But I"d like to stress the fact that run-time and compile-time file
locations may differ, also things like dynamic loading vs static
linking come into play. In the end this is a build issue, not necessarily
a question of run-time semantics.
Sorry, I was being ambiguous. The natural strategy when
> The convention (observed at least by Chibi, Gambit, and Gauche) is that
> each .sld file contains one define-library form.
> Gambit can compile something like hello.sld:
> (define-library (hello)
>(import (scheme base))
>(begin (write-string "Hello world\n")))
> into an object file
Note that include-files and loaded libraries are two different things,
also in CHICKEN, libraries are usually compiled, so the .sld convention
is only partially useful.
The convention (observed at least by Chibi, Gambit, and Gauche) is that
each .sld file contains one define-library form.
> If there are few substantial differences, it would be a boon to writing
> portable code if the same syntax is eventually used as for standard R7RS
> libraries, and the same filename conventions are supported as other R7RS
> implementations (the .sld filename extension for an R7RS library is
> bec
On Sun, 18 Jul 2021 17:30:14 +0200 (CEST) ammkrn--- via
> I'm reading the Chicken Scheme manual's section on using the
> interpreter. The first code example, under "Writing Sheme Scripts"
> doesn't seem to work with csi Version 5.2.0 (rev 317468e4)
> macosx-unix-clang-x86-64 [ 64bit
I'm reading the Chicken Scheme manual's section on using the interpreter. The
first code example, under "Writing Sheme Scripts" doesn't seem to work with csi
Version 5.2.0 (rev 317468e4) macosx-unix-clang-x86-64 [ 64bit dload ptables ].
When I follow the instructions, I get the error below.
On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 10:16 AM Lassi Kortela wrote:
> R6RS implementations have a convention of appending the implementation's
> name to the filename.
> Best of all is the R7RS solution:
Oh, absolutely. I didn't choose those four for no reason. I wanted a pure
R7 system, an R5+ system tha
Lassi: The fact that different Schemes have different conventions for
where their library files are is actually a great convenience to me when
developing SRFIs. All the actual code goes into files named *-impl.scm
(or multiple names if there are multiple files). Then each library file
or equi
On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 7:43 AM wrote:
> Anybody for a "-r7rs" option that does the above?
I'd love to see that.
Lassi: The fact that different Schemes have different conventions for where
their library files are is actually a great convenience to me when
developing SRFIs. All the actual co
Currently you can switch to R7RS more by installing the egg and running csc
with "-R R7RS -X R7RS", which is a mouthful, and could be abbreviated, that
doesn't look to me like too much hassle.
Anybody for a "-r7rs" option that does the above?
+1 for an easy command line flag!
Gauche and Sagitt
> Is there a consensus on how deeply to integrate R7RS into Chicken? It
> seems mostly R7RS compliant as it stands. Are there any technical or
> ideological blockers to basing core Chicken on R7RS-small in the future?
> The main point of divergence seems to be the native module system, which
> of
Is there a consensus on how deeply to integrate R7RS into Chicken? It
seems mostly R7RS compliant as it stands. Are there any technical or
ideological blockers to basing core Chicken on R7RS-small in the future?
The main point of divergence seems to be the native module system, which
offers a
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