Hi all,
HOT (Helen Campbell from NetHope and myself really are looking for
this project) is looking for someone who is very experienced in OSM
Admin Boundary conflation and OSM relations. Knowing a little bit of
other GIS tools would also be very helpful.
There is possibility of importing of data
In case you missed it (it was in the WeeklyOSM), you can now create an RSS
feed (or visualize) with changesets by editor using one of Simon Poole's
The only thing is that you have to zoom in to an unreasonably high zoom to
be able to get a res
HOT and Missing Maps type of mapping
>>>>> projects as well as very very new OSM mappers that often work on our
>>>>> projects.
>>>>> Please let us know things you think iD might be able to do to help new
>>>>> mappers or m
to the greater OSM mapping community as well. Our goal is to identify
>>>> those things and help get them implemented through feedback and
>>>> testing and maybe even some code contributions if anyone is interested
>>>> in doing that.
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Mikel Maron just clarified for me that there is a copy and paste function
>> in iD (thank you, and my apologies!), howev
near the top of priorities for HOT
>>> are:
>>> * A building tool that would make drawing squared up (and round)
>>> buildings just a few clicks (this is close to being done already)
>>> * Customizabl
On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Claire Halleux
> The only issue is that there's always at least one or few participants
> without updated antivirus software and we always end up with at least one
> infected USB stick.
There are also write-protected USB sticks, meaning with a hardware s