I see the same error from my php/curl script when my request times out. I
believe you can up your timeouts both in php/curl and in your solr configs.
On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Brian Lamb wrote:
> Hi Param,
> That's the method I'm switching over from. It seems that script works
> ineffici
Hi Param,
That's the method I'm switching over from. It seems that script works
inefficiently with my set up as the data is spread out over multiple
tables. I've considered creating a simple solr MySQL table just to maintain
the solr data but I wanted to try out this PHP extension first.
But than
Hi Brian,
Not exactly solution to your problem. But it may help, you can run Solr
directly on top of your database, if your schema is simple manipulation of
the database fields. This way you only need to update the database and
solr index will be automatically updated with the latest data. I am us
Hi all,
I've been exploring http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.solr.php as a way to
maintain my index. I already have a PHP script that I use to update a
database so I was hoping to be able to update the database at the same time
I am updating the index.
However, I've been getting the following er