I believe Jim Deck was asking who would be at Toledo (Sailplane "types").
DJ Aerotech will have a booth, stop by and see us! Should have one of our
open class ships available to view, as well as all of our other new
kits---Spectres included.
The prototype 100" ship was what I used to do my level 1 LSF tasks--what a
blast(I think I was more nervous trying to get those 5 minute flights than
when I competed at the Nats!!). Amazing the pressure one can put on oneself,
isn't it!!? Looking forward to level 2!

BTW----I'm curious----what ships/ship set-ups did you LSF folks use for
various tasks/levels? I think this may be an interesting thread,
potentially---at any rate, I'd like to know(looking hopefully ahead)!
Especially when you got into the higher tasks requiring serious
cross-country, slope and thermal work.

DJ Aerotech

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