Mystery solved. I thought it was the Various album that was causing the
problem but it wasn't. It turns out that it's an album in Vorbis format
with imbedded tags. I don't see all those tags in LMS, in Tag&Rename, or
in mp3tag. I'm not sure how to actually view or edit those tags but I
think a si
Thanks all. I decided to start from basics so I stripped all the Stivell
albums out of my music folders and rescanned. And, lo! another album
showed up in the Various folder. Interestingly, this album doesn't have
Artist names tagged - they all just say "Various" and the artist names
are in the f
Apesbrain wrote:
> As a workaround you could add an ARTISTSORT tag.
I thought about that but I was trying to figure out why if I could. I'd
rather fix it than cover it up.
Scardeville's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices
This is a strange bug that has bothered me for many years but I never
bothered trying to sort it out until now. In my over 6,000 albums I have
only one artist whose name is "Alan" and that is "Alan Stivell", the
Celtic harpist. I am sorting non-Classical genre by artists' first names
so Alan Stiv