Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] [IMPORTANCE LEVEL: HIGH] Network Neutrality Ex Parte Letter Template for Operators to file

2010-12-15 Thread Fred Goldstein

At 12/15/2010 01:27 AM, Tom DeReggi wrote:


Excellent Filing.


The big risk is abuse of power by those with dominent market power, 
thus possibly the need for some targeted regulation. But I'm not 
aware of any WISPs that has scaled large enough to have dominent 
market power to the extent to become a risk to consumers or other 
providers. I asked for Fixed Wireless to be exempt from 
NetNeutrality restrictions simply because there is no market need to 
regulate a small provider.

This is a classic case of where "American-style regulation" goes 
awry.  In most other countries, regulation addresses market 
power.  Big companies are regulated more closely than small ones if 
the market is concentrated.  In the EU, a 25% market share is 
presumptive of "significant market power" (SMP), the first step 
towards regulation.

But in the US, we draw false analogies based on what people do, 
rather than on what power they have, and we pretend it's "fair" to 
the powerful megacorporations to make the same rules apply to 
everyone, however small.  This goes beyond telecom.  In the current 
food safety debate, there's a major press to rid the country of The 
Scourge of the Bake Sale, wherein people cook food in, gag, *home 
kitchens*, not certified, and sell them.  We all[1] know how many 
millions of people die every year from home cooking, of course, so 
"safe" food must come from regulated, managed industrial-scale factories!

[1] "We all" in this case refers to certain op-ed columnists who only 
eat in restaurants, but who portray themselves as "centrists" by 
taking positions nobody else has, and to a handful of politicians who 
live to please them.

So the same sort of thing applies to telecom and Internet.  Most 
people get it from a Big Company that has SMP, and they've been 
scared into assuming that the big company will abuse it.  This is 
perfectly understandable; I think that certain large companies (no 
names, but they tend to have the rights to the collective trademark 
"Bell") would love to put the squeeze on.  So they want to put rules 
on "ISPs".  If asked, I doubt most people who support "neutrality" on 
principle would want to squeeze a little WISP -- they're thinking big 
telco and MSO -- but the big telcos are using this as a way to put 
the squeeze on the little guys.  I even noticed a Verizon-funded 
front group putting in ex parte comments yesterday for "real neutrality".

CLECs are subject to similar silliness, btw, being regulated 
entities.  Not "neutrality" -- as common carriers, CLECs are 
neutral.  Federal law says that states cannot price-regulate them, 
and they have no market power.  But states still require them to file 
tariffs, with pretend rates, as if they were ILECs. States and the 
FCC require detailed filings of reports.  It's all set up to be 
"fair" to the Bells by making small competitors do the work that big ones do.

That's why the regulatory debate has to be refocused.  I'm impressed 
by the great turnout of WISP ex-parte letters.  The FreePrers did 
submit long lists of names of supporters, but even some of them, if 
asked, would recognize that WISPs shouldn't be held to the same 
standards as the big guys.  But they generally neither know nor care 
about our existence.  They are already suffering from Broadband 
Stockholm Syndrome, and would rather argue about the food in the 
prison canteen than think about real freedom.

 Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein "at"
 ionary Consulting
 +1 617 795 2701 

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Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] [IMPORTANCE LEVEL: HIGH] Network Neutrality Ex Parte Letter Template for Operators to file

2010-12-14 Thread Tom DeReggi

Excellent Filing. 

The big risk is abuse of power by those with dominent market power, thus 
possibly the need for some targeted regulation. But I'm not aware of any WISPs 
that has scaled large enough to have dominent market power to the extent to 
become a risk to consumers or other providers. I asked for Fixed Wireless to be 
exempt from NetNeutrality restrictions simply because there is no market need 
to regulate a small provider. 

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

  - Original Message - 
  From: Fred Goldstein 
  To: WISPA General List 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 5:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] [IMPORTANCE LEVEL: HIGH] Network 
Neutrality Ex Parte Letter Template for Operators to file

  At 12/14/2010 08:37 AM, RickH wrote:

"I appreciate you guys putting this all together so quickly. I filed mine 
but it would be a good idea if this call went out again with step by step 
TOPIC:  Treatment of Fixed Wireless Broadband in Open Internet Decision to 
be made at the FCC Commission Meeting on Dec. 21st, 2010.
DEADLINE:  Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 5:30 PM EST

  Oh, foolish me.  I thought you said 5:00 PM.  I had 32 minutes to spare after 
filing! ;-)  I guess I'm not an early bird.

  Since I'm not a WISP per se but do like to file in FCC proceedings, I threw 
this together.  It basically says that ISPs per se, including all WISPs, should 
not be regulated, but that dominant wireline providers, like ILECs, should make 
wholesale facilities available, and that's the only neutrality required, or 
probably even likely to withstand judicial scrutiny. 

   Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein "at"   
   ionary Consulting 
   +1 617 795 2701 



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Re: [WISPA] [WISPA Members] [IMPORTANCE LEVEL: HIGH] Network Neutrality Ex Parte Letter Template for Operators to file

2010-12-14 Thread Fred Goldstein

At 12/14/2010 08:37 AM, RickH wrote:
"I appreciate you guys putting this all together so quickly. I filed 
mine but it would be a good idea if this call went out again with 
step by step instructions."
TOPIC:  Treatment of Fixed Wireless Broadband in Open Internet 
Decision to be made at the FCC Commission Meeting on Dec. 21st, 2010.

DEADLINE:  Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 5:30 PM EST

Oh, foolish me.  I thought you said 5:00 PM.  I had 32 minutes to 
spare after filing! ;-)  I guess I'm not an early bird.

Since I'm not a WISP per se but do like to file in FCC proceedings, I 
threw this together.  It basically says that ISPs per se, including 
all WISPs, should not be regulated, but that dominant wireline 
providers, like ILECs, should make wholesale facilities available, 
and that's the only neutrality required, or probably even likely to 
withstand judicial scrutiny.

 Fred Goldsteink1io   fgoldstein "at"
 ionary Consulting
 +1 617 795 2701 

Description: MS-Word document

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