Birds seen on 12/19 from 1:30-3 in Point Douglas area, Washington county, MN
-Long tailed duck:
Grayish diving duck, smaller than surrounding goldeneyes, dark face patch,
female or juvenile, on Dakota county side of river
seen in flock of ~50 goldeneyes from freedom park in P
The following are highlights of my trip down to Whitewater State Park on July
-Yellow-Throated Warbler: refound the previously reported warbler near the
nature store and adjacent picnic area, actively foraging and singing
-Louisiana Waterthrush: 2 found in vicinity of the Chimney Rock Tra
At 7:15 p.m. on 4/25/13, I birded 180th Street marsh for about 45 minutes.
the following were seen:
-American Bittern: seen in the southwestern pond about 50 feet from road. It
was actively feeding. After about 30 minutes it flew farther back and out of
sight into the taller cattails
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