[ECOLOG-L] Staff position: Academic Coordinator- Benioff Ocean Initiative at UC Santa Barbara

2018-09-28 Thread Benioff Ocean Initiative
The Benioff Ocean Initiative (www.boi.ucsb.edu) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, seeks an academic coordinator to assist in the initiative’s goal of generating actionable environmental change in the oceans. The Benioff Ocean Initiative is a new endeavor led by UCSB that aims to us

[ECOLOG-L] DEADLINE Approaching: CFP Life Discovery - Doing Science EDUCATION CONFERENCE

2018-09-28 Thread Teresa Mourad
5th Life Discovery - Doing Science Education Conference Microbiomes to Ecosystems: Evolution and Biodiversity across Scale, Space, and Time Call for Proposals open through September 30 www.esa.org/ldc Today, new technologies allow us to explore greater varieties and volume of biological data tha

[ECOLOG-L] Temporary Position Outreach, USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station

2018-09-28 Thread Kaelyn Finley
Job Announcement: GS 0404-07 Duty Station: Redding, CA Reply Due: October 15, 2018 The U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station anticipates filling one temporary position by January 2019 to assist with research projects in silviculture and forest ecology. The position will be at

[ECOLOG-L] ASLO-2019 PUERTO RICO- Long-term ecological studies of freshwater ecosystems

2018-09-28 Thread Omar Perez
Dear Colleagues, From February 23rd to March 2nd, ASLO's Aquatic Sciences meeting will be in San Juan, Puerto Rico (https://aslo.org/sanjuan2019/main). If you are planning to attend ASLO in San Juan, Puerto Rico, please consider joining our session, SS42 Long-term ecological studies of freshwater

[ECOLOG-L] Grad Student Opportunities in Global Change Ecology and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry

2018-09-28 Thread Yang, Wendy
The Yang Lab in Global Change Ecology and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry (https://sib.illinois.edu/yang) in the Departments of Plant Biology and Geology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks creative and motivated graduate students to join the lab in Fall 2019. We explore how h

[ECOLOG-L] Special Session on Ecology of Hardwater Lakes at ASLO 2019 in San Juan, PR

2018-09-28 Thread Bjoern Wissel
Dear colleagues, We are organizing a Special Session on Hardwater Lakes for the upcoming ASLO meeting in San Juan P.R. in February 2019. These important, yet threatened systems represent almost half of all standing inland waters and occur on every continents except Antarctica. We hope to bring tog

[ECOLOG-L] Faculty position: Ecological or Evolutionary Theory

2018-09-28 Thread Nora Underwood
The Florida State University Department of Biological Science invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position, at the assistant professor level. We seek a creative and interactive individual using theory to answer basic questions in ecology, evolution, or the interface of these fields, an

[ECOLOG-L] PhD position - Collective migration in ungulates - University of Wyoming

2018-09-28 Thread Jerod Merkle
The Merkle Research Group at University of Wyoming is seeking a highly motivated, creative, and quantitative Ph.D. student to lead a project investigating group dynamics and collective decision-making in migratory ungulates (including mule deer, pronghorn, bison and/or elk). The successful app