Re: [Fis] It From Bit video

2015-05-26 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Cari Tutti, davvero, L'INFORMAZIONE è la legge fondamentale di tutte le scienze, compresa l'economia, e dell'intera esistenza comprese nel pluri-verso o nei pluri-versi. Sostengo questo da circa 40 anni ed ho rielaborato la scienza economica. Tutto ciò l'ho ribadito da quando ho il piacere e l'o


2015-05-26 Thread Ken Herold
Hi Bob, One of the classic studies: *The study of information: interdisciplinary messages* Editors:Fritz Machlup Una Mansfield

Re: [Fis] It From Bit video

2015-05-26 Thread John Collier
Interesting question, Ken. I was not overly impressed with the video because it didn’t explain one of the most crucial points about the use of information in dealing with quantum gravity, for which we as yet have no good theory. The issue with both black holes and the origin of the universe proc

Re: [Fis] It From Bit video

2015-05-26 Thread Robert E. Ulanowicz
I would like to strongly reinforce John's comments about boundary conditions. We tend to obsess over the laws and ignore the boundary statements. (Sort of a shell game, IMHO.) If boundary conditions cannot be stated in closed form, the physical problem remains indeterminate! (The aphorism from comp

Re: [Fis] It From Bit video

2015-05-26 Thread Srinandan Dasmahapatra
Re: boundary conditions, etc. I struggle to understand many/most of the posts on this list, and the references to boundary conditions, geometry and information leave me quite befuddled as well. Is it being claimed that geometry the same as information? That the requirement of predictions makes

Re: [Fis] It From Bit video

2015-05-26 Thread John Collier
Dear Srinandan, He relation of geometry to information theory (and also of particle theory in the Standard Theory) is by way of group theory. Groups describe symmetries, which are reversible. What is left over are the asymmetries, which are the differences that can be identified as information.

Re: [Fis] It From Bit video

2015-05-26 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Caro John e Cari colleghi, Stephen Hawking nel 1975 riteneva che i buchi neri fagocitassero tutto ciò che si ritrovava nelle loro vicinanze, all'interno di una regione detta "orizzonte degli eventi". Fin da allora diventò evidente che questa proprietà portasse a un paradosso. Infatti se i buchi ner