Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation in Transliterated Sanskrit

2011-10-02 Thread Cyril Niklaus

On 2 oct. 2011, at 22:40, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> Dominik --
>> Several commentaries on the Bhagavadgītā have also
>> been typed into the computer, including those of
>> Śaṅkara, Yāmuna, Rāmānuja and Jñānadeva.
> What is the significance (if any) of the extra-high "ṅ"
> in "Śaṅkara" ?

Because that's how his name is spelled.  You have guttural, palatal, retroflex 
and dental n in Devanāgarī, respectively ङ ṅa
; ञ ña; ण ṇa and न na. 
The guttural na is transcribed using a superscript dot, but maybe you do not 
have it in a standard font, and your MUA used whatever font was available, 
therefore this extra height you're talking about.  I'm not sure if I've 
correctly understood you, to be honest.


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Re: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

2011-06-05 Thread Cyril Niklaus
Would something like this make you happy? That's what I've been using for years.
Put it in your preamble. And of course, change the parindent size to somheting 
you like.



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Re: [XeTeX] Character Variants

2011-03-27 Thread Cyril Niklaus

On 27 mars 2011, at 20:40, wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Mar 2011, David Perry wrote:
>> character.  You can enter characters by number in XeTeX with \char"; so
>> try
>> \char"8FBB\char"E0100
> If it's just a question of getting in the characters, which the font will
> then process by glyph substitution, it should work to simply include the
> desired characters literally in XeTeX's input.  

I tried that when I first read Bob's question, but neither TexSHop, TeXworks 
nor aquamacs seem to support variant glyphs. 
I get them nicely in Pages but I can't get by copy-paste. And an export to txt 
doesn't work either… It would seem Andy found the way.

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[XeTeX] thanks for XeTeX

2011-03-22 Thread Cyril Niklaus
and fontspec!

Just reading Bruno Voisin's posts on the OS X TeX mailing list made me remember 
all the hoops and problems one had to jump through to get fonts working in 
So thank you Jonathan and all the rest of you who are working hard on making 
our lives easier!

Cyril Niklaus

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Re: [XeTeX] microtype and SVN checkout problem

2010-11-24 Thread Cyril Niklaus

On 24 nov. 2010, at 18:23, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Are you sure you need a new binary? miktex 2.9. certainly already
> has it (0.9997.4) and as far as I know texlive 2010 too. 
> Perhaps you should at first try simply to update the microtype
> package to the beta version:

Thank you Ulrike, that's indeed all that was needed…


PS: still confused why the svn wanted me to switch directories to the same 

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[XeTeX] microtype and SVN checkout problem

2010-11-23 Thread Cyril Niklaus

On 23 nov. 2010, at 07:01, Karl Berry wrote:
> I did not actually try it, but Thanh told me that character protrusion
> is in fact implemented in the XeTeX that is in TL 2010.  He and Jonathan
> worked on getting it merged.

Good news!
So I tried it by adding \usepackage[verbose]{microtype}
to a document I had.
Well, it failed (`microtype' only works with pdftex.), so I went there:

and saw there were no binaries built on Intel, and for once I saw something I 
could do for the community! Build it on my machine and share it.
Well, I only got so far:
Baal:microtype-xetex cyril$ svn co
svn: Repository moved permanently to '/svn-view/xetex/BRANCHES/microtype/'; 
please relocate

Since the URL are the same, I don't know what I'm supposed to do to checkout, 
and the fine manual did not help nor dig google.


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Re: [XeTeX] Beginner questions

2010-10-23 Thread Cyril Niklaus
On 23 oct. 2010, at 18:52, André Bellaïche wrote:

> Le 23 oct. 2010 à 11:33, Cyril Niklaus a écrit :
>> On 23 oct. 2010, at 17:53, André Bellaïche wrote:
>>> 2. If the main roman font is Frutiger® 55 Roman (Linotype Original names), 
>>> I doubt that the system will find out that if the italic, bold and bold 
>>> italic counterparts are Frutiger® 56 Italic, Frutiger® 65 Bold, Frutiger® 
>>> 66 Bold Italic.
>> Use \setromanfont{Frutiger LT Std}, it will do the rest combined with the 
>> normal italics or bold declarations.
> Do you mean that I should type a name which is neither the Linotype 
> commercial name (Frutiger® 55 Roman), neither the Adobe commercial name 
> (Frutiger Std™ Roman), neither the Postscript name (FrutigerLTStd-Roman), nor 
> the Mac/PC Menu name (Frutiger LT Std 55 Roman), and XeTeX will manage 
> anyway? 

I don't bother with the postscript name but I use the font display name (it's 
the name in the menu, or in the font panel).
In my case (an otf version) it is Frutiger LT Std, and, yes, XeTeX finds the 
italics with \textit etc. It typsets in  55 Roman (the output is the same 
whether I use Frutiger LT Std 55 Roman or simply Frutiger LT Std.

If I want to use Light, I can explicitly call it using Frutiger LT Std 45 Light.
The syntax is: \fontspec[font features]{Mac OS X font display name}
For example (sorry, it's ugly!)

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\setromanfont{Frutiger LT Std}
\textbf{Dans} les premiers jours du mois d’\textit{octobre 1815}, une heure 
environ avant le coucher du soleil, {\fontspec{Frutiger LT Std 95 Ultra 
Black}un homme} qui voyageait à pied entrait dans la petite ville de 


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Re: [XeTeX] Beginner questions

2010-10-23 Thread Cyril Niklaus
On 23 oct. 2010, at 17:53, André Bellaïche wrote:

> I am new to XeTeX, and I could not find a text for beginners. 

> ===
> Let me ask some questions: 
> 1. Is it possible to replace unicode by applemac encoding? What are the 
> commands in this case?
The whole point of XeLaTeX is to work in unicode, so no. If you have legacy 
documents in applemac, either save them using TextEdit (for ex) in UTF-8, or 
keep using pdfTeX, which supports that encoding.
> 2. If the main roman font is Frutiger® 55 Roman (Linotype Original names), I 
> doubt that the system will find out that if the italic, bold and bold italic 
> counterparts are Frutiger® 56 Italic, Frutiger® 65 Bold, Frutiger® 66 Bold 
> Italic.
Use \setromanfont{Frutiger LT Std}, it will do the rest combined with the 
normal italics or bold declarations.


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Re: [XeTeX] Strange hyphenation with polyglossia in French

2010-10-17 Thread Cyril Niklaus
> On 17 oct. 2010, at 17:09, Roland Kuhn wrote:
>> On Oct 16, 2010, at 15:21 , Cyril Niklaus wrote:
>>> On 16 oct. 2010, at 20:57, Jonathan Kew wrote:
>>> Would setting
>>> \lccode "2019 = "27
>>> be any help?
>> I do have it in the document preamble, to no effect (with straight or curled 
>> apostrophes).
> Well, setting \lccode"2019="0027 actually does fix this problem. Of course, 
> this needs to be done after polyglossia has had its say (e.g. after 
> \begin{document} or after your closest language changing command), because 
> gloss-french.ldf resets it. So, I think patching gloss-french.ldf would be 
> the minimal fix.

Oh, well I had it for years in the preamble… I did not know it would be reset.
A lot of my XeTeXting habits have accumulated over the years I've been using it 
but, as became obvious in this thread, they are not well founded in knowledge 
of the actual code itself, which results in silly mistakes like the placement 
of this lccode.
> On the other hand, why not do it right? "0027 is some ASCII 
> single-high-vertical-short-line which was used in the middle-ages of text 
> input to mean apostrophe, single quotation mark, prime, etc. Now that we have 
> gone way past the french revolution (pun intended), why not enter those 
> characters as they deserve? I find myself not using anymore, 
> since terminals and editors can properly display all those nice glyphs 
> directly.
I agree, and I do make an effort to input the correct unicode glyphs in my 
documents, and I've not had a problem with displaying those glyphs. 
Nevertheless the curled apostrophe is an alt-shift combination, not that 
practical to input. I could make a search and replace as well, but in the case 
of that article I hadn't. It's why I usually use Mapping=tex-text.

>> In the meantime, the "solution" I used was to change fonts…
> That basically disables hyphenation for this word, like would \/.
I noticed that if I wrote l'in\-formation, it would then hyphenate at the 
suggested point and not after the apostrophe.


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Re: [XeTeX] Strange hyphenation with polyglossia in French

2010-10-16 Thread Cyril Niklaus
On 16 oct. 2010, at 19:12, Paul Isambert wrote:
> That's absolutely normal, that's even the reason why we use TeX :)
> TeX builds a paragraph as a whole; if you remove some words at the end of 
> your paragraph, it might change its entire shape.
I sorta knew that at a certain point in time… but it has obviously not 
registered, since I was surprised by that behaviour!
>> I also noticed that including or not
>> \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
>> changes things quite a bit while \frenchspacing did nothing obvious. I 
>> thought it would deal with spaces around the guillemets etc. but no. I'm 
>> wondering why I bothered including it. Is that a benefit from polyglossia?
> \frenchspacing has nothing to with polyglossia,
I was not clear. I was wondering if somehow, although that would have been 
surprising, polyglossia dealt with spaces around punctuation marks.
> and it is extremely important, even though you might not notice at once. It's 
> a macro inherited from plain TeX, whose effect is to disable extra space 
> after strong punctuation marks (e.g. a period), which extra space is used in 
> (some flavors of) English typography. So keep it, although indeed it doesn't 
> deal with space around guillemets.
Thank you for that clarification.

On 16 oct. 2010, at 19:44, wrote:

> The "Mapping=tex-text" options makes available all usual TeX ligature
> conventions (`? for the reversed question mark, --- for a dash and so on).
which is why I was surprised to see the aspect of that little paragraph change 
so much, since it does not have any particular ligatures or dashes etc. Or so I 
thought until I realised it was all the  straight apostrophes that were curling 
> It's quite subtle, I believe. There are no patterns containing U+2019 (RIGHT
> SINGLE QUOTATION MARK), into which each apostrophe is changed by
>; so the pattern "1informat" comes into play, creating a 
> hyphenation
> point in "l'information" just after the character U+2019.
> Indeed, also "l'alcool" gets hyphenated as "l’-al-cool", as there is the 
> pattern "1alcool"
> on line 126 of hyph-fr.tex
> This is a problem which should be examined by the "hyphenation pattern team":
> all patterns containing the apostrophe should be duplicated with U+2019 in 
> its place.
> It may show its effects also in Italian and all other languages where the 
> apostrophe
> gets a nonzero \lccode for hyphenation purposes.
On 16 oct. 2010, at 20:42, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>  what you
> observe is a "known problem that needs a nice idea to solve it" (or we
> can simply create and load another bunch of patterns) and it's present
> in both XeTeX and LuaTeX (only that it's mapped to quotation mark in
> LuaTeX).
> We would need to double all the hyphenation patterns to account for
> that case (including both apostrophe and quotation marks). An
> alternative would be to "explain to engine" that two characters
> hyphenate in exactly the same way. The latter is possible, but we
> never (managed to) implement it. It might be as simple as one line of
> code though ...

OK, so I understand the nature of the problem now, thanks to all of you.
As much as I would like to find that one line of code, my coding skills are 
inexistent unfortunately, and I could never produce what the great minds on 
this list have made. If I somehow reach illumination and find a way to deal 
with this, I will of course let you know.

On 16 oct. 2010, at 20:57, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> Would setting
>  \lccode "2019 = "27
> be any help?
I do have it in the document preamble, to no effect (with straight or curled 

In the meantime, the "solution" I used was to change fonts…

Thank you,


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[XeTeX] Strange hyphenation with polyglossia in French

2010-10-16 Thread Cyril Niklaus
Hello all,
I'd never had (or noticed) that problem before, so I don't know if it's a new 
thing or something I do that does not comply. The problem is simple, 
hyphenation occurs between an apostrophe and the word it follows : 
l'information in my case becomes l'-information.
I'm using the latest updated 2010 MacTeX.
I didn't find anything helpful in my searches online, so, since I cannot change 
the text (it's an article from Le Monde)  what can I do?

In making the small version I include here, I also noticed something 
surprising: the hyphenation changed depending on the length of the text I cut 
*after*. Leaving one sentence or two did not give the same results. Cutting 
immediately after the sentence gave the correct l'in-formation and  
l'infor-mation was what I got when cutting before De toute part.

I also noticed that including or not
changes things quite a bit while \frenchspacing did nothing obvious. I thought 
it would deal with spaces around the guillemets etc. but no. I'm wondering why 
I bothered including it. Is that a benefit from polyglossia?

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\usepackage[margin=2.5cm, includeheadfoot]{geometry} 
\geometry{a4paper, centering}

\setromanfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Warnock Pro}



%\title{La méthode Sarkozy dans l'impasse}
%\author{Denis Muzet}

Jamais le concept de « mal-info » n'a été aussi adapté pour décrire la 
transformation de notre rapport à l'information. Avec la crise, le « bruit de 
fond » de l'information a monté, au point que notre écosystème médiatique s'en 
est trouvé altéré. Car il s'agit aussi d'une crise de l'information. Certes 
toute crise voit la circulation de celle-ci s'accélérer, mais aujourd'hui 
l'horizon que doit surveiller l'honnête homme qui cherche à s'informer est 
devenu mondial. De toute part, il est bombardé de nouvelles plus brèves et 
moins compréhensibles les unes que les autres. Son entendement est submergé.


Any pointers welcome.

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Re: [XeTeX] Problems finding/using fonts with both xdv2pdf and xdvipdfmx

2010-10-02 Thread Cyril Niklaus
On 2 oct. 2010, at 07:43, Nicholas Riley wrote:
> Are other people with 10.6/MacTeX-2010 able to typeset bullets without 
> getting them substituted?  If so, what font/configuration do you use?
Works fine here, with both fonts.

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\setromanfont{Goudy Old Style}%Cambria}



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Re: [XeTeX] textsuperscript and french issue

2010-08-18 Thread Cyril Niklaus

On 18 août 10, at 23:07, wrote:


Can someone tell my why the \textsuperscript commands in the code  
below do not generate the expected result. The french "è" in "3ème"  
or "2ème" is set in standard size and not in superscript as it  
appears in the attached pdf file.

It doesn't really matter, because in French typography[1], deuxième,  
troisième are abbreviated only with an e, (es if plural).


[1] And to the best of my knowledge, there are no differences on that  
point in Switzerland.

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Re: [XeTeX] Em-dash

2010-05-02 Thread Cyril Niklaus

On 3 mai 10, at 10:26, David Purton wrote:

Hi all,

Can someone test if the the below example works with the 12pt article

i.e., \documentclass[12pt]{article}

I'm just left with blankspaces for em and en dashes with 12pt and the
default fonts.

\usepackage{xltxtra} %loads xunicode and fontspec

Both with and without the [12pt] work fine here, I get the expected em  

This is XeTeXk, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.999.6 (Web2C 7.5.7)
 %&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,  
dumylang, noh
yphenation, german-x-2008-06-18, ngerman-x-2008-06-18, ancientgreek,  
ibycus, ar
abic, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin, coptic, croatian, czech,  
danish, dutc
h, esperanto, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, galician, german,  
ngerman, mono
greek, greek, hungarian, icelandic, indonesian, interlingua, irish,  
italian, la
tin, mongolian, mongolian2a, bokmal, nynorsk, polish, portuguese,  
romanian, rus
sian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, turkish,  

h, ukrainian, uppersorbian, welsh, loaded.
Document Class: article 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
fontspec.cfg loaded.
(/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fixltx2e.sty)) (./ 

) [1] (./emdash.aux) )
Output written on emdash.pdf (1 page).
Transcript written on emdash.log.

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