e on our website as yet, hopefully soon.
$120 each plus shipping.
Joe Hahn
DJ Aerotech
http://www.djaerotech.com E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Anyone know if this Tx is compatible with either Futaba or JR "shift"?? Are
you there, Karlton?
DJ Aerotech
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Did you know the Spectre was a knock off of the Logic I read about that
on RCSE!!! Man, it must be true.
DJ Aerotech "No, we don't sell them things here"
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try them out when the problems are fixed.
Joe Hahn
DJ Aerotech
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ohio's Cup is this weekend July 8th and 9th!!
Flyers, the target start time is 9:00 A.M. A map to Twin Towers
Area Park
can be found on the D.A.R.T.S. web page. http://www.dma.org/DARTS/
Entry Fees are $10 for one contest $15 for two contests $20 for three
contests and $25 for 4 contests.
5808 Monarch D-lite
4thJoe Hahn 5901 Spectre VR-poly
3rd John Schmoll 6014 Zephyr
2nd Paul Siegel 6279 Side-arm launcher, name??
1stBrett Baldi 6393 Monarch D-lite
I believe Jim Deck was asking who would be at Toledo (Sailplane "types").
DJ Aerotech will have a booth, stop by and see us! Should have one of our
open class ships available to view, as well as all of our other new
kits---Spectres included.
The prototype 100" ship was what I used to do my level 1
DJ Aerotech will have a booth again this year-come to the show and visit
us! As usual, we'll have some very good ("Show Special") prices on our
productssorry, you gotta come to the show to get the deal ;-)
We'll have display models of our latest goodies, including a 2 meter
Spectre, S
only. Normally
$166, will sell to first $125. Buyer pays $5 shipping, we'll cover balance
of shipping cost. 2 piece option adds less than 1/2 ounce to wing---nice if
you need the space!!
Joe Hahn
DJ Aerotech (phone 937-773-6772)
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "
Lorenzo, pleae send me an E mailthanks!
Joe Hahn, DJ Aerotech
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We have a dealer with some great kits available, in stock---Monarch D and
D-lite, and Wizard and Wizard-lite. Also some Chrysalis 2 meters.
Contact Johnny Berlin of RC Hanger at
[EMAIL PROTECTED], phone # 217-347-5842.
Johnny has LOTS of other neat stuff, too.
Joe Hahn
DJ Aerotech
11 matches
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