You know, I have experienced the same thing, I don't know what it is.
I've volunteered my time to many different organizations and none seem to
take me up on my time.
I think they have discovered, as have many other businesses, that their
computer systems are important enough to their operation
I thiunk this is a Windows question, since I believe your problem lies
with Windows authentication. We deal with similar issue with NT IIS boxes
on the DMZ. In our configuration, we can't make those PCs members of our
domain, nor would we want to. And we don't want traffic initiated from
the DM
Not me. But I just visited Cisco and looked at their "IP Phones". They
are hot, hot, hot. If you get a chance, look at them.
I expecting there are a lot of opinions out there. Please, if you haven't
experienced the migration from NT Server to Windows 2000 Server, please
don't respond. What I am looking for is the advice of the guys and gals
who've done the do, so to speak. I don't mean to sound like a jerk,
please fo
The research I conducted shows that the law supports an employers legal
right to look at any and all e-mail generated by, stored in, or sent to
theiur e-mail system(s).
The ECPA does not protect the privacy of the employee in this situation.
There are two reasons for this. The clearest
DLT. Thats the only way to go. You can get an Quantum DLT 8000 for around
$3,500 or so. Thats rated at 80GB with compression, but I typically get 75
or so GB on a tape. They are alos fast. Much faster than the helical scan
-Original Message-
From: Murray Binette [mailto