That's a good point. We'll take a look at adding something here.
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Francois wrote:
> Terence
> this error has been happening to a lot of people, it might be worth
> mentioning this in the docs somewhere? I searched for 'uninitialized
> constant Rake::DSL
Heroku bills by the hour (even on add-ons). Why not turn it on, log your error,
and then disable it?
If the error is on Heroku's side you can then go back to them ask for a logging
refund (not that they have to, but so far they have been very reasonable).
Scott Watermasysk
Founder, Kickof
We're considering moving away from Heroku for this reason. The logging
options are horrific, outside of advanced logging. We don't mind
paying for value, but logging should be a minimal base feature,
available to all. To add fuel to the fire, GetExceptional is now a fee-
only service. We love herok