> playerglobal.swc file, I'd say the odds that we need the checksums for
> FP15 are low. Maybe that file is small enough to be successful almost all
> of the time
I think that's the case although we do get the occasional error for FP player
global swcs.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. Sometime after July 22, I think the MD5 for FP14
beta got removed from sdk-installer-config-4.0.xml which would then cause
the installer to not checksum the download. The download would be trusted
and if it was truly bad, would result in an error "later". If it were the
> Maybe the analytics show how many 14-betas were successful and how many
> failed?
As we get the same error in each case it's impossible to tell,, but my guess is
that we have had more installs fails as the MD5 hash was not updated vs
ordinary download failures of the Flash Player swc.
We stopped checking 14 beta after a while. Is there a way to see if folks
then truly got bad downloads of 14 beta? Maybe the analytics show how
many 14-betas were successful and how many failed?
On 8/27/14 8:57 PM, "Justin Mclean" wrote:
>Looks like the MD5 of Flash Player has ch
Looks like the MD5 of Flash Player has changed again. Perhaps we shouldn't
check the hash of Flash Player beta's give they change so frequently?