It sounds like you didn't add the OS9 drivers when you partitioned the
drive. The only way I know how to resolve this is back up, wipe the
drive, and repartion the drive with the OS9 drivers.
On Mar 6, 2004, at 7:04 PM, Jonathan R. Andrew wrote:
Standard Apology: I checked the database and di
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 17:04:33 -0800
From: "Jonathan R. Andrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 9.2.2 boot doesn't mount OS X volume
Standard Apology: I checked the database and didn't see any articles
addressing this, so excuse this repeat if it is one.
Equip: Lomb
Joanathan, if you restart your PB hold down the X key and that will
boot on 10., , also you can always boot from the 9.x.x cd if you want
to access the option of which hd as a default.
Have fun
Hector I. Macedo "Lord of the
Dallas, TX 75248
If the OSX partition is the first one on the disk (i.e. was at the top
of the list when you formatted the volume), you should be able to boot
from that partition by holding down the 'D' key when rebooting the
Powerbook. If I remember right, that attempts to boot from the first
partition on the
Standard Apology: I checked the database and didn't see any articles
addressing this, so excuse this repeat if it is one.
Equip: Lombard (G3 333 PB) 384MB/40GB, partitions: OS 10.2.8 (25GB)
, OS 9.2.2 (7GB), non-bootable (6GB).
Problem: When I boot in 9.2.2, at startup I get a message sugge