What happened to left join under version 5?

2006-09-21 Thread Mailing List Receiver
Worked under version 4. Does not work under version 5. $Qstr = select distinct replace(reftraffic.refurl,'http://',''),\ count(*)\ from reftraffic,site\ left join links\ on

Dump/restore - lost data!

2005-09-08 Thread Mailing List Receiver
We found, to our chagrin, that a dump of an encoded field does not restore properly in all cases. Specifically, we use encode() to code credit card numbers before inserting them in the database. We did a mysqldump to produce a transport file from version 3 of mysql to insert the data into

Re: Re: Dump/restore - lost data!

2005-09-08 Thread Mailing List Receiver
We did a mysqldump to produce a transport file from version 3 of mysql to insert the data into version 4 of mysql. The encoded numbers were munged, presumably because they were binary data in the dump. Isn't this what the --hex-blob option to mysqldump is for? There is no such option to

Equijoin on non-equality barfs!

2004-06-01 Thread Mailing List Receiver
mysql select bademail.email from bademail,noemail where bademail.email noemail.email; bademail has about 30,000 rows and noemail has 13,000. This, by the way, does a good job of bringing your system to its knees! Todd Merriman mailist @ toolz.com -- MySQL General Mailing List For list

Need to know how many current connections

2004-05-02 Thread Mailing List Receiver
We weekly rotate the mysqld log. I need to find a way to query the server to see how many current connections with clients there are, so I can wait to restart the server when the number of connections is zero. mysqladmin doesn't seem to have this capability. Is there any other way? Todd


2002-10-07 Thread Mailing List Receiver
I have found to do a LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE is no longer possible using perl-DBI, even though local-infile=1 is in the [mysql], [mysqld], and [client] sections of my.cnf. I am not sure what prompted the engineering powers-that-be to change the default for this version, 3.23.49, of mysql, but it

Cannot get server to honor configuration settings

2001-10-01 Thread Mailing List Receiver
With basedir and datadir=/var/lib/mysql the error is: 011001 16:16:42 /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13) With basedir=/var/lib/mysql and datadir not set: /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't change dir to '/var/lib/mysql/var/' (Errcode: 2) 011001 16:18:23 Aborting