We often have good luck using protease cleavage sites as linkers. They're
evolved to have certain flexibility to them and they usually have a
healthy mixture of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids. As a
delightful bonus they also offer the option to separate the two partners
at will.
I recently had some success in this area. My approach was to get lucky
when I guessed the linker. In this case, my linker became ordered
which seemed to help my fusion construct settle down enough to exhibit
density. My linker sequence came was (approximately) alternating
hydrophilic and hy
Hi People,
Could anyone point me to successful examples for two unrelated
proteins that have been stitched together into one single polypeptide
chain with flexible amino acids to create a functional chimera that
was subsequently crystallized. I've looked up a few.
I am particularly intere