Hi Steve,
Thanks! The problem actually turned out to be a perfect storm of user error:
1) I was not aware that Unicode fonts, like Aruvarb, must NOT be added to
MacSymbolFonts.txt or they will not display correctly.
2) I had Aruvarb included in the MacSymbolFonts.txt file in my MacHD/Library…
My thanks to all who replied to my question. I now have a “fightin’ chance” of
writing what the composer wishes! :-)
Bill Huber
Finale Digest Subscriber
Finale mailing list
Hello Darcy,
This sound very familiar. Make sure both of you have the same setup...
1. Preference>Open - "Clean Up File Data" UnChecked
2. Preference>Open - "Text Conversion" Everything unchecked.
3. Preference>Edit - "Substitute Font for Missing Unicode Characters" UnCheck.
These three things ar
Hello list,
Am I right that that there are others on this list who are using Aruvarb (Jan
Angermüller’s adaptation of Bravura for Finale) as their music font?
If so, could I ask about a strange problem I have encountered?
I’m sharing files using Aruvarb with a collaborator. I’m using the most r