We have the Leica linear stainer (Also sold by Avantik?) and have it set at 7
second intervals. The stain takes about 100 seconds.
Slides are fixed in the Coplin jar with 95% Alcohol then loaded:
The stations are in order:
1. Water wash
2. Hemotoxylin (Richard Allen 7211)
3. Hemotoxylin (Richard
Good Afternoon and Happy Lab Week,
We are currently looking into replacing a Leica 1150H embedding station. We
love the size of that instrument's hot plate and unfortunately the newer
version (Arcadia) has a much narrower one. We have also reached out to Sakura
but their latest embedding cente
What platform does everyone use to carry out FFPE PCR testing?
Seeking to bring in as many genetic mutation testing options as possible
(BRAF, KRAS, NRAS...etc.)
Charles Riley BS HT, HTL(ASCP)CM
Histopathology Coordinator/ Mohs
Histonet mai
Fix in 10% NBF - 10 minutes
Rinse in running tap water - 5 minute
Rinse in distilled water
Gill 2 Hematoxylin - 1 1/2 minutes
1% Glacial Acetic water - 3 dips
Running water - 2 minutes
(we do not need bluing agent - our water takes care of it)
95% Ethanol -2 minutes
1% Eosin/Phloxine - 2 minutes
Hello Histonet,
My name is John Raible, and I work at the VA medical center in Minneapolis. I
am trying to find routine H&E frozen section staining protocols for an
automated linear stainer. My lab recently got one, and I was asked to research
staining protocols Any help you could provide would