Hello Bala
On 21.09.11 07:37, bala suru wrote:
I have used a some simple way to copy the image running Vm image(insted of
onevm saveas) ,
1. I did some modification over the running image(creating some files)
2. issued onevm suspend
3. copied var/images/ file of the running image
4. Registered
I have used a some simple way to copy the image running Vm image(insted of
onevm saveas) ,
1. I did some modification over the running image(creating some files)
2. issued onevm suspend
3. copied var/images/ file of the running image
4. Registered the above copied image as a new image
5 . lau
On 16.09.2011 12:57, bharath pb wrote:
The image path location has set to default location only . i.e
/srv/cloud/one/var/images , but I could not see any image after executing
Ok, I think this should also be fine.
the saveas and shutdown commands ,.
And also there are no errors in
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On 15.09.2011 13:38, Fabian Wenk wrote:
On 15.09.2011 07:39, bharath pb wrote:
I tried to save the running Vm image using
onevm saveas
onevm shutdown
Fri Sep 9 10:11:46 2011 [TM][E]: Error excuting image transfer script: cp:
cannot stat
On 15.09.2011 07:39, bharath pb wrote:
I tried to save the running Vm image using
onevm saveas
onevm shutdown
Fri Sep 9 10:11:46 2011 [TM][E]: Error excuting image transfer script: cp:
cannot stat
`/srv/cloud/one/var//images/e0561a492c9aaac280479f2f0d85dcced9156fbf': No
such file o
I tried to save the running Vm image using
onevm saveas
onevm shutdown
When I try to to launch a new using the saved image I get the following
error at the VM log messages .
Fri Sep 9 10:11:46 2011 [TM][E]: Error excuting image transfer script: cp:
cannot stat