector, Solar and UV 
> sensor and can be read with weather display, these are my important part too
I will add some of them for sure - maybe without LCD display because it 
will be remote station - but now I need to gain some knowledge about 
publishing the data with Weewx. Any ideas? 

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[weewx-user] DIY weather station + Weewx on Raspberry Pi - how to join them?

2020-07-24 Thread Tomasz Lewicki
Dear Weewx users.

It's my first post. I looked into wiki and docs but still are stuck so I 
ask here.

My configuration is as follows:

1. DIY solar powered WiFi weather station (built from here: 
https://www.instructables.com/id/Solar-Powered-WiFi-Weather-Station-V20/ - 
the project known to some of you, I suppose), based on Wemos D1 Mini Pro 
(ESP8266) with own IP address in local network

2. Raspberry Pi 3 used as cheap airplane tracking station (ADS-B stick).

Now I want to extend RPi with Weewx fed and weather station data.

Because my station is hand-made, I can't use any of standard hardware 
drivers. As far I installed Weewx with Simulator driver and it works - 
http://stationIP/weewx shows many plots and data. I was even able to send 
it periodically to my other, public available, webserver by FTP.

But of course I don't need fake, static data. I want to RPi with Weewx to 
communicate periodically with weather station, grab the data (or weather 
station push it periodically to RPi, which is the same, I suppose) and view 
it live via the webserver.

So finally I come to the important question: is such connection possible? I 
suppose yes, but my experience with such hardware is very poor and I don't 
know where should I go. I'm experienced Linux user so it is no problem in 
this field. I only expect that someone will point me in the right 
direction, some keyword to look for. Maybe someone has similar 
configuration and could help?

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