Re: Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-06 Thread Jack Krupansky
If you combine inserts for multiple partition keys in the same batch you negate most of the effect of token-aware routing. It's best to insert only rows with the same partition key in a single batch. You also need to set the partition key for routing for the batch. Also, RF=2 is not recommended si

Re:Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-06 Thread xutom
Dear all, Thanks for ur reply! Now I`m using Apache Cassandra 2.1.1 and my JDK is 1.7.0_79, my keyspace replication factor is 2,and I do enable the "token aware". The GC configuration is default for such as: # GC tuning options JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseParNewGC" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -X

Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-06 Thread Graham Sanderson
What version of C* are you using; what JVM version - you showed a partial GC config but if that is still CMS (not G1) then you are going to have insane GC pauses... Depending on C* versions are you using on/off heap memtables and what type Those are the sorts of issues related to fat nodes; I'

Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-06 Thread Jack Krupansky
What replication factor are you using? Even if your writes use CL.ONE, Cassandra will be attempting writes to the replica nodes in the background. Are your writes "token aware"? If not, the receiving node has the overhead of forwarding the request to the node that owns the token for the primary ke

Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-06 Thread jerry
Dear All, Now I have a 4 nodes Cassandra cluster, and I want to know the highest performance of my Cassandra cluster. I write a JAVA client to batch insert datas into ALL 4 nodes Cassandra, when I start less than 30 subthreads in my client applications to insert datas into cassandra, it wil

AttributeError python exception when using Models

2015-12-06 Thread Юрий Пухальский
Good day, everyone! I'm using 2.7.2 python driver from gentoo portage. When I use traditional inserts and selects within my program, it works ok. But when I try to use models, the program fails with an exception. Here's the minimal program (I'm very new to cassandra, so maybe I'm missing someth