This is a strange bug that has bothered me for many years but I never
bothered trying to sort it out until now. In my over 6,000 albums I have
only one artist whose name is "Alan" and that is "Alan Stivell", the
Celtic harpist. I am sorting non-Classical genre by artists' first names
so Alan Stivell should come out as an A. But it sorts as an S, as if
"Alan" is an article. So I tried clearing the "Articles to Ignore When
Sorting" window (which had The, Le, Los, La, etc, but certainly NOT
Alan. But when LMS completed a fresh sort Alan Stivell is still under S.
Any thoughts on why? How to fix? I'm using Tag&Rename to tag mp3s. I
have 11 Stivell albums plus two tracks in a compilation album. I don't
have any Albumartist tag on these files. I've cleared and reset the
Artist tag. There are no other name tags (e.g. Composer) that could be
messing this up. Any suggestions?

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