RE: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-25 Thread Karam Chand
e. > > Thanks, > Narasimha > 91 98456 82459 > > -Original Message- > From: Lakshmi NarasimhaRao (WT01 - TELECOM SERVICE > PROVIDER) > Sent: Tue 8/17/2004 3:08 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: >

RE: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-24 Thread lakshmi.narasimharao
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: RE: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0 Hi, Thank you for your response. Could any one give more clarification on the alternatives for Views, Stored procedures

Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-17 Thread Michael Stassen
Martijn Tonies wrote: Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0With "application code", I meant that you: - have to change your queries so that they include the full VIEW sql, because MySQL doesn't have an alternative - have to recreate your stored procedures in application code and

Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-17 Thread Martijn Tonies
Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0Hi Narasimha, Please reply to the MySQL list instead of me personally only. > How we can write the equivalent code for triggers of >oracle in Mysql?. Shall we do it by using User Defined >Functions?. Can we use database queries inside the user

Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-17 Thread Martijn Tonies
rasimhaRao (WT01 - TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDER); [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0 > Thank you for your response. Could any one give more clarification on the alternatives for Views, Stored procedures, triggers and cont

Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-17 Thread Martijn Tonies
> Thank you for your response. Could any one give more clarification on the alternatives for Views, Stored procedures, triggers and contraints of oracle in Mysql 4.0 classic, as MySql 4.0 classic wonot support the InnoDB storage engine. > Well, what other alternative do you have but appl

RE: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-17 Thread lakshmi.narasimharao
Message- From: Martijn Tonies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tue 8/17/2004 12:59 PM To: Lakshmi NarasimhaRao (WT01 - TELECOM SERVICE PROVIDER); [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

Re: Migration tools/plan from oracle 7.3 to Mysql 4.0

2004-08-17 Thread Martijn Tonies
First: please don't hijack threads... And don't quote them completely if you do. > I am new to MySql. Could you please let me know the different migration tools avialable for the migration of oracle 7.3 database to mysql 4.0 classic version. You could try the Schema Migrator tool in Data