Memory depends on your data and the engine you are using. Spark puts all data
into memory across the Spark cluster so if that is one machine, 4g will not
allow more than toy or example data. Remember that PIO and Machine Learning in
general works best with big data.
BTW my laptop has 16g and I
I would usually use at least 4GB just to be safe. If you are not looking to
customize PIO itself, you may download pre-built binaries (which is
available starting 0.12.0-incubating) from
2017-10-18 19:21 GMT+02:00 Donald Szeto :
> Looks like an out-of-memory issue here. How much memory does the build
> environment has?
A virtual server with 1GB in DigitalOcean . A system with 2GB of RAM would
be enough?
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Luciano Andino <
> lucianoandino
Looks like an out-of-memory issue here. How much memory does the build
environment has?
On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Luciano Andino wrote:
> Hello, this is my first post in email list. I am trying to install
> environment but I have some problem in "compiler-interface" for Scala.
> I have K
Hello, this is my first post in email list. I am trying to install
environment but I have some problem in "compiler-interface" for Scala.
I have KEYS file and source. Java version is "1.8.0_151".
luciano@localhost:~/predic$ gpg --import KEYS
gpg: key D3541808: "Suneel Marthi (CODE SIGNING KEY) "