Re: [mou-net] [EXTERNAL] Re: [mou-net] Racoons

2024-07-28 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I have used the long cylindrical baffles for several years after having the raccoons go right over the shorter ovoid ones from the Wild Bird store. After switching to the longer ones I never had a raccoon get around it Mike Henry Rochester Sent from my iPhone > On Jul 28, 2024, at 9:05 AM, Hei

Re: [mou-net] [EXTERNAL] [mou-net] Suggestions for birds in SW MN

2021-05-31 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I’m heading there as well in a week. Can you include me in responses. Especially interested in upland sandpiper Sent from my iPhone > On May 31, 2021, at 3:28 PM, Lori Hutchins > <> wrote: > > I am going to camp and try to identify some prairie spe

Re: [mou-net] [EXTERNAL] [mou-net] Orchard Orioles, Fillmore County. Rushford.

2020-04-29 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Spring! Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 29, 2020, at 4:44 PM, MOU wrote: > > (Posted by Todd Mitchell via > > Two males and a female Orchard just showed up in the backyard at the feeders. > > And a Baltimore too. > > > Join or Leave mou-net:

Re: [mou-net] [EXTERNAL] Re: [mou-net] Great-tailed Grackle - Olmsted

2018-05-03 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Now in the reeds in the water edge slightly north of the culvert. Very visible. Picture to come Mike Henry Sent from my iPhone > On May 3, 2018, at 11:33 AM, "" > wrote: > > Still present and vocal. Now in willows south of culvert. Fairly easy to see. > > Bill > >> On

Re: [mou-net] Juncos

2017-10-11 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Juncos are back today at our feeders in Rochester, Olmsted county Sent from my iPhone On Oct 11, 2017, at 2:58 PM, "">> wrote: In St. Anthony (Hennepin Cty) just west of Hwy 88, we saw six juncos under the suet feeder Monday 10/9

Re: [mou-net] MOU-NET Digest - 8 Jul 2016 to 9 Jul 2016 (#2016-27)

2016-07-10 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I was at the 140th street marsh area on Saturday morning and did not see either the blue grosbeak or the mockingbird (I'm assuming it has moved on). There were lots of birds all along the road including numerous fledglings from several species including bluebirds, orchard oriole, Baltimore oriol

[mou-net] Lake Byllesby shorebirds, Dakota County

2016-05-16 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Lake Byllesby Has a good selection of shorebirds including 2 Hudsonian Godwits and a Bairds Sandpiper today on the mud flats at the west end. Best accessed from the county park off of hwy 88. Mostly lesser yellowlegs but also saw a few greater YL, semipalmated plover, pectoral and spotted SP and

[mou-net] Lake Byllisby - Dakota and Goodhue County

2016-04-24 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Nice mix of shorebirds and ducks at Lake Byllesby today. Best seen from the county park off County 88 from the beach looking East. Over 70 lesser Yellowlegs with several Greater Yellowlegs mixed in. Semipalmated plovers, single Solitary Sandpiper and a couple of Least Sandpipers. The mud flats a

[mou-net] Olmsted county

2016-03-12 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
At the 2 eastern reservoirs there were among others over 300 white fronted geese, 8 snow geese, 4 cackling geese , 4 tundra swans and many ducks including green winged real, ring necked, redhead, canvasback, common goldeneye, common merganser, gadwall, northern shoveler and mallards. Eastern mea

Re: [mou-net] Help for Illinois Birders

2015-09-14 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I'm heading up that way next week as well so if anyone has tips please let me know as well. Mike -Original Message- From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Diane Meiborg Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 12:00 PM To: MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [mou-net] Help

[mou-net] Loggerhead Shrikes in Dodge County

2015-06-19 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I refound the loggerhead shrikes in Dodge county this morning at the SW corner of 240th and 680th about one mile north of where they were seen yesterday. There were at least 2 fledglings begging and an adult feeding them. The fledglings are flying quite well and moving a lot. Also of interest in

[mou-net] Houston and Filmore Counties

2015-05-17 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
On Saturday three of us birded Beaver Creek State Park and Ferndale Ridge WMA in Houston County. Not a lot of warblers but there were 2 Louisiana waterthrush on the Big Spring trail at Beaver Creek. A possible Acadian Flycatcher on the valley trail. Only sang once and sounded like Acadian but to

Re: [mou-net] Rochester Peregrine Falcons

2015-04-07 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
As of 2 days ago there were 2 eggs in the nest on the Gonda building. Yesterday when I walked by the live cam the female was on the nest and I could not see if there was a third egg. Also - In walks around the Isaac Walton Wetlands in Rochester the last 2 days I saw several eastern phoebes, he

[mou-net] American black duck

2015-01-11 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
While getting ready for the golden eagle count next weekend I traveled up MN 74 north from Whitewater. No GOEA but there were 4 rough-legged Hawks both dark and light morphs, 2 kingfishers and some wintering bluebirds by the open water. Also mixed with a group of mallards across from the area Pa

[mou-net] FOY Baltimore Oriole, YRWA and Rose breasted grosbeaks in Rochester

2014-05-06 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Put up the oriole feeder with jelly this weekend and yesterday there were 5 orioles taking turns at the jelly bowls. Also FOY yellow rumped warblers and rose breasted grosbeaks in the yard. Mike Henry Rochester, Olmstead county Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Shorebirds at Randolph Industrial park

2014-04-22 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
In the north basin which has a little water and some mud there were lesser yellowlegs, Wilson's snipe, 12 pectoral sandpiper, one Dublin and a least sandpiper Sent from my iPad Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] Rusty Blackbirds and shorebirds

2014-04-19 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Of interest there were over 100 rusty blackbirds in the flooded woods along Shore Acres rd in La Crescent today. Also in a flooded sod farm field off Hwy 16 near Hokah there were several greater Yellowlegs a couple of lesser Yellowlegs and a pectoral sandpiper No other shorebirds sighted did se

Re: [mou-net] Wells Lake waterfowl today

2014-03-30 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Stopped by the causeway yesterday afternoon and saw pretty much the same birds except there was a red-breasted merganser as well as 2 greater white-fronted geese mixed in Mike Henry Rochester Sent from my iPad > On Mar 28, 2014, at 6:33 PM, "Gerald Hoekstra" wrote: > > Wells Lake (Rice Co.)

Re: [mou-net] open water near Albert Lea??

2014-03-25 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I would be interested in that information as well Mike Henry -Original Message- From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Rick Gibson Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:30 PM To: MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU Subject: [mou-net] open water near Albert Lea?? I will be near Alb

[mou-net] snowy owl article in Washington Post

2014-02-17 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Great article on Snowy owls in the WP today. I especially like the picture of the nest surrounded by 70 dead lemmings for the newly hatched owls to eat.

[mou-net] Dakota snowy

2014-01-05 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
On my way to Staples yesterday morning I made a run through Dakota to look for Snowys. I saw a heavily barred owl on a power pole 300 yards north of 200th on Goodwin. After a few minutes it flew west to an irrigator. No other owls seen in the area Mike Henry Rochester Sent from my iPad Jo

[mou-net] Carolina Wren in Rochester

2013-08-30 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
We had a Carolina wren exploring our back yard yesterday evening on Plummer circle in Rochester. Second year we have seen them there but the first one this year. Mike Henry Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

[mou-net] Filmore and Houston

2013-05-05 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
Birded Rushville village and Beaver Creek State Park Nice selection of warblers -yellow-rumped, palm, cape may, yellow, nashville, common yellow-throat, northern water thrush, american redstart others included house wren, rose-breasted grosbeaks, tufted titmouse, broad-winged hawk, nice views of

Re: [mou-net] Cats and birds articles

2013-01-31 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
It is definitely a people problem. We are both birders and cat breeders of Burmese cats. Our cats are always inside where they live wonderful comfortable lives watching the birds through the windows or on TV. Cats we have bred and sold are always spayed or neutered and sold ONLY to homes that wi

[mou-net] Redpoll for Christmas

2012-12-25 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
In Rochester, our first Redpoll ever came to the thistle feeder today with all of the pine siskins and a lone goldfinch The flicker is still coming as well Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: Archives:

Re: [mou-net] Birders: The Central Park Effect

2012-11-16 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I agree This is a GREAT documentary. Our cats even got excited and stared at the screen for almost the whole show. Very well done and explains why Central Park is such a great place to see migratory song birds. Mike Henry -Original Message- From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.U

[mou-net] Carolina wren and northern flicker on Plummer circle in Rochester

2012-11-12 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
The Carolina wren was seen again in our backyard on Plummer Circle in Rochester this Saturday. We also had a red-breasted nuthatch, northern flicker and about 12 pine siskins mixed in with the gold finches. Plus all the regulars Join or Leave mou-net:

[mou-net] Carolina wren in Rochester

2012-10-22 Thread Henry, Michael R., M.D.
I have seen a Carolina wren on Plummer Circle in Rochester twice in the last week. Last night was a very good sighting for ID. This bird (or birds) has been reported in Rochester earlier this month as well Mike Henry Join or Leave mou-net: Arc