Re: Suggestion to the list maintainer

2008-01-18 Thread Tim Schmidt
On Jan 18, 2008 1:06 PM, Tomas Kuliavas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Zimbra is commercial groupware suite. SquirrelMail is free webmail
> application. You are suggesting to replace whole user's email system with
> some proprietary locked product.

There's an (at least in name) FOSS version of Zimbra...  but eeew.  I
am tasked with the unfortunate duty of admining a machine running
Zimbra and I can say it's not worth the trouble.  Unless you like Java
processes that gobble 2Gb of ram like cookies, that is.


Re: The Spouse Test

2007-09-24 Thread Tim Schmidt
On 9/24/07, Stephan Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That reminds me, one of the things I personally would love to see Wine
> support is Solidworks. It's about the only thing at work I still need to
> boot into Windows for occasionally.

Same here.

> Solidworks actually installs now, it didn't earlier this year. And
> actually, the most recent version of wine even allows it to run about 5
> seconds longer than the previous version, which is a definite
> improvement. =)

Which version(s) are you using?  Could you please update the AppDB?


Re: Should Wine move to LGPL 3?

2007-07-13 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 7/13/07, Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Also Wine isn't just a library. (LGPL)

Nor is the LGPL a license exclusively for libraries.


Re: Contributing money to WINE?

2007-04-06 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 4/6/07, Dan Kegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lots of folks have thought about how to solve
the problem, but dealing with money is complicated.
It'd be better for you to donate time triaging bugs, IMHO.
( )
Just reproduce one bugzilla entry a day for a week, and
document what you find, and we'd be very happy!

I'm actually in a position to do some of that on paid time...  So I
certainly will.  They'll all be for boring engineering apps, but hey,
a bug's a bug.

Even $8,000 doesn't sound impossible...  In fact, I'm sure that could
be raised in the name of a popular game.  $10,000 didn't turn out to
be too hard a figure to rustle up to buy 8800 cards for the nouveau
folks.  If there are a couple big-name games that are only a few
shared bugs away from working reasonably well, it might be do-able.  I
don't know enough about the bleeding edge state of Wine to know if
that situation might exist somewhere, however.


Re: Contributing money to WINE?

2007-04-06 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 4/6/07, Frank Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As a WINE user, I find myself in a (seemingly) unique situation.  I'll
do my best to explain my motivations, and what resources are at my
disposal.  Basically, I would like to give money to the WINE project.

I find myself in a similar dilemma...  What if a few of us banded
together and put a bounty on a feature / app, or contracted
codeweavers to implement it?  I think that would be great.  Assuming
we can agree on something we'd like to fund, it would be a little more
targeted than just voting in CW's appdb.


Re: Road to 1.0

2007-03-21 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 3/20/07, Kai Blin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Like that?

Yeah.  That was me attempting something resembling humor.  GSoC is
exactly what I meant.


Re: Road to 1.0

2007-03-20 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 3/20/07, Dan Kegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The problem that wine developers have with recipies
like the one you cite is that most of the steps in
the recipe are there to work around bugs in Wine.


That said, I'm certainly in favor of helping users,
as long as it's done 'right', for some hard to pin down
definition of 'right'.

Pay students $4500 to interest themselves in the Wine codebase over
the summer and to make some well defined and useful contribution...


...  until all the bugs are fixed?

Just a thought.  :)


Re: DirectX related question

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 2/11/07, Tom Wickline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fix the bugs in Wine and send your patches to wine-patches.

File bug reports pertaining to this game, as well as become a maintainer
for the game in our AppDB:

Purchase a copy of CrossOver and vote for DirectX support:

I'll purchase crossover, but it looks like SupComm wants pixel shader
2.0, so I was thinking more along the lines of someone who wants to
hack on DirectX 10, but has no DirectX 10 capable hardware.  Or no
DirectX 10 games to test against, etc.  Anyone?


DirectX related question

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Schmidt

Already looking at buying a new computer to play Supreme Commander
(, is there anything I
can do (including, but not limited to purchasing hardware) to help get
this game running under Wine?  I can't promise miracles, but if I can
break down a few obstacles, consider it done.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-06 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/6/06, Kai Blin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Friday 06 October 2006 10:19, Tim Schmidt wrote:

> Again, works for me.  I believe the only part missing for this case is
> the simulation.  Of course, there's the added possibility that apps
> will go mucking about with data other apps care about, in which case a
> per-executable simulated device would be best.

Wouldn't that break on Windows, too? If I have have two apps that muck about
in my mbr, I expect them both to work, so they better do whatever they do in
a sane way. I don't see how this would be different for a simulated drive.

Yeah.  you're right.  I just don't trust every app that mucks about
with the MBR to be courteous and correct ;)


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-06 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/6/06, Vincent Povirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/5/06, Tim Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An application you are running (Application Name) is attempting to
> access a disk in a potentially unsafe way.  Would you like it to
> access a safe virtual disk instead?
> Yes  No

A dialog like this would only serve to confuse people. If a setting is
needed, it can default to the "safe" case. People who really know what
they are doing (and therefore might want to use such an option) can
modify the registry.

Works for me.  Assuming modification of the appropriate registry
setting is doable through winecfg.

Is this really about having raw access to drive letters? If it is, the
answer is simple: allow raw access if the drive letter has a device
associated with it. If it doesn't (c: doesn't), then either don't
allow it or simulate it. That easily covers both cases since copy
protection would presumably work on c: and disk utilities would work
with real disks.

Again, works for me.  I believe the only part missing for this case is
the simulation.  Of course, there's the added possibility that apps
will go mucking about with data other apps care about, in which case a
per-executable simulated device would be best.

If it's really about what drives the program can see and not drive
letters, then you need to store the information of which raw devices
(/dev/hdX or an image file somewhere) the program sees independently
of the drive letters. It sounds to me like it's more trouble than it's
worth then to make disk utilities run in Wine. It doesn't seem to be
something a lot of people want to do. It's not something they should
want to do if it's with disks that they care about. And, well, virtual
machines are much more suited to this than Wine is. So if copy
protection wants to do things to physical hard disks rather than drive
letters for some reason, I say simulate them and make copy protection

Again, no arguments.  I just want to see apps work.


Re: A wine success story

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/5/06, Martin Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wonder if we can get the shockwave player working with the linux
version of linux via some kind of wine layer instead of installing
firefox for windows.

If you'd like to duplicate effort...  nspluginwrapper
( might be a good place
to start.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Schmidt

To clarify my thoughts, and throw this out there...  Here's how I'm
imagining this working:

Assuming there's no problem intercepting the raw disk i/o attempts,
the first time an app attempts a raw disk access, Wine can throw a
popup (I know, I hate them too) with something like the following

An application you are running (Application Name) is attempting to
access a disk in a potentially unsafe way.  Would you like it to
access a safe virtual disk instead?

Yes  No

Pressing "Yes" results in nice, safe behavior.  Pressing "No" runs
winecfg opened to the "Drives" tab, with perhaps an added checkbox
"Allow potentially unsafe raw access" for each (relevant) drive.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/5/06, Christoph Frick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

the #2 folks are proficient enough with their systems to know what they
are doing. the #1 folks hope to get away from the world of #2 things
they are forced on the windows world when they change to unix.

Not nescessarily.  I'm thinking specifically of some of the more
exotic forensic data-recovery software.  Think Joe User (Joe Friday?)
prefers to use *nix, however, the software he uses to simplify
gathering all the various data he needs for an investigation (could be
law-related, could be an intrusion, etc.) runs only on Windows.  It'd
be nice to grab an image of the drive with dd and work with it on his
Linux machine.

Just a note...  this might be possible today...  I believe setting up
raw disk access for an actual disk or a file is possible under Wine
currently...  It would be nice to handle this case in a somewhat more
regular-person-friendly way - and it's logical to include handling of
sandboxed raw disk access in the same way.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/5/06, Mike McCormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

UML has a COW (copy-on-write) layer [1].  If we had something like this,
conceivable we could allow Wine to read raw disks (or the COW file),
then write back to the COW file.

QEMU has nice support for several different COW and sparse formats...
might be a slightly friendlier place to borrow code from than UML.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-05 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/5/06, Christoph Frick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

and its very unlikely, that a sane person would WINE allow writing
to the MBR (or close to it). right?


This discussion is veering off somewhat, but I believe it's heading in
a fairly constructive direction.

What we're talking about here is a class of applications that expect
raw (or nearly-raw) disk access:

- copy-protection that writes mysterious things to or near the MBR
- various utility software (virus scanners, disk defragmenters,
forensic tools, etc.)
- other possibilities?

Some of these tools - the forensic tools and copy-protected apps
especially - would be nice if they worked on Wine.  The two have
different needs though...  Presumably the forensic tools would be
working on real drives - or copies of real drives.  They need actual
access.  The copy-protection schemes do potentially dangerous things
to actual drives - they need to be sandboxed in virtual drives that
appear real.

It sounds like a general framework for routing these kind of raw disk
i/o would be useful...  probably configurable by app would be most


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-03 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/3/06, Robert Lunnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Part 3 Applies, however it could be read as being permissible for the purpose
of implementing a compatible interface. IE for the purpose of making the copy
protection work under Wine. I think it would be much safer to make the
protection work from a circumvention point of view.


More defensible?  Certainly.

Advisable?  Of course.

Strictly necessary as per the letter of the law?  I suppose it's up to
interpretation (what law isn't?), but the way I read it, Wine is
completely protected - being that 'enabling interoperability of an
independently created computer program with other programs' is it's
sole purpose for existing.

So, in summary, I pretty much agree entirely.


Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-10-03 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/3/06, Hiji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Sun Microsystems can't be killed.  Many of the world's infrastructure 
literally relies on them (though, it's not quite evident from the end user 
standpoint.)  The only way they would go away is if they were bought out, and 
then, the Sun name was axed.

What's the old addage?  No one's indispensible.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-02 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/2/06, Marcus Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We can't, this kind of circumvention is likely to be illegal in the US.

The relevant portion of the DMCA reads as follows:

  `(2) No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public,
provide, or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service,
device, component, or part thereof, that--

   `(A) is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of
circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access
to a work protected under this title;

   `(B) has only limited commercially significant purpose or
use other than to circumvent a technological measure that effectively
controls access to a work protected under this title; or

   `(C) is marketed by that person or another acting in
concert with that person with that person's knowledge for use in
circumventing a technological measure that effectively controls access
to a work protected under this title.

I believe we don't match A, B, or C.  Further,

  `(f) REVERSE ENGINEERING- (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (a)(1)(A), a person who has lawfully obtained the right to
use a copy of a computer program may circumvent a technological
measure that effectively controls access to a particular portion of
that program for the sole purpose of identifying and analyzing those
elements of the program that are necessary to achieve interoperability
of an independently created computer program with other programs, and
that have not previously been readily available to the person engaging
in the circumvention, to the extent any such acts of identification
and analysis do not constitute infringement under this title.

 `(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a)(2) and
(b), a person may develop and employ technological means to circumvent
a technological measure, or to circumvent protection afforded by a
technological measure, in order to enable the identification and
analysis under paragraph (1), or for the purpose of enabling
interoperability of an independently created computer program with
other programs, if such means are necessary to achieve such
interoperability, to the extent that doing so does not constitute
infringement under this title.

 `(3) The information acquired through the acts permitted under
paragraph (1), and the means permitted under paragraph (2), may be
made available to others if the person referred to in paragraph (1) or
(2), as the case may be, provides such information or means solely for
the purpose of enabling interoperability of an independently created
computer program with other programs, and to the extent that doing so
does not constitute infringement under this title or violate
applicable law other than this section.

Appears to grant specific permission for the kinds of work the Wine
devs need to do.


Re: Copy protection

2006-10-02 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 10/2/06, James Courtier-Dutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The easiest way round this is to simply recognise the executable with
the copy protection, and simply install a hook to catch the appropriate
file system or registry calls and divert them to a special handling
routine to satisfy the application. The difficulty would come from
actually implementing the "copy protection" part. I.e. Preventing the
wine user from copying the software.

Since we're not getting cooperation from the copy protection software
houses, I don't think that's a major goal of this work.  We'd like
_copy protected_ software to work with Wine, who cares if the _copy
protection_ software actually works beyond allowing the program to


Re: Adobe Photoshop idea

2006-10-01 Thread Tim Schmidt

Wow...  looks like Chris, and other members of that forum are
'actively hostile' to the Linux community.  The difference in tone
between this thread and that, about the same topic, is incredible.


Re: Wine release 0.9.20

2006-09-02 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 9/2/06, Roland Schama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Alexandre,
Is your group affiliated with "CodeWeavers"? They claim to have a
"wine" product called Crossover Mac that will have a final release soon.

If you are not the same group, what are the differences?

From Wikipedia (

CodeWeavers is a company that sells a proprietary version of Wine
called CrossOver Office, for running Windows applications on Linux.
The company was founded in 1996 as a consultancy, eventually moving
entirely over to Wine support. Crossover is regularly rebased to new
Wine snapshots, and patches that the company's employees write are
sent back to the project almost immediately has more information as well.

And this page:
pretty much defines the differences between Wine and Crossover.


Re: 0.9.17 and other issues

2006-07-11 Thread Tim Schmidt

Hi Roland...

It's not nice to yell.


Re: wine autorun utility

2006-06-30 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 6/30/06, William Knop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Parsing a windows inf hardly belongs anywhere but wine.

Actually, Troy makes that point rather well in an earlier mail:

This is not true. The existing action-on-CD-insertion programs provided by the
desktop environment try to detect the contents of the CD to see what they
should do, so they will be looking for the autorun.inf file. Additionally the
autorun.inf file format is designed to include specifications of different
commands for multiple environments, so if autorun.inf files are to be
respected at all it makes sense that they should also be able to start a
native Linux executable or shell script (discovered from an
[autorun.linux.i386] section, for example).

There is nothing in this that requires or enhances the Win32 API facilities
that Wine seeks to provide. Only once the native Windows executable has been
identified as the only (or best) target for autorun would Wine become
involved, when the program in the desktop environment invoked Wine to run the


Re: wine autorun utility

2006-06-29 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 6/30/06, William Knop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, then in that situation the user wouldn't run `wine --media-
autorun /mountpoint/autorun.inf` either. I fail to see your point.

Hey...  If all you want to do is write a parser for autorun.inf files
and attach it to a command line switch, that sounds pretty easy.
Where's the patch?

That said, as others have mentioned, KDE and Gnome already have
similar functionality.  No reason the parser can't go there (where,
perhaps, people might be a little less hostile to the idea?)


Re: wine autorun utility

2006-06-29 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 6/30/06, William Knop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) While I agree maintaining a staunch security policy is important,
that has nothing to do with autorun. Making the user browse to find
an executable is not security.

Yet again...  when a user sticks an audio CD in his computer and gets
a rootkit because of autorun, that's _b_a_d_

That user isn't going to browse out to the rootkit and install it him/her self.


Re: wine autorun utility

2006-06-29 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 6/30/06, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This sounds like you missed my point.

I think you're missing our points Chris...

it's not inherently detramental (since the user would be instructed to manually 
what autorun does automatically

Yeah.  The Sony rootkit users would have gladly followed the
instructions on their _audio CDs_ telling them to install software
that prevented fair use and installed illegal software.

We're not talking about preventing legitimate use of auto-running CDs.
We're talking about a sound, simple, and easy way to prevent
illegitimate exploitation.

If you can develop a way for Wine to automatically determine whether
or not an executable on removable media is something useful or a
rootkit, then you may get a little more enthusiasm for this 'feature'.


Re: wine autorun utility

2006-06-29 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 6/29/06, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you notice, Sony got into a lot of trouble over that. And the problem
wasn't autorun. The problem was that the disc installed the rootkit
anyway /even if the user said no/. The same exact thing would've happened if
the user had to browse the CD and double-click setup.exe, or whatever the
file was called. Should Wine disable running .exe files because they may
install rootkits on users' machines? Of course not, because that would be
couter-productive to what Wine is trying to achieve. It's the same thing with
autorun. It may or may not cause problems, but it's the user's responsibility
to take proper care of their machine. It's just as true in Windows as it is
in Linux, or any other OS.

Of course.  You're right.  Everyone's computers _should_ run arbitrary
code from any un-authorized source automatically without the user's
knowledge or permission.  I was wrong.

The fact that Windows ran _anything_ upon inserting a CD meant to
contain audio only is crap.  I understand that Sony exploited a
'feature' of Windows.  It's all Sony's fault.  Blame Sony.

Problem is, that philosophy pushes the trust all the way out to the
people who want to install rootkits on your computer.  Bad idea.
Better to trust Wine not to do anything to endanger your computer
without your explicit attention.


Re: wine autorun utility

2006-06-29 Thread Tim Schmidt

The Sony rootkit fiasco alone should be enough to end this conversation.


Say what you want about the theoretical integrity of the media, and
the user's security habits.  The fact is that hundreds (possibly
thousands or millions) of _real_ people were infected by rootkits
because of autorun and an unscrupulous corporation.

As you've so aptly demonstrated, average users are all too willing to
trust people who don't deserve to be trusted.  If Wine can protect
some of those people sometimes, great.  If Wine can protect people
without any developers having to do any work, that's simply amazing.

Well done Wine devs.


Re: Wine, Darwine, CodeWeavers-- Intel MacOS X

2006-06-26 Thread Tim Schmidt

On 6/26/06, James Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You could just ask, "Hey, what's the status of Wine on Intel Max OS
X?".  No one has really stepped up to work on that aspect of Wine,
outside of Codeweavers, so there's not a whole lot of incentive to put
this information up.  So if you're wanting to work on this, step up to
the plate, and I'm sure we'll be more than willing to help.

You pretty much directly quoted the first line of his first email.
He's also offered to add the status to the wiki once it becomes public
knowledge (e.g. when someone from within codeweavers sends an email to
the list with a little information).


Re: Just want to make a comment about the current status of the project

2006-04-26 Thread Tim Schmidt
On 4/25/06, Philip V. Neves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been really looking at wine for the last couple of months or so.
> Last little bit I've been helping by doing some testing and filing bug
> reports. I must say the developers of this project have done an amazing
> job. Its increadible how close you all are.  If you can at least get
> code associated with making install shield based installers and other
> installers work flawlessly in the next little while this project will
> set the being a major thorn in Microsofts side when they bring out
> Vista.   This project has the potential to really deflate them. If
> anything could be a major encouragement to you this no doubt should be.

Ummm...  they're not trying to be a thorn in Microsoft's side so much
as simply interoperate with them.  Think compatibility.  The kind that
opens markets, creates options, and encourages diversity.  If
Microsoft can't survive in such an environment, it's their doing.  Not


Re: search for /dev/input/js as well as /dev/js

2006-04-19 Thread Tim Schmidt
Seems to me that symlinks provided by a distribution would be usefull
as a transitional measure only.  Until applications eventually move
over to the new /dev locations.  So...

Part of any application's perogerative is to deal with the platform(s)
it runs on.  Wine makes some special allowances for Solaris, and

so...  there a theme here?


On 4/19/06, Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 April 2006 20:00, Mike McCormack wrote:
> > Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > > dont really know who you're talking about when you say "you guys" ...
> > > sounds like you're trying to say this situation is my fault when really i
> > > nor Gentoo has had anything to do with /dev naming schemas
> >
> > Yes, it is Gentoo's fault.  Your distro is missing a symlink, and
> > instead of just adding the it, you waste everybody else's time running
> > around "fixing" their projects.
> i can see this thread is clearly going to go nowhere so we might as well just
> kill it now before we waste each other's time trying to "educate" why the
> other person is wrong
> -mike

Re: Direct3D, the kernel and ReactOS

2006-03-30 Thread Tim Schmidt
Sounds like a good project to hack on occasionally while putting the
majority of effort into improving the current implementation.  In
other words, some effort is warranted because of the benefits of
sharing code, however, wine can always transition to the new layout
after it has a complete and (mostly) correct DirectX implementation.

There's no reason the GDI and win32k.sys couldn't be going into the
wine tree at the same time as improvements to the current system.


Re: has the LGPL licence fell through ?

2005-12-20 Thread Tim Schmidt
> Trusting perhaps, but not an over-reationist for sure.  Has anyone approached
> SpecObs Labs and asked for the code?  Have they said "no"?  This is all just
> speculation and hardly worthy of a thread until such comes to pass.  For a
> company to (fairly) prominantely state on their product web page that they 
> will
> release their modified Wine code to the open source community is reassuring.
> Innocent until proven guilty is always a nice standard to live by I believe.  
> An
> trust me, a small company like SpecOps Lab certainly doesn't want to bring 
> down
> the wrath of the open source community down upon it... besides the legal
> ramifications, the bad press would be enough to cause the severe problems, if
> not force them to shut down (due to lack of customers).
> Wine is LGPL as I understand it.  Codeweavers takes advantage of that, as do
> other companies I imagine (Transgaming?).  What's one more company basing a
> product on Wine code, provided they follow the license they agreed to when 
> they
> received the code?
> Give them a chance is all I am saying...
> ... and no I don't want your stink'in swamp :)

The SpecOps folks have been contacted before, search the archives.  As
for Transgaming, they use a pre-LGPL fork of the Wine code, parts of
which they've released under the Aladin Public License, parts under a
BSD-like license, parts have never been released.

I believe it's quite safe to say that out of the three companies,
Codeweavers is the only one to have mutually agreeable relations with
the wine project.  Skepticism and distrust is not an unfounded
reaction under such conditions.


Re: DirectDraw over Direct3D

2005-12-06 Thread Tim Schmidt
TA 1.0 (fresh off the CD) also wouldn't start for me, however, after
installing the v3.1c patch (the last one ever released) it started up
just fine.


On 12/6/05, James Liggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I fired up Total Annihilation just yesterday with Wine 0.9.2 and it
> > was very slow.  TA uses 8bit color and I'm running in 24bit at
> > 3200x1200 (2x 19" CRTs) on a Pentium II 450Mhz with a GeForceFX 5900XT
> > -- a bit of an odd combination... I know.  If you'd like a speed
> > comparison, perhaps with associated CPU usage I may be able to oblige.
> >
> > --tim
> Just curious--how did you get TA to even start? I installed it last week
> to try it out with wine 0.9.2 and it crashes after displaing a blue
> screen for a second or two.
> James
> >
> >

Re: DirectDraw over Direct3D

2005-12-04 Thread Tim Schmidt
> Is Starcraft really that slow?   How does this compare with using DGA?
>  I'm not too sure because its speed vaires.  I've been testing
> Starcraft this weekend and it has been plenty speedy.   But I do
> remember when trying to play it multiplayer a few months ago and was
> burned when it ran slow.  In fact it slowed *everyone* down.  Not fun.

I fired up Total Annihilation just yesterday with Wine 0.9.2 and it
was very slow.  TA uses 8bit color and I'm running in 24bit at
3200x1200 (2x 19" CRTs) on a Pentium II 450Mhz with a GeForceFX 5900XT
-- a bit of an odd combination... I know.  If you'd like a speed
comparison, perhaps with associated CPU usage I may be able to oblige.


Re: Suggestions for improvement of the emulator

2005-09-05 Thread Tim Schmidt
> What makes you say that?
> What would need changing to efficiently accomodate more developpers?
> I'm asking because I don't see a problem with the current organisation
> but I may be missing something. If there are issues it's best to get
> them out in the open so we can work on fixing them.

Perhaps he is refering to Alexandre...  You know, like Linus, he
doesn't scale.  I don't see that as a problem for quite some time


Nifty FIXME hack

2005-08-11 Thread Tim Schmidt
I was looking at a new (to me) video editor for Linux and noticed the
author had put together a rather nice system for tracking (and
presumably obliterating) his FIXME's.  Here's the link:

Or, if you want to skip straight to the result, here's what it
produces (try clicking on the FIXME's):

Just thought you guys may find something like this marginally useful. 
Hope I helped ;)

Re: Let's fix Steam!

2005-03-13 Thread Tim Schmidt
Hey guys, sorry to intrude, but I've been out of the Windows gaming
scene for longer than I can remember.  I own copies of Half-life and a
few other games, but am I to understand that they can be played (for
free?) through steam?  I see that you can purchase a few games through
steam as well ( I remember hearing about it some time ago...  most of
the work done on it was done by the bittorrent guy right?).


On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:08:13 +0100, Stefan Dösinger
> Am Sonntag, 13. März 2005 11:13 schrieb Scott Ritchie:
> > On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 10:47 +0100, Stefan Dösinger wrote:
> > > > Did you try the latest version?  Did you install IE with Winetools?  I
> > > > still can't get past my "no text visible" error that I linked to with a
> > > > screenshot earlier.
> > >
> > > I use Wine CVS from yesterday, steam updates itself automatically. I
> > > installed MSIE manually into a fresh wine installation.
> > >
> > > I can see all the text in steam(at least I don't miss anything). I can
> > > send you my config files, etc if you need it.
> > >
> > > My DLLoverrides:
> > >
> > > General:
> > >
> > > "advapi32"  = "builtin"
> > > "shdocvw"   = "native, builtin"
> > >
> > > "msvcrt"= "native, builtin"
> > > "advapi"= "builtin"
> > > "urlmon"= "native, builtin"
> > > "advpack"   = "native, builtin"
> > > "shlwapi"   = "native, builtin" 
> > > ;shlwapi.dll.GetLongPathNameWrapA
> > > "wininet"   = "native, builtin"
> > >
> > > Steam Appdefault:
> > > "mshtml" = "native, builtin" ;could crash steam
> > > "crypt32" = "native, builtin"
> > > "msvcrt" = "native, builtin"
> > > "shlwapi" = "native, builtin"
> > > "shdocvw" = "native, builtin"
> > > "shfolder" = "native, builtin"
> > > "shell" = "builtin, native"
> > > "wininet" = "native, builtin"
> > > "urlmon" = "native, builtin"
> > > "wininet"   = "native, builtin"
> > >
> > > I have to run Steam in a Desktop window, otherwise I can't type anything.
> > >
> > > Stefan
> >
> > Hmm, I think I will need your config files, I've been playing around
> > with this for hours and can't quite get it.
> >
> > Maybe it's something stupid I did like forget to include something at
> > compile time (I have all the build depends, I think, unless a new one
> > got added recently.)
> Config file and system.reg is attached. I didn't do anything special when
> installing wine. Do you have the needed fonts? I copied C:\windows\fonts from
> a Windows XP system some time ago and I have all the font's in my X
> installation.
> Can you send me the screenshot again? I've lost the mail in which you sent it.
> As far as I can remember it occured during account creation, right? I created
> my account some time ago. I just clicked on the "new account button" and I
> see 9 lines of text and only a few pixels of the 10th line. Strange...
> Stefan

Re: gmail accounts on offer

2005-02-20 Thread Tim Schmidt
And just in case Ivan runs out, I have 50 more.


On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 11:54:32 +0100, Ivan Leo Puoti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm offering a gmail invitation to any wine dev that wants one.
> Private mail me for an invitation, I have enough invites for all.
> Ivan.